And so the Ad-wars against Republican anti-immigration-reform stance begin.

GOP Asian vote 2004: 44 percent

GOP Asian vote 2008: 38 percent

GOP Asian vote 2012: 27 percent

I wonder how the Democrats gifted Asians.


nothing remains the same forever


Losing his Voting Base: Poll Shows Obama's Approval ...
Dec 6, 2013 - ... Base: Poll Shows Obama's Approval Plummeting with Key Groups for ... Poll released on Thursday, President Obama is losing ground with ...
deportation or forcible transfer of population;

If I was trying to deport millions of Mexicans from their homes in Mexico, you'd have a point.
Deporting them from the US is just common sense.

Do you have any clue that you sound just like those newsreels from the 1940's that were used to justify the mass deportation of entire populations in Europe?

In the 1940s they were deporting illegal aliens? LOL!
What the hell are you talking about Todd? You really can't see the comparison? Beautiful.

I see the moronic comparison and I'm mocking it.
It's not a moronic comparison. Portraying all illegal immigrants as criminals and low lives? Saying they're stealing jobs? Saying they can use welfare?

It's not a moronic comparison.

Comparing something the Soviets did, moving millions from their home republics while moving in millions of ethnic Russians, cannot be compared to deporting people who illegally entered the US.

The fact that you idiots do is amusing.

Portraying all illegal immigrants as criminals and low lives?

They aren't all lowlifes, they are all criminals.
Republicans have forced themselves into a damned if you do/damned if you don't situation

Allow 11 million hispanics to eventually become citizens and most will vote Democratic
Continue to block a fail solution to illegal immigration and you will lose the 27% that now vote Republican

Either way........Florida, Texas and Arizona turn Democratic

yes idiot; how did Operation Battleground Texas turn out?


The clock is ticking in Texas and it does not look good for it remaining a red state. Hispanics are a third of the population and are outbreeding their lilly white contemporaries. Hispanics are pouring over the border and setting up roots in Texas. Much like the original Texans poured into the state to take it away from the Mexicans, Mexicans are doing the same

tick tock tick tock. you'll be waiting a while dummy...........................

At 37% it may still be a while
Republicans will still take Texas in 2016. By 2024 you will see Texas being competitive. By 2028 Texas will be a swing state
By 2050 ...Texas will be blue

You can try to deport millions of people but since that would be a crime against humanity


you will have to go through me and millions of my fellow Americans to make that happen.

If you say so, Nancy.

This country is not a police state

With no borders, we're not even a country.

Typical ignorant extremist rightwinger!

ICC - What are crimes against humanity?

What are crimes against humanity?

“Crimes against humanity” include any of the following acts committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack:

  • murder;
  • extermination;
  • enslavement;
  • deportation or forcible transfer of population;
  • imprisonment;
  • torture;
  • rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity;
  • persecution against an identifiable group on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious or gender grounds;
  • enforced disappearance of persons;
  • the crime of apartheid;
  • other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering or serious bodily or mental injury.

deportation or forcible transfer of population;

If I was trying to deport millions of Mexicans from their homes in Mexico, you'd have a point.
Deporting them from the US is just common sense.

Do you have any clue that you sound just like those newsreels from the 1940's that were used to justify the mass deportation of entire populations in Europe?

In the 1940s they were deporting illegal aliens? LOL!
What the hell are you talking about Todd? You really can't see the comparison? Beautiful.

They're almost identical, arent' they?


your idiotic talking points rely on the premise that any given minority will always be in the Dem fold.

as you can see things ebb and flow and things CAN change

Recent Polls Show Obama Losing Ground with Hispanics ...
Dec 12, 2013 - Recent Polls Show Obama Losing Ground with Hispanics ... of Obamacare, that decline has been more pronounced with several key groups of ...
Do you have any clue that you sound just like those newsreels from the 1940's that were used to justify the mass deportation of entire populations in Europe?

In the 1940s they were deporting illegal aliens? LOL!
What the hell are you talking about Todd? You really can't see the comparison? Beautiful.

I see the moronic comparison and I'm mocking it.
It's not a moronic comparison. Portraying all illegal immigrants as criminals and low lives? Saying they're stealing jobs? Saying they can use welfare?

It's not a moronic comparison.

Comparing something the Soviets did, moving millions from their home republics while moving in millions of ethnic Russians, cannot be compared to deporting people who illegally entered the US.

