And So, With Charleston, The Cries To Ban Guns Resume ...

Your too funny (as in odd and ill informed). The Bill of Rights was debated, some supported it, some felt it was unnecessary and some felt it would restrict rather than guarantee rights.

Yup. Thank God the Forces of Common Sense and Logic prevailed.
By current law, as interpreted by Scalia and the four others who supported him
The authors and Founding Fathers support him as well, clearly and unmistakeably.
Prove otherwise. No one else on your side of the coin has been able to, because short of a lie, it is an impossibility.
Be The One. :eusa_wall:
Your too funny (as in odd and ill informed). The Bill of Rights was debated, some supported it, some felt it was unnecessary and some felt it would restrict rather than guarantee rights.
He asked you to cite anything from any of the people who wrote, debated and /or ratified the Constitution/BoR that contradicts the holding and/or majority opinion in Heller.
Can you or can you not do so?
Be honest, how.
Why is it when faced with death tolls as high as Charleston or Sandy Hook or Aurora do we fail to understand that the weaponry used should be banned, those obtaining weapons should be scrutinized and get passed the straw man argument that gun control means a ban on all weapons?

You do realize that they used different weapons...and the AR-15 used in Sandy Hook and colorado.....killed fewer people than knives, and bare hands and feet...right?
Sure. Mass killings via bare hands and feet is the problem we should consider. Because God knows mass killings are so much easier to commit once the shoes come off. Convenience store clerks post that "no shirt, no shoes no service" sign to protect themselves from a deadly kicking.

Is there no rationale gun nuts won't embrace?
Our President has had to come on TV 14 times to comment on the latest attrocity from gun violence.

Time after time we get the same plattitudes to our latest grieving community knowing we will do nothing about it

12 people massacred in a movie theater? Oh the horror
Gabby Giffords shot in the street? Too bad
20 first graders assasinated? What a shame
Nine feople massacred while praying? Sad, just sad

As a country...we love our guns more than we love our children
We will do nothing...we never do

There are over 320 million people in the country....gun murders in 2013......8,454.....that's all...more people die in cars, and from falls......and from alcohol......and poisons.....

When will we ban cars and force everyone to take public know the trains that derail and ram the stations...and buses that crash.........

If it saves one child though.......
Those who die in cars die from.......accidents
Those who die from guns, die.........on purpose

No...comparing accidents to accidents...gun accidents in 2013...505 accidents....deaths....35,369....

Comparing accidents to actual accidents......which number is bigger....even you should be able to tell....
You miss the point

Cars kill by accident
Guns kill on purpose

That is why our society is appalled
Most people don't say "ban" guns. normal people just want them away from crazies and criminals.
It is illegal for "crazies" and criminals to have guns.
How do you propose those guns are "taken away"?

not if you don't have national background checks, Shirley. and 2nd amendment NRA nutbars don't want ANY regulation.

Okay.....moron......France has extreme gun control...they don't have National Background Checks because they don't allow their citizens to own guns.......and 3 terrorists, 2 on actual government terrorist watch lists, and one a convicted criminal easily got fully automatic rifles, hand grenades, pistols and a rocket propelled grenade...and crossed an international border to do did their gun control work.....

In fact....criminals in Europe get guns easily when they want or need them and Europe is awash in guns from the various conflicts in Europe and Africa......Sweden, Belgium, Denmark.....easy to get fully automatic weapons....
France has one fifth our homicide rate

I would take that

Guns have nothing to do with that...they have a national pacifism....which allowed them to send their citizens to the death know...12 million Europeans given up by these lovable governments....add that total into the death total and they surpass the U.S. in the murder rate.....

