And more from AOC. Humiliated over Trump border wall emergency by own witness

Damn, if we could just build hydroelectric dams to run on all these AOC-butthurt tears we could have free energy for all.

Every time we point out how radical and stupid she is, one of you guys always stop by to tell us we’re butthurt. You can’t defend her so you attack us.

That's because y'all make no argument. Just puke up a bunch of Googly Image memes and think that's a "point".

It isn't. It's butthurt.

Case in point ---- how much of New York real estate lies between you and her district?
'Nother case in point --- read the OP. He's trolling to find a problem with the SIZE OF HER GLASSES.

Ergo -------------- butthurt.

So you approve of her green deal?
Damn, if we could just build hydroelectric dams to run on all these AOC-butthurt tears we could have free energy for all.

Or we could just fund the wall....
Mexico is writing the check for that one.

Unfortunately due to an incompetent, corrupt and dysfunctional congress Mexico is not paying for the wall directly, but thanks to TRUMP Mexico along with Canada will be paying for the wall indirectly.
Damn, if we could just build hydroelectric dams to run on all these AOC-butthurt tears we could have free energy for all.

Every time we point out how radical and stupid she is, one of you guys always stop by to tell us we’re butthurt. You can’t defend her so you attack us.

That's because y'all make no argument. Just puke up a bunch of Googly Image memes and think that's a "point".

It isn't. It's butthurt.

Case in point ---- how much of New York real estate lies between you and her district?
'Nother case in point --- read the OP. He's trolling to find a problem with the SIZE OF HER GLASSES.

Ergo -------------- butthurt.

So you approve of her green deal?

Haven't read it.

Again ----- I don't live in her district. I have no place to "approve" or "disapprove".

Strangely enough I also don't keep up with the issues in the Oklahoma 2nd District, the Minnesota 4th, the New Mexico 7th, etc etc etc. Couldn't even tell you who those Reps are.
Damn, if we could just build hydroelectric dams to run on all these AOC-butthurt tears we could have free energy for all.

Or we could just fund the wall....
Mexico is writing the check for that one.

Unfortunately due to an incompetent, corrupt and dysfunctional congress Mexico is not paying for the wall directly, but thanks to TRUMP Mexico along with Canada will be paying for the wall indirectly.

The United States Congress is in charge of Mexico's budget now? :wtf:

That's odd, considering it's under sneak attack from its POTUS about control of its own budget.
Howzat work?
Damn, if we could just build hydroelectric dams to run on all these AOC-butthurt tears we could have free energy for all.

Every time we point out how radical and stupid she is, one of you guys always stop by to tell us we’re butthurt. You can’t defend her so you attack us.

That's because y'all make no argument. Just puke up a bunch of Googly Image memes and think that's a "point".

It isn't. It's butthurt.

Case in point ---- how much of New York real estate lies between you and her district?
'Nother case in point --- read the OP. He's trolling to find a problem with the SIZE OF HER GLASSES.

Ergo -------------- butthurt.

So you approve of her green deal?

Haven't read it.

Again ----- I don't live in her district. I have no place to "approve" or "disapprove".

Everyone knows the basics of her new deal, so stop lying.

Are you actually claiming her new deal wouldn't affect the whole country?
Damn, if we could just build hydroelectric dams to run on all these AOC-butthurt tears we could have free energy for all.

Every time we point out how radical and stupid she is, one of you guys always stop by to tell us we’re butthurt. You can’t defend her so you attack us.

That's because y'all make no argument. Just puke up a bunch of Googly Image memes and think that's a "point".

It isn't. It's butthurt.

Case in point ---- how much of New York real estate lies between you and her district?
'Nother case in point --- read the OP. He's trolling to find a problem with the SIZE OF HER GLASSES.

Ergo -------------- butthurt.

So you approve of her green deal?

Haven't read it.

Again ----- I don't live in her district.
Damn, if we could just build hydroelectric dams to run on all these AOC-butthurt tears we could have free energy for all.

Every time we point out how radical and stupid she is, one of you guys always stop by to tell us we’re butthurt. You can’t defend her so you attack us.

That's because y'all make no argument. Just puke up a bunch of Googly Image memes and think that's a "point".

It isn't. It's butthurt.

Case in point ---- how much of New York real estate lies between you and her district?
'Nother case in point --- read the OP. He's trolling to find a problem with the SIZE OF HER GLASSES.

Ergo -------------- butthurt.

So you approve of her green deal?

