And ANOTHER Kick In The Teeth!


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Democrats are going to need dentures by the time they get to Iowa.

"The Democratic Party is waging a "full-on rebellion" against Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, former Obama advisor and CNN contributor Van Jones insisted Wednesday, and he thinks Bernie Sanders will take both Iowa and New Hampshire"

A "full on rebellion", Damn I bet Nixon just got a hard on. Wow! More democrats want her the hell out of the party then running for president.
And its Van Jones NO LESS an Admitted COMMUNIST! And not even a full day after Obama's speech turn out the second largest FAILURE in televised HISTORY.

MORE democrats would vote to throw Hillary OUT of the party then put her in the oval office. As much as I hate liberal communist Van Jones lets let him speak some more.

""There is a full-on rebellion at the grassroots level of the Democratic Party," Jones told CNN "New Day" co-host Alisyn Camerota,
reports Mediaite. ", or biggest progressive organization, endorsed Bernie Sanders last night. Overwhelmingly, 67 percent."
Sanders got 67%? Oh, that IS an ass whooping. Sanders is whipping her ass worse then Trump is kicking Jebs. To democrats that ARE watching THEIR party being hijacked by socialists AND communists.

Your party is coming to an end just like the Whigs. And NOBODY is going to miss you.

Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]It looks like you are FINALLY going to get what traitors deserve. The END of your party then we will beat the socialists AND communists head on. And to BOTH sides you will be a mere memory.

Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]CNN's Van Jones: Dems Waging 'Full-On Rebellion' Against Hillary

No way is that lying bitch ever gonna be president. The hardcore commies will see to that. They don't want some lesbian hag they can't control, she's too much of a loose cannon. Bernie makes a much better puppet.
Obama and his team hate Hillary. I am reading the book "Unlikeable" now about Hillary and while it is mostly gossip and rumor there is enough there to say the Obamas and the Clintons hate each other and Obama is actively trying to undermine her candidacy. It seems the whole email scandal is being leaked by Valerie Jarrett.
She's not well liked in or out of her party.

I feel for the Dems if she is all they have to vote for.

Hell. I have Dem and liberal friends who don't like her and they voted for Obama twice.

Some of them like Trump and say they will vote for him if he's the GOP candidate.

2016 is already one interesting election cycle.

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