The worst crime in Paris...pick pockets.........can't say the same here.....and try the port city of Marseilles....they want to send in troops to deal with the gun violence from gangs......
Access to guns has EVERYTHING to do with it

Not just for planned homicides but spontaneous killings

The U.S. has the worst murder rate by far of any industrialized G8 nation

Access to guns is the reason
By current law, as interpreted by Scalia and the four others who supported him
The authors and Founding Fathers support him as well, clearly and unmistakeably.
Prove otherwise. No one else on your side of the coin has been able to, because short of a lie, it is an impossibility.
Be The One. :eusa_wall:
Your too funny (as in odd and ill informed). The Bill of Rights was debated, some supported it, some felt it was unnecessary and some felt it would restrict rather than guarantee rights.
He asked you to cite anything from any of the people who wrote, debated and /or ratified the Constitution/BoR that contradicts the holding and/or majority opinion in Heller.
Can you or can you not do so?
Be honest, how.

Nope can't. The reality of 1791 is far different than the reality of today. Prove to me the wording in the Second would be the same today, if the mass murder of innocents during the past 50 years were part of their life experience.
When will America stand up and say

Last edited:
What we've got here is failure to communicate. The Left has failed to change the Constitution by arbitrary means, but it doesn't seem to compute.

The 2nd Amendment stands. The guns are out there. You will never get them back. Any attempt to ban citizen gun ownership would be met with guffaws, and be ignored.

I mean, who would turn them in?

Your premise is wrong.

There is no effort to ban guns.

Common sense strongly suggests some form of gun control is necessary. What form that takes cannot be debated because fools believe gun control is a slippery slope to total banishment.

Lucky for the Gun/Ammunition/NRA Complex that so many fools continue to parrot the BIG LIE, that is, "THEY want to take away your guns".


Fri Dec 21, 2012 at 03:20 AM PST
How to Ban Guns: A step by step, long term process
by sporksFollow It's nice that we're finally talking about gun control. It's very sad that it took such a terrible tragedy to talk about it, but I'm glad the conversation is happening. I hear a lot about assault weapon and large magazine bans, and whilst I'm supportive of that, it won't solve the problem. The vast majority of firearm deaths occur with handguns. Only about 5% of people killed by guns are killed by guns which would be banned in any foreseeable AWB.

Furthermore, there seems to be no talk about high powered rifles. What gun nuts don't want you to know is many target and hunting rifles are chambered in the same round (.223/5.56mm) that Lanza's assault weapon was. Even more guns are chambered for more powerful rounds, like the .30-06 or (my personal "favorite") 7.62x54R. Even a .22, the smallest round manufactured on a large scale, can kill easily. In fact, some say the .22 kills more people than any other round out there.

Again, I like that we're talking about assault weapons, machine guns, and high capacity clips. But it only takes one bullet out of one gun to kill a person. Remember the beltway sniper back in 2002? The one who killed a dozen odd people? Even though he used a bushmaster assault rifle, he only fired one round at a time before moving. He could have used literally any rifle sold in the US for his attacks.

The only way we can truly be safe and prevent further gun violence is to ban civilian ownership of all guns. That means everything. No pistols, no revolvers, no semiautomatic or automatic rifles. No bolt action. No breaking actions or falling blocks. Nothing. This is the only thing that we can possibly do to keep our children safe from both mass murder and common street violence.

Unfortunately, right now we can't. The political will is there, but the institutions are not. Honestly, this is a good thing. If we passed a law tomorrow banning all firearms, we would have massive noncompliance. What we need to do is establish the regulatory and informational institutions first. This is how we do it:

The very first thing we need is national registry. We need to know where the guns are, and who has them. Canada has a national firearms registry. We need to copy their model. We need a law demanding all firearms be registered to a national database. We need to know who has them and where they are. We need to make this as easy as possible for gun owners. The federal government provides the money and technical expertise, and the State police carry it out. Like a funded mandate. Most firearms already have a serial number on them, so it would really be a matter of taking the information already on the ATF form 4473 and putting it in a national database. I think about 6 months should be enough time.

Along with this, make private sales illegal. When a firearm is transferred, make it law that the registration must be updated. Again, make it super easy to do. Perhaps over, the internet. Dealers can log in by their FFLs and update the registration. Additionally, new guns are to be registered by the manufacturer. The object here is to create a clear paper trail from factory to distributor to dealer to owner. We want to encourage as much voluntary compliance as possible.

