...and S.C. still flying the white pride traitor confederate flag

First, the flag can not be lowered, it is permanently set at full staff as part of some monument or historical marker of some sort.

Second, the flag can only be removed by a 2/3 vote of the state senate.

Third, it sucks. The flag belongs in a museum.

South Carolina should stick with its tribute to Islam flag


Fourth, is this a joke or do you not understand the symbolism on the South Carolina state flag?

Who's to blame when someone can't tell if something was a joke? The joker or the jokee?

Well, I didn't know what it was until I moved here three years ago...
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Don't they get it?

South Carolina's Confederate Flag Not Lowered to Half-Staff After Massacre

In solemn tribute to the nine people gunned down at a Charleston church, two flags atop the statehouse in Columbia, South Carolina, were lowered to half-staff on Thursday. They will stay there for nine days in honor of each victim.

But in a bewildering display, a Confederate flag on statehouse grounds is still flying high. It wasn't an oversight. It's because of state law, according to reports.

Stubborn Rednecks?

Conservative History Revisionists (Southern Pride)?

The White Pride undercurrent still running strong in the south?

Which is it?

People, this has been going on for two days now. Burn it down, rip it down, flush it down the toilet.

I would like to see a mass burning of the gay flags. Can we just all agree those need to go?
Don't they get it?

South Carolina's Confederate Flag Not Lowered to Half-Staff After Massacre

In solemn tribute to the nine people gunned down at a Charleston church, two flags atop the statehouse in Columbia, South Carolina, were lowered to half-staff on Thursday. They will stay there for nine days in honor of each victim.

But in a bewildering display, a Confederate flag on statehouse grounds is still flying high. It wasn't an oversight. It's because of state law, according to reports.

Stubborn Rednecks?

Conservative History Revisionists (Southern Pride)?

The White Pride undercurrent still running strong in the south?

Which is it?

People, this has been going on for two days now. Burn it down, rip it down, flush it down the toilet.

I would like to see a mass burning of the gay flags. Can we just all agree those need to go?

I second that. In fact I'd like to ban them forever. and then put anyone caught with one in jail
SHUN that slimy leftwing HATE SITE. NEVER click on their links to give them any support of yours. this is the Garbage you get off them
Don't they get it?

South Carolina's Confederate Flag Not Lowered to Half-Staff After Massacre

In solemn tribute to the nine people gunned down at a Charleston church, two flags atop the statehouse in Columbia, South Carolina, were lowered to half-staff on Thursday. They will stay there for nine days in honor of each victim.

But in a bewildering display, a Confederate flag on statehouse grounds is still flying high. It wasn't an oversight. It's because of state law, according to reports.

Stubborn Rednecks?

Conservative History Revisionists (Southern Pride)?

The White Pride undercurrent still running strong in the south?

Which is it?

People, this has been going on for two days now. Burn it down, rip it down, flush it down the toilet.

Damn FINE flag. It's a part of American history. The flag harms no one. The flag hangs from a flagpole, waves in the wind, and causes no one illness, death, nor any financial misfortunes. Does anyone believe that flag will jump down from the pole and attack them? What's to fear? How many have died from a falling flag?

How many died when America stole the land? Are the native Americans bitching about he stars and stripes? How many American flags fly on Indian reservations in America?

America did not steal the land any more so then the NA stole the land when they migrated to the North America. Since time eternal the weaker society was replaced by the stronger society. The time of the NA had passed. Controlling large segments of the country was just not going to fly anymore. they did not adapt and the situation was dealt with.

BUT, if you really think the land stolen by all means give your land back to the nearest NA tribe.
I am not clear on the pride in the display of a flag that brought more death to America then all the other wars combined.

I don't understand trying to raise up a cause that was based on keeping men as slaves, it just makes no moral sense.

I can understand the southerner trying to make some sense as to what happened during the Civil War. I can understand trying to have pride. But in my opinion there are plenty of things for people in the south to be proud, a war over slavery shouldn't be one of them.
I am not clear on the pride in the display of a flag that brought more death to America then all the other wars combined.

I don't understand trying to raise up a cause that was based on keeping men as slaves, it just makes no moral sense.

I can understand the southerner trying to make some sense as to what happened during the Civil War. I can understand trying to have pride. But in my opinion there are plenty of things for people in the south to be proud, a war over slavery shouldn't be one of them.

I'm not certain it is about pride. Granted, I have only been here for three years, but I get no sense that this is the reason for the display at the state house. I get the impression that it is more a matter of descendants wanting their ancestors to be remembered. Much in the same way we have memorials for Vietnam and WWII. You have to remember, the majority of the men who fought on the Confederate side were not slave holders, they were too damn poor.

The flag is not something you see around here in the Charleston area very often, when you do it's almost always on a faux license plate on the front of a vehicle...
This is the American south......blacks are not equal...
..and this state government sanctions it by flying the flag...
....the 'murder boy' got the gun from his dad...who no doubt knew what he'd do eventually
So what it comes down to, the leftist members of this board need to educate themselves about the rules and laws concerning the Confederate flag in S.C. before posting any more threads whining about the flag not being removed or lowered.
This is the American south......blacks are not equal...
..and this state government sanctions it by flying the flag...
....the 'murder boy' got the gun from his dad...who no doubt knew what he'd do eventually

wow, you are one deluded, nasty and hateful human being You're just as dangerous as the shooter was in my book
Don't they get it?

