And some people still cling to the myth of the 'Population Explosion'

It is a crisis. Only science has kept us from starving. .......

It is not and has never been a "crisis." Human innovation has more than kept pace with what is needed to feed the population (why some people in certain parts of the world are starving despite this has to do with politics, planning, and human nature). Innovation suffers when populations decline. Read the link.

our planet can only support a finite number of humans, obviously we have not reached that number yet, but someday we will.

fewer people on earth means fewer problems and a better life for everyone.

No, we won't. The Earth has a carrying capacity of around 40 BILLION. We will top out at around 9 billion and then begin a slow slide back down to around 6 billion if demographers have their facts straight.

However, if you truly think there are too many people on the planet then feel free to do the right thing. Just make sure your stuff go's to the right people....
It is not and has never been a "crisis." Human innovation has more than kept pace with what is needed to feed the population (why some people in certain parts of the world are starving despite this has to do with politics, planning, and human nature). Innovation suffers when populations decline. Read the link.

our planet can only support a finite number of humans, obviously we have not reached that number yet, but someday we will.

fewer people on earth means fewer problems and a better life for everyone.

No, we won't. The Earth has a carrying capacity of around 40 BILLION. We will top out at around 9 billion and then begin a slow slide back down to around 6 billion if demographers have their facts straight.

However, if you truly think there are too many people on the planet then feel free to do the right thing. Just make sure your stuff go's to the right people....

LOL, I was actually going to suggest that all the global warmers make the sacrifice to save mother earth, and the coal and oil haters too. fewer people will do less damage to the planet, so step up libs, take that long walk off a short pier. save the planet from evil humans.
Myth. Read the links, learn the facts. We had war, disease, famine and pollution when there were half as many people alive on earth as there are now, and we had all those things when we had half as many as that, and half as many as that, and so on. As for the climate, it has been changing since long before we ever evolved into a distinct species.


Of course we did. But those things are now exacerbated by so many people. .

Among those "so many people" are the ones who have helped to gain the knowledge and develop the organizations, techniques, medicines and technologies to mitigate the effects of all the above-mentioned ills to a greater extent than ever before.
It is not and has never been a "crisis." Human innovation has more than kept pace with what is needed to feed the population (why some people in certain parts of the world are starving despite this has to do with politics, planning, and human nature). Innovation suffers when populations decline. Read the link.

our planet can only support a finite number of humans, obviously we have not reached that number yet, but someday we will.

fewer people on earth means fewer problems and a better life for everyone.

No, we won't. The Earth has a carrying capacity of around 40 BILLION. We will top out at around 9 billion and then begin a slow slide back down to around 6 billion if demographers have their facts straight.

However, if you truly think there are too many people on the planet then feel free to do the right thing. Just make sure your stuff go's to the right people....

Now for the serious answer. Yes, there are too many people on the earth. remember most of the earth is not habitable by human life---oceans, deserts, the poles. And most of the earth is not suitable for growing crops and raising livestock.

4 billion is about right. unless you think that all habitable land should look like mexico city or calcutta.
the only explanation why rabid left is so pushy with this
"overpopulation" theory is because the scares of it gives them the reasons why everything and everybody should be controlled - for the better good, the planet, the animals etc.

this garbage has been in it's active brainwashing stage for so long that not only libtards are on the hook...
Global warming
The next ice age in nye
Over population

All these "problems" always contain the same answer. An expansion of government with a limitation of individual rights. How often does the left try this nonsense? Once, twice a generation?
Myth. Read the links, learn the facts. We had war, disease, famine and pollution when there were half as many people alive on earth as there are now, and we had all those things when we had half as many as that, and half as many as that, and so on. As for the climate, it has been changing since long before we ever evolved into a distinct species.


Of course we did. But those things are now exacerbated by so many people. .

Among those "so many people" are the ones who have helped to gain the knowledge and develop the organizations, techniques, medicines and technologies to mitigate the effects of all the above-mentioned ills to a greater extent than ever before.

The vast Majority haven't done diddly squat. Without an education, no on is going to create medicines and technologies, and the vast Majority of the current 7 billion don't have the necessary education. 2 billion educated people could contribute much much more to humanity than 7 billion ignorant peasants.
Global warming
The next ice age in nye
Over population

All these "problems" always contain the same answer. An expansion of government with a limitation of individual rights. How often does the left try this nonsense? Once, twice a generation?

The frequency is increasing over time.
Of course we did. But those things are now exacerbated by so many people. .

Among those "so many people" are the ones who have helped to gain the knowledge and develop the organizations, techniques, medicines and technologies to mitigate the effects of all the above-mentioned ills to a greater extent than ever before.

The vast Majority haven't done diddly squat. Without an education, no on is going to create medicines and technologies, and the vast Majority of the current 7 billion don't have the necessary education. 2 billion educated people could contribute much much more to humanity than 7 billion ignorant peasants.

Then lets implement programs and ideas that will educate more people. There, I have solved the problem. Next...
Of course we did. But those things are now exacerbated by so many people. .

Among those "so many people" are the ones who have helped to gain the knowledge and develop the organizations, techniques, medicines and technologies to mitigate the effects of all the above-mentioned ills to a greater extent than ever before.

