"And God said, let there be light"


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Why light? Why are the very first words of creation in the Bible, let there be light?

Why is light so important, especially when it makes up a tiny fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum?
because before the light there were only people that lived in sin as yourself - too bad you were not insinerated but unfortunately christians are still among the living who conquer their sins. a presence sortof like roaches.
Why light? Why are the very first words of creation in the Bible, let there be light?

Why is light so important, especially when it makes up a tiny fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum?

Light is warm life as we know and thrive within it. In light thrives the logical order of life's near infinite hierarchical systems. Thus life is anti-chaos to the sightless coldness of darkness. Light, or illumination, therefore is truth and wisdom carved from the sightlessness of infinite darkness. Knowledge, illumination; lightlessness, ignorance or absence of "seeing truth" both within ourselves and in the world outside our physical vessel. Light represents learning; darkness represents illogical, infinite guessing; Sentience from inert, ethereal nothingness?

Why did Prometheus steal fire from the Gods? Did fire not represent knowledge--forbidden, yes--and heat and warmth and manipulation of matter and light. Then follows that the absence of fire (man-made light) was darkness (ignorance of knowledge), and thus . . . absence of godlike power.

God used light to hollow out an illuminated dominion from the abyss of infinite darkness where life could rapidly proliferate. God estimated as seeing with the "eye-of-the-mind" aided by unembodied sentience (ultimate inner illumination) could represent Man seeing by aid of light with eyes of mortal flesh. In the act of both kinds of seeing, godlike and moral, "light" inner and from without represents wisdom and the ability to "see" the truth of reality, where in the absence of light we stumble around blindly reaching out for the cosmic light switch trying to learn by feel alone. Learning by touch alone risks great personal harm. One can only guess who or what our hands (minds) might brush against in absolute darkness.

Was light then representative not of potential for ultimate power (sentience), but rather the ultimate tool to aid in the best usage of that power? If so then in invoking, conjuring or creating light God provided sentience a means to "see" the universe and be illuminated by all within range of its sight.
Why light? Why are the very first words of creation in the Bible, let there be light?

Why is light so important, especially when it makes up a tiny fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum?

Because there was an unnatural darkness over the earth and it had become void.
God is described as light. And something scientists observed at the advent of a laser beam is that light seems to be able to make decisions. For a true scientific understanding of why, read, "God at the speed of Light" It is remarkable.
Why light? Why are the very first words of creation in the Bible, let there be light?

Why is light so important, especially when it makes up a tiny fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum?

The whole electromagnetic spectrum uses photons (=light). In the beginning matter and anti-matter produced a lot of photons when they destroyed each other (Baryon asymmetry). Besides is "light" the thing which you need if you like to make things visible. Gods created a world which is transparent and visible for us. And sunlight is the motor for life.

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The universe is estimated to have been around for about 400 million years before light appeared. So "let there be light" isn't about the Big Bang.
Why light? Why are the very first words of creation in the Bible, let there be light?

Why is light so important, especially when it makes up a tiny fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum?

"Let there be light" is a reference to the law coming into the world as a "light to the nations."

Before the light was spoken into existence in the form of instruction, law, there was no heaven above the world below. There was only darkness and confusion on earth, a vast wilderness that had been without shape or form and void for billions of years with no objective way for people to differentiate between clean and unclean, right and wrong, true and false, good and evil, life and death.

The law, light itself, is the firmament, the basis, for the kingdom of Heaven.

And the darkness has never mastered it.
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Why light? Why are the very first words of creation in the Bible, let there be light?

Why is light so important, especially when it makes up a tiny fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum?

"Let there be light" is a reference to the law coming into the world as a "light to the nations."

Before the light was spoken into existence in the form of instruction, law, there was no heaven above the world below. There was only darkness and confusion on earth, a vast wilderness that had been without shape or form and void for billions of years with no objective way for people to differentiate between clean and unclean, right and wrong, true and false, good and evil, life and death.

