And some people still cling to the myth of the 'Population Explosion'

Good for you. You go ahead and worry about your 40 acres, and leave other land owners to worry about theirs.
our planet can only support a finite number of humans, obviously we have not reached that number yet, but someday we will.

fewer people on earth means fewer problems and a better life for everyone.

No, we won't. The Earth has a carrying capacity of around 40 BILLION. We will top out at around 9 billion and then begin a slow slide back down to around 6 billion if demographers have their facts straight.

However, if you truly think there are too many people on the planet then feel free to do the right thing. Just make sure your stuff go's to the right people....

Now for the serious answer. Yes, there are too many people on the earth. remember most of the earth is not habitable by human life---oceans, deserts, the poles. And most of the earth is not suitable for growing crops and raising livestock.

4 billion is about right. unless you think that all habitable land should look like mexico city or calcutta.

We are at 7 billion now and there is plenty of open space. At 9 billion there will STILL be
plenty of room.
The vast Majority haven't done diddly squat. Without an education, no on is going to create medicines and technologies, and the vast Majority of the current 7 billion don't have the necessary education. 2 billion educated people could contribute much much more to humanity than 7 billion ignorant peasants.

Then lets implement programs and ideas that will educate more people. There, I have solved the problem. Next...

It's far easier to educate 2 billion people than 7 billion people.

You've just completely abandoned all reason to whatever morbid obsession you've got going on here, haven't you?
We are at 7 billion now and there is plenty of open space. At 9 billion there will STILL be
plenty of room.

Yeah, and it will look like this:


Hey cut those trees down and there's plenty of room for some more houses. And here, look:


Plenty of room to fit some more people in there!
Any day I look out my window I am going to see far more squirrels and deer than people. The population is sparse here and the woods are deep.

It is disgusting how people use this to gain a sales advantage. I have heard my entire life that we are running out of land. That is just not true. When I started looking for lake property a realtor tried to pull that shit on me and told me that there isn't much lake property left here because the TVA is buying all up. That is a flagrant lie. And I called her on it much to her embarrassment. I bought my house through a different realtor because I can't tolerate doing business with a liar.

You know what, fuck it. Here's a link:

Between 1982 and 2001, approximately 34 million acres of open space (an area the size of Illinois) were lost to development – approximately 4 acres per minute or 6,000 acres a day. Specific to forests, over 10 million acres were converted to houses, buildings, lawns, and pavement between 1982 and 1997, and 26 million acres more are projected to be developed by 2030. The total loss of forests from 1982 to 2030 will be close to the size of Georgia.

USDA Forest Service - Caring for the land and serving people.

Honest question: How long can this go on before we no longer have deep, thriving woodlands?

And yet, more people have been lifted out of poverty and we are producing more food.
And sorry, but I don't play the link game. .

= you are talking out your ass and you know you can't back up your bullshit.

No, it just means I don't feel like going to the trouble of posting links when I know I could post the best irrefutable evidence possible and you still wouldn't believe it. I'm not naive enough to swap links and hope for the best

= you are still talking out your ass and trying to justify the fact that you cannot back up your bullshit AND are too lazy to even try.
We are at 7 billion now and there is plenty of open space. At 9 billion there will STILL be
plenty of room.

Yeah, and it will look like this:


Hey cut those trees down and there's plenty of room for some more houses. And here, look:


Plenty of room to fit some more people in there!

Lots of room to fit people in Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, etc.
So don't live there, loon. Just because people are stupid and pack themselves like sardines in the cities doesn't mean there are too many people in the world. It might mean there are too many people THERE, but hey, if that's where they want to live...
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= you are talking out your ass and you know you can't back up your bullshit.

No, it just means I don't feel like going to the trouble of posting links when I know I could post the best irrefutable evidence possible and you still wouldn't believe it. I'm not naive enough to swap links and hope for the best

= you are still talking out your ass and trying to justify the fact that you cannot back up your bullshit AND are too lazy to even try.

I did post a link a couple of pages back.
And yet, more people have been lifted out of poverty and we are producing more food.

What the hell does that have to do with anything?

It means mankind is remarkably adaptable.

It's not your business to tell people how to live. If you want to live on 40 acres in the woods, good for you. But don't assume that everyone else needs space like that. I'd go fucking crazy living in the woods. Many people also want to live in places like New York, London and Paris. Urban populations are growing faster than rural populations.
Lots of room to fit people in Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, etc.

And then what? Cover the entire earth and then maybe we have a problem? Fuck that. There needs to be wild open spaces out there.

That's your opinion.

Besides, it's hysteria to say that we are in any danger of running out of space. If the world had a population density of Hong Kong, it wouldn't fill up Texas.
It means mankind is remarkably adaptable.

It's not your business to tell people how to live. If you want to live on 40 acres in the woods, good for you. But don't assume that everyone else needs space like that. I'd go fucking crazy living in the woods. Many people also want to live in places like New York, London and Paris. Urban populations are growing faster than rural populations.

Mankind, sure.

But what about all the other species we share the earth with that aren't so adaptable. Or, well, they try to adapt but get killed for it. Like the bears who try to scavenge from trash cans in what used to be their home, and then get shot for being a threat to precious little humans.

Cities are ever expanding into wild areas, usurping the animals' homes and eating up ever increasing numbers of resources. Why is it too much to ask people to reproduce responsibly?
No, it just means I don't feel like going to the trouble of posting links when I know I could post the best irrefutable evidence possible and you still wouldn't believe it. I'm not naive enough to swap links and hope for the best

= you are still talking out your ass and trying to justify the fact that you cannot back up your bullshit AND are too lazy to even try.

I did post a link a couple of pages back.

It would have been nice if it were more directly related to the topic, but good job nonetheless.

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