And now a message from Ed Asner...

Before you watch this, just remember that no one was held accountable for the collapse. No one!

Tax the Rich: An animated fairy tale - YouTube

Tax the rich: An animated fairy tale, is narrated by Ed Asner, with animation by Mike Konopacki. Written and directed by Fred Glass for the California Federation of Teachers. An 8 minute video about how we arrived at this moment of poorly funded public services and widening economic inequality. Things go downhill in a happy and prosperous land after the rich decide they don't want to pay taxes anymore. They tell the people that there is no alternative, but the people aren't so sure. This land bears a startling resemblance to our land. For more info, © 2012 California Federation of Teachers

I think it is really funny that average income republicans, here on this forum and elsewhere, are so against the idea of taxing the highest 1% of monied people in the country. I doubt anyone here has that kind of money. Probably all the posters on this board are not in that category and are most likely somewhere in the range of middle class earner. It is those people who are being affected by the recession and the economic woes of the country. Why they defend the 1% at the top is mystifying.

One has only to look at countries around the world with a pyramid economy, with a very small percentage of rich at the top, and everyone else, middle class and lower class, at the bottom. I've visited and lived in such countries. Lots of poor people. Lack of social services. Crime. Bad roads and infrastructure. Bad schools. A big mess all around with the rich living behing big walls and fences with armed security. The wealth at the top does not tricke down to the rest of the country and make everyone richer. Their kids go to private schools, so school don't improve. They do most of their buying in foreign countries, such as Europe. An awful lot of their money goes to places like Europe--lol, ironically, those 'commie' countries where everyone pays such high taxes and gets social services.

Why poor republicans defend rich republicans who are shitting on them is truly mystifying.

I think it is really funny that average income republicans, here on this forum and elsewhere, are so against the idea of taxing the highest 1% of monied people in the country.

I'm against stealing from anyone, even if you don't like them.

The wealth at the top does not tricke down to the rest of the country and make everyone richer. Their kids go to private schools, so school don't improve.

You're right, the top 1% only paid 37.38 percent of all federal individual income taxes paid in 2010.

None of us benefit from that. :cuckoo:

You're the one who is cuckoo. 37% of all indivdiual income tax is a huge amount. It is almost 40%. Of couse many benefited from it. To say none of us benefit from 37% of taxes from income tax is ridiculous. It is a huge amount and everyone benefits from it.
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I think it is really funny that average income republicans, here on this forum and elsewhere, are so against the idea of taxing the highest 1% of monied people in the country. I doubt anyone here has that kind of money. Probably all the posters on this board are not in that category and are most likely somewhere in the range of middle class earner. It is those people who are being affected by the recession and the economic woes of the country. Why they defend the 1% at the top is mystifying.

One has only to look at countries around the world with a pyramid economy, with a very small percentage of rich at the top, and everyone else, middle class and lower class, at the bottom. I've visited and lived in such countries. Lots of poor people. Lack of social services. Crime. Bad roads and infrastructure. Bad schools. A big mess all around with the rich living behing big walls and fences with armed security. The wealth at the top does not tricke down to the rest of the country and make everyone richer. Their kids go to private schools, so school don't improve. They do most of their buying in foreign countries, such as Europe. An awful lot of their money goes to places like Europe--lol, ironically, those 'commie' countries where everyone pays such high taxes and gets social services.

Why poor republicans defend rich republicans who are shitting on them is truly mystifying.

I think it is really funny that average income republicans, here on this forum and elsewhere, are so against the idea of taxing the highest 1% of monied people in the country.

I'm against stealing from anyone, even if you don't like them.

The wealth at the top does not tricke down to the rest of the country and make everyone richer. Their kids go to private schools, so school don't improve.

You're right, the top 1% only paid 37.38 percent of all federal individual income taxes paid in 2010.

None of us benefit from that. :cuckoo:

You're the one who is cuckoo. 37% of all indivdiual income tax is a huge amount. It is almost 40%. Of couse many benefited from it. To say none of us benefit from 37% of taxes from income tax is ridiculous. It is a huge amount and everyone benefits from it.