The law, light itself, is the firmament, the basis, for the kingdom of Heaven, and the darkness has never mastered it.
So what is this law?
The universe is estimated to have been around for about 400 million years before light appeared. So "let there be light" isn't about the Big Bang.

400 million years in relation to how long the universe has existed is practically nonexistent.

You do realize this, right?

I kinda have the opinion that light is most important to human beings, which was why God was focused on light. As I've said, light is only a small fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum. Most of what exists we cannot detect. But this limited ability to sense the reality around us is representative of our general limited finite nature in general. It is up to God to reveal the reality around us that we are unable to understand or grasp. Without him, all we know is a very limited scope of reality in terms of what we can detect with our 5 senses.

Most of what IS we cannot detect.
Why light? Why are the very first words of creation in the Bible, let there be light?

Why is light so important, especially when it makes up a tiny fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum?

"Let there be light" is a reference to the law coming into the world as a "light to the nations."

Before the light was spoken into existence in the form of instruction, law, there was no heaven above the world below. There was only darkness and confusion on earth, a vast wilderness that had been without shape or form and void for billions of years with no objective way for people to differentiate between clean and unclean, right and wrong, true and false, good and evil, life and death.

The law, light itself, is the firmament, the basis, for the kingdom of Heaven, and the darkness has never mastered it.
So what is this law?

What is this law?

Don't take a dump in the same cup that you drink out of. If you do everything you drink will taste like shit.....lol
Hearsay...nobody's going to rationally prove that "God" said that.
The universe is estimated to have been around for about 400 million years before light appeared. So "let there be light" isn't about the Big Bang.

400 million years in relation to how long the universe has existed is practically nonexistent.

You do realize this, right?

I kinda have the opinion that light is most important to human beings, which was why God was focused on light. As I've said, light is only a small fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum. Most of what exists we cannot detect. But this limited ability to sense the reality around us is representative of our general limited finite nature in general. It is up to God to reveal the reality around us that we are unable to understand or grasp. Without him, all we know is a very limited scope of reality in terms of what we can detect with our 5 senses.

Most of what IS we cannot detect.
God didn't focus on anything, someone wrote in a book that god said something. Totally made up.
Why light? Why are the very first words of creation in the Bible, let there be light?

Why is light so important, especially when it makes up a tiny fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum?

"Let there be light" is a reference to the law coming into the world as a "light to the nations."

Before the light was spoken into existence in the form of instruction, law, there was no heaven above the world below. There was only darkness and confusion on earth, a vast wilderness that had been without shape or form and void for billions of years with no objective way for people to differentiate between clean and unclean, right and wrong, true and false, good and evil, life and death.

The law, light itself, is the firmament, the basis, for the kingdom of Heaven, and the darkness has never mastered it.
So what is this law?

What is this law?

Don't take a dump in the same cup that you drink out of. If you do everything you drink will taste like shit.....lol
Why is it that you always have nothing whenever I call you on what you say? So c'mon princess, what law?
Why light? Why are the very first words of creation in the Bible, let there be light?

Why is light so important, especially when it makes up a tiny fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum?

"Let there be light" is a reference to the law coming into the world as a "light to the nations."

Before the light was spoken into existence in the form of instruction, law, there was no heaven above the world below. There was only darkness and confusion on earth, a vast wilderness that had been without shape or form and void for billions of years with no objective way for people to differentiate between clean and unclean, right and wrong, true and false, good and evil, life and death.

The law, light itself, is the firmament, the basis, for the kingdom of Heaven, and the darkness has never mastered it.
So what is this law?

What is this law?

Don't take a dump in the same cup that you drink out of. If you do everything you drink will taste like shit.....lol
Why is it that you always have nothing whenever I call you on what you say? So c'mon princess, what law?

That was the abridged version of the law for dummies.

Most of the law is not about doing something difficult, its about not doing something stupid..like asking , "what law?" lol.... an impossibility for some people apparently.

So until you stop acting stupid and defecating into your own cup, everything you taste will continue to taste just like shit.

