And So, With Charleston, The Cries To Ban Guns Resume ...

Save us from your bogus Nazi comparisons

You are embarassing yourself

You know...that actually matter what you and your denier friends believe....innocent people, unarmed...were murdered by their governments.....many European governments handed over people to the nazis for the death camps....but they had gun control......
Yet you cannot point to a single example in all of Europe where citizens with guns were able to prevent the Nazis from executing their final solution

I can point to examples where Nazis wiped out entire towns where someone was shooting at them

Switzerland.......their citizens being armed kept the nazis from attacking......and none of their Jews went to death camps.....moron....

The Nazis were not afraid to attack the Soviet Union but they were afraid of.....Switzerland?

They weren't worth the effort....the Russians had the land the nazis wanted...had they been easy pickings, they would have been walked over like the rest of Europe....

Now you are getting closer. Switzerland was not worth the effort and Switzerland was willing to make political capitulations to the Nazis to save their asses
Perfect, a thread that accuses "the left aka the boogeyman" of wanting something they dont want.

This is when you choose one wack a doodle and claim that person is a representative for the left.

Individuality? Whats that?

Come on, let's be honest now, you know as well as anyone else that a good deal of the left would be all for banning guns if they could.
Long before this incident, that has been the case.

Lol...once again someone just says something could be true if blah blah which's not true at all.

Blame it on "the left" they are "coming to take your guns" by not taking them....because some idiots believe it dispite there being nothing.

You know the right would make every girl have a rape baby....IF THEY COULD. Lol. ...same stupidity.
What we've got here is failure to communicate. The Left has failed to change the Constitution by arbitrary means, but it doesn't seem to compute.

The 2nd Amendment stands. The guns are out there. You will never get them back. Any attempt to ban citizen gun ownership would be met with guffaws, and be ignored.

I mean, who would turn them in?

hilary is the next line of attack....she is going to appoint more Supreme Court judges...they will attack gun rights for the left.....

Guns surrendered to police agencies have been very successful in civilized regions of our country. One more area where you seem ignorant of facts. And once again you post nothing of substance and nothing an average parrot couldn't do.
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That is an example of the far left. Fortunately it is a minority faction in the Democratic Party.

Too funny. The current Democratic Party as a group is the most whacked out bunch of addle-brained freaks to come down the pike since Heaven's Gate.

It is a common characteristic of the right in general, and ubiquitous of the Crazy Right Wing (CRW) to accuse liberals, Democrats, progressives and anyone who believes in the Social Contract of being and doing what they are and what they do.

This rant by B_K puts him squarely into the set of the CRW, known also as callous conservatives, those persons solely focused on their rights, and not the rights of others.

Notice, readily apparent in this thread, that the gun lovers almost never place any focus on the victims of gun violence; they rarely leave even the impression that they have empathy for the innocent victims slaughtered with one of the toys they covet - even to suggest their toys be complicit with the act of the murderer sends them into an emotional catharsis.
"And So, With Charleston, The Cries To Ban Guns Resume ..."

Another ridiculous lie from the right.

No one is advocating guns be 'banned.'

Your ignorance once again is on full display. Look up incremental as it relates to a process and get back with me.

This rant by B_K puts him squarely into the set of the CRW, known also as callous conservatives, those persons solely focused on their rights, and not the rights of others.

Too funny. What rights of others? Be specific.
You don't have a right to not do something A right is something you either choose to execute or choose to defer.

Think of it when it comes to faggots.

You either choose to puff Peter or not. That's a right I choose to defer. However. because one has a right to hump a chicken doesn't mean that right in someway feeds into other established rights. Lol