Then what are you whining about?
Before you watch this, just remember that no one was held accountable for the collapse. No one!

Tax the Rich: An animated fairy tale - YouTube

Tax the rich: An animated fairy tale, is narrated by Ed Asner, with animation by Mike Konopacki. Written and directed by Fred Glass for the California Federation of Teachers. An 8 minute video about how we arrived at this moment of poorly funded public services and widening economic inequality. Things go downhill in a happy and prosperous land after the rich decide they don't want to pay taxes anymore. They tell the people that there is no alternative, but the people aren't so sure. This land bears a startling resemblance to our land. For more info, © 2012 California Federation of Teachers

Great video. The only issue I have with it is that we have always had ups and downs in the economy, and the middle class has not always thrived. That being said, our middle class is disappearing and a lot of people in the middle class are like those zombie eyed characters in the clip, believing that the poor are the reason our economy has been in such a downturn, and that the rich are the answer to saving us all. It's amazing how so many have been brainwashed into such thinking.
I think it is really funny that average income republicans, here on this forum and elsewhere, are so against the idea of taxing the highest 1% of monied people in the country.

I'm against stealing from anyone, even if you don't like them.

The wealth at the top does not tricke down to the rest of the country and make everyone richer. Their kids go to private schools, so school don't improve.

You're right, the top 1% only paid 37.38 percent of all federal individual income taxes paid in 2010.

None of us benefit from that. :cuckoo:

Where am I whining? Is that all you know how to do, say people are cuckoo and tell them they are whining? Don't you have anything intelligent to contribute?

You're the one who is cuckoo. 37% of all indivdiual income tax is a huge amount. It is almost 40%. Of couse many benefited from it. To say none of us benefit from 37% of taxes from income tax is ridiculous. It is a huge amount and everyone benefits from it.

Then what are you whining about?
Where am I whining? Is that all you know how to do, say people are cuckoo and tell them they are whining? Don't you have anything intelligent to contribute?

The point is that if it was more, it would be better. The point is that it does affect the economy. They earn a vast percentage of the income in the country and should pay taxes relative to that. They should contribute to the economy in a way that benefits the country.

Why are you defending people who make tons more money than you do, exploit people like you, spend their excess income in foreign countries or on foreign made goods, send their kids to expensive private schools that you could never dream to afford, etc.? Why are you so protective of people who don't give a shit about you? You just blindly defend the Republican platform even though it is to your detriment. Those Republicans who are among the middle and working classes are just patsies to the guys at the top of the party.
Bloated bureaucracies, not lack of tax revenues, are to blame. Couple that with a pretend President and you have a recipe for disaster.

So based on your statement, we are to conclude that economic conditions in the 90's when tax revenues were 20% of GDP were much worse than they are now as tax revenues are nearly 25% less at 15% of GDP. I don't agree with that at all, but you are entitled to your opinion, regardless of the facts.
Does Ed volunteer to pay more than the minimum required?

I don't think he said higher taxes for every high income earner but him, did he? If not, it sounds like he's volunteering to pay more in taxes.

Which I am sure he is. Like everything else though, he will gladly do it when everyone else does. The point you guys miss is that you think he should volunteer to pay much more in taxes while conservatives should just keep theirs and not contribute anything more. The logic in your thinking is comical.
I wonder if Ed Asner ever paid his fair share?

no, he just sucked up the wealth this country offered him then used it to shit on us

Asner is a commie pos

Yea, everyone who believes the middle class is the driving force in our economy is a communist. :cuckoo: OMG, the sky is falling, the communists are coming to get us. Calll Joseph McCarthy to save us.
Where am I whining? Is that all you know how to do, say people are cuckoo and tell them they are whining? Don't you have anything intelligent to contribute?

You're the one who is cuckoo. 37% of all indivdiual income tax is a huge amount. It is almost 40%. Of couse many benefited from it. To say none of us benefit from 37% of taxes from income tax is ridiculous. It is a huge amount and everyone benefits from it.

Then what are you whining about?
Where am I whining? Is that all you know how to do, say people are cuckoo and tell them they are whining? Don't you have anything intelligent to contribute?

