And So, With Charleston, The Cries To Ban Guns Resume ...


Face it, we need to track the people that the law forbids to have firearms, and disarm them... And the laws are already on the books!!!

Face it, we need to track the people that the law forbids to have firearms, and disarm them... And the laws are already on the books!!!

I totally agree

What do these loner assholes have in common?
Everybody knows the are fucking nuts and shouldn't be near a gun

Yet we don't want to inconvenience anyone so we keep letting the crazies have their guns
The Brilliance of Barack Obama:

“We don’t have all the facts, but we do know that once again, innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gun.”

No. His father gave it to him. What law would have prevented that?
The Brilliance of Barack Obama:

“We don’t have all the facts, but we do know that once again, innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gun.”

No. His father gave it to him. What law would have prevented that?
That's why his father should be prosecuted. He knew the kid was nuts and had a drug problem.
Q. What sort of control do you believe would have prevented the Charleston shooting?
A. A complex question or loaded question is an informal fallacy. A serious answer is very little if any form of gun control can be said to prevent an act already completed.
"Would have" The question presume the act has not yet happened. Your response is dishonest.
Q. For starters, how about criminal control.
A. Many mass murders and many murders in general are committed by persons with no criminal record.
And so....?
Assume everyone will commit a crime and write laws to treat them as if they have?
However, persons with a propensity for violence (arrests for battery, sexual battery, domestic violence, child or animal abuse) or a history of substance abuse (two or more DUI's; arrests for possession of dangerous drugs or treatment for drug overdose) and persons determined to be a dangerous to themselves or others ought to forfeit their Second Amendment Rights and be denied the ability to own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun.
Welcome to existing federal and state. law.
The only way to enforce this form of Criminal Control is to license every person who want to own, possess, etc. a gun.
Said licensing, while violating the Constitution, will have no such effect.
You're way to emotional to debate any issue on gun violence or gun control!
This is a lie, you and I both know that you cannot cite any post where I have displayed any degree of emotional impetus when discussing this issue; you on the other hand, have shown yourself incapable of honest and open discussion on same.
Your signature line is simply spam
You don't like the fact that I remind everyone of the fact that you ran away from the honest and open discussion you asked for.
Your problem, not mine.
Your arguments are circular, for they begin with the Second and end with the Second.
This is, of course, another lie; it also presupposes a concept you know you cannot soundly support, that there is no place for the 2nd in a legitimate conversation regarding gun control. All of this was addressed at length in the open and honest conversation you asked for but ran away from.

You do not want,, nor are you capable of, an honest an open conversation about gun control because you know you cannot support any of your positions.

Disagree? You know where to find me.

By current law, as interpreted by Scalia and the four others who supported him, that is true. Also true is the fact that a one vote swing would have been sufficient to allow democratically elected State Legislatures and Governors, County Boards of Supervisors, City Council members and their mayor to implement for stronger gun control.

This ^^^ is one more fact I've posted before which you have summarily ignored with your hackneyed response about the Second Amendment and one more example that your spam is a lie.
Face it....

To solve the problem, keep a list (maintained by the government) of the people with serious mental health issues

SERIOUS mental health issues? Why a list? Put them in a facility for the good of all. We used to do that before the lawyers discovered how much fun and business they could generate with crazy people on the street.
The Brilliance of Barack Obama:

“We don’t have all the facts, but we do know that once again, innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gun.”

No. His father gave it to him. What law would have prevented that?

No shit

He had no problem getting a gun. You give or sell a gun to a crazy nutjob and you are liable
By current law, as interpreted by Scalia and the four others who supported him

The authors and Founding Fathers support him as well, clearly and unmistakeably.

Prove otherwise. No one else on your side of the coin has been able to, because short of a lie, it is an impossibility.

Be The One. :eusa_wall:
Like in almost ALL psy-ops staged with actors the role playing culprit immediately after steps on stage.
Charleston church shooting psy-op and Arson attack damages Israel 'miracle' church; parallel scripts
Hours later the South Carolina governor is already stating that actor playing "Dylann Roof" "is in custody where he'll stay for the rest of his life", a joke about the fact that he's scripted to be "sentenced to death", same as fake Boston bombings and joker Tsarnaev.
Actor playing culprit in Israel soon to be "caught" and identified as "jewish extremist".