He asked you to cite anything from any of the people who wrote, debated and /or ratified the Constitution/BoR that contradicts the holding and/or majority opinion in Heller.
Can you or can you not do so?
Be honest, how.
Nope can't.
And so, your point regarding the 5-4 nature of Heller is doubly meaningless.
By my count, that leaves you with... nothing.
Prove to me the wording in the Second would be the same today, if the mass murder of innocents during the past 50 years were part of their life experience.
Irrelevant. The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.
In order to make thhttp://US launches TWENTY NINE air strikes over Syria and Iraq in blitz against ISIS Daily Mail Online partisan point tge
The far RW must throw out the term "Ban Guns", when very few people advocate that position. But it would be nice to keep guns out of the hands if psychopath killers. The RWers and the NRA don't want to hear about it.
There is an answer, but unless we can talk about it, the killings will continue.
I am all for any 'abswer" that does two things:
1: Prevents criminals, et al,from getting guns
2: Does not infringe upon the rights of the law abiding.
Your ideas to that end...?
Notice, readily apparent in this thread, that the gun lovers almost never place any focus on the victims of gun violence; they rarely leave even the impression that they have empathy for the innocent victims slaughtered with one of the toys they covet - even to suggest their toys be complicit with the act of the murderer sends them into an emotional catharsis.
Tha's because, unlike anti-gun loons, we do not argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Actually, with the left screaming for more gun control, I find the following information interesting...

Owning a Gun in M xico

Owning a Gun in México

Last Update 9 November 2012

In the last decade there have been some changes in the gun laws of México. There may be more in the future, so this article should be viewed as a general guide, not the definitive word on the subject. The only place where you can get THE word on gun ownership is from your nearest army base.


Mexico's gun laws are quite restrictive, and extremelyharsh if you run afoul of them.

Temporary gun import licenses for sporting purposes may be issued to tourists, discussed below. Mexican law provides penalties of at least five to as many as 30 years in prison for tourists who attempt to bring a firearm, or even a single round of ammunition, into Mexico without prior permission. In the past, the law was enforced harshly, even in cases where the violation was accidental. In December 1998 the Mexican Congress enacted legislation relaxing the law for first-time, unintentional violations involving only a single gun. Now, first-timers will be fined $1,000 dollars, but not imprisoned. The exemption does not apply for prohibited guns -- any handgun above .380 in caliber, as well as a wide variety of rifles

Ownership law

The Mexican Constitution says:

Article 10 - The inhabitants of the United Mexican States have the right to possess arms in their residences for their security and legitimate defense with the exception of those prohibited by federal law, and those reserved for the exclusive use of the military. Federal law will determine the cases, conditions, requisites, and places in which the bearing of arms by inhabitants will be authorized.

“The inhabitants of the United Mexican States” means Mexican citizens and, as defined in other laws, foreign citizens who hold a valid immigration status beyond FMM.

Mexican federal law regarding firearms and explosives (Ley Federal de Armas de Fuego y Explosivos) ishere. Note in particular Article 27:

Article 27. The right to carry arms will only be authorized for foreigners when, in addition to satisfying the requirements indicated in the previous article, they accredit their status of "Inmigrado" except in the case of temporary license permits for tourists with sports-related intentions. Visitors/tourists (Visitante) do not have gun rights without a license. This license is only issued for "sporting purposes."

The privilege of carrying a firearm outside of one's home is limited to what is authorized by Mexican federal law. Mexican citizens and a Residente Permanente can apply for a carry permit. Convincing evidence must be presented showing why a carry permit is needed. Such a permit is very hard to get. There are work-arounds by membership in a hunting or gun club as discussed below.

All privately-owned firearms must be registered with the Mexican army.

Owning a gun for personal protection

If you decide to get a gun for protection in your home, you better be prepared to take a human life and be able to live with the consequences. Among those are facing retaliation by the dead man’s family. This is no small threat. If you kill a man, or especially a boy, you can expect big trouble from the family. You also can also expect a long and expensive legal battle to prove that your action was justified.

Types of guns allowed

Article 11 of Ley Federal de Armas de Fuego y Explosivoslists prohibited "military firearms" in México.

They include:

full-auto and semi-auto handguns larger than 380

revolver .357 Magnum or larger

rifles larger than .30 caliber

shotguns larger than 12ga or with a barrel shorter than 25".

Allowed hand gun calibers are .380 auto, .38 and .22.

Allowed long guns: rifles no larger the 30 caliber; shotguns 12, 20 and 410 with barrels longer than 25”

Buying from the government

There is only one legal gun store in the country; it’s at an army base in Mexico City. There you can legally buy a gun and get a 24 to 72 hour transport permit back to your home. You can buy two boxes of ammo with the gun. You will need a letter from the local police department attesting that you have no criminal record. You will also need your immigration document (or voter ID card if you are a citizen) and passport with copies, your CURP and proof of address. When you arrive at the army base you will not be allowed to enter with any electronic device – cell phone, computer, camera, etc.

