...and S.C. still flying the white pride traitor confederate flag

Confederate flag opponents are nothing but ignorant. They don't even realize that we are a collection of states, each with it's own rules, heritage and legacy. They are brainwashed by the collectivism of the statism of democrat left wing propaganda and can't get their heads out of that box.
South Carolina's heritage is South Carolina's heritage and ignorant northern democrat leftists just can't deal with not being able to control something that is not theirs and that they're too ignorant to understand.
Stop with the democrat nazi fascist censorship book burning already.

Thank you for summing up in six lines, what it took me seven paragraphs to do. You are absolutely correct, and I applaud your post. Too bad the liberal cloud idiots complaining about the Confederate flag symbol don't understand what you so eloquently wrote. Some day, when they realize all their freedom's and choices have been removed by the government, and threatened by low information minorities, they may actually wake up and understand what America is all about. We are not a melting pot of cultures, reduced to the exact same level, we are a salad mixing bowl of cultures, each distinct and separate, which occupy and embellish, hopefully, the same aspirations and ideas America has always stood for. Isolating one culture for special treatment is not the American way................
Um, Stan... the flag in question is in Columbia, SC, not Charleston...

Just sayin...

Yea - thanx - just automatically typed Charleston because it was on my mind. Too bad that city was hit by this tragedy, it is, and always has been, one of America's most beloved and beautiful cities. Been there many times.........appreciate your attention to detail................Stan
How many millions of blacks have died thanks to AIDS?

Seems a little odd the gay pride assclowns are up in arms over a Confederate flag, when their own rainbow one promotes Faggotry.
I wonder what has caused more misery and death for blacks in the last 100 years, slavery or a disease spread mostly by homos?
That Confederate Flag was flying over that memorial in Charleston, S.C., the day before the church shootings - suddenly - the Black community finds it offensive? Again I say - get a life..................

More racial hustling from the racial control freaks who pretend to be representing blacks who they say are offended. WRONG! Interesting when we look at a respectable poll (Pew Research Center) of how Americans view the Confederate flag. Most Americans think nothing about it.

And Blacks, whom the flag removers say they are so concerned about, show up in the poll as having only 41% having a negative view of the flag, as opposed to 55% who are not negative to it, and that 55% of blacks includes a 10% group, who view it with a POSITIVE reaction.


Don't they get it?

South Carolina's Confederate Flag Not Lowered to Half-Staff After Massacre

In solemn tribute to the nine people gunned down at a Charleston church, two flags atop the statehouse in Columbia, South Carolina, were lowered to half-staff on Thursday. They will stay there for nine days in honor of each victim.

But in a bewildering display, a Confederate flag on statehouse grounds is still flying high. It wasn't an oversight. It's because of state law, according to reports.

Stubborn Rednecks?

Conservative History Revisionists (Southern Pride)?

The White Pride undercurrent still running strong in the south?

Which is it?

People, this has been going on for two days now. Burn it down, rip it down, flush it down the toilet.


They can't lower it moron, it doesn't have a method of lowering it......what a lying asshole you are.
Wait... wait....someone is taking it down.

No. Nevermind.

Don't they get it?

South Carolina's Confederate Flag Not Lowered to Half-Staff After Massacre

In solemn tribute to the nine people gunned down at a Charleston church, two flags atop the statehouse in Columbia, South Carolina, were lowered to half-staff on Thursday. They will stay there for nine days in honor of each victim.

But in a bewildering display, a Confederate flag on statehouse grounds is still flying high. It wasn't an oversight. It's because of state law, according to reports.

Stubborn Rednecks?

Conservative History Revisionists (Southern Pride)?

The White Pride undercurrent still running strong in the south?

Which is it?

People, this has been going on for two days now. Burn it down, rip it down, flush it down the toilet.


They can't lower it moron, it doesn't have a method of lowering it......what a lying asshole you are.

Just take it down and wipe their asses with it.

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