The point is that if it was more, it would be better. The point is that it does affect the economy. They earn a vast percentage of the income in the country and should pay taxes relative to that. They should contribute to the economy in a way that benefits the country.

Why are you defending people who make tons more money than you do, exploit people like you, spend their excess income in foreign countries or on foreign made goods, send their kids to expensive private schools that you could never dream to afford, etc.? Why are you so protective of people who don't give a shit about you? You just blindly defend the Republican platform even though it is to your detriment. Those Republicans who are among the middle and working classes are just patsies to the guys at the top of the party.

You said, "The wealth at the top does not tricke down to the rest of the country"

Then you admitted the taxes they pay benefit everyone.

Why are you defending people who make tons more money than you do, exploit people like you

I'm not defending big spending politicians.

Why are you so protective of people who don't give a shit about you?

Aloow me to say it again, I'm not defending big spending politicians.
no, he just sucked up the wealth this country offered him then used it to shit on us

Asner is a commie pos

Asner is lining up saying "Raise my taxes"

Where are the conservatives?

Asner can show he is serious by DONATING all his wealth he has ALREADY MADE to the Federal guberment or shut his lard ass commie mouth about people needing taxes raised them

That's the stupid thinking we get from the right every time someone with some money suggests raising taxes on the wealthy is not a bad idea. Here is what you ultra conservatives don't get. When we had massive debt after WWII, we didn't say that we needed to cut taxes to increase revenue. People weren't that dumb back then and didn't support nonsensical thinking like that. Instead, we raised taxes, especially on the wealthy, to very high marginal rates. For years the top rate was over 80%.

This is where it gets interesting. Do you think all those high income earners and investors paid 80%? Of course not, but the wealthy had to actually invest their money into new businesses to avoid paying those taxes. That is how our economy expanded dramatically and how the middle class grew. The rich got richer, which was fine, but it was in assets and real businesses rather than cash or paper, and because there really wasn't such a thing as emerging markets, all of that investment took place in the US. Today, we allow the wealthy to take as much of their money as they want, invest it outside of the US, and pay 15% on their return. One simple change in law could change all that; make the tax rate 75% unless they invest in the US. Force investment back into the US economy, and things will boom again.

Now the argument will be that many of these wealthy people will just take their money and leave the country. Okay, let them. That will just open the door for others to take their place. There is never a shortage of people who want to become rich. Investing in America is not a bad investment, even today. Why do you think the Chinese and so many other foreign people and countries are buying up houses here in the US market like crazy? You think they're stupid?

We've fucked things up so bad by trying to protect the wealthy rather than making the wealthy work at staying rich and growing their wealth. We've allowed them to increase their wealth dramatically at the expense of everyone else. That is un-American. The sad thing is that so many of you have fallen into the trap of believing we should support the wealthy at the expense of ourselves just because we might get rich one day. It's laughable. The wealthy don't need special treatment to get rich and stay that way.
Then what are you whining about?
Where am I whining? Is that all you know how to do, say people are cuckoo and tell them they are whining? Don't you have anything intelligent to contribute?

The point is that if it was more, it would be better. The point is that it does affect the economy. They earn a vast percentage of the income in the country and should pay taxes relative to that. They should contribute to the economy in a way that benefits the country.

Why are you defending people who make tons more money than you do, exploit people like you, spend their excess income in foreign countries or on foreign made goods, send their kids to expensive private schools that you could never dream to afford, etc.? Why are you so protective of people who don't give a shit about you? You just blindly defend the Republican platform even though it is to your detriment. Those Republicans who are among the middle and working classes are just patsies to the guys at the top of the party.

You said, "The wealth at the top does not tricke down to the rest of the country"

Then you admitted the taxes they pay benefit everyone.

Why are you defending people who make tons more money than you do, exploit people like you

I'm not defending big spending politicians.

Why are you so protective of people who don't give a shit about you?

Aloow me to say it again, I'm not defending big spending politicians.