Buying from a private person

You can buy from a private citizen, but you must register the gun at the nearest army post.

Registering a gun

You must fill out an application which you can get at any army base. In addition to the completed application, you will need your immigration document (or voter ID card if you are a citizen) and passport with copies, your CURP and proof of address. When you have all of this, you may then transport the weapon to the Army base for registration. The registration application is your permit to transport the gun to the base. The gun must be in a box or wrapped so that it is not visible. The approved application will serve as your carry permit on the way home. Thereafter, you must not take the gun out of the house without a special carry permit.

Carry permits

The right to keep arms in your home is not the right to transport them outside your home; this is a crime. If you want to target practice or engage in competitive shooting or hunting, you will need to be a member of a gun or hunting club that can arrange the proper permissions. Even then there are restrictions on days and places you can transport.

Mexico vs United States Crime Stats Compared
This link shows Mexico's murder rate is much higher than the murder rate in the US.....

Any questions?
What we've got here is failure to communicate. The Left has failed to change the Constitution by arbitrary means, but it doesn't seem to compute.

The 2nd Amendment stands. The guns are out there. You will never get them back. Any attempt to ban citizen gun ownership would be met with guffaws, and be ignored.

I mean, who would turn them in?

Your premise is wrong.

There is no effort to ban guns.

Common sense strongly suggests some form of gun control is necessary. What form that takes cannot be debated because fools believe gun control is a slippery slope to total banishment.

Lucky for the Gun/Ammunition/NRA Complex that so many fools continue to parrot the BIG LIE, that is, "THEY want to take away your guns".

"Common sense strongly suggests some form of gun control is necessary. What form that takes cannot be debated because fools believe gun control is a slippery slope to total banishment."

It does? Just what common sense suggests that?

If you have to ask ... maybe common sense isn't so common.
What we've got here is failure to communicate. The Left has failed to change the Constitution by arbitrary means, but it doesn't seem to compute.

The 2nd Amendment stands. The guns are out there. You will never get them back. Any attempt to ban citizen gun ownership would be met with guffaws, and be ignored.

I mean, who would turn them in?

Your premise is wrong.

There is no effort to ban guns.

Common sense strongly suggests some form of gun control is necessary. What form that takes cannot be debated because fools believe gun control is a slippery slope to total banishment.

Lucky for the Gun/Ammunition/NRA Complex that so many fools continue to parrot the BIG LIE, that is, "THEY want to take away your guns".

"Common sense strongly suggests some form of gun control is necessary. What form that takes cannot be debated because fools believe gun control is a slippery slope to total banishment."

It does? Just what common sense suggests that?

If you have to ask ... maybe common sense isn't so common.

Guess that means you don't have an answer, huh?
The left says we need more gun control ... the right says you're trying to take our guns.

My challenge to the left - what new laws would you pass that would have prevented Charleston, or any others?

My challenge to the right - what changes in gun laws would you be willing to accept?
The left says we need more gun control ... the right says you're trying to take our guns.
My challenge to the left - what new laws would you pass that would have prevented Charleston, or any others?
My challenge to the right - what changes in gun laws would you be willing to accept?
I'm perfectly willing to discuss and possibly even accept any gun control law that does two things:
1: Prevents criminals, et al, from getting guns
2: Does not infringe on the rights of the law abiding.
My challenge to you: propose such a law.
What we've got here is failure to communicate. The Left has failed to change the Constitution by arbitrary means, but it doesn't seem to compute.

The 2nd Amendment stands. The guns are out there. You will never get them back. Any attempt to ban citizen gun ownership would be met with guffaws, and be ignored.

I mean, who would turn them in?

Get this through your pinhead.


We want to make it harder for criminals, wife beaters, dishonorable discharges, and crazy racists to get and possess them.

It is already illegal for them to own or possess a firearm.
It is also a felony to lie on federal form 4473.
And NICS can find out in 10 minutes if you are not able to possess a firearm.
What pending law would've stopped that evil freak from murdering those 9 people?
How to Ban Guns: A step by step, long term processtered their guns.

Weh-heh-hell, I thought you people didn't want to ban guns.

Which is it?
Which is what – a post with no link, something that could have been written by anyone, not representative of any group; you're as much an idiot as a liar.

hey, shit-for-brains, it is from the DAILY KOS.
How to Ban Guns A step by step long term process

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