And So, With Charleston, The Cries To Ban Guns Resume ...

What we've got here is failure to communicate. The Left has failed to change the Constitution by arbitrary means, but it doesn't seem to compute.

The 2nd Amendment stands. The guns are out there. You will never get them back. Any attempt to ban citizen gun ownership would be met with guffaws, and be ignored.

I mean, who would turn them in?

Get this through your pinhead.


We want to make it harder for criminals, wife beaters, dishonorable discharges, and crazy racists to get and possess them.

Right, if you like you guns you can keep your guns
The dad may very well have given his kid with a felony a gun....he is now going to jail how did that stop the killings...?

Father has to register gun with state.
Father gives gun, must fill out transfer of ownership.
Name goes into state computer - BZZZZT!!! Warning, warning, warning....

Local police get notice that felon man now be in possession of gun.

Police go to his house.

Take his gun.

Think about the airport checkpoints. If you left one wide open with no TSA agents and no scanners, which one do you think the criminals would use???? DuH!!

And if the father gives the son a gun and doesn't fill out the transfer...moron.....the outcome is the same...why don't you anti gun extremists think through your stupid laws........

If you spent half as much time figuring out how to stop criminals you might actually do something relevant....the only way to stop gun crime is to arrest the criminal who commits the crime with the gun...just like here. The father must have knowingly given the gun to his felon son...if what we are told is he is now on the hook for further laws necessary, no further paperwork is necessary......

You anti gun extremists are obsessed with uneccessary paperwork....
When will America stand up and say


we have...we have seen Europe..,they marched 12 million innocent, unarmed people to death camps...from all of the various European countries including France....and we as Americans have said...never again.....
Save us from your bogus Nazi comparisons

You are embarassing yourself

You know...that actually matter what you and your denier friends believe....innocent people, unarmed...were murdered by their governments.....many European governments handed over people to the nazis for the death camps....but they had gun control......
Yet you cannot point to a single example in all of Europe where citizens with guns were able to prevent the Nazis from executing their final solution

I can point to examples where Nazis wiped out entire towns where someone was shooting at them

Switzerland.......their citizens being armed kept the nazis from attacking......and none of their Jews went to death camps.....moron....
And by the way dipshit.....obama and hilary.....they want to ban guns........get that through your fucking pinhead...moron...

Never said it.

They never said they wanted to ban all guns.

You are a lying sack of shit.

A smelly one at that.

Obama told John Lott when they were both at the University of Chicago that Americans shouldn't own guns.....he and hilary are gun banners.........and you are a dumb ass for thinking other wise....oh, I have a bridge over swampland that I want to sell........

The discredited gun nutter? Lott?

The guy who falsified data?

The debunked "more guns" asshole?


Yes...the guy you assholes can't you lie and smear...asshat.....

Lott's a proven liar and a joke.

Look he's out there making a fool of himself today ---> Discredited Gun Researcher John Lott Botches S.C. Law To Blame Charleston Church Shooting On Gun-Free Zone Blog Media Matters for America

O.k. genius.....tell me how Lott is wrong....
Never said it.

They never said they wanted to ban all guns.

You are a lying sack of shit.

A smelly one at that.

Obama told John Lott when they were both at the University of Chicago that Americans shouldn't own guns.....he and hilary are gun banners.........and you are a dumb ass for thinking other wise....oh, I have a bridge over swampland that I want to sell........

The discredited gun nutter? Lott?

The guy who falsified data?

The debunked "more guns" asshole?


Yes...the guy you assholes can't you lie and smear...asshat.....

Lott's a proven liar and a joke.

Look he's out there making a fool of himself today ---> Discredited Gun Researcher John Lott Botches S.C. Law To Blame Charleston Church Shooting On Gun-Free Zone Blog Media Matters for America

O.k. genius.....tell me how Lott is wrong....

Also..that is exactly how it works in Illinois as church is a gun free zone...they posted the legal sign making it one...but my instructors friend...a Lutheran pastor, a firearms instructor, will not ban guns in his church....
What we've got here is failure to communicate. The Left has failed to change the Constitution by arbitrary means, but it doesn't seem to compute.

The 2nd Amendment stands. The guns are out there. You will never get them back. Any attempt to ban citizen gun ownership would be met with guffaws, and be ignored.

I mean, who would turn them in?

Your premise is wrong.

There is no effort to ban guns.

Common sense strongly suggests some form of gun control is necessary. What form that takes cannot be debated because fools believe gun control is a slippery slope to total banishment.

Lucky for the Gun/Ammunition/NRA Complex that so many fools continue to parrot the BIG LIE, that is, "THEY want to take away your guns".

"Common sense strongly suggests some form of gun control is necessary. What form that takes cannot be debated because fools believe gun control is a slippery slope to total banishment."

It does? Just what common sense suggests that?
What we've got here is failure to communicate. The Left has failed to change the Constitution by arbitrary means, but it doesn't seem to compute.

The 2nd Amendment stands. The guns are out there. You will never get them back. Any attempt to ban citizen gun ownership would be met with guffaws, and be ignored.

I mean, who would turn them in?

Your premise is wrong.

There is no effort to ban guns.

Common sense strongly suggests some form of gun control is necessary. What form that takes cannot be debated because fools believe gun control is a slippery slope to total banishment.

Lucky for the Gun/Ammunition/NRA Complex that so many fools continue to parrot the BIG LIE, that is, "THEY want to take away your guns".