Now we get down to it. The registration period has passed. Now we have criminals without registered guns running around. Probably kooky types that "lost" them on a boat or something. So remember those ATF form 4473s? Those record every firearm sale, going back twenty years. And those have to be surrendered to the ATF on demand. So, we get those logbooks, and cross reference the names and addresses with the new national registry. Since most NRA types own two or (many) more guns, we can get an idea of who properly registered their guns and who didn't. For example, if we have a guy who purchased 6 guns over the course of 10 years, but only registered two of them, that raises a red flag.

Now, maybe he sold them or they got lost or something. But it gives us a good target for investigation. A nice visit by the ATF or state police to find out if he really does still have those guns would be certainly warranted. It's certainly not perfect. People may have gotten guns from parents or family, and not registered them. Perfect is the enemy of pretty darn good, as they say. This exercise isn't so much to track down every gun ever sold; the main idea would be to profile and investigate people that may not have registered their guns. As an example, I'm not so concerned with the guy who bought that bolt action Mauser a decade ago and doesn't have anything registered to his name. It's a pretty good possibility that he sold it, gave it away, or got rid of it somehow. And even if he didn't, that guy is not who I'm concerned with. I'm concerned that other guy who bought a half dozen assault weapons, registered two hunting rifles, and belongs to the NRA/GOA. He's the guy who warrants a raid.

So registration is the first step. Now that the vast majority are registered, we can do what we will. One good first step would be to close the registry to new registrations. This would, in effect, prevent new guns from being made or imported. This would put the murder machine corporations out of business for good, and cut the money supply to the NRA/GOA. As money dries up, the political capital needed for new controls will be greatly reduced.

There are a few other things I would suggest. I would suggest an immediate, national ban on concealed carry. A ban on internet sales of guns and ammunition is a no brainer. Microstamping would also be a very good thing. Even if the only thing it does is drive up costs, it could still lead to crimes being solved. I'm willing to try every advantage we can get.

A national Firearms Owner Identification Card might be good, but I'm not sure if it's necessary if we have a national database. We should also insist on comprehensive insurance and mandatory gun safes, subject to random, spot checks by local and federal law enforcement.

We must make guns expensive and unpopular, just like cigarettes. A nationwide, antigun campaign paid for by a per gun yearly tax paid by owners, dealers, and manufacturers would work well in this regard. We should also segway into an anti-hunting campaign, like those in the UK. By making hunting expensive and unpopular, we can make the transition to a gun free society much less of a headache for us.

I know this seems harsh, but this is the only way we can be truly safe. I don't want my kids being shot at by a deranged NRA member. I'm sure you don't either. So lets stop looking for short term solutions and start looking long term. Registration is the first step.

Tell Pres. Obama and democrats in congress to demand mandatory, comprehensive gun registration. It's the only way we can ban guns with any effectiveness.
When will America stand up and say


we have...we have seen Europe..,they marched 12 million innocent, unarmed people to death camps...from all of the various European countries including France....and we as Americans have said...never again.....
When will America stand up and say


we have...we have seen Europe..,they marched 12 million innocent, unarmed people to death camps...from all of the various European countries including France....and we as Americans have said...never again.....
Save us from your bogus Nazi comparisons

You are embarassing yourself
Churches in S.C. are gun-free zones, according to the law!
How did THAT (gun-free zones) work out for those poor people that were gunned down in church by an evil person.
The gun-man KNEW there would be no legal guns in the church because of the state law making churches gun-free zones.
What we've got here is failure to communicate. The Left has failed to change the Constitution by arbitrary means, but it doesn't seem to compute.

The 2nd Amendment stands. The guns are out there. You will never get them back. Any attempt to ban citizen gun ownership would be met with guffaws, and be ignored.

I mean, who would turn them in?

Your premise is wrong.

There is no effort to ban guns.

Common sense strongly suggests some form of gun control is necessary. What form that takes cannot be debated because fools believe gun control is a slippery slope to total banishment.

Lucky for the Gun/Ammunition/NRA Complex that so many fools continue to parrot the BIG LIE, that is, "THEY want to take away your guns".


