And Here's What You Get With Single-Payer Healthcare


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Like Britain's National Health Service

Mistakes by NHS staff are killing 12,500 every year: And they operate on wrong body part once a week, reveals Hunt

Health secretary said some serious errors happen six times a week :mad:

He said: 'Twice a week we leave a foreign object... inside someone's body' :mad:

Up to one in 20 deaths in hospitals can be avoided, according to research :mad:

Read the story @ Mistakes by NHS staff are killing 12,500 every year: And they operate on wrong body part once a week, reveals Hunt | Mail Online
Just because they keep centralized records, you think that the U.S. medical system performs better, never mind that the British system is way down in performance among single payer systems, but not as low as the U.S. system, down at number 37.

As far as mistakes in the U.S. healthcare system they are 440,000 a year, 35 times more than in the NHS with only 5 times the population of the UK. Figure it out moron.

"four times as many people die from preventable medical errors than we thought, as many as 440,000 a year."

Stunning News On Preventable Deaths In Hospitals - Forbes

And as far as the crap performance of the U.S. healthcare system see below. Single payer systems are the best in the world.

"These Are The 36 Countries That Have Better Healthcare Systems Than The US"

Read more: The 36 Best Healthcare Systems In The World - Business Insider

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