The vast Majority haven't done diddly squat. Without an education, no on [sic] is going to create medicines and technologies, and the vast Majority [sic] of the current 7 billion don't have the necessary education. 2 billion educated people could contribute much much more to humanity than 7 billion ignorant peasants.

There are more educated people today than ever before. You must be quite pleased with how we are doing despite your hatred for us humans. Maybe you're jealous as well.
The vast Majority haven't done diddly squat. Without an education, no on is going to create medicines and technologies, and the vast Majority of the current 7 billion don't have the necessary education. 2 billion educated people could contribute much much more to humanity than 7 billion ignorant peasants.

not necessarily.
highly educated people usually have much higher consumption needs than the peasants... the peasants in poor countries actually are an integral part of eco-system much more than highly educated IT guys or even more educated Wall Street gamblers
2 billion educated people could contribute much much more to humanity than 7 billion ignorant peasants.

You really haven't read the links and you really aren't thinking this through carefully, are you? You are just responding emotionally by indulging in your evident misanthropy.
For - what - 40 years or so now some people have been predicting doom and gloom over an "overcrowded world." Not only has it never been a real 'crisis,' the future holds challenges in exactly the opposite direction. Some of these challenges are presenting themselves before us now, and we would be wise to start thinking hard about the ones to come.

America's Baby Bust -

40 years? The doom-and-gloom population predictions go a lot farther back than that.

Malthus wrote Principle of Population more than 200 years ago.

An Essay on the Principle of Population - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I don't think we are at any risk in the US from over population. I get tired of people claiming we are running out of land. Those people clearly have not been in an airplane and see how much land is undeveloped. Food production is better every year. Modern planting techniques, double cropping, and insecticides that are more specific to bugs and less so to humans has really impacted farm output since the 1960s.

Most people think the people who produce our food are redneck farmers who are too stupid to do anything else. It is quite the contrary. Most farmers around here have been to college. They also work with the Cooperative Extension Service providing test plots for new hybrids, etc. When you drive by a corn, soybean, or wheat field and you see little 'signs' every few feet, it means those are test plots and they are labeled so they Extension Agent can know which crop did what.

Oh, and the County Extension Agent is definitely NOT like that loosie goosie guy on Green Acres. They are agronomists, entomologists, etc. Here is a little dit dat about the County Extension Service in the US. It is a government document and not copyrighted, so I could post it all, but I won't.

Congress created the extension system nearly a century ago to address exclusively rural, agricultural issues. At that time, more than 50 percent of the U.S. population lived in rural areas, and 30 percent of the workforce was engaged in farming. Extension's engagement with rural America helped make possible the American agricultural revolution, which dramatically increased farm productivity:
In 1945, it took up to 14 labor-hours to produce 100 bushels of corn on 2 acres of land.
By 1987, it took just under 3 labor-hours to produce that same 100 bushels of corn on just over 1 acre.
In 2002, that same 100 bushels of corn were produced on less than 1 acre.


Sadly most people think our food supply just happens. Well, it doesn't. There are people working diligently to stay ahead of the demand. And with millions of acres of tillable soil and the latest research readily available, that isn't difficult.
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For - what - 40 years or so now some people have been predicting doom and gloom over an "overcrowded world." Not only has it never been a real 'crisis,' the future holds challenges in exactly the opposite direction. Some of these challenges are presenting themselves before us now, and we would be wise to start thinking hard about the ones to come.

America's Baby Bust -

40 years? The doom-and-gloom population predictions go a lot farther back than that.

Malthus wrote Principle of Population more than 200 years ago.

An Essay on the Principle of Population - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, more than 40 years.
For - what - 40 years or so now some people have been predicting doom and gloom over an "overcrowded world." Not only has it never been a real 'crisis,' the future holds challenges in exactly the opposite direction. Some of these challenges are presenting themselves before us now, and we would be wise to start thinking hard about the ones to come.

America's Baby Bust -


Look out the window, there are people everywhere. War, disease, famine, climate change....all of this is related to overpopulation. There are too many people.

Any day I look out my window I am going to see far more squirrels and deer than people. The population is sparse here and the woods are deep.

It is disgusting how people use this to gain a sales advantage. I have heard my entire life that we are running out of land. That is just not true. When I started looking for lake property a realtor tried to pull that shit on me and told me that there isn't much lake property left here because the TVA is buying all up. That is a flagrant lie. And I called her on it much to her embarrassment. I bought my house through a different realtor because I can't tolerate doing business with a liar.
Who is being irrational? I am providing you with facts - I've put 4 or 5 links on this thread - and YOU are whining that you can't stroll through the park without having your bucolic view marred by all those pesky humans you seem to hate so much. The obvious solution to your dissatisfaction is still available to you.

You posted no facts, You posted only your biases in the form of a personal attack. That's what makes you an asshole.

There's a fact for you.

Deny reality all you want, but I have posted links to support the basic premise of this thread. YOU have just pissed and moaned about how inconvenient you find it to live on a planet with other people. Well....

The Chinese live in much closer proximity than most Americans. When we went to the military hospital in Beijing we were give an tour of the nurses' quarters. The hospital provided housing for their nurses. There were 6 beds to a room.

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