And some people still cling to the myth of the 'Population Explosion'

It is not and has never been a "crisis." Human innovation has more than kept pace with what is needed to feed the population (why some people in certain parts of the world are starving despite this has to do with politics, planning, and human nature). Innovation suffers when populations decline. Read the link.

our planet can only support a finite number of humans, obviously we have not reached that number yet, but someday we will.

fewer people on earth means fewer problems and a better life for everyone.

No, we won't. The Earth has a carrying capacity of around 40 BILLION. We will top out at around 9 billion and then begin a slow slide back down to around 6 billion if demographers have their facts straight.

However, if you truly think there are too many people on the planet then feel free to do the right thing. Just make sure your stuff go's to the right people....

As they baby boomers age out and retire the next generation is going to feel it.
our planet can only support a finite number of humans, obviously we have not reached that number yet, but someday we will.

fewer people on earth means fewer problems and a better life for everyone.

No, we won't. The Earth has a carrying capacity of around 40 BILLION. We will top out at around 9 billion and then begin a slow slide back down to around 6 billion if demographers have their facts straight.

However, if you truly think there are too many people on the planet then feel free to do the right thing. Just make sure your stuff go's to the right people....

LOL, I was actually going to suggest that all the global warmers make the sacrifice to save mother earth, and the coal and oil haters too. fewer people will do less damage to the planet, so step up libs, take that long walk off a short pier. save the planet from evil humans.

This is just like everything else liberal. They will give you the shirt off my back any day of the week. When they speak of the planet needing fewer people, they are thinking of someone ELSE should go, not themselves! LOL. As if they contributed anything.
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Among those "so many people" are the ones who have helped to gain the knowledge and develop the organizations, techniques, medicines and technologies to mitigate the effects of all the above-mentioned ills to a greater extent than ever before.

The vast Majority haven't done diddly squat. Without an education, no on is going to create medicines and technologies, and the vast Majority of the current 7 billion don't have the necessary education. 2 billion educated people could contribute much much more to humanity than 7 billion ignorant peasants.

Then lets implement programs and ideas that will educate more people. There, I have solved the problem. Next...

It's far easier to educate 2 billion people than 7 billion people.
Of course we did. But those things are now exacerbated by so many people. .

Among those "so many people" are the ones who have helped to gain the knowledge and develop the organizations, techniques, medicines and technologies to mitigate the effects of all the above-mentioned ills to a greater extent than ever before.

The vast Majority haven't done diddly squat. Without an education, no on is going to create medicines and technologies, and the vast Majority of the current 7 billion don't have the necessary education. 2 billion educated people could contribute much much more to humanity than 7 billion ignorant peasants.

I can agree with that up to a point. I have a JD, but I still have to hire a plumber and an electrician both of whom charge as much as a surgeon.
Among those "so many people" are the ones who have helped to gain the knowledge and develop the organizations, techniques, medicines and technologies to mitigate the effects of all the above-mentioned ills to a greater extent than ever before.

The vast Majority haven't done diddly squat. Without an education, no on [sic] is going to create medicines and technologies, and the vast Majority [sic] of the current 7 billion don't have the necessary education. 2 billion educated people could contribute much much more to humanity than 7 billion ignorant peasants.

There are more educated people today than ever before. You must be quite pleased with how we are doing despite your hatred for us humans. Maybe you're jealous as well.

Education covers a lot of territory. When I was teaching I worked with a woman who was finishing up a doctorate in education. I learned there are a lot of different kinds of intelligence. There is the academic kind, and then there are people who can fix things. She used to say if she ever married again she was going to marry someone who could fix the toilet!
And sorry, but I don't play the link game. .

= you are talking out your ass and you know you can't back up your bullshit.

No, it just means I don't feel like going to the trouble of posting links when I know I could post the best irrefutable evidence possible and you still wouldn't believe it. I'm not naive enough to swap links and hope for the best
The vast Majority haven't done diddly squat. Without an education, no on is going to create medicines and technologies, and the vast Majority of the current 7 billion don't have the necessary education. 2 billion educated people could contribute much much more to humanity than 7 billion ignorant peasants.

Then lets implement programs and ideas that will educate more people. There, I have solved the problem. Next...

It's far easier to educate 2 billion people than 7 billion people.

But we don't have 2 billion people. We have 7 billion people. The idea that 2 billion people is easier to teach than 7 billion is about as irrelevant a point I can imagine since I do not support genocide. We deal with the world we live in, not the worlds we imagine. I suspect it would be easier to teach two people than a hundred people... again... so what?
And sorry, but I don't play the link game. .

= you are talking out your ass and you know you can't back up your bullshit.

No, it just means I don't feel like going to the trouble of posting links when I know I could post the best irrefutable evidence possible and you still wouldn't believe it. I'm not naive enough to swap links and hope for the best

You've gone to more "trouble" explaining why you don't provide links than it would have to post a damn link in the first place.

Trying to use "you won't believe them anyway" as an excuse is a rather pathetic cop-out.
Then lets implement programs and ideas that will educate more people. There, I have solved the problem. Next...