South Carolina's Confederate Flag Not Lowered to Half-Staff After Massacre

In solemn tribute to the nine people gunned down at a Charleston church, two flags atop the statehouse in Columbia, South Carolina, were lowered to half-staff on Thursday. They will stay there for nine days in honor of each victim.

But in a bewildering display, a Confederate flag on statehouse grounds is still flying high. It wasn't an oversight. It's because of state law, according to reports.

Stubborn Rednecks?

Conservative History Revisionists (Southern Pride)?

The White Pride undercurrent still running strong in the south?

Which is it?

People, this has been going on for two days now. Burn it down, rip it down, flush it down the toilet.


The flag of the Conferate states is the flag of the democrat party and they should be ashamed of it...they fought to keep slavery under that flag, killing Republicans fighting to free the slaves. The Republicans fought under the Stars and Stripes, the flag of the United States.......
The Germans don`t need to fly Nazi flags because of their "heritage". They know what it stands for.
We need a real-time streaming Cam on the flag - call it the Shame Cam.

I hear it's not even the correct flag. It's the confederate army war flag or some such shit.

Dopey rednecks can't even get the right racist offensive flag.

Shesh - on how many forum thread's do I have to post it? The flag pictured flying over the Confederate memorial to their Civil War dead - which actually is on state government property - is not the Stars & Bars battle flag - it is the Confederate Naval ensign. All Confederate flags manufactured in modern times use this ensign. You want to put it in the Smithsonian fine by me, the flag and symbol is owned by the United States government, duly surrendered to it in April 1865 at Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia, ending the illegal Confederate States of America.

It used to fly over the state capital building, however, in an agreement between the state legislature and the Black community, to end their boycott activities against South Carolina tourism for flying the flag from the state capital, it was removed from that building, but agreed it could fly over the monument honoring Confederate dead on state property.

It isn't the only place south of the Mason-Dixon Line where a Confederate flag flies over cemeteries or museum's. In Richmond, Virginia, at the "White House Of The Confederacy" that flag flies 24/7/365. The U.S. flag doesn't fly over that downtown museum, despite the fact that Abraham Lincoln after General Lee abandoned the Petersburg - Richmond battlefront - entered the city personally, and sat in Jefferson Davis office chair. That museum contains General Lee's original field tent; uniform; pistol; boots; and saddle. It also contains the uniform General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson was wearing when he was shot mortally by his own pickets at night after the Chancellorsville Battle. The bloodstains are sill visible as is the bullet hole from the mini-ball that hit him. Over South Carolina's memorial to their Civil War dead, that Confederate flag is appropriate - flying it over the Peterson House in Washington, D.C., very inappropriate. The American Civil War was a long, long time ago, we are a different country - that old symbolic flag represent's a country which was not legitimate, and ceased to exist in 1865, end of story.

Albert Woodson (1848-1956) last known Union Army veteran of the Civil War. Was a drummer boy.
James Hard ( 1843-1953) last known Union Army combat veteran of the Civil War.
Pleasant Crump (1847-1951) last known Confederate Army veteran of the Civil War. Also a musician, on the battlefield's like Woodson, but not in combat. The last surviving Confederate soldier who engaged in combat, is claimed by several - but there are no records to substantiate it.

All three men were white, so nobody can trace roots back to slavery, of any dead Confederate soldier, thus, the Confederate flag flying over that memorial in Charleston, S.C., shouldn't upset anybody. The South Carolina Black community agreed to it.

BTW, the majority of the dead left behind at Gettysburg, who were Confederate's, the last battle fought on Union territory, instead of the disputed Confederate territory of the war, were located, identified, and recovered, with the majority of them being transferred to Confederate War cemeteries in Richmond, Virginia, Raleigh, North Carolina, and yes Charleston, S.C. About 1,000 who were interred, including a brave Confederate General, shot and killed on Cemetery Hill in the closing moments of the battle, were buried in the Soldiers Cemetery at Gettysburg, and remain there. Union soldiers were so moved by the Confederate General's bravery in battle, they buried him themselves on Cemetery Ridge, in their lines, and his body was disinterred and moved to the Confederate section, which isn't marked, at Gettysburg. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is directed at the memory of Union veteran's of that battle only.

