...and January 6th just won't leave the public's conscience....

Nope. You can go read the results of the investigation yourself. Your mommy doesn't work here.

It's publicly available information. Which shows pretty definitively that you are not asking on his questions,else you would already have read it.

So you have zero evidence to back up your claim.
People do not trust the Democrats because they lie about everything all of the time.
There was no insurrection.
There was no secret plot by Trump for an insurrection.
It is just another crazy left-wing crackpot Democrat conspiracy theory.
Like Pelosi's crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy was.
It just shows us once again that Left Wing hate and ignorance is easy to exploit.
They will believe anything.
Lol, evidently we don't lie about everything as evidenced by the fact that the POS that did the spraying of this officer is going to jail for a long time. Hundreds upon hundreds of convictions. Several for sedition. So, we sit and laugh at you ducking retards and your Jan 6th idiots sit in jail. We love that they sit in jail.
Lol, evidently we don't lie about everything as evidenced by the fact that the POS that did the spraying of this officer is going to jail for a long time. Hundreds upon hundreds of convictions. Several for sedition. So, we sit and laugh at you ducking retards and your Jan 6th idiots sit in jail. We love that they sit in jail.
lol another far left knuttjob insurrection conspiracy theorist
the democrat party is a crazy cult that believes its on bs
No one talks about except useful idiots.
Well, no, not quite.
Somebody has been talking about it.
For example, the prosecutors of this 'bear-spray' criminal, the defense attorneys of the same, the judge of the trial.....and most importantly, the jury of 12 who convicted him which led to his 80-months in Federal prison.

So clearly, not everybody needs to be talking about it...useful idiots, or otherwise. But, as long as responsible patriotic citizens are talking about it, and doing something about it......well then, we can be satisfied.

We can watch to see if there will be reportage about the personal-injury lawsuits seeking damages that will inevitably follow.
I hope so. For loyal patriots it would be like a double-dip, another bite out of the apple.

Those two sprayer's families are gonna see their savings and equities depleted. Betcha.

That sucks for them, of course. They were back home and not involved.
But somebody has to pay for the damages inflicted on the officer. It was, after all, a clear and graphic assault and battery of a uniformed police officer.....and all on video. A plaintiff's attorney has much of his work already done for him (not to mention, entering into the tort-suit the fact that the blokes were convicted of the very assault the suit will be about.)
Well, no, not quite.
Somebody has been talking about it.
For example, the prosecutors of this 'bear-spray' criminal, the defense attorneys of the same, the judge of the trial.....and most importantly, the jury of 12 who convicted him which led to his 80-months in Federal prison.

So clearly, not everybody needs to be talking about it...useful idiots, or otherwise. But, as long as responsible patriotic citizens are talking about it, and doing something about it......well then, we can be satisfied.

We can watch to see if there will be reportage about the personal-injury lawsuits seeking damages that will inevitably follow.
I hope so. For loyal patriots it would be like a double-dip, another bite out of the apple.

Those two sprayer's families are gonna see their savings and equities depleted. Betcha.

That sucks for them, of course. They were back home and not involved.
But somebody has to pay for the damages inflicted on the officer. It was, after all, a clear and graphic assault and battery of a uniformed police officer.....and all on video. A plaintiff's attorney has much of his work already done for him (not to mention, entering into the tort-suit the fact that the blokes were convicted of the very assault the suit will be about.)
When the rubes use words like "nobody" and "everybody", they leave out the qualifier "in my world".

They don't appear to understand that their isolated, insulted, manipulated world is not "the world"; that it is only a subset.
People do not trust the Democrats because they lie about everything all of the time.
There was no insurrection.
There was no secret plot by Trump for an insurrection.
It is just another crazy left-wing crackpot Democrat conspiracy theory.
Like Pelosi's crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy was.
It just shows us once again that Left Wing hate and ignorance is easy to exploit.
They will believe anything.
Who sent us on a 3 trillion dollar search for WMDs that we knew weren`t there? Crazy right wing crackpots.
J6 Reichstag fire.
Well, as of this moment....11:45'sh AM...there are about 11 emoji responses. Which seems to me to indicate a subject that resonates a bit more than usual on this venue.

However, notably 3 or 4 of those 'emoji'-signs indicate that the posters believe what the OP...me...posted was untruthful, ala' their "Fake News" signal.

I can only respond by saying that that reportage was in any number of readily available print and web news sources. Credible ones.

After all, as posted in the OP....the following reportage seems pretty straight forward and transparent, and readily verified.

It was this:

"Man sentenced to nearly 7 years in Jan. 6 assault of officer Brian Sicknick"

Julian Khater admitted he used chemical spray on officers defending the U.S. Capitol, including Sicknick, who died the next day

"On Friday, a man who attacked Brian Sicknick with chemical spray at the Capitol was sentenced to 80 months — nearly seven years — behind bars. Julian Khater, 32, pleaded guilty in March to assaulting officers with a dangerous weapon.

It doesn't get more "just-the-facts-Ma'am" than that.

If those that claim the above sentences are fake....well, I would suggest that it ain't 'fake' or untrue. Rather, it is unwelcome to those posters....who either:

  1. Don't believe the Officer got sprayed;
  2. Or they believe it was OK he got sprayed,
  3. Or they are unhappy with the criminal convictions because it reflects badly on their MAGA/QAnon personas.

I don't know which of the three it is.
But for sure, it is true reportage. Whether they welcome it or not.
"Rational adults know there was no attempted insurrection."

Well, I use 'Insurrection' in sort of a colloquial generic manner.
It is easier to type than 'Seditious Conspiracy'; however.....

If the good poster Orangecat prefers Sedition, well, we be cool with that.

  • After all, 'Insurrection' in our criminal code.....gets one a prison sentence of up to 10yrs.
  • Whereas, 'Sedition' in our criminal jurisprudence.....get's one up to 20yrs in prison.

So, I'll take 'Sedition' for 20, Alex.
"The good poster Orangecat prefers "you're an idiot".

Go for the "20 years", OC.
The MAGA/Loons will be outta your hair and no longer embarrassing you.
And when they get released they'll be calmer, wiser.....and, about 20 years older.

All good.

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