And some people still cling to the myth of the 'Population Explosion'

You can't want things before you are born.

Are you trying to make this a platform for your pro-abortion views now? Is that your preferred 'solution' to a problem that doesn't exist? Your hatred for humanity seems pretty intense. Where are you from? What planet? What species?

I've never said a word about abortion, asshole. Is that what this is about? .

That's not what it was intended to be about, but your post suggested that you wanted to make it about that. Maybe you should start a new thread if that is what you want to discuss.
So far we know that bri hates humans (and being wrong) and gets grumpy when planning a long trip.

Oh, and we also know that the past 40 years or so of panic over "the population explosion" have not only been bullshit, but the exact opposite of what we are likely to face in the not-so-distant future.

What we know is that you would be perfectly happy to let the world population expand to 15 billion if that made your retirement more comfortable.

I don't think I mentioned retirement at all. Could you find the quote where I did? And I'm quite certain I specifically said that I don't think we will ever hit 15 billion before the global population decline begins overall. Were you paying attention at all?
What we know is that you would be perfectly happy to let the world population expand to 15 billion if that made your retirement more comfortable. If that isn't the mark of someone who hates humanity, then I've never seen it.

Sure you have. You've seen someone declare that it would be better if fewer human beings were alive, and you've seen someone equate humanity to a catastrophic global disaster. Now THAT is someone who hates humanity.
For - what - 40 years or so now some people have been predicting doom and gloom over an "overcrowded world." Not only has it never been a real 'crisis,' the future holds challenges in exactly the opposite direction. Some of these challenges are presenting themselves before us now, and we would be wise to start thinking hard about the ones to come.

America's Baby Bust -

The "native-born" population of the USA achieved ZERO POPULATION GROWTH back in the late 60s.

If it were not for immigration (and their kids) the population of the USA would probably still be about 180,000,000.
How one can be sure that there is free speech in this country is that the author of that article hasn't been put into an lunatic asylum for writing such nonsense. The US population has increased by 1/4 since 1990, and yet gullible people are going to be shitting themselves because she was allowed to put this in a mainstream publication (if the WSJ can be called such anymore). Must be that the pro-business rag think sthat they can trick the Know-Nothing crowd into supporting immigration reform (which the business community is for, for the most obvious of reasons).
So far we know that bri hates humans (and being wrong) and gets grumpy when planning a long trip.

Oh, and we also know that the past 40 years or so of panic over "the population explosion" have not only been bullshit, but the exact opposite of what we are likely to face in the not-so-distant future.

What we know is that you would be perfectly happy to let the world population expand to 15 billion if that made your retirement more comfortable.

I don't think I mentioned retirement at all. Could you find the quote where I did? And I'm quite certain I specifically said that I don't think we will ever hit 15 billion before the global population decline begins overall. Were you paying attention at all?

I don't know if we will hit 15 billion and I don't care. If we do, then

1. Mankind will deal with it, and
2. What are we going to do about it anyways, have the government try and stop it?

Given how über-libertarian bripat claims to be, I can't imagine he'd be in favor of option 2.
Did you even bother to read that before - or after for that matter - you posted it?

Yes, I read it. It makes perfect sense to people understand plain English and are capable of rational thought.

What is plain is that YOU are talking about population density in very specific locations and NOT global population as a whole. Your little emotions have gotten the better of you and you are NOT engaging in rational thought.

Apparently you haven't figured out the fact that population density goes up when population increases. If the world population doubled, then the population of desirable places to live will quadruple. You can't spread people out evenly over places like the state of Nebraska. twice as many people means 4 times as many people on the beach, using our national parks, driving on our freeways, duping their waste into streams, lakes and rivers, etc.

There's nothing good about increasing the world's population, unless, of course, you're some self centered old coot who only worries about whether there are enough younger people willing to slave away to pay for your retirement programs.
What we know is that you would be perfectly happy to let the world population expand to 15 billion if that made your retirement more comfortable.

I don't think I mentioned retirement at all. Could you find the quote where I did? And I'm quite certain I specifically said that I don't think we will ever hit 15 billion before the global population decline begins overall. Were you paying attention at all?

I don't know if we will hit 15 billion and I don't care. If we do, then

1. Mankind will deal with it, and
2. What are we going to do about it anyways, have the government try and stop it?

Given how über-libertarian bripat claims to be, I can't imagine he'd be in favor of option 2.

No, I wouldn't be in favor of it. But one thing I wouldn't do is go around telling people that more people is a good thing.
So don't.

Personally, I like large families and like to see lots of kids. I don't look at them, weep, pour ashes on my head or pull my hair out and wail "Oh the poor groaning earth!! No more children!!!"

But that's just me. If it works for you, go for it. I'm sure you're a really fun person.
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Yes, I read it. It makes perfect sense to people understand plain English and are capable of rational thought.

What is plain is that YOU are talking about population density in very specific locations and NOT global population as a whole. Your little emotions have gotten the better of you and you are NOT engaging in rational thought.