Fri Dec 21, 2012 at 03:20 AM PST
How to Ban Guns: A step by step, long term process
by sporksFollow It's nice that we're finally talking about gun control. It's very sad that it took such a terrible tragedy to talk about it, but I'm glad the conversation is happening. I hear a lot about assault weapon and large magazine bans, and whilst I'm supportive of that, it won't solve the problem. The vast majority of firearm deaths occur with handguns. Only about 5% of people killed by guns are killed by guns which would be banned in any foreseeable AWB.

Furthermore, there seems to be no talk about high powered rifles. What gun nuts don't want you to know is many target and hunting rifles are chambered in the same round (.223/5.56mm) that Lanza's assault weapon was. Even more guns are chambered for more powerful rounds, like the .30-06 or (my personal "favorite") 7.62x54R. Even a .22, the smallest round manufactured on a large scale, can kill easily. In fact, some say the .22 kills more people than any other round out there.

Again, I like that we're talking about assault weapons, machine guns, and high capacity clips. But it only takes one bullet out of one gun to kill a person. Remember the beltway sniper back in 2002? The one who killed a dozen odd people? Even though he used a bushmaster assault rifle, he only fired one round at a time before moving. He could have used literally any rifle sold in the US for his attacks.

The only way we can truly be safe and prevent further gun violence is to ban civilian ownership of all guns. That means everything. No pistols, no revolvers, no semiautomatic or automatic rifles. No bolt action. No breaking actions or falling blocks. Nothing. This is the only thing that we can possibly do to keep our children safe from both mass murder and common street violence.

Unfortunately, right now we can't. The political will is there, but the institutions are not. Honestly, this is a good thing. If we passed a law tomorrow banning all firearms, we would have massive noncompliance. What we need to do is establish the regulatory and informational institutions first. This is how we do it:

The very first thing we need is national registry. We need to know where the guns are, and who has them. Canada has a national firearms registry. We need to copy their model. We need a law demanding all firearms be registered to a national database. We need to know who has them and where they are. We need to make this as easy as possible for gun owners. The federal government provides the money and technical expertise, and the State police carry it out. Like a funded mandate. Most firearms already have a serial number on them, so it would really be a matter of taking the information already on the ATF form 4473 and putting it in a national database. I think about 6 months should be enough time.

Along with this, make private sales illegal. When a firearm is transferred, make it law that the registration must be updated. Again, make it super easy to do. Perhaps over, the internet. Dealers can log in by their FFLs and update the registration. Additionally, new guns are to be registered by the manufacturer. The object here is to create a clear paper trail from factory to distributor to dealer to owner. We want to encourage as much voluntary compliance as possible.

Now we get down to it. The registration period has passed. Now we have criminals without registered guns running around. Probably kooky types that "lost" them on a boat or something. So remember those ATF form 4473s? Those record every firearm sale, going back twenty years. And those have to be surrendered to the ATF on demand. So, we get those logbooks, and cross reference the names and addresses with the new national registry. Since most NRA types own two or (many) more guns, we can get an idea of who properly registered their guns and who didn't. For example, if we have a guy who purchased 6 guns over the course of 10 years, but only registered two of them, that raises a red flag.

Now, maybe he sold them or they got lost or something. But it gives us a good target for investigation. A nice visit by the ATF or state police to find out if he really does still have those guns would be certainly warranted. It's certainly not perfect. People may have gotten guns from parents or family, and not registered them. Perfect is the enemy of pretty darn good, as they say. This exercise isn't so much to track down every gun ever sold; the main idea would be to profile and investigate people that may not have registered their guns. As an example, I'm not so concerned with the guy who bought that bolt action Mauser a decade ago and doesn't have anything registered to his name. It's a pretty good possibility that he sold it, gave it away, or got rid of it somehow. And even if he didn't, that guy is not who I'm concerned with. I'm concerned that other guy who bought a half dozen assault weapons, registered two hunting rifles, and belongs to the NRA/GOA. He's the guy who warrants a raid.

