And So, With Charleston, The Cries To Ban Guns Resume ...

What we've got here is failure to communicate. The Left has failed to change the Constitution by arbitrary means, but it doesn't seem to compute.

The 2nd Amendment stands. The guns are out there. You will never get them back. Any attempt to ban citizen gun ownership would be met with guffaws, and be ignored.

I mean, who would turn them in?

most people don't say "ban" guns. normal people just want them away from crazies and criminals.
What we've got here is failure to communicate. The Left has failed to change the Constitution by arbitrary means, but it doesn't seem to compute.

The 2nd Amendment stands. The guns are out there. You will never get them back. Any attempt to ban citizen gun ownership would be met with guffaws, and be ignored.

I mean, who would turn them in?

Your premise is wrong.

There is no effort to ban guns.

Common sense strongly suggests some form of gun control is necessary. What form that takes cannot be debated because fools believe gun control is a slippery slope to total banishment.

and for the record, until Antonin "I think Satan is a real being" Scalia and his fellow extremist loons, jurists laughed at the idea of the 2nd Amendment being a private right of gun ownership.

but you wouldn't know that.

Lucky for the NRA and the Gun/Ammunition/NRA Complex that so many fools continue to parrot the BIG LIE, that is, "THEY want to take away your guns".

Moron, we have all kinds of gun control...sadly for you anti gun extremists the bad guys ignore you and your dumb laws...since they are aimed at peaceful, law abiding people and not criminals......

And history has shown......anti gun extremists never quit until they get a ban...and forced turn ins........ask the British, the French and well as Germany....and various locations that have tried to ban types of weapons and ammo......

We know who you anti gun extremists are and what you want...and we will fight you each step of the way....

you're still unable to communicate without calling your betters "moron".

poor little loon.

but thanks again for the pathetic little rightwingnut talking points.
What we've got here is failure to communicate. The Left has failed to change the Constitution by arbitrary means, but it doesn't seem to compute.
The 2nd Amendment stands. The guns are out there. You will never get them back. Any attempt to ban citizen gun ownership would be met with guffaws, and be ignored.
I mean, who would turn them in?
Most people don't say "ban" guns. normal people just want them away from crazies and criminals.
It is illegal for "crazies" and criminals to have guns.
How do you propose those guns are "taken away"?
What we've got here is failure to communicate. The Left has failed to change the Constitution by arbitrary means, but it doesn't seem to compute.

The 2nd Amendment stands. The guns are out there. You will never get them back. Any attempt to ban citizen gun ownership would be met with guffaws, and be ignored.

I mean, who would turn them in?

most people don't say "ban" guns. normal people just want them away from crazies and criminals.
Then the laws should concentrate on that.....

Oh, wait a minute, they already do!!!!!

Maybe if Obama would try to ENFORCE THEM?????
What we've got here is failure to communicate. The Left has failed to change the Constitution by arbitrary means, but it doesn't seem to compute.

The 2nd Amendment stands. The guns are out there. You will never get them back. Any attempt to ban citizen gun ownership would be met with guffaws, and be ignored.

I mean, who would turn them in?

most people don't say "ban" guns. normal people just want them away from crazies and criminals.
Bad people will always get guns whether they are illegal or legal you need good people with guns to stop bad people. People kill people not guns kill people.
What we've got here is failure to communicate. The Left has failed to change the Constitution by arbitrary means, but it doesn't seem to compute.
The 2nd Amendment stands. The guns are out there. You will never get them back. Any attempt to ban citizen gun ownership would be met with guffaws, and be ignored.
I mean, who would turn them in?
Most people don't say "ban" guns. normal people just want them away from crazies and criminals.
It is illegal for "crazies" and criminals to have guns.
How do you propose those guns are "taken away"?

not if you don't have national background checks, Shirley. and 2nd amendment NRA nutbars don't want ANY regulation.
What we've got here is failure to communicate. The Left has failed to change the Constitution by arbitrary means, but it doesn't seem to compute.

The 2nd Amendment stands. The guns are out there. You will never get them back. Any attempt to ban citizen gun ownership would be met with guffaws, and be ignored.

I mean, who would turn them in?

most people don't say "ban" guns. normal people just want them away from crazies and criminals.
Then the laws should concentrate on that.....

Oh, wait a minute, they already do!!!!!

