And Another (of Many) of the GOP’s “Smoking Guns” Turns Out to be a Dud


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

And Another (of Many) of the GOP’s “Smoking Guns” Turns Out to be a Dud

“GOP’s supposed smoking gun in Biden impeachment inquiry revealed to be a dud.”

Just as with the “volumes of evidence of voter fraud” presented to the many different courts by trump and cronies, “House Republicans have been criticized for authorizing an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden with no evidence of the ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’ that typically merit the process. A recent New York Times report has now revealed that one of their chief pieces of evidence doesn't pass muster when analyzing it in its proper context.”

However, as we’ve all learned over the past six decades, the vast majority of right-wingers believe they were born knowing more about U.S. law (and everything else) than the educated experts. Sadly, they dispute only evidence that is not supported by this wealth of “inherent conservative knowledge”, which proves it’s highly biased in its content.

And don't forget the links to the direct proof of how all these things were clinically and objectively disproven that all may see their folly!
I could provide several, and you'd dismiss them all. Because you're in a cult.

From a book written by the guy who Trump PAID to find election fraud and found none, to the REPUBLICAN attorneys and judges who wrote a huge report that disproved the silly-ass claims.

Fortunately, I wouldn't try to convince someone like you of anything.
I could provide several, and you'd dismiss them all. Because you're in a cult.
TRANSLATION: I can't provide anything. I'm just a leftwing BOT.

From a book written by the guy who Trump PAID to find election fraud and found none, to the REPUBLICAN attorneys and judges who wrote a huge report that disproved the silly-ass claims.
Funny that I've got TONS of it, just from sitting here at my computer doing a little research. Guess that makes yours and his claims total bullshit.

Fortunately, I wouldn't try to convince someone like you of anything.
Well said by the very guy whom no one can ever prove anything to even if they land it right in his own backyard ten stories high.
High crimes and misdemeanors aren't the basis of the impeachment. Violation of Article IV, section 4, IS.

Section 4​

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

you think biden has violated that? lololololol you are nuttier than a regifted fruitcake.

Section 4​

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

you think biden has violated that? lololololol you are nuttier than a regifted fruitcake.
As stated in the OP, "the vast majority of right-wingers believe they were born knowing more about U.S. law (and everything else) than the educated experts. Sadly, they dispute only evidence that is not supported by this wealth of “inherent conservative knowledge”, which proves it’s highly biased in its content."


And Another (of Many) of the GOP’s “Smoking Guns” Turns Out to be a Dud

“GOP’s supposed smoking gun in Biden impeachment inquiry revealed to be a dud.”

Just as with the “volumes of evidence of voter fraud” presented to the many different courts by trump and cronies, “House Republicans have been criticized for authorizing an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden with no evidence of the ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’ that typically merit the process. A recent New York Times report has now revealed that one of their chief pieces of evidence doesn't pass muster when analyzing it in its proper context.”

However, as we’ve all learned over the past six decades, the vast majority of right-wingers believe they were born knowing more about U.S. law (and everything else) than the educated experts. Sadly, they dispute only evidence that is not supported by this wealth of “inherent conservative knowledge”, which proves it’s highly biased in its content.


Don't think the crackhead was in college for the 30 years he claimed to have supported the whole family. Typical NY slimes deflection, misinformation and propaganda to cover xidens ass.

I could provide several, and you'd dismiss them all. Because you're in a cult.

From a book written by the guy who Trump PAID to find election fraud and found none, to the REPUBLICAN attorneys and judges who wrote a huge report that disproved the silly-ass claims.

Fortunately, I wouldn't try to convince someone like you of anything.

You mean like the Governor of GA announcing they discovered 17,852 illegal votes in Fulton county? Or 20% of mail-in voters admitting they cheated in the 2020 election? These revelations won't change a damn thing, but they do prove wide spread election fraud was not a false claim.