So registration is the first step. Now that the vast majority are registered, we can do what we will. One good first step would be to close the registry to new registrations. This would, in effect, prevent new guns from being made or imported. This would put the murder machine corporations out of business for good, and cut the money supply to the NRA/GOA. As money dries up, the political capital needed for new controls will be greatly reduced.

There are a few other things I would suggest. I would suggest an immediate, national ban on concealed carry. A ban on internet sales of guns and ammunition is a no brainer. Microstamping would also be a very good thing. Even if the only thing it does is drive up costs, it could still lead to crimes being solved. I'm willing to try every advantage we can get.

A national Firearms Owner Identification Card might be good, but I'm not sure if it's necessary if we have a national database. We should also insist on comprehensive insurance and mandatory gun safes, subject to random, spot checks by local and federal law enforcement.

We must make guns expensive and unpopular, just like cigarettes. A nationwide, antigun campaign paid for by a per gun yearly tax paid by owners, dealers, and manufacturers would work well in this regard. We should also segway into an anti-hunting campaign, like those in the UK. By making hunting expensive and unpopular, we can make the transition to a gun free society much less of a headache for us.

I know this seems harsh, but this is the only way we can be truly safe. I don't want my kids being shot at by a deranged NRA member. I'm sure you don't either. So lets stop looking for short term solutions and start looking long term. Registration is the first step.

Tell Pres. Obama and democrats in congress to demand mandatory, comprehensive gun registration. It's the only way we can ban guns with any effectiveness.

Thank was nice to see what the fascists are thinking...

I know this seems harsh, but this is the only way we can be truly safe.

I think that is what they said when they marched the people to the death camps........

Do you anti gun extremists care that peaceful, law abiding Americans use guns to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives on average, 2 million times a year........

And as I have pointed out in other threads....why are you so won gun laws worked.....

1) you guys wanted gun free zones....that church was a gun free won.....good for you....

2) you don't want normal, peaceful, law abiding citizens to own or carry won, not one normal, peaceful, law abiding citizen had a gun in that won again.......

And thanks is good to see you fascists are now comfortable in your fascism where you will state your goals......I can't wait for the Daily Kos article on how to deal with "undesirables" in the American population....that should be interesting reading as well...
What we've got here is failure to communicate. The Left has failed to change the Constitution by arbitrary means, but it doesn't seem to compute.

The 2nd Amendment stands. The guns are out there. You will never get them back. Any attempt to ban citizen gun ownership would be met with guffaws, and be ignored.

I mean, who would turn them in?

Ban guns?

I guess it worked so well in Chicago they want to do it everywhere
When will America stand up and say


we have...we have seen Europe..,they marched 12 million innocent, unarmed people to death camps...from all of the various European countries including France....and we as Americans have said...never again.....
Save us from your bogus Nazi comparisons

You are embarassing yourself

You know...that actually matter what you and your denier friends believe....innocent people, unarmed...were murdered by their governments.....many European governments handed over people to the nazis for the death camps....but they had gun control......
What we've got here is failure to communicate. The Left has failed to change the Constitution by arbitrary means, but it doesn't seem to compute.

The 2nd Amendment stands. The guns are out there. You will never get them back. Any attempt to ban citizen gun ownership would be met with guffaws, and be ignored.

I mean, who would turn them in?

Ban guns?

I guess it worked so well in Chicago they want to do it everywhere

Banning guns in Chicago worked out "great", now only the criminals have illegal guns to terrorize the honest law-abiding citizens.
What we've got here is failure to communicate. The Left has failed to change the Constitution by arbitrary means, but it doesn't seem to compute.

The 2nd Amendment stands. The guns are out there. You will never get them back. Any attempt to ban citizen gun ownership would be met with guffaws, and be ignored.

I mean, who would turn them in?

Your premise is wrong.

There is no effort to ban guns.

Common sense strongly suggests some form of gun control is necessary. What form that takes cannot be debated because fools believe gun control is a slippery slope to total banishment.

Lucky for the Gun/Ammunition/NRA Complex that so many fools continue to parrot the BIG LIE, that is, "THEY want to take away your guns".