It's far easier to educate 2 billion people than 7 billion people.

But we don't have 2 billion people. We have 7 billion people. The idea that 2 billion people is easier to teach than 7 billion is about as irrelevant a point I can imagine since I do not support genocide. We deal with the world we live in, not the worlds we imagine. I suspect it would be easier to teach two people than a hundred people... again... so what?

That would actually depend on who the 2 people were.
Any day I look out my window I am going to see far more squirrels and deer than people. The population is sparse here and the woods are deep.

It is disgusting how people use this to gain a sales advantage. I have heard my entire life that we are running out of land. That is just not true. When I started looking for lake property a realtor tried to pull that shit on me and told me that there isn't much lake property left here because the TVA is buying all up. That is a flagrant lie. And I called her on it much to her embarrassment. I bought my house through a different realtor because I can't tolerate doing business with a liar.

You know what, fuck it. Here's a link:

Between 1982 and 2001, approximately 34 million acres of open space (an area the size of Illinois) were lost to development – approximately 4 acres per minute or 6,000 acres a day. Specific to forests, over 10 million acres were converted to houses, buildings, lawns, and pavement between 1982 and 1997, and 26 million acres more are projected to be developed by 2030. The total loss of forests from 1982 to 2030 will be close to the size of Georgia.

USDA Forest Service - Caring for the land and serving people.

Honest question: How long can this go on before we no longer have deep, thriving woodlands?
Any day I look out my window I am going to see far more squirrels and deer than people. The population is sparse here and the woods are deep.

It is disgusting how people use this to gain a sales advantage. I have heard my entire life that we are running out of land. That is just not true. When I started looking for lake property a realtor tried to pull that shit on me and told me that there isn't much lake property left here because the TVA is buying all up. That is a flagrant lie. And I called her on it much to her embarrassment. I bought my house through a different realtor because I can't tolerate doing business with a liar.

You know what, fuck it. Here's a link:

Between 1982 and 2001, approximately 34 million acres of open space (an area the size of Illinois) were lost to development – approximately 4 acres per minute or 6,000 acres a day. Specific to forests, over 10 million acres were converted to houses, buildings, lawns, and pavement between 1982 and 1997, and 26 million acres more are projected to be developed by 2030. The total loss of forests from 1982 to 2030 will be close to the size of Georgia.

USDA Forest Service - Caring for the land and serving people.

Honest question: How long can this go on before we no longer have deep, thriving woodlands?

Given that almost all of my state is wooded, I'd say one helluva long time.
Morons who spend all their time in the city are terrified that they won't be able to freely access other people's property when they go on vacation, so it motivates them to grab as much land as possible..ostensibly to "preserve" it, but in reality, to keep land they don't own and can't afford in the undeveloped state they believe it should remain in, for their own enjoyment.
I have a suggestion for the destitute commie animal lovers..why don't you BUY ll the land, and then you can do whatever you want with it!

Isn't that a good idea? Hmm?
Imagine what this country would be like if working, productive people were having 5 and 6 children each and welfare mothers were only allowed one 'mistake.' Imagine.

you are a rrrrrracist bigoted women hater duper(c) :lol:

OK del, whatever you say.

***sigh***. it was a sarcasm aimed not at you but at obvious objectors to your normal worldview - the ones who do not see any problem in single moms and think that a taxpayer should pay that mom everything, including disposable diapers. :rolleyes:
Also, let's talk about these "ignorant" people in our population in terms of the PENCIL theory. Even Eisntien wouldn't have the faintest clue on how to physically make a pencil. However, the "ignorant" lumber jack cuts down a tree for the wood for the pencil. The "ignorant" farmer cuts a rubber tree and scoops up the dripping latex for the eraser. There are many stages in making either rubber from certain types of trees or synthetic rubber, all involving many "ignorant" people. By ignorant, I mean uneducated in the modern sense, not stupid. Then you have "ignorant" people making graphite for the pencil "lead". Then you have the "ignorant" truck driver (maybe without even a high school diploma) who drives the pencils to the stores where other "ignorant" people can buy the pencils and stick them up their noses.
So called "ignorant" people can still be useful to businesses and our society in general by helping us create a functioning, and even superior, economy.
It is not just the genius and well educated that help mankind. It is also the ability for "ignorant" people to come together with specific talents and work ethics to form a product that everybody wants.
So let's not assume "uneducated" people are automatically a drain to society and the world in general. Let's also not assume that all "educated" people are an answer to all the worlds problems.
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I have a suggestion for the destitute commie animal lovers..why don't you BUY ll the land, and then you can do whatever you want with it!

Isn't that a good idea? Hmm?

I own 40 acres, and might be acquiring another 35 in a couple of years

At least that is some land that will remain undeveloped, at least not for the duration of my life. Not all available land should be put to human use. It's absolutely wonderful to experience generations of deer and foxes walking with yards of your home. Sadly, their habitat is being destroyed and most people will never experience the simple, pure beauty of nature.

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