And here we go: Georgia Republicans purge Black Democrats from county election boards

Expect to see more stories like this as the 2022 election approaches. Dems and their media cheerleaders know they are going to take a beating that year, thanks to the incredibly bad Harris-Biden administration. They need to get their "it was rigged," narrative already in place.
Hitler's big ole balls were the result of doin a shit ton of drugs. Those are pretend balls that vanish when sober.

Plus, he wasn't right in the head. That sometimes projects the illusion of big balls.
Don't know if drugs are the cause, but trump isn't right in the head.
awe. Poor Democrats are getting their asses handed to them for the next election so they can't harvest votes again.

poor poor Smeagle

Expect to see more stories like this as the 2022 election approaches. Dems and their media cheerleaders know they are going to take a beating that year, thanks to the incredibly bad Harris-Biden administration. They need to get their "it was rigged," narrative already in place.

Georgia is good about purging their voter rolls if you haven't voted in 2 election cycles..
So they mad that their "Pews to Polls" scheme is not working as planned. Good.

The left goes on no end about religion being tied to conservative politics then try to pull that shit.

Gap-toothed Stacy Abrams tried the whole "Souls to the Polls" thing here in Virginia.....Less than 350 people voted that weekend (including Sunday) and not all of them voted dem judging by the results from the area.
Citizens no longer trusting each other, laws being changed to fit an agenda, a damaged megalomaniac's followers believing The Big Lie, the party politicians cowering in fear and playing along, the media is the enemy of the people, fear of being replaced by darker people, hyperbolic paranoia over communism.

Europe, 80 years ago.

"History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme".

Except your side is the one lying. REmember when TRump denounced w.s. and you people claimed he praised them?

Your panic mongering about europe, 80 years ago, is actually part of an attempt to marginalize and scapegoat, a certain demographic....

Mmm, those who fight monsters, even imaginary ones,...
This is the kind of under-the-national-radar tactic we've been assuming would happen, as the Big Lie becomes codified.

So it begins. Expect to see this kind of thing metastasizing in every state the GOP can infect.

Example, from the article:

In five of the Georgia counties that restructured election boards - Troup, Morgan, Pickens, Stephens and Lincoln - the legislature shifted the power to appoint some or all election board members to local county commissions, all of which are currently controlled by Republicans. Previously, the appointments had been split evenly between the local Democratic and Republican parties, sometimes with other local entities controlling some appointments. The intent of the old system: To ensure a politically balanced or nonpartisan board.
This is only okay when Democrats do it!

And they do it a LOT!!

But our allegedly independent OP only cares when Republicans allegedly do it.

He SO independent.

Isn't this the kind of rhetoric you were whining about just a week ago? Polarizing, not uniting? wah, wah, you're such a blatant hypocrite
Blatant hypocrite is putting it nicely.

I'd say hysterical narcissist completely lacking self-awareness.

But yeah, Democrats only care when the alleged OTHER gang (allegedly) does it.
Citizens no longer trusting each other, laws being changed to fit an agenda, a damaged megalomaniac's followers believing The Big Lie, the party politicians cowering in fear and playing along, the media is the enemy of the people, fear of being replaced by darker people, hyperbolic paranoia over communism.

Europe, 80 years ago.

"History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme".
Yes - the Democrats ARE more dangerous than Nazis. :(
So they mad that their "Pews to Polls" scheme is not working as planned. Good.

The left goes on no end about religion being tied to conservative politics then try to pull that shit.

Gap-toothed Stacy Abrams tried the whole "Souls to the Polls" thing here in Virginia.....Less than 350 people voted that weekend (including Sunday) and not all of them voted dem judging by the results from the area.
The tiny and powerless left isn't doing anything.

This is 100% fascist Democrats.
Except your side is the one lying. REmember when TRump denounced w.s. and you people claimed he praised them?

Your panic mongering about europe, 80 years ago, is actually part of an attempt to marginalize and scapegoat, a certain demographic....

Mmm, those who fight monsters, even imaginary ones,...
Like the Nazis he references, Mac knows who the REAL bad guys are! :)
Hitler's big ole balls were the result of doin a shit ton of drugs. Those are pretend balls that vanish when sober.

Plus, he wasn't right in the head. That sometimes projects the illusion of big balls.

It was the mustard gas Hitler got when he was a soldier in WW1, that fucked his head up.

All Trump got was just Grey Poupon, so he's not "literally Hitler." But he does have big brass balls.
Expect to see more stories like this as the 2022 election approaches. Dems and their media cheerleaders know they are going to take a beating that year, thanks to the incredibly bad Harris-Biden administration. They need to get their "it was rigged," narrative already in place.

How dare you tell the truth? :laughing0301:
Reuters is so liberally biased that it provides few real facts

And it screams anti trumpism

What I gather is that predominately republican districts can now have a more representative election board
and that’s all there is too it

of course they also had to toss in some race baiting
This is the kind of under-the-national-radar tactic we've been assuming would happen, as the Big Lie becomes codified.

So it begins. Expect to see this kind of thing metastasizing in every state the GOP can infect.

Example, from the article:

In five of the Georgia counties that restructured election boards - Troup, Morgan, Pickens, Stephens and Lincoln - the legislature shifted the power to appoint some or all election board members to local county commissions, all of which are currently controlled by Republicans. Previously, the appointments had been split evenly between the local Democratic and Republican parties, sometimes with other local entities controlling some appointments. The intent of the old system: To ensure a politically balanced or nonpartisan board.
The Left doesn’t seem upset over allowing hundreds of thousands of illegals and non citizens to vote in their own elections, but very upset when the GOP moves to prevent the Left from committing election fraud and undermining the integrity of our elections. Ya gotta love the hypocrisy And fake outrage. Look to this happening in every state and city run by corrupt Democrat fascists.

…now you know why Biden and the Democrats have opened the floodgates to our southern. Order.
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Boy are you off base. This is what they are actually doing.

that picture of the protest in this cowtown has about 10 people there. Maybe 3 of them are black. And VOTING for commissioners IS NOT A FUCKIN PURGE. Usually, it's a "pick 3" kind of ballot for these kinds of seats and MAYBE at the last election, the turn-out was as BAD as the audience for this "big ass protest".

There are PLENTY of Black Americans that want ACCURATE and SECURE voting. Only the radical Dems want INACCURATE and NON-SECURE voting anyways.

You can thank FlaCalTenn for this accurate assessment of what you posted as the GOP purging blacks.

Honesty isn't your strong suite. Idiot.
Still talking about, obsessed with and terrified of Trump 24/7 one year later.

I wonder why.
Still talking about, obsessed with and terrified of Trump 24/7 one year later.

I wonder why.
True, it's not as if he's relevant any more.

I wonder how he's filling the time in retirement.

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