Get a life - that flag over the memorial in Charleston, S.C. has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with some crazy murdering people in a Black church in the same city, anymore than the American flag flying over the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut motivated that crazy to murder 27 1st and 2nd grade children.......that the Black community consider's the flag distasteful is actually rather funny, considering that they allow their male children, adults and entertainers, to walk around in public with jeans down to their knees, and their underwear covering their butts in public - which the dummies don't know is a jailhouse symbol advertising that the person appearing that way is soliciting homosexual advances...........I find that distasteful - but see it every day. If they put as much effort into raising their offspring with respect for legitimate authority and value for education, as they do in crying foul over the least little imagined snub by anybody, America, and that culture, would be in much better shape today. That Confederate Flag was flying over that memorial in Charleston, S.C., the day before the church shootings - suddenly - the Black community finds it offensive? Again I say - get a life..................
Confederate flag opponents are nothing but ignorant. They don't even realize that we are a collection of states, each with it's own rules, heritage and legacy. They are brainwashed by the collectivism of the statism of democrat left wing propaganda and can't get their heads out of that box.
South Carolina's heritage is South Carolina's heritage and ignorant northern democrat leftists just can't deal with not being able to control something that is not theirs and that they're too ignorant to understand.
Stop with the democrat nazi fascist censorship book burning already.
We need a real-time streaming Cam on the flag - call it the Shame Cam.

I hear it's not even the correct flag. It's the confederate army war flag or some such shit.

Dopey rednecks can't even get the right racist offensive flag.

Shesh - on how many forum thread's do I have to post it? The flag pictured flying over the Confederate memorial to their Civil War dead - which actually is on state government property - is not the Stars & Bars battle flag - it is the Confederate Naval ensign. All Confederate flags manufactured in modern times use this ensign. You want to put it in the Smithsonian fine by me, the flag and symbol is owned by the United States government, duly surrendered to it in April 1865 at Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia, ending the illegal Confederate States of America.

It used to fly over the state capital building, however, in an agreement between the state legislature and the Black community, to end their boycott activities against South Carolina tourism for flying the flag from the state capital, it was removed from that building, but agreed it could fly over the monument honoring Confederate dead on state property.

It isn't the only place south of the Mason-Dixon Line where a Confederate flag flies over cemeteries or museum's. In Richmond, Virginia, at the "White House Of The Confederacy" that flag flies 24/7/365. The U.S. flag doesn't fly over that downtown museum, despite the fact that Abraham Lincoln after General Lee abandoned the Petersburg - Richmond battlefront - entered the city personally, and sat in Jefferson Davis office chair. That museum contains General Lee's original field tent; uniform; pistol; boots; and saddle. It also contains the uniform General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson was wearing when he was shot mortally by his own pickets at night after the Chancellorsville Battle. The bloodstains are sill visible as is the bullet hole from the mini-ball that hit him. Over South Carolina's memorial to their Civil War dead, that Confederate flag is appropriate - flying it over the Peterson House in Washington, D.C., very inappropriate. The American Civil War was a long, long time ago, we are a different country - that old symbolic flag represent's a country which was not legitimate, and ceased to exist in 1865, end of story.

Albert Woodson (1848-1956) last known Union Army veteran of the Civil War. Was a drummer boy.
James Hard ( 1843-1953) last known Union Army combat veteran of the Civil War.
Pleasant Crump (1847-1951) last known Confederate Army veteran of the Civil War. Also a musician, on the battlefield's like Woodson, but not in combat. The last surviving Confederate soldier who engaged in combat, is claimed by several - but there are no records to substantiate it.

All three men were white, so nobody can trace roots back to slavery, of any dead Confederate soldier, thus, the Confederate flag flying over that memorial in Charleston, S.C., shouldn't upset anybody. The South Carolina Black community agreed to it.

BTW, the majority of the dead left behind at Gettysburg, who were Confederate's, the last battle fought on Union territory, instead of the disputed Confederate territory of the war, were located, identified, and recovered, with the majority of them being transferred to Confederate War cemeteries in Richmond, Virginia, Raleigh, North Carolina, and yes Charleston, S.C. About 1,000 who were interred, including a brave Confederate General, shot and killed on Cemetery Hill in the closing moments of the battle, were buried in the Soldiers Cemetery at Gettysburg, and remain there. Union soldiers were so moved by the Confederate General's bravery in battle, they buried him themselves on Cemetery Ridge, in their lines, and his body was disinterred and moved to the Confederate section, which isn't marked, at Gettysburg. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is directed at the memory of Union veteran's of that battle only.

Get a life - that flag over the memorial in Charleston, S.C. has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with some crazy murdering people in a Black church in the same city, anymore than the American flag flying over the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut motivated that crazy to murder 27 1st and 2nd grade children.......that the Black community consider's the flag distasteful is actually rather funny, considering that they allow their male children, adults and entertainers, to walk around in public with jeans down to their knees, and their underwear covering their butts in public - which the dummies don't know is a jailhouse symbol advertising that the person appearing that way is soliciting homosexual advances...........I find that distasteful - but see it every day. If they put as much effort into raising their offspring with respect for legitimate authority and value for education, as they do in crying foul over the least little imagined snub by anybody, America, and that culture, would be in much better shape today. That Confederate Flag was flying over that memorial in Charleston, S.C., the day before the church shootings - suddenly - the Black community finds it offensive? Again I say - get a life..................
Actually, the low hanging pants thing is not a jailhouse homo thing. It is called jailin' and emerged as a protest of the disproportionate number of blacks being incarcerated (never mind the disproportionate amount of crime which warrants the incarceration). Since they take your belt away upon incarceration to prevent harm to yourself or another, the thinking is that your pants won't stay up as a result. So the contrivance of falling pants is to symbolize the removal of the belt and to protest.

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