And Here I Thought Democrats Were All Worried About the Deficit


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Very Disappointing. The democrats have no "moral authority" to whine about the Budget Deficit and the Debt since they did not do anything to slow the growth of either. They should have at least insisted on a top tax rate increase to keep their base happy?! What do the dems stand for anymore?
They care about as much as Republicans.
Not a bit.

True, but apparently the GOP doesn't care if entitlements get cut when the crap hit the fan and Medicare (2026) and SS (2037) go bankrupt, democrats should be protecting entitlements.
Wish I had a dollar for everyone someone said SS was going bankrupt.

How come no one every says welfare will go bankrupt?
I won’t hold my breath waiting for the Left to condemn Democrats for initiating the deficit growing budget.

Congressional negotiators cemented a $1.3 trillion federal spending deal Monday, with a pay raise for federal workers, money for federal gun violence research and the repeal of several taxes associated with the 2010 health care law.

$1.3 trillion spending deal includes unchanged border wall funding, new tobacco age restriction — The Washington Post

The Dems have never cared about the deficit or the is you on Repbus that used to pretend to care about such things.

Will you condemn the Senate when they sign off and your god in the White House when he signs the bill?
I won’t hold my breath waiting for the Left to condemn Democrats for initiating the deficit growing budget.

Congressional negotiators cemented a $1.3 trillion federal spending deal Monday, with a pay raise for federal workers, money for federal gun violence research and the repeal of several taxes associated with the 2010 health care law.

$1.3 trillion spending deal includes unchanged border wall funding, new tobacco age restriction — The Washington Post
And if it passes the asshats WE voted for will send it to Trump and he will sign it.

Only a handful in DC care
The LOOTING of America's wealth from 2001 to date is a bi partisan exercise, with the top two villains being W and O....

We have no small government, fiscally conservative party except the Libertarian Party.
I won’t hold my breath waiting for the Left to condemn Democrats for initiating the deficit growing budget.

Congressional negotiators cemented a $1.3 trillion federal spending deal Monday, with a pay raise for federal workers, money for federal gun violence research and the repeal of several taxes associated with the 2010 health care law.

$1.3 trillion spending deal includes unchanged border wall funding, new tobacco age restriction — The Washington Post
Every penny of the debt is on Trump, just as you blamed every penny of the debt on Obama even though Republicans controlled the House for most of his Administration.

Trump owns it all.

He's been doubling the deficit while Obama cut it in less than half.

And Trump won't stop at doubling it. He won't stop until he has beaten Obama's all time biggest deficit. Trump hates being second to anyone.
I won’t hold my breath waiting for the Left to condemn Democrats for initiating the deficit growing budget.

Congressional negotiators cemented a $1.3 trillion federal spending deal Monday, with a pay raise for federal workers, money for federal gun violence research and the repeal of several taxes associated with the 2010 health care law.

$1.3 trillion spending deal includes unchanged border wall funding, new tobacco age restriction — The Washington Post

The Dems have never cared about the deficit or the is you on Repbus that used to pretend to care about such things.

Will you condemn the Senate when they sign off and your god in the White House when he signs the bill?
They have pretended to care since Trump was elected so stop the bullshit lying.

And I will bitch if they pass it just like I did with the last budget.

Unlike your lie conservative voters actually DO CARE.
I won’t hold my breath waiting for the Left to condemn Democrats for initiating the deficit growing budget.

Congressional negotiators cemented a $1.3 trillion federal spending deal Monday, with a pay raise for federal workers, money for federal gun violence research and the repeal of several taxes associated with the 2010 health care law.

$1.3 trillion spending deal includes unchanged border wall funding, new tobacco age restriction — The Washington Post
And if it passes the asshats WE voted for will send it to Trump and he will sign it.

Only a handful in DC care

Why should they care? They will get elected anyhow.
I won’t hold my breath waiting for the Left to condemn Democrats for initiating the deficit growing budget.

Congressional negotiators cemented a $1.3 trillion federal spending deal Monday, with a pay raise for federal workers, money for federal gun violence research and the repeal of several taxes associated with the 2010 health care law.

$1.3 trillion spending deal includes unchanged border wall funding, new tobacco age restriction — The Washington Post

The Dems have never cared about the deficit or the is you on Repbus that used to pretend to care about such things.

Will you condemn the Senate when they sign off and your god in the White House when he signs the bill?
They have pretended to care since Trump was elected so stop the bullshit lying.

And I will bitch if they pass it just like I did with the last budget.

Unlike your lie conservative voters actually DO CARE.
Can you show us where you blamed Trump for losing several trillion of OUR dollars to date?

What does that make Obama? He lost near 10 trillion in 7.5 years and gave billions of taxpayer dollars to companies that promptly declared bankruptcy. Trump gambled with HIS OWN MONEY while Obama blew OURS
Why should they care? They will get elected anyhow

It is sad. The United States was "on course" prior to W. Newt Gingrich had everything under control. Since the GOP dumped Newt in 1998, the United States's debt has grown 4 fold.... and that is all about the Republicans changing, because the Democrats haven't changed at all.
If W had been a patriotic American and a fiscal conservative, which is what his voters believed in 2000, the US would be under $10 trillion in debt, and we could afford things like Greenland.....

but no, the bi partisan kleptocracy has been at full steam since 1998....

Congressional sources told The Hill that politicians agreed to include $1.375 billion for physical barriers. While details of the bill haven't been revealed yet, it would provide roughly the same level of funding for a border wall as in fiscal 2019.

However, it is significantly less than the $5 billion President Donald Trump requested for the project. While a Senate bill matched Trump's request, a House bill included no funds for a barrier.
The Democrats and Republicans don't like the Wall because the Wall is money they can' steal. They prefer "foreign aid" to the Wall because they get KICKBACKS just like Hunter Biden did....

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