Haven't read it.

Again ----- I don't live in her district. I have no place to "approve" or "disapprove".

Strangely enough I also don't keep up with the issues in the Oklahoma 2nd District, the Minnesota 4th, the New Mexico 7th, etc etc etc. Couldn't even tell you who those Reps are.

What about all of those people in Long Island City that don’t live in her district that were affected by Amazon pulling out?
Damn, if we could just build hydroelectric dams to run on all these AOC-butthurt tears we could have free energy for all.

Every time we point out how radical and stupid she is, one of you guys always stop by to tell us we’re butthurt. You can’t defend her so you attack us.

That's because y'all make no argument. Just puke up a bunch of Googly Image memes and think that's a "point".

It isn't. It's butthurt.

Case in point ---- how much of New York real estate lies between you and her district?
'Nother case in point --- read the OP. He's trolling to find a problem with the SIZE OF HER GLASSES.

Ergo -------------- butthurt.

So you approve of her green deal?

Haven't read it.

Again ----- I don't live in her district.
Damn, if we could just build hydroelectric dams to run on all these AOC-butthurt tears we could have free energy for all.

Every time we point out how radical and stupid she is, one of you guys always stop by to tell us we’re butthurt. You can’t defend her so you attack us.

That's because y'all make no argument. Just puke up a bunch of Googly Image memes and think that's a "point".

It isn't. It's butthurt.

Case in point ---- how much of New York real estate lies between you and her district?
'Nother case in point --- read the OP. He's trolling to find a problem with the SIZE OF HER GLASSES.

Ergo -------------- butthurt.

So you approve of her green deal?

Haven't read it.

Again ----- I don't live in her district. I have no place to "approve" or "disapprove".

Strangely enough I also don't keep up with the issues in the Oklahoma 2nd District, the Minnesota 4th, the New Mexico 7th, etc etc etc. Couldn't even tell you who those Reps are.

What about all of those people in Long Island City that don’t live in her district that were affected by Amazon pulling out?

What about 'em?

First time I've seen a place name used in a Whataboutism deflection....
Damn, if we could just build hydroelectric dams to run on all these AOC-butthurt tears we could have free energy for all.

Every time we point out how radical and stupid she is, one of you guys always stop by to tell us we’re butthurt. You can’t defend her so you attack us.

That's because y'all make no argument. Just puke up a bunch of Googly Image memes and think that's a "point".

It isn't. It's butthurt.

Case in point ---- how much of New York real estate lies between you and her district?
'Nother case in point --- read the OP. He's trolling to find a problem with the SIZE OF HER GLASSES.

Ergo -------------- butthurt.

So you approve of her green deal?

Haven't read it.

Again ----- I don't live in her district. I have no place to "approve" or "disapprove".

Everyone knows the basics of her new deal, so stop lying.

Are you actually claiming her new deal wouldn't affect the whole country?

For someone your degree of illiterate you seem to have an unusual flummoxation on what the phrase "I haven't read it" means.

Why is that? Stupidity or hardheadedness?

But thanks for yet another "Everybody Knows" fallacy. Haven't seen that in several minutes. Takes me back.

Look at her with her little glasses.

"I am the boss" cortez

Left wing females everyone.

All of you gotta remember something...

Donkey Chompers Occasional-Cortex got 15,897 votes in her primary win against her opponent who got 11,761. So, about 4,000 activist scumbags decided an election that shook Washington.

That's out of a population of over 700,000 and with over 350,000 registered voters. Including a paltry 36,000 Republicans. Basically, whoever wins the dimocrap nomination is a shoo-in.

New Yawk Shitty has always, from its very beginning, through the Revolution, the Civil War, World Wars I and II been disinterested in any kind of Civic Duty. They rioted and lynched Blacks throughout the City during the Civil War because they didn't want to fight for them. Look it up. They have the lowest enlistment rate of any area in the Country, the fewest combat soldiers and veterans, per capita.

IOW, they're scumbags.

They have ALWAYS been disproportionately represented in Draft dodgers, peaceniks and outright cowardice.

Don't believe me? Look it up.

But because 'journalists' (there's no such thing anymore) are lazy, stupid and venal, anything that happens in NYC, to them, is indicative of the rest of the Country. And they treat it that way.

'journalists' just don't 'get' the rest of the Country. Never have, never will

This is what happens when a populace just simply gives up and lets others do their job. Their civic duty.