Fri Dec 21, 2012 at 03:20 AM PST
How to Ban Guns: A step by step, long term process
by sporksFollow It's nice that we're finally talking about gun control. It's very sad that it took such a terrible tragedy to talk about it, but I'm glad the conversation is happening. I hear a lot about assault weapon and large magazine bans, and whilst I'm supportive of that, it won't solve the problem. The vast majority of firearm deaths occur with handguns. Only about 5% of people killed by guns are killed by guns which would be banned in any foreseeable AWB.

Furthermore, there seems to be no talk about high powered rifles. What gun nuts don't want you to know is many target and hunting rifles are chambered in the same round (.223/5.56mm) that Lanza's assault weapon was. Even more guns are chambered for more powerful rounds, like the .30-06 or (my personal "favorite") 7.62x54R. Even a .22, the smallest round manufactured on a large scale, can kill easily. In fact, some say the .22 kills more people than any other round out there.

Again, I like that we're talking about assault weapons, machine guns, and high capacity clips. But it only takes one bullet out of one gun to kill a person. Remember the beltway sniper back in 2002? The one who killed a dozen odd people? Even though he used a bushmaster assault rifle, he only fired one round at a time before moving. He could have used literally any rifle sold in the US for his attacks.

The only way we can truly be safe and prevent further gun violence is to ban civilian ownership of all guns. That means everything. No pistols, no revolvers, no semiautomatic or automatic rifles. No bolt action. No breaking actions or falling blocks. Nothing. This is the only thing that we can possibly do to keep our children safe from both mass murder and common street violence.

Unfortunately, right now we can't. The political will is there, but the institutions are not. Honestly, this is a good thing. If we passed a law tomorrow banning all firearms, we would have massive noncompliance. What we need to do is establish the regulatory and informational institutions first. This is how we do it:

The very first thing we need is national registry. We need to know where the guns are, and who has them. Canada has a national firearms registry. We need to copy their model. We need a law demanding all firearms be registered to a national database. We need to know who has them and where they are. We need to make this as easy as possible for gun owners. The federal government provides the money and technical expertise, and the State police carry it out. Like a funded mandate. Most firearms already have a serial number on them, so it would really be a matter of taking the information already on the ATF form 4473 and putting it in a national database. I think about 6 months should be enough time.

Along with this, make private sales illegal. When a firearm is transferred, make it law that the registration must be updated. Again, make it super easy to do. Perhaps over, the internet. Dealers can log in by their FFLs and update the registration. Additionally, new guns are to be registered by the manufacturer. The object here is to create a clear paper trail from factory to distributor to dealer to owner. We want to encourage as much voluntary compliance as possible.

Now we get down to it. The registration period has passed. Now we have criminals without registered guns running around. Probably kooky types that "lost" them on a boat or something. So remember those ATF form 4473s? Those record every firearm sale, going back twenty years. And those have to be surrendered to the ATF on demand. So, we get those logbooks, and cross reference the names and addresses with the new national registry. Since most NRA types own two or (many) more guns, we can get an idea of who properly registered their guns and who didn't. For example, if we have a guy who purchased 6 guns over the course of 10 years, but only registered two of them, that raises a red flag.

Now, maybe he sold them or they got lost or something. But it gives us a good target for investigation. A nice visit by the ATF or state police to find out if he really does still have those guns would be certainly warranted. It's certainly not perfect. People may have gotten guns from parents or family, and not registered them. Perfect is the enemy of pretty darn good, as they say. This exercise isn't so much to track down every gun ever sold; the main idea would be to profile and investigate people that may not have registered their guns. As an example, I'm not so concerned with the guy who bought that bolt action Mauser a decade ago and doesn't have anything registered to his name. It's a pretty good possibility that he sold it, gave it away, or got rid of it somehow. And even if he didn't, that guy is not who I'm concerned with. I'm concerned that other guy who bought a half dozen assault weapons, registered two hunting rifles, and belongs to the NRA/GOA. He's the guy who warrants a raid.