Apparently you haven't figured out the fact that population density goes up when population increases. If the world population doubled, then the population of desirable places to live will quadruple. You can't spread people out evenly over places like the state of Nebraska. twice as many people means 4 times as many people on the beach, using our national parks, driving on our freeways, duping their waste into streams, lakes and rivers, etc. .

"Desirable places to live" is, of course, subjective. If you hate people so much don't live where there are a lot of us. Go to Nebraska and STFU. You want a private beach, go pay for an isolated mansion on Cape Cod or something and stop bitching. What you are bitching about is contrary to the information upon which this thread was started in the first place. Global population will peak in about 50-60 years and then begin to decline. In the meantime YOU will have to deal will all us human beings you hate so much. Too f-ing bad for you.
For - what - 40 years or so now some people have been predicting doom and gloom over an "overcrowded world." Not only has it never been a real 'crisis,' the future holds challenges in exactly the opposite direction. Some of these challenges are presenting themselves before us now, and we would be wise to start thinking hard about the ones to come.

America's Baby Bust -

there is also that bogus "oil peak" theory going in hand with this one
It is a crisis. Only science has kept us from starving. .......

It is not and has never been a "crisis." Human innovation has more than kept pace with what is needed to feed the population (why some people in certain parts of the world are starving despite this has to do with politics, planning, and human nature). Innovation suffers when populations decline. Read the link.

but constantly scaring people on some bogus claims helps to control that sheeple, who believe the scares
What is plain is that YOU are talking about population density in very specific locations and NOT global population as a whole. Your little emotions have gotten the better of you and you are NOT engaging in rational thought.

Apparently you haven't figured out the fact that population density goes up when population increases. If the world population doubled, then the population of desirable places to live will quadruple. You can't spread people out evenly over places like the state of Nebraska. twice as many people means 4 times as many people on the beach, using our national parks, driving on our freeways, duping their waste into streams, lakes and rivers, etc. .

"Desirable places to live" is, of course, subjective. If you hate people so much don't live where there are a lot of us. Go to Nebraska and STFU. You want a private beach, go pay for an isolated mansion on Cape Cod or something and stop bitching. What you are bitching about is contrary to the information upon which this thread was started in the first place. Global population will peak in about 50-60 years and then begin to decline. In the meantime YOU will have to deal will all us human beings you hate so much. Too f-ing bad for you.

Thanks for proving, once again, that you're just a shallow asshole incapable of rational thought.

Go fuck yourself.
So far we know that bri hates humans (and being wrong) and gets grumpy when planning a long trip.

Oh, and we also know that the past 40 years or so of panic over "the population explosion" have not only been bullshit, but the exact opposite of what we are likely to face in the not-so-distant future.

What we know is that you would be perfectly happy to let the world population expand to 15 billion if that made your retirement more comfortable.

I don't think I mentioned retirement at all. Could you find the quote where I did? And I'm quite certain I specifically said that I don't think we will ever hit 15 billion before the global population decline begins overall. Were you paying attention at all?

and what is wrong with willing to have comfortable retirement? or 15 billion people - there is space and resources for much more.
Apparently you haven't figured out the fact that population density goes up when population increases. If the world population doubled, then the population of desirable places to live will quadruple. You can't spread people out evenly over places like the state of Nebraska. twice as many people means 4 times as many people on the beach, using our national parks, driving on our freeways, duping their waste into streams, lakes and rivers, etc. .

"Desirable places to live" is, of course, subjective. If you hate people so much don't live where there are a lot of us. Go to Nebraska and STFU. You want a private beach, go pay for an isolated mansion on Cape Cod or something and stop bitching. What you are bitching about is contrary to the information upon which this thread was started in the first place. Global population will peak in about 50-60 years and then begin to decline. In the meantime YOU will have to deal will all us human beings you hate so much. Too f-ing bad for you.

Thanks for proving, once again, that you're just a shallow asshole incapable of rational thought.

Go fuck yourself.

Who is being irrational? I am providing you with facts - I've put 4 or 5 links on this thread - and YOU are whining that you can't stroll through the park without having your bucolic view marred by all those pesky humans you seem to hate so much. The obvious solution to your dissatisfaction is still available to you.
It is a crisis. Only science has kept us from starving. .......

It is not and has never been a "crisis." Human innovation has more than kept pace with what is needed to feed the population (why some people in certain parts of the world are starving despite this has to do with politics, planning, and human nature). Innovation suffers when populations decline. Read the link.

our planet can only support a finite number of humans, obviously we have not reached that number yet, but someday we will.

our planet can support an infinite number of anybody.

fewer people on earth means fewer problems and a better life for everyone.

or not.
It is not and has never been a "crisis." Human innovation has more than kept pace with what is needed to feed the population (why some people in certain parts of the world are starving despite this has to do with politics, planning, and human nature). Innovation suffers when populations decline. Read the link.

our planet can only support a finite number of humans, obviously we have not reached that number yet, but someday we will.

our planet can support an infinite number of anybody.

fewer people on earth means fewer problems and a better life for everyone.

or not.

You might want to get the dictionary out and look up the word "infinite". just sayin.....:eusa_whistle:

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