No, I said that if we collect taxes from the wealthy, it helps the economy. If they have the choice on how they spend their money, they spend it in foreign countries, on foreign goods, on foreign workers, etc., not in ways that particularly help the country. How the money is spent by the individual and how the government spends it are two completely different things.
Before you watch this, just remember that no one was held accountable for the collapse. No one!

Tax the Rich: An animated fairy tale - YouTube

Tax the rich: An animated fairy tale, is narrated by Ed Asner, with animation by Mike Konopacki. Written and directed by Fred Glass for the California Federation of Teachers. An 8 minute video about how we arrived at this moment of poorly funded public services and widening economic inequality. Things go downhill in a happy and prosperous land after the rich decide they don't want to pay taxes anymore. They tell the people that there is no alternative, but the people aren't so sure. This land bears a startling resemblance to our land. For more info, © 2012 California Federation of Teachers

I think it is really funny that average income republicans, here on this forum and elsewhere, are so against the idea of taxing the highest 1% of monied people in the country. I doubt anyone here has that kind of money. Probably all the posters on this board are not in that category and are most likely somewhere in the range of middle class earner. It is those people who are being affected by the recession and the economic woes of the country. Why they defend the 1% at the top is mystifying.

One has only to look at countries around the world with a pyramid economy, with a very small percentage of rich at the top, and everyone else, middle class and lower class, at the bottom. I've visited and lived in such countries. Lots of poor people. Lack of social services. Crime. Bad roads and infrastructure. Bad schools. A big mess all around with the rich living behing big walls and fences with armed security. The wealth at the top does not tricke down to the rest of the country and make everyone richer. Their kids go to private schools, so school don't improve. They do most of their buying in foreign countries, such as Europe. An awful lot of their money goes to places like Europe--lol, ironically, those 'commie' countries where everyone pays such high taxes and gets social services.

Why poor republicans defend rich republicans who are shitting on them is truly mystifying.

I think it is really funny that average income republicans, here on this forum and elsewhere, are so against the idea of taxing the highest 1% of monied people in the country.

I'm against stealing from anyone, even if you don't like them.

The wealth at the top does not tricke down to the rest of the country and make everyone richer. Their kids go to private schools, so school don't improve.

You're right, the top 1% only paid 37.38 percent of all federal individual income taxes paid in 2010.

None of us benefit from that. :cuckoo:

You are completely unreasonable and unrealistic. Having people contribute in the way of taxes is not stealing. Paying taxes is patriotic. Those tax cuts are part of the reason we are in such bad shape, not to mention the fact that it did NOT create jobs.

The top income earners pay more in taxes because they have all the money. If you want the bottom half paying more in taxes, they are going to need to earn more money to do so. Not sure if you've noticed, but wages have been stagnant for most, and for quite some time.

I don't know why Republican's are so against workers...even the little working Republican's. It's disturbing to see you cut off your nose to spite your own face.
Where am I whining? Is that all you know how to do, say people are cuckoo and tell them they are whining? Don't you have anything intelligent to contribute?

The point is that if it was more, it would be better. The point is that it does affect the economy. They earn a vast percentage of the income in the country and should pay taxes relative to that. They should contribute to the economy in a way that benefits the country.

Why are you defending people who make tons more money than you do, exploit people like you, spend their excess income in foreign countries or on foreign made goods, send their kids to expensive private schools that you could never dream to afford, etc.? Why are you so protective of people who don't give a shit about you? You just blindly defend the Republican platform even though it is to your detriment. Those Republicans who are among the middle and working classes are just patsies to the guys at the top of the party.

You said, "The wealth at the top does not tricke down to the rest of the country"

Then you admitted the taxes they pay benefit everyone.

Why are you defending people who make tons more money than you do, exploit people like you

I'm not defending big spending politicians.

Why are you so protective of people who don't give a shit about you?

Aloow me to say it again, I'm not defending big spending politicians.

No, I said that if we collect taxes from the wealthy, it helps the economy. If they have the choice on how they spend their money, they spend it in foreign countries, on foreign goods, on foreign workers, etc., not in ways that particularly help the country. How the money is spent by the individual and how the government spends it are two completely different things.