So registration is the first step. Now that the vast majority are registered, we can do what we will. One good first step would be to close the registry to new registrations. This would, in effect, prevent new guns from being made or imported. This would put the murder machine corporations out of business for good, and cut the money supply to the NRA/GOA. As money dries up, the political capital needed for new controls will be greatly reduced.

There are a few other things I would suggest. I would suggest an immediate, national ban on concealed carry. A ban on internet sales of guns and ammunition is a no brainer. Microstamping would also be a very good thing. Even if the only thing it does is drive up costs, it could still lead to crimes being solved. I'm willing to try every advantage we can get.

A national Firearms Owner Identification Card might be good, but I'm not sure if it's necessary if we have a national database. We should also insist on comprehensive insurance and mandatory gun safes, subject to random, spot checks by local and federal law enforcement.

We must make guns expensive and unpopular, just like cigarettes. A nationwide, antigun campaign paid for by a per gun yearly tax paid by owners, dealers, and manufacturers would work well in this regard. We should also segway into an anti-hunting campaign, like those in the UK. By making hunting expensive and unpopular, we can make the transition to a gun free society much less of a headache for us.

I know this seems harsh, but this is the only way we can be truly safe. I don't want my kids being shot at by a deranged NRA member. I'm sure you don't either. So lets stop looking for short term solutions and start looking long term. Registration is the first step.

Tell Pres. Obama and democrats in congress to demand mandatory, comprehensive gun registration. It's the only way we can ban guns with any effectiveness.

The daily kos...they are so stupid.......They lie just because it is part of their DNA....

What gun nuts don't want you to know is many target and hunting rifles are chambered in the same round (.223/5.56mm) that Lanza's assault weapon was. Even more guns are chambered for more powerful rounds, like the .30-06 or (my personal "favorite") 7.62x54R. Even a .22, the smallest round manufactured on a large scale, can kill easily. In fact, some say the .22 kills more people than any other round out there.

this moron doesn't realize it or he is lying...I would go with lying......2nd Amendment supporters always ask why the anti gun extremists hate the AR-15 so much because of exactly what this fascist points out....they all point it out ....all the time....hunting rifles are more powerful than the AR-15....but that .22 round...breaks up in drywall so you don't have to worry about hitting your neighbor if you use it to fight off criminals......
It is illegal for "crazies" and criminals to have guns.
How do you propose those guns are "taken away"?

not if you don't have national background checks, Shirley. and 2nd amendment NRA nutbars don't want ANY regulation.

Okay.....moron......France has extreme gun control...they don't have National Background Checks because they don't allow their citizens to own guns.......and 3 terrorists, 2 on actual government terrorist watch lists, and one a convicted criminal easily got fully automatic rifles, hand grenades, pistols and a rocket propelled grenade...and crossed an international border to do did their gun control work.....

In fact....criminals in Europe get guns easily when they want or need them and Europe is awash in guns from the various conflicts in Europe and Africa......Sweden, Belgium, Denmark.....easy to get fully automatic weapons....
France has one fifth our homicide rate

I would take that

Guns have nothing to do with that...they have a national pacifism....which allowed them to send their citizens to the death know...12 million Europeans given up by these lovable governments....add that total into the death total and they surpass the U.S. in the murder rate.....

The worst crime in Paris...pick pockets.........can't say the same here.....and try the port city of Marseilles....they want to send in troops to deal with the gun violence from gangs......
Access to guns has EVERYTHING to do with it

Not just for planned homicides but spontaneous killings

The U.S. has the worst murder rate by far of any industrialized G8 nation

Access to guns is the reason

No....inner city gangs and democrat police policies cause our high murder rate......
What we've got here is failure to communicate. The Left has failed to change the Constitution by arbitrary means, but it doesn't seem to compute.

The 2nd Amendment stands. The guns are out there. You will never get them back. Any attempt to ban citizen gun ownership would be met with guffaws, and be ignored.

I mean, who would turn them in?

Get this through your pinhead.


We want to make it harder for criminals, wife beaters, dishonorable discharges, and crazy racists to get and possess them.

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