The fact that you idiots do is amusing.

Portraying all illegal immigrants as criminals and low lives?

They aren't all lowlifes, they are all criminals.
I won't call them criminals in the way you guys try to paint them.
Every killing of an innocent American by an illegal will wipe out millions of bought Democrat "anti-immigrant" propaganda against the Right

More fear mongering from the right

They have changed "Mexicans are coming here to work" to "Mexicans are coming here to kill and rape our women"
For many on the right more "brown people" speaking Spanish is seen as a "threat."

If millions of low skilled Norwegians were coming here illegally and straining our social services, I'd still want them gone.
Every killing of an innocent American by an illegal will wipe out millions of bought Democrat "anti-immigrant" propaganda against the Right

More fear mongering from the right

They have changed "Mexicans are coming here to work" to "Mexicans are coming here to kill and rape our women"
For many on the right more "brown people" speaking Spanish is seen as a "threat."

If millions of low skilled Norwegians were coming here illegally and straining our social services, I'd still want them gone.
How are they straining social services they can't even use in the first place since they're not citizens?
Every killing of an innocent American by an illegal will wipe out millions of bought Democrat "anti-immigrant" propaganda against the Right

More fear mongering from the right

They have changed "Mexicans are coming here to work" to "Mexicans are coming here to kill and rape our women"
For many on the right more "brown people" speaking Spanish is seen as a "threat."

If millions of low skilled Norwegians were coming here illegally and straining our social services, I'd still want them gone.
How are they straining social services they can't even use in the first place since they're not citizens?

because they do; and you're an idiot who lies to himself????
You can try to deport millions of people but since that would be a crime against humanity


you will have to go through me and millions of my fellow Americans to make that happen.

If you say so, Nancy.

This country is not a police state

With no borders, we're not even a country.

Typical ignorant extremist rightwinger!

ICC - What are crimes against humanity?

What are crimes against humanity?

“Crimes against humanity” include any of the following acts committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack:

  • murder;
  • extermination;
  • enslavement;
  • deportation or forcible transfer of population;
  • imprisonment;
  • torture;
  • rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity;
  • persecution against an identifiable group on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious or gender grounds;
  • enforced disappearance of persons;
  • the crime of apartheid;
  • other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering or serious bodily or mental injury.

deportation or forcible transfer of population;

If I was trying to deport millions of Mexicans from their homes in Mexico, you'd have a point.
Deporting them from the US is just common sense.

Do you have any clue that you sound just like those newsreels from the 1940's that were used to justify the mass deportation of entire populations in Europe?

In the 1940s they were deporting illegal aliens? LOL!

They were committing crimes against humanity exactly like the one you are proposing to do.

They were committing crimes against humanity

Transferring a population out of their own country is a war crime.
Transferring them back to their own country is not.
GOP Asian vote 2004: 44 percent

GOP Asian vote 2008: 38 percent

GOP Asian vote 2012: 27 percent

I wonder how the Democrats gifted Asians.


nothing remains the same forever


Losing his Voting Base: Poll Shows Obama's Approval ...
Dec 6, 2013 - ... Base: Poll Shows Obama's Approval Plummeting with Key Groups for ... Poll released on Thursday, President Obama is losing ground with ...

I think his post shows things are not remaining the same for Republicans as they lose another key demographic......this one not looking for "free stuff"
We do have a border, and thanks for admitting you'd love a police state. You disagree deportation of millions of people and children who just want a better life to shit holes is a crime against humanity?

We do have a border, and thanks for admitting you'd love a police state.

You'll have to show me proof of your claim.

You disagree deportation of millions of people and children who just want a better life to shit holes is a crime against humanity.

You're silly. Why aren't you fixing the shit holes?
A good way to improve Mexico is to end the drug war, this would actually help both countries, and we should work more closely with the government in Mexico, foreign aid is a good thing. There literally is a border, are you an idiot?

A good way to improve Mexico is to end the drug war,

Fine, build a real wall, deport 11 million illegals (at least) and end the drug war. You've got a deal.

thanks for admitting you'd love a police state.

You'll have to show me proof of your claim.
Build a "real" wall? What's a real wall? How do you propose hunting down and deporting millions of people? How much would this cost?

Notice how those that screech about "big government spending" don't have a problem wasting hundreds of billions on a wall and deportations of millions of people.

Saving billions after they're deported isn't a problem.

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