And So, With Charleston, The Cries To Ban Guns Resume ...

Why is it when faced with death tolls as high as Charleston or Sandy Hook or Aurora do we fail to understand that the weaponry used should be banned, those obtaining weapons should be scrutinized and get passed the straw man argument that gun control means a ban on all weapons?
What we've got here is failure to communicate. The Left has failed to change the Constitution by arbitrary means, but it doesn't seem to compute.
The 2nd Amendment stands. The guns are out there. You will never get them back. Any attempt to ban citizen gun ownership would be met with guffaws, and be ignored.
I mean, who would turn them in?
Most people don't say "ban" guns. normal people just want them away from crazies and criminals.
It is illegal for "crazies" and criminals to have guns.
How do you propose those guns are "taken away"?
not if you don't have national background checks
It is illegal. period. The law says so.
How do background checks remove guns from crazies and felons?

Shirley. and 2nd amendment NRA nutbars don't want ANY regulation.
Funny how you have to lie to make a point.
Why is it when faced with death tolls as high as Charleston or Sandy Hook or Aurora do we fail to understand that the weaponry used should be banned, those obtaining weapons should be scrutinized and get passed the straw man argument that gun control means a ban on all weapons?
The government knows a total gun ban means civil war.
Q. What sort of control do you believe would have prevented the Charleston shooting?
A. A complex question or loaded question is an informal fallacy. A serious answer is very little if any form of gun control can be said to prevent an act already completed.
"Would have" The question presume the act has not yet happened. Your response is dishonest.
Q. For starters, how about criminal control.
A. Many mass murders and many murders in general are committed by persons with no criminal record.
And so....?
Assume everyone will commit a crime and write laws to treat them as if they have?
However, persons with a propensity for violence (arrests for battery, sexual battery, domestic violence, child or animal abuse) or a history of substance abuse (two or more DUI's; arrests for possession of dangerous drugs or treatment for drug overdose) and persons determined to be a dangerous to themselves or others ought to forfeit their Second Amendment Rights and be denied the ability to own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun.
Welcome to existing federal and state. law.
The only way to enforce this form of Criminal Control is to license every person who want to own, possess, etc. a gun.
Said licensing, while violating the Constitution, will have no such effect.
Perfect, a thread that accuses "the left aka the boogeyman" of wanting something they dont want.

This is when you choose one wack a doodle and claim that person is a representative for the left.

Individuality? Whats that?

You are full of shit, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it.

^^Common response when a charlatan has been caught charlataning <----I just made that up for you

Yeah well you make EVERYTHING up anyway. How could I be charlataning when that was my first post in the thread idiot?

Because your first post was you charlataning? Is this hard for you?
Why is it when faced with death tolls as high as Charleston or Sandy Hook or Aurora do we fail to understand that the weaponry used should be banned, those obtaining weapons should be scrutinized and get passed the straw man argument that gun control means a ban on all weapons?

Good opportunity to explain the obvious to the clueless here. Here's how it happens:

1. A criminal uses a gun to kill.
2. Gun grabbers demand "reasonable" gun restrictions.
3. They get passed.
4. Criminals, being criminals, ignore the laws or steal the guns.
5. Repeat 1-4 until guns are totally banned.

Education free of charge.
You're welcome.
Perfect, a thread that accuses "the left aka the boogeyman" of wanting something they dont want.

This is when you choose one wack a doodle and claim that person is a representative for the left.

Individuality? Whats that?

You are full of shit, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it.

^^Common response when a charlatan has been caught charlataning <----I just made that up for you

Yeah well you make EVERYTHING up anyway. How could I be charlataning when that was my first post in the thread idiot?

Because your first post was you charlataning? Is this hard for you?

Read your own post moron. How fucking stupid are you really?

Hint: remember studying "tense" in grade school grammar. You did make it that far didn't you?
Perfect, a thread that accuses "the left aka the boogeyman" of wanting something they dont want.

This is when you choose one wack a doodle and claim that person is a representative for the left.

Individuality? Whats that?

You are full of shit, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it.

^^Common response when a charlatan has been caught charlataning <----I just made that up for you

Yeah well you make EVERYTHING up anyway. How could I be charlataning when that was my first post in the thread idiot?

Because your first post was you charlataning? Is this hard for you?

Read your own post moron. How fucking stupid are you really?

Hint: remember studying "tense" in grade school grammar. You did make it that far didn't you?

^^Common response when a charlatan has been caught charlataning

Good job, 3 posts in and you didnt address one thing I said. You're too busy looking into my big brown eyes
You are full of shit, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it.

^^Common response when a charlatan has been caught charlataning <----I just made that up for you

Yeah well you make EVERYTHING up anyway. How could I be charlataning when that was my first post in the thread idiot?