"And the darkness has never mastered it" ..........
Why light? Why are the very first words of creation in the Bible, let there be light?

Why is light so important, especially when it makes up a tiny fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum?

"Let there be light" is a reference to the law coming into the world as a "light to the nations."

Before the light was spoken into existence in the form of instruction, law, there was no heaven above the world below. There was only darkness and confusion on earth, a vast wilderness that had been without shape or form and void for billions of years with no objective way for people to differentiate between clean and unclean, right and wrong, true and false, good and evil, life and death.

The law, light itself, is the firmament, the basis, for the kingdom of Heaven, and the darkness has never mastered it.
So what is this law?

What is this law?

Don't take a dump in the same cup that you drink out of. If you do everything you drink will taste like shit.....lol
Why is it that you always have nothing whenever I call you on what you say? So c'mon princess, what law?

That was the abridged version of the law for dummies.

Most of the law is not about doing something difficult, its about not doing something stupid..like asking , "what law?" lol.... an impossibility for some people apparently.

So until you stop acting stupid and defecating into your own cup, everything you taste will continue to taste just like shit.

"And the darkness has never mastered it" ..........
You mentioned a law. So what law?
The universe is estimated to have been around for about 400 million years before light appeared.

The middle free length of the way of photons became so long in the age of about 380,000 years so the universe started to become more and more transparent within the next 100,000 years. The temperature was in this days about 4000°K - what's now the background radiation with a temperature of 2.73°K

So "let there be light" isn't about the Big Bang.

Why light? How was light created? Why nothing else instead of light? Why anything at all?

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Why light? Why are the very first words of creation in the Bible, let there be light?

Why is light so important, especially when it makes up a tiny fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum?

Light is warm life as we know and thrive within it. In light thrives the logical order of life's near infinite hierarchical systems. Thus life is anti-chaos to the sightless coldness of darkness. Light, or illumination, therefore is truth and wisdom carved from the sightlessness of infinite darkness. Knowledge, illumination; lightlessness, ignorance or absence of "seeing truth" both within ourselves and in the world outside our physical vessel. Light represents learning; darkness represents illogical, infinite guessing; Sentience from inert, ethereal nothingness?

Why did Prometheus steal fire from the Gods? Did fire not represent knowledge--forbidden, yes--and heat and warmth and manipulation of matter and light. Then follows that the absence of fire (man-made light) was darkness (ignorance of knowledge), and thus . . . absence of godlike power.

God used light to hollow out an illuminated dominion from the abyss of infinite darkness where life could rapidly proliferate. God estimated as seeing with the "eye-of-the-mind" aided by unembodied sentience (ultimate inner illumination) could represent Man seeing by aid of light with eyes of mortal flesh. In the act of both kinds of seeing, godlike and moral, "light" inner and from without represents wisdom and the ability to "see" the truth of reality, where in the absence of light we stumble around blindly reaching out for the cosmic light switch trying to learn by feel alone. Learning by touch alone risks great personal harm. One can only guess who or what our hands (minds) might brush against in absolute darkness.

Was light then representative not of potential for ultimate power (sentience), but rather the ultimate tool to aid in the best usage of that power? If so then in invoking, conjuring or creating light God provided sentience a means to "see" the universe and be illuminated by all within range of its sight.

One interesting "problem" in this context is that the oldest camp fire we found is about 1.5 million years old. Some people think camp fires existed about 2 million years ago too. Prometheus is only a myth - but an astonishing myth. How knew the ancient Greeks that fire was so unbelievable important for the human evolution? What tells us this story really?

We are by the way indeed made from light - not only our eye is "sun like" (an "instrument" which fits to this what we call "light") - we are in total sun like - or "light like". All life is not only matter it is also a "product" of sun light. Living matter is the most worthful matter in the whole universe. So materialists should perhaps learn to think in new ways. When we think physically our nerves produce electrochemical impulses - and the mediator of electro-magnetic processes is light.

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