And some people still cling to the myth of the 'Population Explosion'

Really? That picture fills you with dread for the future of humanity and most animals? I just want to be clear on this.

In all honesty? Not really. If humans confined most of their numbers to cities and built up instead of out into the countryside, and found cleaner sources of fuel, have at it. I'm sure there are ways we could sustain a world's population of several tens of billions.

My question is, do we really want that? Why not simply reproduce more responsibly?

Did you or did you not read the links I posted at the beginning of this thread?
I think it is mostly the animals :D

Correct. Humanity can adapt to anything. It IS the animals that I worry about. That, and the serenity of walking a couple of miles through the woods and not seeing a building or road. A very underrated pleasure, that.
I think it is mostly the animals :D

Correct. Humanity can adapt to anything. It IS the animals that I worry about. That, and the serenity of walking a couple of miles through the woods and not seeing a building or road. A very underrated pleasure, that.

you can walk thousands of miles and not see any buildings :rolleyes:
I did. And a teachers school blah-blha-blah and somebody's blog may impress your hysterical sensitive soul but it does not impress ME

So tell me, in depth, what parts did you most disagree with and why?

with everything.

It is a bunch of lies.

Outdated, btw.

Surely there must be one specific point you found most disagreeable. I mean, anyone who can read three links in three mins surely must have the intellectual capacity to pinpoint something?
Really? That picture fills you with dread for the future of humanity and most animals? I just want to be clear on this.

In all honesty? Not really. If humans confined most of their numbers to cities and built up instead of out into the countryside, and found cleaner sources of fuel, have at it. I'm sure there are ways we could sustain a world's population of several tens of billions.

My question is, do we really want that? Why not simply reproduce more responsibly?

I'm glad it doesn't frighten you because that is a picture from the Shinjuku Crossing in Tokyo. That pic is not even representative of when it's really crowded either. It can take forever just to get across that short crosswalk around rush hour. And yet, Japan is about 85% woodland, and its population is declining rapidly. So stop worrying.
So tell me, in depth, what parts did you most disagree with and why?

with everything.

It is a bunch of lies.

Outdated, btw.

Surely there must be one specific point you found most disagreeable. I mean, anyone who can read three links in three mins surely must have the intellectual capacity to pinpoint something?

the data is too old. therefore the conclusions are wrong.

It's 2013, not 1990 or 1995.

Did you check the links for the articles, or you just religiously believed what is preached there?

p.s. I am familiar with the real research and how to vet the research papers. It really takes less than 3 minutes for the "articles" you've provided
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the data is too old. therefore the conclusions are wrong.

It's 2013, not 1990 or 1995.

Did you check the links for the articles, or you just religiously believed what is preached there?

I had to find them, particularly the first one and the curriculum aid, both of which I read years ago. And you didn't read them; you have no idea what is in them or you'd be able to pinpoint something that you found particularly irritating.

You're covering for it by saying it's too old, which you knew because Unkotare said one of them was from 1992. Your post was made 3 mins after mine, no way you had time to search new posts, enter this thread, click on them, read them and then post. So stop pretending.

And people wonder why I rarely post links. This is why. They're like bible verses, you can toss them around all day but they change the minds of no one.
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It would have been nice if it were more directly related to the topic, but good job nonetheless.

Thank you. And because I'm actually off work now, here's some more:

Human Nature, Technology & the Environment

This is a teaching aid for planning curriculum, but interesting anyway: 98.07.02: The Population Explosion: Causes and Consequences

Overpopulation: The Human Population Crisis

Ok, so that first link is from 1992, well before demographers realized that in fact global population is most likely to decline about 50-60 years from now. Sort of renders the underlying premise moot, but does not conflict with the idea that we should manage our resources better. Of course that is simply prudent regardless of any false overpopulation myth.

Did you check the dates of the materials for that course the second link led to?

Again, if we should manage our resources better, get along better, stop killing each other so much, and continue to advance in medical science, great. All that is regardless of any overpopulation myth.

the data is too old. therefore the conclusions are wrong.

It's 2013, not 1990 or 1995.

Did you check the links for the articles, or you just religiously believed what is preached there?

I had to find them, particularly the first one and the curriculum aid, both of which I read years ago. And you didn't read them; you have no idea what is in them or you'd be able to pinpoint something that you found particularly irritating.

You're covering for it by saying it's too old, which you knew because Unkotare said one of them was from 1992. So stop pretending.

And people wonder why I rarely post links. This is why. They're like bible verses, you can toss them around all day but they change the minds of no one.

oh, so you are just a high school or college student being brainwashed by these "courses"? why an I not surprised :lol:

you'd be better off checking the WHO data sheets yourself and learning to analize them instead of just swallowing a bunch of crap

you think it is so hard to check the end of the page to see the outdated materials?
oh, so you are just a high school or college student being brainwashed by these "courses"?

you think it is so hard to check the end of the page to see the outdated materials?

If they are outdated, then you'd be able to show how they are. Just admit you didn't read them
oh, so you are just a high school or college student being brainwashed by these "courses"?

you think it is so hard to check the end of the page to see the outdated materials?

If they are outdated, then you'd be able to show how they are. Just admit you didn't read them

I am not your mommy.

learn how to use google :lol:

the new data were provided by OP - read HIS links before posting the outdated crap
oh, so you are just a high school or college student being brainwashed by these "courses"? why an I not surprised :lol:

you'd be better off checking the WHO data sheets yourself and learning to analize them instead of just swallowing a bunch of crap

you think it is so hard to check the end of the page to see the outdated materials?

Oh I had some from CNN, Huffington Post and several others, but those would have been derided as "liberal crap" so I didn't bother. I'm more than experienced with those who trash the sources rather than debate their content. Another reason I don't post links. Why bother?
oh, so you are just a high school or college student being brainwashed by these "courses"? why an I not surprised :lol:

you'd be better off checking the WHO data sheets yourself and learning to analize them instead of just swallowing a bunch of crap

you think it is so hard to check the end of the page to see the outdated materials?

Oh I had some from CNN, Huffington Post and several others, but those would have been derided as "liberal crap" so I didn't bother. I'm more than experienced with those who trash the sources rather than debate their content. Another reason I don't post links. Why bother?

because IT IS liberal crap.

there is no overpopulation crisis.

we are just fine :D

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