AOC is a piece of shit that is VERY representative of New Yawk Shitty. They deserve each other
Every time we point out how radical and stupid she is, one of you guys always stop by to tell us we’re butthurt. You can’t defend her so you attack us.

That's because y'all make no argument. Just puke up a bunch of Googly Image memes and think that's a "point".

It isn't. It's butthurt.

Case in point ---- how much of New York real estate lies between you and her district?
'Nother case in point --- read the OP. He's trolling to find a problem with the SIZE OF HER GLASSES.

Ergo -------------- butthurt.

So you approve of her green deal?

Haven't read it.

Again ----- I don't live in her district. I have no place to "approve" or "disapprove".

Everyone knows the basics of her new deal, so stop lying.

Are you actually claiming her new deal wouldn't affect the whole country?

For someone your degree of illiterate you seem to have an unusual flummoxation on what the phrase "I haven't read it" means.

Why is that? Stupidity or hardheadedness?

But thanks for yet another "Everybody Knows" fallacy. Haven't seen that in several minutes. Takes me back.

LOL....stop lying.
Her new green deal has been discussed and mocked on USMB ad nauseum.
I'll give you a quick run down on the basics...
Eliminate cow Farts,no internal combustion engines,rebuild every structure in America,no more airplanes....

She's a fuken loon,you're just too embarressed to admit it.
That's because y'all make no argument. Just puke up a bunch of Googly Image memes and think that's a "point".

It isn't. It's butthurt.

Case in point ---- how much of New York real estate lies between you and her district?
'Nother case in point --- read the OP. He's trolling to find a problem with the SIZE OF HER GLASSES.

Ergo -------------- butthurt.

So you approve of her green deal?

Haven't read it.

Again ----- I don't live in her district. I have no place to "approve" or "disapprove".

Everyone knows the basics of her new deal, so stop lying.

Are you actually claiming her new deal wouldn't affect the whole country?

For someone your degree of illiterate you seem to have an unusual flummoxation on what the phrase "I haven't read it" means.

Why is that? Stupidity or hardheadedness?

But thanks for yet another "Everybody Knows" fallacy. Haven't seen that in several minutes. Takes me back.

LOL....stop lying.
Her new green deal has been discussed and mocked on USMB ad nauseum.
I'll give you a quick run down on the basics...
Eliminate cow Farts,no internal combustion engines,rebuild every structure in America,no more airplanes....

She's a fuken loon,you're just too embarressed to admit it.

once AGAIN --- I don't *NEED* to know about it. She's not my Representative. When the district lines are redrawn to make her my Rep, OR until it becomes a living bill subject to the vote of the Congresscritter who actually DOES represent me, THEN I'll go read it.

I just don't have this penchant for sticking my dick into other people's business, so sue me. I have no idea what the fuck gets y'all off trawling around the internets to find some shit that has nothing to do with you to whine about. In your case from three thousand fucking miles. I have a far more productive time punching holes in these blatantly asninie illogical arguments y'all come up with on a daily basis. They're like giant balloons that say "prick me" as they hand me a pin.
LOL....stop lying.
Her new green deal has been discussed and mocked on USMB ad nauseum.
I'll give you a quick run down on the basics...
Eliminate cow Farts,no internal combustion engines,rebuild every structure in America,no more airplanes....

She's a fuken loon,you're just too embarressed to admit it.

No, he's too stupid.

Hanlon's Razor, dewd.......

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
So you approve of her green deal?

Haven't read it.

Again ----- I don't live in her district. I have no place to "approve" or "disapprove".

Everyone knows the basics of her new deal, so stop lying.

Are you actually claiming her new deal wouldn't affect the whole country?

For someone your degree of illiterate you seem to have an unusual flummoxation on what the phrase "I haven't read it" means.

Why is that? Stupidity or hardheadedness?

But thanks for yet another "Everybody Knows" fallacy. Haven't seen that in several minutes. Takes me back.

LOL....stop lying.
Her new green deal has been discussed and mocked on USMB ad nauseum.
I'll give you a quick run down on the basics...
Eliminate cow Farts,no internal combustion engines,rebuild every structure in America,no more airplanes....

She's a fuken loon,you're just too embarressed to admit it.

once AGAIN --- I don't *NEED* to know about it. She's not my Representative. When the district lines are redrawn to make her my Rep, OR until it becomes a living bill subject to the vote of the Congresscritter who actually DOES represent me, THEN I'll go read it.