- An overnight arson attack damaged a revered shrine in northern Israel where Christians believe Jesus performed a miracle, and police briefly detained 16 young Jewish settlers over the incident
Arson attack damages Israel miracle church - Yahoo News

Netanyahu is a fake jew, a nazi agent part of the agenda "Destruction of Israel"
Hoaxes of End Times - exposed since 1998 Israel v Hamas fake war becomes a grotesque milestone after Egypt ruled by patriotic government

Almost all "news" now are psy-ops setting the stage for the BIG BANG
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war

Why the resurrection of Osama Bin Laden, the scripted culprit for "missing Malaysia Boeing 777", ...
Illuminati parallel and reversed scripts Missing Malaysia Black box is a remake of 9 11 Shanlksville

... was postponed again and again since Easter Sunday 2014:
Global Genocide Illuminati agenda Mandatory vaccination alias vassassination postponed FIVE times - WHY
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By current law interpreted by Scalia and the four others who supported him, that is true.
Ah. So you agree that the 2nd DOES have a legitimate place in a discussion regarding gun control. Good boy
This means you'll stop whining about the fact that it is brought up in an honest and open discussion of gun control.
Also true is the fact that a one vote swing would have been sufficient to allow democratically elected State Legislatures and Governors, County Boards of Supervisors, City Council members and their mayor to implement for stronger gun control.
This is exactly as meaningful as arguing that Roe v Wade is one vote away from reversal.
That is, not at all.
Unless, of course, you believe that SCotUS justices should rule according to partisan ideology rather than sound law.
But no, you believe that court decisions should be based on sound law, not ideology. Right?
To that end, explain to us, in detail, how the Heller decision was unsound.

You don't like the fact that I remind everyone of the fact that you ran away from the honest and open discussion you asked for.
Your problem, not mine.
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Face it, we need to track the people that the law forbids to have firearms, and disarm them... And the laws are already on the books!!!
I totally agree
What do these loner assholes have in common?
Everybody knows the are fucking nuts and shouldn't be near a gun
Yet we don't want to inconvenience anyone so we keep letting the crazies have their guns

But it needs to be done without interfering with the rights of law-abiding citizens.

Look at it this way.... ISIS recruits on the internet, so should we just shut that down or limit it? We need to concentrate on the people who shouldn't have guns!!!
Face it, we need to track the people that the law forbids to have firearms, and disarm them... And the laws are already on the books!!!
I totally agree
What do these loner assholes have in common?
Everybody knows the are fucking nuts and shouldn't be near a gun
Yet we don't want to inconvenience anyone so we keep letting the crazies have their guns

But it needs to be done without interfering with the rights of law-abiding citizens.

Look at it this way.... ISIS recruits on the internet, so should we just shut that down or limit it? We need to concentrate on the people who shouldn't have guns!!!

I agree

How do we do it?

One thing in common with these massacres is we never hear....I never thought he could do such a thing
What we hear is....That guy always scared me and I knew it was a matter of time before he started killing

Time after time, we let these nutjobs have their weapon of choice so we don't interfere with their shooting up a movie theater, school or church
Face it, we need to track the people that the law forbids to have firearms, and disarm them... And the laws are already on the books!!!
I totally agree
What do these loner assholes have in common?
Everybody knows the are fucking nuts and shouldn't be near a gun
Yet we don't want to inconvenience anyone so we keep letting the crazies have their guns
But it needs to be done without interfering with the rights of law-abiding citizens.
Look at it this way.... ISIS recruits on the internet, so should we just shut that down or limit it? We need to concentrate on the people who shouldn't have guns!!!
RW will only lie to you.
For gods sake!
How hard can it be?

I could talk to any one of these nutjob assholes for five minutes and figure there is no way they should be near a gun

Yet time after time, we allow them unfettered access to the weapon of their choice

I would say to make the list of ineligible people readily available, then prosecute anyone who knowingly provides them with a gun. Also, allow stop-and-frisk if necessary to make sure they stay disarmed (along with stiffer penalties for illegally possessing a firearm).

But it needs to be done without trampling law-abiding citizen's right to gun ownership.

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