Because your first post was you charlataning? Is this hard for you?

Read your own post moron. How fucking stupid are you really?

Hint: remember studying "tense" in grade school grammar. You did make it that far didn't you?

^^Common response when a charlatan has been caught charlataning

Good job, 3 posts in and you didnt address one thing I said. You're too busy looking into my big brown eyes

You are stupid AND a liar. Good luck with that nit wit.
Face it....

To solve the problem, keep a list (maintained by the government) of the people with serious mental health issues, and prosecute any of them (or any criminals) found to have guns, along with the people that knowingly provide the guns to them, and provide for stiff penalties. You have to go after the root cause of the problem, not just try to strip law-abiding citizens of their rights.
Q. What sort of control do you believe would have prevented the Charleston shooting?
A. A complex question or loaded question is an informal fallacy. A serious answer is very little if any form of gun control can be said to prevent an act already completed.
"Would have" The question presume the act has not yet happened. Your response is dishonest.
Q. For starters, how about criminal control.
A. Many mass murders and many murders in general are committed by persons with no criminal record.
And so....?
Assume everyone will commit a crime and write laws to treat them as if they have?
However, persons with a propensity for violence (arrests for battery, sexual battery, domestic violence, child or animal abuse) or a history of substance abuse (two or more DUI's; arrests for possession of dangerous drugs or treatment for drug overdose) and persons determined to be a dangerous to themselves or others ought to forfeit their Second Amendment Rights and be denied the ability to own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun.
Welcome to existing federal and state. law.
The only way to enforce this form of Criminal Control is to license every person who want to own, possess, etc. a gun.
Said licensing, while violating the Constitution, will have no such effect.

You're way to emotional to debate any issue on gun violence or gun control! Your signature line is simply spam, unrelated to the fact that I post my opinions on gun control whenever the issue comes up, any your response is always framed by the Second Amendment.

Your arguments are circular, for they begin with the Second and end with the Second. Every proposed idea to mitigate gun violence in America comes down to your recital of current laws and ultimately the Second Amendment.

Both can be changed and as I've posted before, will be changed as can be inferred by looking at the history, vote and arguments in District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008).
Q. What sort of control do you believe would have prevented the Charleston shooting?
A. A complex question or loaded question is an informal fallacy. A serious answer is very little if any form of gun control can be said to prevent an act already completed.
"Would have" The question presume the act has not yet happened. Your response is dishonest.
Q. For starters, how about criminal control.
A. Many mass murders and many murders in general are committed by persons with no criminal record.
And so....?
Assume everyone will commit a crime and write laws to treat them as if they have?
However, persons with a propensity for violence (arrests for battery, sexual battery, domestic violence, child or animal abuse) or a history of substance abuse (two or more DUI's; arrests for possession of dangerous drugs or treatment for drug overdose) and persons determined to be a dangerous to themselves or others ought to forfeit their Second Amendment Rights and be denied the ability to own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun.
Welcome to existing federal and state. law.
The only way to enforce this form of Criminal Control is to license every person who want to own, possess, etc. a gun.
Said licensing, while violating the Constitution, will have no such effect.
You're way to emotional to debate any issue on gun violence or gun control!
This is a lie, you and I both know that you cannot cite any post where I have displayed any degree of emotional impetus when discussing this issue; you on the other hand, have shown yourself incapable of honest and open discussion on same.
Your signature line is simply spam
You don't like the fact that I remind everyone of the fact that you ran away from the honest and open discussion you asked for.
Your problem, not mine.
Your arguments are circular, for they begin with the Second and end with the Second.
This is, of course, another lie; it also presupposes a concept you know you cannot soundly support, that there is no place for the 2nd in a legitimate conversation regarding gun control. All of this was addressed at length in the open and honest conversation you asked for but ran away from.

You do not want,, nor are you capable of, an honest an open conversation about gun control because you know you cannot support any of your positions.

Disagree? You know where to find me.
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Why is it when faced with death tolls as high as Charleston or Sandy Hook or Aurora do we fail to understand that the weaponry used should be banned, those obtaining weapons should be scrutinized and get passed the straw man argument that gun control means a ban on all weapons?
Keep the weapons out of the hands of crooks, crazies, and drug abusers!!! THAT is the real issue!!!
Our President has had to come on TV 14 times to comment on the latest attrocity from gun violence.

Time after time we get the same plattitudes to our latest grieving community knowing we will do nothing about it

12 people massacred in a movie theater? Oh the horror
Gabby Giffords shot in the street? Too bad
20 first graders assasinated? What a shame
Nine feople massacred while praying? Sad, just sad

As a country...we love our guns more than we love our children
We will do nothing...we never do
Oh, speaking of Gabby:


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