EXACTLY!!! :clap2:
Nazis scapegoated rich Jews, Americans Progressives scapegoat the rich

Didn't take but three replies, folks.

Keep in mind who and what these Monica Lewinskys for the opulent really are...

CrusaderFrank and friends...

Sure.....while he was borrowing money


You fucking communists are a laugh riot.

Obama borrowed more in his first four years than all the presidents, Washington through Clinton, combined.

$6 Trillion by your little tin god - but you say "Reagan borrowed."

Yeah, I know you have no integrity, but don't you at least have enough sense to be embarrassed by such idiocy?

I wouldn't use big words like "communist" if you don't know what it means.
It'll raise extra revenue?
Are you sure?

It seems as if you believe in some sort of revenue fairy. It reminds me of the war fairy, that was supposed to pay for our wars...yet never did.

I believe taxpayers will only be fleeced so much, and then they'll move away.

FEAR TACTICS!!! Where are they gonna move, Iraq? To be reunited with our tax dollars? LOL

You don't remember the 1950's, do you? Remember, the wealthy paid a bunch of taxes, they were still wealthy, and we had a strong Middle Class.
Before you watch this, just remember that no one was held accountable for the collapse. No one!

Tax the Rich: An animated fairy tale - YouTube

Tax the rich: An animated fairy tale, is narrated by Ed Asner, with animation by Mike Konopacki. Written and directed by Fred Glass for the California Federation of Teachers. An 8 minute video about how we arrived at this moment of poorly funded public services and widening economic inequality. Things go downhill in a happy and prosperous land after the rich decide they don't want to pay taxes anymore. They tell the people that there is no alternative, but the people aren't so sure. This land bears a startling resemblance to our land. For more info, © 2012 California Federation of Teachers

Great video. The only issue I have with it is that we have always had ups and downs in the economy, and the middle class has not always thrived. That being said, our middle class is disappearing and a lot of people in the middle class are like those zombie eyed characters in the clip, believing that the poor are the reason our economy has been in such a downturn, and that the rich are the answer to saving us all. It's amazing how so many have been brainwashed into such thinking.

You can teach a parrot to say "Polly wants a cracker" after saying it over and over. LOL!
Asner is lining up saying "Raise my taxes"

Where are the conservatives?

Asner can show he is serious by DONATING all his wealth he has ALREADY MADE to the Federal guberment or shut his lard ass commie mouth about people needing taxes raised them

That's the stupid thinking we get from the right every time someone with some money suggests raising taxes on the wealthy is not a bad idea. Here is what you ultra conservatives don't get. When we had massive debt after WWII, we didn't say that we needed to cut taxes to increase revenue. People weren't that dumb back then and didn't support nonsensical thinking like that. Instead, we raised taxes, especially on the wealthy, to very high marginal rates. For years the top rate was over 80%.

This is where it gets interesting. Do you think all those high income earners and investors paid 80%? Of course not, but the wealthy had to actually invest their money into new businesses to avoid paying those taxes. That is how our economy expanded dramatically and how the middle class grew. The rich got richer, which was fine, but it was in assets and real businesses rather than cash or paper, and because there really wasn't such a thing as emerging markets, all of that investment took place in the US. Today, we allow the wealthy to take as much of their money as they want, invest it outside of the US, and pay 15% on their return. One simple change in law could change all that; make the tax rate 75% unless they invest in the US. Force investment back into the US economy, and things will boom again.

Now the argument will be that many of these wealthy people will just take their money and leave the country. Okay, let them. That will just open the door for others to take their place. There is never a shortage of people who want to become rich. Investing in America is not a bad investment, even today. Why do you think the Chinese and so many other foreign people and countries are buying up houses here in the US market like crazy? You think they're stupid?

We've fucked things up so bad by trying to protect the wealthy rather than making the wealthy work at staying rich and growing their wealth. We've allowed them to increase their wealth dramatically at the expense of everyone else. That is un-American. The sad thing is that so many of you have fallen into the trap of believing we should support the wealthy at the expense of ourselves just because we might get rich one day. It's laughable. The wealthy don't need special treatment to get rich and stay that way.

Excellent points! :clap2:

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