I just don't have this penchant for sticking my dick into other people's business, so sue me. I have a far more productive time punching holes in these blatantly asninie illogical arguments y'all come up with on a daily basis. They're like giant balloons that say "prick me" as they hand me a pin.

Her policies would affect everyone ya dumbass and you know it.
Admit it,you're too embarrassed by her kookery so you pretend to know nothing.
Haven't read it.

Again ----- I don't live in her district. I have no place to "approve" or "disapprove".

Everyone knows the basics of her new deal, so stop lying.

Are you actually claiming her new deal wouldn't affect the whole country?

For someone your degree of illiterate you seem to have an unusual flummoxation on what the phrase "I haven't read it" means.

Why is that? Stupidity or hardheadedness?

But thanks for yet another "Everybody Knows" fallacy. Haven't seen that in several minutes. Takes me back.

LOL....stop lying.
Her new green deal has been discussed and mocked on USMB ad nauseum.
I'll give you a quick run down on the basics...
Eliminate cow Farts,no internal combustion engines,rebuild every structure in America,no more airplanes....

She's a fuken loon,you're just too embarressed to admit it.

once AGAIN --- I don't *NEED* to know about it. She's not my Representative. When the district lines are redrawn to make her my Rep, OR until it becomes a living bill subject to the vote of the Congresscritter who actually DOES represent me, THEN I'll go read it.

I just don't have this penchant for sticking my dick into other people's business, so sue me. I have a far more productive time punching holes in these blatantly asninie illogical arguments y'all come up with on a daily basis. They're like giant balloons that say "prick me" as they hand me a pin.

Her policies would affect everyone ya dumbass and you know it.
Admit it,you're too embarrassed by her kookery so you pretend to know nothing.

once AGAIN ---- I'm not the one obsessed here. That would be you and your fellow flock of parrots. That frees me of the burden of running around looking up every movement from Congressional Reps who aren't even near my district.

I get nothing out of projecting butthurt. What I do enjoy is mocking those who do for your pathetic loserism.
Everyone knows the basics of her new deal, so stop lying.

Are you actually claiming her new deal wouldn't affect the whole country?

For someone your degree of illiterate you seem to have an unusual flummoxation on what the phrase "I haven't read it" means.

Why is that? Stupidity or hardheadedness?

But thanks for yet another "Everybody Knows" fallacy. Haven't seen that in several minutes. Takes me back.

LOL....stop lying.
Her new green deal has been discussed and mocked on USMB ad nauseum.
I'll give you a quick run down on the basics...
Eliminate cow Farts,no internal combustion engines,rebuild every structure in America,no more airplanes....

She's a fuken loon,you're just too embarressed to admit it.

once AGAIN --- I don't *NEED* to know about it. She's not my Representative. When the district lines are redrawn to make her my Rep, OR until it becomes a living bill subject to the vote of the Congresscritter who actually DOES represent me, THEN I'll go read it.

I just don't have this penchant for sticking my dick into other people's business, so sue me. I have a far more productive time punching holes in these blatantly asninie illogical arguments y'all come up with on a daily basis. They're like giant balloons that say "prick me" as they hand me a pin.

Her policies would affect everyone ya dumbass and you know it.
Admit it,you're too embarrassed by her kookery so you pretend to know nothing.

once AGAIN ---- I'm not the one obsessed here. That would be you and your fellow flock of parrots. That frees me of the burden of running around looking up every movement from Congressional Reps who aren't even near my district. I get nothing out of projecting butthurt. What I do enjoy is mocking those who do for your pathetic loserism.

So you dont think her policies would hurt America?
She's the future of your party....and the end of it.
Damn, if we could just build hydroelectric dams to run on all these AOC-butthurt tears we could have free energy for all.

Or we could just fund the wall....
Mexico is writing the check for that one.
That's why Cruz wants the Mexican El cjapo's $14 Billion to pay for it....since he made all that money while paying off corrupt Mexican officials, it is just like us taking it away from them....ROTFLMFAO!
Yeah, okay, good luck with that.
Damn, if we could just build hydroelectric dams to run on all these AOC-butthurt tears we could have free energy for all.

Or we could just fund the wall....
Mexico is writing the check for that one.

Unfortunately due to an incompetent, corrupt and dysfunctional congress Mexico is not paying for the wall directly, but thanks to TRUMP Mexico along with Canada will be paying for the wall indirectly.
Keep telling yourself that. LOL.
For someone your degree of illiterate you seem to have an unusual flummoxation on what the phrase "I haven't read it" means.