"Common sense strongly suggests some form of gun control is necessary. What form that takes cannot be debated because fools believe gun control is a slippery slope to total banishment."

It does? Just what common sense suggests that?

Yes....try to explain to the British and Australians how their slippery slope was a foolish belief....
When will America stand up and say


we have...we have seen Europe..,they marched 12 million innocent, unarmed people to death camps...from all of the various European countries including France....and we as Americans have said...never again.....
Save us from your bogus Nazi comparisons

You are embarassing yourself

You know...that actually matter what you and your denier friends believe....innocent people, unarmed...were murdered by their governments.....many European governments handed over people to the nazis for the death camps....but they had gun control......
Yet you cannot point to a single example in all of Europe where citizens with guns were able to prevent the Nazis from executing their final solution

I can point to examples where Nazis wiped out entire towns where someone was shooting at them

Here you go....from PBS no less......


That is why the Nazis despised Switzerland. Joseph Goebbels called Switzerland "this stinking little state" where "sentiment has turned very much against us." Adolf Hitler decided that "all the rubbish of small nations still existing in Europe must be liquidated," even if it meant he would later "be attacked as the 'Butcher of the Swiss.'"

The 1940 Nazi invasion plan, Operation Tannenbaum, was not executed, and SS Oberst Hermann Bohme's 1943 memorandum warned that an invasion of Switzerland would be too costly because every man was armed and trained to shoot. This did not stop the Gestapo from preparing lists of Swiss to be liquidated once the Nazis overran the country.

The other European nations were easily toppled and had little means to wage a partisan war against the occupation. Once their standing armies were defeated, the governments capitulated and the populaces were defenseless.

Only in Switzerland was the entire populace armed and prepared to wage a relentless guerrilla war against an invader. When the war began in 1939, Switzerland mobilized 435,000 citizen soldiers out of a population of 4.2 million. Production figures for Swiss service rifles, which had firepower equal to those of the Germans, demonstrate an ample supply of small arms. Swiss militiamen were instructed to disregard any alleged "official" surrender as enemy propaganda and, if necessary, to fight individually. This meant that a nation of sharpshooters would be sniping at German soldiers at long ranges from every mountain.

There was no Holocaust on Swiss soil, something that can not be said for France, the Netherlands, Poland or most of Europe.

What we've got here is failure to communicate. The Left has failed to change the Constitution by arbitrary means, but it doesn't seem to compute.

The 2nd Amendment stands. The guns are out there. You will never get them back. Any attempt to ban citizen gun ownership would be met with guffaws, and be ignored.

I mean, who would turn them in?

Your premise is wrong.

There is no effort to ban guns.

Common sense strongly suggests some form of gun control is necessary. What form that takes cannot be debated because fools believe gun control is a slippery slope to total banishment.

Lucky for the Gun/Ammunition/NRA Complex that so many fools continue to parrot the BIG LIE, that is, "THEY want to take away your guns".

"Common sense strongly suggests some form of gun control is necessary. What form that takes cannot be debated because fools believe gun control is a slippery slope to total banishment."

It does? Just what common sense suggests that?

If you have to ask ... maybe common sense isn't so common.
Perfect, a thread that accuses "the left aka the boogeyman" of wanting something they dont want.

This is when you choose one wack a doodle and claim that person is a representative for the left.

Individuality? Whats that?

Come on, let's be honest now, you know as well as anyone else that a good deal of the left would be all for banning guns if they could.
Long before this incident, that has been the case.
That is an example of the far left. Fortunately it is a minority faction in the Democratic Party.

Too funny. The current Democratic Party as a group is the most whacked out bunch of addle-brained freaks to come down the pike since Heaven's Gate.
When will America stand up and say


we have...we have seen Europe..,they marched 12 million innocent, unarmed people to death camps...from all of the various European countries including France....and we as Americans have said...never again.....
Save us from your bogus Nazi comparisons

You are embarassing yourself

You know...that actually matter what you and your denier friends believe....innocent people, unarmed...were murdered by their governments.....many European governments handed over people to the nazis for the death camps....but they had gun control......
Yet you cannot point to a single example in all of Europe where citizens with guns were able to prevent the Nazis from executing their final solution

I can point to examples where Nazis wiped out entire towns where someone was shooting at them

Switzerland.......their citizens being armed kept the nazis from attacking......and none of their Jews went to death camps.....moron....

The Nazis were not afraid to attack the Soviet Union but they were afraid of.....Switzerland?
we have...we have seen Europe..,they marched 12 million innocent, unarmed people to death camps...from all of the various European countries including France....and we as Americans have said...never again.....
Save us from your bogus Nazi comparisons

You are embarassing yourself

You know...that actually matter what you and your denier friends believe....innocent people, unarmed...were murdered by their governments.....many European governments handed over people to the nazis for the death camps....but they had gun control......
Yet you cannot point to a single example in all of Europe where citizens with guns were able to prevent the Nazis from executing their final solution

I can point to examples where Nazis wiped out entire towns where someone was shooting at them

Switzerland.......their citizens being armed kept the nazis from attacking......and none of their Jews went to death camps.....moron....

The Nazis were not afraid to attack the Soviet Union but they were afraid of.....Switzerland?

They weren't worth the effort....the Russians had the land the nazis wanted...had they been easy pickings, they would have been walked over like the rest of Europe....

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