And now on to the more serious question of immunity. . .

SCOTUS should rule a President has immunity in conduct of his office

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  • No

  • I don't care or have an opinion

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It was a political event, paid for and organized by his campaign and political action committees, it was NOT a presidential act...organized by our government.
Presidents have had rallies since the inception of our Country. FDR's Blue Eagle rallies for instance. His tacit backing of Unions and Union Strikes.

How about War Bond rallies? "Rally" around the Flag ceremonies. How about.... You just learn what you're talking about before you post.

All you know is what the DISGUSTING FILTH is telling you. Sad, that you choose to waste the brains God gave you
Impeachment is a POLITICAL process and NOT a criminal process.

No, it is not a substitute, it is not in the place of, our criminal justice system.

If a President commits a crime while in office, that was not in the commission of a presidential duty, he is not immune.

A campaign rally or protest or riot organized by a President's political Campaign, is NOT a Presidential duty.
So you support the right of the DA in Athens GA charging Biden with manslaughter for Laken Reilly's death?
Then why should we care to speculate about the basis for the prosecution if they are indeed a criminal?
No speculation. It's a reality today. DEms are setting a horrible precedent that should be stopped. Now.
No speculation. It's a reality today. DEms are setting a horrible precedent that should be stopped. Now.
That’s your opinion, which I would say is politically based.

But you avoided the question. If the president is indeed a criminal, what difference does it make? A criminal should be prosecuted.
That’s your opinion, which I would say is politically based.
Hard to argue it isn't. Biden's DOJ waited two and half years to bring charges and only did so after Trump announced. ANd the Jan 6th charges are extremely questionable. DC Circuit has already thrown them out for J6th defendants.
But you avoided the question. If the president is indeed a criminal, what difference does it make? A criminal should be prosecuted.
Again, "criminal" is in the eye of the prosecutor? And they can be politically corrupt, like Garland, Smith, Willis, James, Bragg ...
So you support the right of the DA in Athens GA charging Biden with manslaughter for Laken Reilly's death?
Why? Congress is more culpable by passing ineffective immigration laws and not providing the resources necessary to expedite the huge influx of asylum cases that had piled up at the border during the Covid shut down. Even yer Orange Jesus had to release detainees into the US to await immigration hearings. President Biden has called for more immigration judges and more border patrol resources since day one of his Administration. But as the OP stated and most believe the executive has qualified immunity for policy decisions.
Why? Congress is more culpable by passing ineffective immigration laws and not providing the resources necessary to expedite the huge influx of asylum cases that had piled up at the border during the Covid shut down. Even yer Orange Jesus had to release detainees into the US to await immigration hearings. President Biden has called for more immigration judges and more border patrol resources since day one of his Administration.

Direct line from Biden's open border policy to the girl's death.
But as the OP stated and most believe the executive has qualified immunity for policy decisions.
Trump's policy to have clean elections.
Hard to argue it isn't
Not at all. It’s actually quite easy to argue it isn’t.
Again, "criminal" is in the eye of the prosecutor? And they can be politically corrupt, like Garland, Smith, Willis, James, Bragg ...
I asked you if he was a criminal and you said absolutely. That’s why I asked.
In this hypothetical, are they a criminal or not?


But there’s a more fundamental problem here. Your intent here is to prevent politicization of the criminal process. And the proposed method to do so is to require impeachment (a political process) before criminal prosecution. The “solution” doesn’t fix politicization, it makes it mandatory.
Not at all. It’s actually quite easy to argue it isn’t.

I asked you if he was a criminal and you said absolutely. That’s why I asked.

Criminal prosecutions. DO you have a need to be an asshole in these discussions?
But there’s a more fundamental problem here. Your intent here is to prevent politicization of the criminal process. And the proposed method to do so is to require impeachment (a political process) before criminal prosecution. The “solution” doesn’t fix politicization, it makes it mandatory.
I said nothing about impeachment.
This thread is not about the pros and cons of SCOTUS taking up the case for immunity, but it is to discuss the concept of presidential immunity at face value. This morning I listened to political pundits who think Trump will lose on this issue and more that believe he has a strong case.

The concept is whether Trump or Biden or any other President in office can be prosecuted after the fact for decisions, executive orders, policy edicts, negotiations, actions within the scope of Presidential powers. If he can be prosecuted by subsequent administrations or sued by the private sector, what President would not be vulnerable to being sued, persecuted, for pretty much any controversial action to prevent him/her from running for a second term or any other reason?
Example only and NOT intended to be another discussion on J6 or the border or the ACA or any other issue:

Let's assume Biden loses in 2024 but was physically capable of running again in 2028. What if the Trump DOJ decided to prosecute Joe Biden for failure to enforce immigration laws while serving as President and/or for encouraging millions of migrants to invade our country at massive expense and risk for American citizens? What President has not made some decision either domestic or in foreign relations that somebody has not declared illegal?

What if Obama had lost in 2012 and Romney's DOJ decided to prosecute him for lying to the American public and Congress about being able to keep their current doctor and not telling anyone how the ACA would reorganize the existing medical delivery system at great cost and inconvenience and often measurable harm to the American people?

There is good reason for the Constitutional provision that it is the prerogative of the American people via their elected representatives to remove a President for 'high crimes and misdemeanors' and that power is given to no other. The House of Representatives has already charged Trump with 'incitement of insurrection' by the House of Representatives but he was acquitted on the grounds of 'no merit to the case' by the U.S. Senate.

That should have ended the matter right there. Not only was the constitutional provision used and no other, not even a sitting President, is given power to overturn that process, but there could also be an issue of double jeopardy in play when the current administration just relabeled the original 'offense' as something else. SCOTUS should not allow that.


In my opinion, the President, good or bad, right or wrong, competently or incompetently has to be able to make tough decisions within his Presidential powers that are going to be unpopular with many without worrying about the legal repercussions to himself personally after he leaves office. And further, once acquitted in the impeachment process, a President should not have his right to protection via double jeopardy removed by a new administration. That is how SCOTUS should rule.

NOTE: You can change your vote if the discussion changes your mind.
Shock of shocks, you think anything the blob did is saintly. Whodathunkit?

I do like that Biden could just have the blob murdered then pardon himself...according to Trump and folks like yourself.
Nope. F. President trump's lawyers. argued in court, before the 9th circuit, that presidents are immune from all criminal acts done while serving in office, and unless a President is impeached and convicted, the DOJ can never charge him, with any of his crimes, even after leaving office and....even if the crime was him ordering Seal Team 6 to assassinate his political opponent.
GO back and listen again. HIs answer was that President has to be impeached and removed from office before DOJ could charge him/her, due to DOJ policy of not charging sitting President.
Criminal prosecutions. DO you have a need to be an asshole in these discussions?
I asked if they were a criminal. A criminal is someone who has actually committed a crime, not someone who is prosecuted. I asked the question for a reason. Are you changing your answer?
I said nothing about impeachment
I assume you know the broad contours of the arguments in play, not to mention the constitution which explicitly states the president is subject to criminal prosecution after successful impeachment and conviction.
I asked if they were a criminal.
A criminal prosecution.
A criminal is someone who has actually committed a crime, not someone who is prosecuted. I asked the question for a reason. Are you changing your answer?
I assume you know the broad contours of the arguments in play, not to mention the constitution which explicitly states the president is subject to criminal prosecution after successful impeachment and conviction.
And the question is whether the civil qualified immunity should be extended to criminal prosecution. I say yes. Seems clear you say no. IMHO bad policy.

The precedent DEms are setting opens Biden to be criminally charged for Laken Reilly's death

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