And now...the GOP will move to lose the Native American vote!

Let's make a deal !!

In exchange of allowing the pipeline to go forward (and it will) the U.S. government will agree to rename the line:

"The Redskin Peace Pipeline".
If this thing were such a good idea it would have happened already. Amazing how republicans want the federal government to run roughshod over all of the NIMBY (not in my back yard) groups opposing it.
This is what,, the 9th time it's come up for vote?

What other Legislation ever got 9 tries?

Yeah, apparently the money wasn't there to have it rammed through in the usual fashion. Like the SAFE Act in NY, or the federal reserve charter in 1913.

In the end, the pipeline will be built.
The oil is already hitting the market by pipeline and by train. Most of this is political. Warren Buffet is the major investor in the trains that carry the oil to market, that is why the Dems stonewall any attempt to make the line. Trains are far worse than this pipe line.

It's all political at the end of the day. IN the end, it's a case of, NOT IN MY BACK YARD.


Keystone XL Pipeline Facts: Pros and Cons
Keystone XL Pipeline Facts Pros and Cons
If this thing were such a good idea it would have happened already. Amazing how republicans want the federal government to run roughshod over all of the NIMBY (not in my back yard) groups opposing it.

None of the people who are in favor of this worthless boondoggle are directly affected by it so of course, they're in favor of it. If it was their backyard, they would feel differently.

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