Maybe if Obama would try to ENFORCE THEM?????

gun laws are enforced state by state.

but thanks anyway. :cuckoo:
What we've got here is failure to communicate. The Left has failed to change the Constitution by arbitrary means, but it doesn't seem to compute.
The 2nd Amendment stands. The guns are out there. You will never get them back. Any attempt to ban citizen gun ownership would be met with guffaws, and be ignored.
I mean, who would turn them in?
Most people don't say "ban" guns. normal people just want them away from crazies and criminals.
It is illegal for "crazies" and criminals to have guns.
How do you propose those guns are "taken away"?
Look at Mexico for an example. A pit of violence and crime.
What we've got here is failure to communicate. The Left has failed to change the Constitution by arbitrary means, but it doesn't seem to compute.
The 2nd Amendment stands. The guns are out there. You will never get them back. Any attempt to ban citizen gun ownership would be met with guffaws, and be ignored.
I mean, who would turn them in?
Most people don't say "ban" guns. normal people just want them away from crazies and criminals.
It is illegal for "crazies" and criminals to have guns.
How do you propose those guns are "taken away"?

not if you don't have national background checks, Shirley. and 2nd amendment NRA nutbars don't want ANY regulation.
Why are the NRA nutbars? They want to preserve the balance between citizens and government.
Perfect, a thread that accuses "the left aka the boogeyman" of wanting something they dont want.

This is when you choose one wack a doodle and claim that person is a representative for the left.

Individuality? Whats that?

You are full of shit, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it.
What we've got here is failure to communicate. The Left has failed to change the Constitution by arbitrary means, but it doesn't seem to compute.
The 2nd Amendment stands. The guns are out there. You will never get them back. Any attempt to ban citizen gun ownership would be met with guffaws, and be ignored.
I mean, who would turn them in?
Most people don't say "ban" guns. normal people just want them away from crazies and criminals.
It is illegal for "crazies" and criminals to have guns.
How do you propose those guns are "taken away"?

not if you don't have national background checks, Shirley. and 2nd amendment NRA nutbars don't want ANY regulation.
Why are the NRA nutbars? They want to preserve the balance between citizens and government.

What we've got here is failure to communicate. The Left has failed to change the Constitution by arbitrary means, but it doesn't seem to compute.

The 2nd Amendment stands. The guns are out there. You will never get them back. Any attempt to ban citizen gun ownership would be met with guffaws, and be ignored.

I mean, who would turn them in?

most people don't say "ban" guns. normal people just want them away from crazies and criminals.
Then the laws should concentrate on that.....

Oh, wait a minute, they already do!!!!!

Maybe if Obama would try to ENFORCE THEM?????

gun laws are enforced state by state.

but thanks anyway. :cuckoo:

Just add the crazies to a list.... Like THIS!!!!

FBI Gun Checks NICS

The National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS, is all about saving lives and protecting people from harm—by not letting guns and explosives fall into the wrong hands. It also ensures the timely transfer of firearms to eligible gun buyers.

Mandated by the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 and launched by the FBI on November 30, 1998, NICS is used by Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) to instantly determine whether a prospective buyer is eligible to buy firearms or explosives. Before ringing up the sale, cashiers call in a check to the FBI or to other designated agencies to ensure that each customer does not have a criminal record or isn’t otherwise ineligible to make a purchase. More than 100 million such checks have been made in the last decade, leading to more than 700,000 denials.
Perfect, a thread that accuses "the left aka the boogeyman" of wanting something they dont want.

This is when you choose one wack a doodle and claim that person is a representative for the left.

Individuality? Whats that?

You are full of shit, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it.

^^Common response when a charlatan has been caught charlataning <----I just made that up for you
Just add the crazies to a list.... Like THIS!!!!

FBI Gun Checks NICS

The National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS, is all about saving lives and protecting people from harm—by not letting guns and explosives fall into the wrong hands. It also ensures the timely transfer of firearms to eligible gun buyers.

Mandated by the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 and launched by the FBI on November 30, 1998, NICS is used by Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) to instantly determine whether a prospective buyer is eligible to buy firearms or explosives. Before ringing up the sale, cashiers call in a check to the FBI or to other designated agencies to ensure that each customer does not have a criminal record or isn’t otherwise ineligible to make a purchase. More than 100 million such checks have been made in the last decade, leading to more than 700,000 denials.
All of this, brought to you by the fine folks at the NRA.
Your premise is wrong.