Why is that? Stupidity or hardheadedness?

But thanks for yet another "Everybody Knows" fallacy. Haven't seen that in several minutes. Takes me back.

LOL....stop lying.
Her new green deal has been discussed and mocked on USMB ad nauseum.
I'll give you a quick run down on the basics...
Eliminate cow Farts,no internal combustion engines,rebuild every structure in America,no more airplanes....

She's a fuken loon,you're just too embarressed to admit it.

once AGAIN --- I don't *NEED* to know about it. She's not my Representative. When the district lines are redrawn to make her my Rep, OR until it becomes a living bill subject to the vote of the Congresscritter who actually DOES represent me, THEN I'll go read it.

I just don't have this penchant for sticking my dick into other people's business, so sue me. I have a far more productive time punching holes in these blatantly asninie illogical arguments y'all come up with on a daily basis. They're like giant balloons that say "prick me" as they hand me a pin.

Her policies would affect everyone ya dumbass and you know it.
Admit it,you're too embarrassed by her kookery so you pretend to know nothing.

once AGAIN ---- I'm not the one obsessed here. That would be you and your fellow flock of parrots. That frees me of the burden of running around looking up every movement from Congressional Reps who aren't even near my district. I get nothing out of projecting butthurt. What I do enjoy is mocking those who do for your pathetic loserism.

So you dont think her policies would hurt America?
She's the future of your party....and the end of it.

I don't have a "party" and I don't have a Rep named Cortéz. I get a say in what *MY* Rep does, not other people's.

Once AGAIN, you seem to be obsessed with the idea of "projection" over the concept of "thought".
LOL....stop lying.
Her new green deal has been discussed and mocked on USMB ad nauseum.
I'll give you a quick run down on the basics...
Eliminate cow Farts,no internal combustion engines,rebuild every structure in America,no more airplanes....

She's a fuken loon,you're just too embarressed to admit it.

once AGAIN --- I don't *NEED* to know about it. She's not my Representative. When the district lines are redrawn to make her my Rep, OR until it becomes a living bill subject to the vote of the Congresscritter who actually DOES represent me, THEN I'll go read it.

I just don't have this penchant for sticking my dick into other people's business, so sue me. I have a far more productive time punching holes in these blatantly asninie illogical arguments y'all come up with on a daily basis. They're like giant balloons that say "prick me" as they hand me a pin.

Her policies would affect everyone ya dumbass and you know it.
Admit it,you're too embarrassed by her kookery so you pretend to know nothing.

once AGAIN ---- I'm not the one obsessed here. That would be you and your fellow flock of parrots. That frees me of the burden of running around looking up every movement from Congressional Reps who aren't even near my district. I get nothing out of projecting butthurt. What I do enjoy is mocking those who do for your pathetic loserism.

So you dont think her policies would hurt America?
She's the future of your party....and the end of it.

I don't have a "party" and I don't have a Rep named Cortéz. I get a say in what *MY* Rep does, not other people's.

Once AGAIN, you seem to be obsessed with the idea of "projection" over the concept of "thought".

You're a dishonest hack.
once AGAIN --- I don't *NEED* to know about it. She's not my Representative. When the district lines are redrawn to make her my Rep, OR until it becomes a living bill subject to the vote of the Congresscritter who actually DOES represent me, THEN I'll go read it.

I just don't have this penchant for sticking my dick into other people's business, so sue me. I have a far more productive time punching holes in these blatantly asninie illogical arguments y'all come up with on a daily basis. They're like giant balloons that say "prick me" as they hand me a pin.

Her policies would affect everyone ya dumbass and you know it.
Admit it,you're too embarrassed by her kookery so you pretend to know nothing.

once AGAIN ---- I'm not the one obsessed here. That would be you and your fellow flock of parrots. That frees me of the burden of running around looking up every movement from Congressional Reps who aren't even near my district. I get nothing out of projecting butthurt. What I do enjoy is mocking those who do for your pathetic loserism.

So you dont think her policies would hurt America?
She's the future of your party....and the end of it.

I don't have a "party" and I don't have a Rep named Cortéz. I get a say in what *MY* Rep does, not other people's.

Once AGAIN, you seem to be obsessed with the idea of "projection" over the concept of "thought".

You're a dishonest hack.

Seeing as how I ain't the one obsessing over somebody else's Rep a thousand miles away, guess not.

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