As stated in the OP, "the vast majority of right-wingers believe they were born knowing more about U.S. law (and everything else) than the educated experts. Sadly, they dispute only evidence that is not supported by this wealth of “inherent conservative knowledge”, which proves it’s highly biased in its content."

conservatives, in their own mythology, have a monopoly on "common sense" this manifests in the belief that the guy who inspected the miss teen america locker room and hung around with epstein is the guy to save america from democrat pedophiles. .
Is there a database somewhere listing all the crazy things right wingers claimed to be true, but turned out to be bullshit? All the way back to the birth certificate and Jade Helm the list is long and absurd.
a handy reference is the d'nesh d'souza fact filled documentaries like "obama's america 2012" . i like the part where the black helicopters land in the pstriot's back yard and dark foreigners take all his gunz and force him to gay marry.
You mean like the Governor of GA announcing they discovered 17,852 illegal votes in Fulton county? Or 20% of mail-in voters admitting they cheated in the 2020 election? These revelations won't change a damn thing, but they do prove wide spread election fraud was not a false claim.


An absolutely PERFECT example of my point.

You rubes believe ANYTHING.

You mean like the Governor of GA announcing they discovered 17,852 illegal votes in Fulton county? Or 20% of mail-in voters admitting they cheated in the 2020 election? These revelations won't change a damn thing, but they do prove wide spread election fraud was not a false claim.

those are, of course, false claims. that say more about conservative ignorance of the process than they do about election fraud.

And Another (of Many) of the GOP’s “Smoking Guns” Turns Out to be a Dud

“GOP’s supposed smoking gun in Biden impeachment inquiry revealed to be a dud.”

Just as with the “volumes of evidence of voter fraud” presented to the many different courts by trump and cronies, “House Republicans have been criticized for authorizing an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden with no evidence of the ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’ that typically merit the process. A recent New York Times report has now revealed that one of their chief pieces of evidence doesn't pass muster when analyzing it in its proper context.”

However, as we’ve all learned over the past six decades, the vast majority of right-wingers believe they were born knowing more about U.S. law (and everything else) than the educated experts. Sadly, they dispute only evidence that is not supported by this wealth of “inherent conservative knowledge”, which proves it’s highly biased in its content.


Is there a database somewhere listing all the crazy things right wingers claimed to be true, but turned out to be bullshit? All the way back to the birth certificate and Jade Helm the list is long and absurd.

Including all their Qanon and rigged election blockbusters?

I don't think this site has the requisite bandwidth.

I could provide several, and you'd dismiss them all. Because you're in a cult.

From a book written by the guy who Trump PAID to find election fraud and found none, to the REPUBLICAN attorneys and judges who wrote a huge report that disproved the silly-ass claims.

Fortunately, I wouldn't try to convince someone like you of anything.
Total leftard bull. ^^
Total leftard bull. ^^
It's all they've got. A pile of bull.

They can't manage an economy, can't control the border, can't win an election without cheating, and can't stop their own people from having butt sex on the Senate floor.

But BULLSHIT they've got. Lots of it. First they want to tell us that illegals aren't illegal if Biden gave them papers, then they want to tell us that some moron judge's opinion is equivalent to a criminal conviction, and the dumb bastards keep insisting Jan 6 was an act of war.

You want to leave a leftard speechless? Make em eat the BLM riots. 20 murders, 2 billion dollars of looting and vandalism, 2000 cops injured - ALL FUNDED BY DEMOCRATS.

Every last penny.of those riots were funded by Democrats. Act Blue was the financial conduit for BLM, and the Democrats provided the seed money through Thousand Currents. These facts are in the public domain, they are a matter of public record.

Anyone who supports these scumbags is tantamount to a domestic terrorist. Where is law enforcement on this issue? They're going after grandma's and soccer mom's. They don't care about terrorists, they let dozens of them in every day at the border.

Leftards are scum. Let them know, don't be shy about it.
You mean like the Governor of GA announcing they discovered 17,852 illegal votes in Fulton county? Or 20% of mail-in voters admitting they cheated in the 2020 election? These revelations won't change a damn thing, but they do prove wide spread election fraud was not a false claim.


Never happened. Stop getting your “news” from RW sources.

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