There is no effort to ban guns.

Public school victim? I did not say there was an effort. I said the cries had resumed.

Common sense strongly suggests some form of gun control is necessary.

What sort of control do you believe would have prevented the Charleston shooting?

For starters, how about criminal control? How about those convicted of a single unprovoked violent act against another human are not seen again? It would not apply to this case, but would sure clean up the house.

What form that takes cannot be debated because fools believe gun control is a slippery slope to total banishment.

Of course. No one trusts you. Get over it.

Lucky for the Gun/Ammunition/NRA Complex that so many fools continue to parrot the BIG LIE, that is, "THEY want to take away your guns".

Hunting and sport shooting are not mentioned in the Constitution.

Q. What sort of control do you believe would have prevented the Charleston shooting?

A. A complex question or loaded question is an informal fallacy. A serious answer is very little if any form of gun control can be said to prevent an act already completed.

Q. For starters, how about criminal control.

A. Many mass murders and many murders in general are committed by persons with no criminal record.

However, persons with a propensity for violence (arrests for battery, sexual battery, domestic violence, child or animal abuse) or a history of substance abuse (two or more DUI's; arrests for possession of dangerous drugs or treatment for drug overdose) and persons determined to be a dangerous to themselves or others ought to forfeit their Second Amendment Rights and be denied the ability to own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun.

Any person who provided a gun to any person who has been found unfit to own, possess, etc. a gun should also forfeit their right to own, etc a gun.

The only way to enforce this form of Criminal Control is to license every person who want to own, possess, etc. a gun.

The 12 Worst Things The NRA And Its Media Allies Said In 2013 Blog Media Matters for America
What we've got here is failure to communicate. The Left has failed to change the Constitution by arbitrary means, but it doesn't seem to compute.

The 2nd Amendment stands. The guns are out there. You will never get them back. Any attempt to ban citizen gun ownership would be met with guffaws, and be ignored.

I mean, who would turn them in?

Your premise is wrong.

There is no effort to ban guns.

Common sense strongly suggests some form of gun control is necessary. What form that takes cannot be debated because fools believe gun control is a slippery slope to total banishment.

Lucky for the NRA and the Gun/Ammunition/NRA Complex that so many fools continue to parrot the BIG LIE, that is, "THEY want to take away your guns".

Moron, we have all kinds of gun control...sadly for you anti gun extremists the bad guys ignore you and your dumb laws...since they are aimed at peaceful, law abiding people and not criminals......

And history has shown......anti gun extremists never quit until they get a ban...and forced turn ins........ask the British, the French and well as Germany....and various locations that have tried to ban types of weapons and ammo......

We know who you anti gun extremists are and what you want...and we will fight you each step of the way....

Everyone of your posts are restatements of cliches. Of course there are gun controls, and yet still too many innocents are slaughtered by guns. You and others like you are examples of those who have decided no solutions exist, unless all guns are confiscated.

I don't believe that to be true. Reasonable people can discuss ideas as to how we can mitigate gun violence, and potentially reduce the number of guns in the hands of the unstable.

I wonder about those on this message board who fear any form of gun control, do they wonder or know that they are unstable? If so are their objection based solely on this question they ask themselves, "how would new laws impact me?"

LOL dude

Summary Ledger Gun Violence Archive

There were 52,000 gun related incidents in 2014 in this country.

Think about that for a moment.
330 MILLION people had 52 THOUSAND gun related incidents in an entire year.

That means the average American had a .00016 percent chance of being involved in a gun related incident.

That's roughly one in every 64 THOUSAND people.

And that's just shootings, not deaths.

Not to diminish those numbers, but your suggestion that a Constitutionally protected right should be removed for such low numbers is preposterous.

According to the CDC 10% of deaths of people aged 20-64 can be attributed to excessive alcohol consumption

Alcohol Deaths Features CDC


Where s your threads clamoring to outlaw alcohol?
Perfect, a thread that accuses "the left aka the boogeyman" of wanting something they dont want.

This is when you choose one wack a doodle and claim that person is a representative for the left.

Individuality? Whats that?

You are full of shit, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it.

^^Common response when a charlatan has been caught charlataning <----I just made that up for you

Yeah well you make EVERYTHING up anyway. How could I be charlataning when that was my first post in the thread idiot?

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