And Just Like That, DuckDuckGo Becomes Google — One Time Free Search Engine Now Down-Ranks Conservative Content – Bans Gateway Pundit

Putin and Gatewaypundit seem to be on the same team anyway. A shot at one might easily hit the other, seeing how close they are snuggled togeather.
That just the usual liberal smear tactics that lefties rely on

but its not true
Seems you're upset because people are not being nice to your favorite tyrant.
Oh? Are they bombing the tyrant? Who says I support any tyrant? I am partial to the G. Washington / T. Jefferson type foreign policy. :rolleyes:
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Libs have hated Saudi Arabia for years and now the Saudi’s have biden over a barrel (of oil) and are getting even
. . . and somehow that's a better tyrant than the one in Moscow, or Sanaa, or Tehran.


. . . our tyrants are are the BEST tyrants. :113:
American lefties are team oriented pack-dummies.... they are too stupid to see the broader picture here...this is waaaay beyond Russia/Ukraine... this is the " New Situation " that Xi spoke of and while this first step not going the way they want it to its not going to stop and it will eventually get where it wants to go.

In the finale Ukraine will be ruled from Moscow, Taiwan will be ruled from Beijing and the Dollar will fall out of influence in Europe and is inevitable and frankly necessary. It doesn't matter how long it takes in Ukraine because this is a permanent change that is beginning and there is no way the West is going to be able to stop it.
I personally, firmly believe Putin, Xi, Biden. . . Klaus Schwab, they are all working together to create an energy crisis, and hence, a food crisis, where the population will be begging for a global government and global ID cards which control how much food and energy you are allotted ever month to use.

This will end in rationing for every person on the planet.

. . . well, except for those who planned the whole thing of course. They will be exempt.

And if this doesn't do it? I am sure they have "more tools in their tool chest."
So how do you explain so many of the same batshit crazy stories coming from the pair of them?
GatewayPundit is not pushing batshit crazy stories

you are just too far left to recognize the truth when you see it
Let's hope so....but do we know what information they are omitting? we don't really know:(

COMING SOON I HOPE: Trump's America First search engine. :happy-1:

trump cigar.jpg
That's no good now, is it

Not good at all.

DuckDuckGo Updates Search Engine, Will Penalize Sites 'Associated With Disinformation'​

That's what happens when you start censoring news. :mad:


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