And So, With Charleston, The Cries To Ban Guns Resume ...


How stupid are you people?

Who gets to decide who is crazy and who isn't?

How many people who have mental troubles have had guns for decades and never hurt anyone?

Thank God the NRA is stronger than you nut jobs are.

How stupid are you people?

Who gets to decide who is crazy and who isn't?

How many people who have mental troubles have had guns for decades and never hurt anyone?

Thank God the NRA is stronger than you nut jobs are.
That should be left to medical professionals. If someone shows signs of violence or discusses plans (frequently the case in the shooters) it can be reported. If they aren't violent, it should be OK.

How stupid are you people?

Who gets to decide who is crazy and who isn't?

How many people who have mental troubles have had guns for decades and never hurt anyone?

Thank God the NRA is stronger than you nut jobs are.
That should be left to medical professionals. If someone shows signs of violence or discusses plans (frequently the case in the shooters) it can be reported. If they aren't violent, it should be OK.

I'm ok with that but there's a problem.

As soon as the next shooting occurs and we find that the shooter fell through the cracks in the system, and it's government we are ultimately speaking of here, then that won't be enough.

Such is the way with the gun grabbers. They demand "reasonable gun laws" then when they don't work, and the won't, they never do, then they will demand more. The scenario will repeat itself until all guns are illegal.

Sorry if you thought I was including you in that group (I wasn't). I was just referring to the people that willingly provide guns to the people that shouldn't have them.

That's why conceiled or open carry should be allowed. It's a given that some people will slip through the cracks, and they can be stopped if people have the means to protect themselves and others.

I would say to make the list of ineligible people readily available, then prosecute anyone who knowingly provides them with a gun. Also, allow stop-and-frisk if necessary to make sure they stay disarmed (along with stiffer penalties for illegally possessing a firearm).

But it needs to be done without trampling law-abiding citizen's right to gun ownership. isn't that easy.....the anti gun extremists have already tipped their hand on mental health aspects of a background check for guns.....they are looking at classifying as little as insomnia as a sign of violent tendencies....we can't trust them....they will use mental health to keep as many people as possible from owning guns....with as little as seeing a grief counselor....

We don't trust them...not one little bit....

Face it, we need to track the people that the law forbids to have firearms, and disarm them... And the laws are already on the books!!!

That isn't who they want to can tell because all of the laws they want....universal background checks, gun registration, magazine limits.....they only affect peaceful, law abiding gun owners and do nothing to stop gun crime or mass shootings.......

The only gun control that works is arresting and locking up people who use guns to break the is that simple.....

I would say to make the list of ineligible people readily available, then prosecute anyone who knowingly provides them with a gun. Also, allow stop-and-frisk if necessary to make sure they stay disarmed (along with stiffer penalties for illegally possessing a firearm).

But it needs to be done without trampling law-abiding citizen's right to gun ownership.
I agree

Sell a gun to a crazy or a fellon and you go to jail

Any respectable gun owner should agree
The Brilliance of Barack Obama:

“We don’t have all the facts, but we do know that once again, innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gun.”

No. His father gave it to him. What law would have prevented that?

No shit

He had no problem getting a gun. You give or sell a gun to a crazy nutjob and you are liable

And if the kid could pass a background check...? You do realize that all the mass shooters passed, obeyed or got around all of your gun laws...right? All of them....Santa Barbara, the Colorado theater shooter, the 2 Fort Hood shooters, the Navy Yard, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech.....they all passed your laws.....

How stupid are you people?

Who gets to decide who is crazy and who isn't?

How many people who have mental troubles have had guns for decades and never hurt anyone?

Thank God the NRA is stronger than you nut jobs are.
I will volunteer to make the decision

Most of these crazies who are doing the massacres will be easy to pick out. Unfortunately, some of those who post on this board would not pass muster
Face it....

To solve the problem, keep a list (maintained by the government) of the people with serious mental health issues, and prosecute any of them (or any criminals) found to have guns, along with the people that knowingly provide the guns to them, and provide for stiff penalties. You have to go after the root cause of the problem, not just try to strip law-abiding citizens of their rights.

The government doesn't prosecute criminals caught with guns where they are put away a long time, why would they prosecute mentally ill people caught with guns.....
Our President has had to come on TV 14 times to comment on the latest attrocity from gun violence.

Time after time we get the same plattitudes to our latest grieving community knowing we will do nothing about it

12 people massacred in a movie theater? Oh the horror
Gabby Giffords shot in the street? Too bad
20 first graders assasinated? What a shame
Nine feople massacred while praying? Sad, just sad

As a country...we love our guns more than we love our children
We will do nothing...we never do

There are over 320 million people in the country....gun murders in 2013......8,454.....that's all...more people die in cars, and from falls......and from alcohol......and poisons.....

When will we ban cars and force everyone to take public know the trains that derail and ram the stations...and buses that crash.........

If it saves one child though.......

How stupid are you people?

Who gets to decide who is crazy and who isn't?

How many people who have mental troubles have had guns for decades and never hurt anyone?

Thank God the NRA is stronger than you nut jobs are.
I will volunteer to make the decision

Most of these crazies who are doing the massacres will be easy to pick out. Unfortunately, some of those who post on this board would not pass muster

Are you looking in the mirror?
Why is it when faced with death tolls as high as Charleston or Sandy Hook or Aurora do we fail to understand that the weaponry used should be banned, those obtaining weapons should be scrutinized and get passed the straw man argument that gun control means a ban on all weapons?

You do realize that they used different weapons...and the AR-15 used in Sandy Hook and colorado.....killed fewer people than knives, and bare hands and feet...right?
Yeah the bodies aren't even cold yet.

Progressives are slime.

Predfan...the political usefulness of a shooting victim cools far faster than the body of that victim the anti gun extremists have to move fast if they want to use the dead to push their extremist agenda.....
What we've got here is failure to communicate. The Left has failed to change the Constitution by arbitrary means, but it doesn't seem to compute.

The 2nd Amendment stands. The guns are out there. You will never get them back. Any attempt to ban citizen gun ownership would be met with guffaws, and be ignored.

I mean, who would turn them in?

most people don't say "ban" guns. normal people just want them away from crazies and criminals.
Then the laws should concentrate on that.....

Oh, wait a minute, they already do!!!!!

Maybe if Obama would try to ENFORCE THEM?????

gun laws are enforced state by state.

but thanks anyway. :cuckoo:

Just add the crazies to a list.... Like THIS!!!!

FBI Gun Checks NICS

The National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS, is all about saving lives and protecting people from harm—by not letting guns and explosives fall into the wrong hands. It also ensures the timely transfer of firearms to eligible gun buyers.

Mandated by the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 and launched by the FBI on November 30, 1998, NICS is used by Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) to instantly determine whether a prospective buyer is eligible to buy firearms or explosives. Before ringing up the sale, cashiers call in a check to the FBI or to other designated agencies to ensure that each customer does not have a criminal record or isn’t otherwise ineligible to make a purchase. More than 100 million such checks have been made in the last decade, leading to more than 700,000 denials.

You do realize that criminals don't get backround checks, and that background checks didn't stop one mass shooter or criminal from getting a gun? And most denials are false positives and lead to little if any law enforcement action...right?

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