And some people still cling to the myth of the 'Population Explosion'

our planet can only support a finite number of humans, obviously we have not reached that number yet, but someday we will.

our planet can support an infinite number of anybody.

fewer people on earth means fewer problems and a better life for everyone.

or not.

You might want to get the dictionary out and look up the word "infinite". just sayin.....:eusa_whistle:

I know the definition and I stand by my statement.
You might want to get the dictionary out and look up the word "infinite". just sayin.....:eusa_whistle:

I know the definition and I stand by my statement.

You can stand by your statement all you want, but that doesn't mean your right. :eusa_whistle:

Anything that is 3 dimensional is finite. :eusa_shhh:

numbers do not have dimensions :eusa_whistle:

p.s. I understand what you are hinting to but dimensions need not to be limiting, since one can expand beyond
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The problem is really not about whether the problem actually exists, rather, the fact that those who control this planet, oligarchs and so on, have convinced themselves that a population problem exists and for decades they've been coming up with ways to control it.
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"Desirable places to live" is, of course, subjective. If you hate people so much don't live where there are a lot of us. Go to Nebraska and STFU. You want a private beach, go pay for an isolated mansion on Cape Cod or something and stop bitching. What you are bitching about is contrary to the information upon which this thread was started in the first place. Global population will peak in about 50-60 years and then begin to decline. In the meantime YOU will have to deal will all us human beings you hate so much. Too f-ing bad for you.

Thanks for proving, once again, that you're just a shallow asshole incapable of rational thought.

Go fuck yourself.

Who is being irrational? I am providing you with facts - I've put 4 or 5 links on this thread - and YOU are whining that you can't stroll through the park without having your bucolic view marred by all those pesky humans you seem to hate so much. The obvious solution to your dissatisfaction is still available to you.

You posted no facts, You posted only your biases in the form of a personal attack. That's what makes you an asshole.

There's a fact for you.
You can stand by your statement all you want, but that doesn't mean your right. :eusa_whistle:

Anything that is 3 dimensional is finite. :eusa_shhh:

numbers do not have dimensions :eusa_whistle:

Let me know when numbers have a dimension, Vox. :eusa_eh:

well, it should be you to let me know about it, since it was you who started the issue of 3 dimensions

people are extremely adapting variety of beings and can expand the number of themselves indefinitely. because they can expand the dimensions in parallel and probably, will
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For - what - 40 years or so now some people have been predicting doom and gloom over an "overcrowded world." Not only has it never been a real 'crisis,' the future holds challenges in exactly the opposite direction. Some of these challenges are presenting themselves before us now, and we would be wise to start thinking hard about the ones to come.

America's Baby Bust -


Look out the window, there are people everywhere. War, disease, famine, climate change....all of this is related to overpopulation. There are too many people.
numbers do not have dimensions :eusa_whistle:

Let me know when numbers have a dimension, Vox. :eusa_eh:

well, it should be you to let me know about it, since it was you who started the issue of 3 dimensions

people are extremely adapting variety of beings and can expand the number of themselves indefinitely. because they can expand the dimensions in parallel and probably, will

WTF? :cuckoo:
Thanks for proving, once again, that you're just a shallow asshole incapable of rational thought.

Go fuck yourself.

Who is being irrational? I am providing you with facts - I've put 4 or 5 links on this thread - and YOU are whining that you can't stroll through the park without having your bucolic view marred by all those pesky humans you seem to hate so much. The obvious solution to your dissatisfaction is still available to you.

You posted no facts, You posted only your biases in the form of a personal attack. That's what makes you an asshole.

There's a fact for you.

Deny reality all you want, but I have posted links to support the basic premise of this thread. YOU have just pissed and moaned about how inconvenient you find it to live on a planet with other people. Well....
It is a crisis. Only science has kept us from starving. If Republicans get their way.......

And not even that really, as people are starving all over the world. If every nation lived like the US, we would not have any resources left at all. Americans are too insulated to understand the real impact of overpopulation.
For - what - 40 years or so now some people have been predicting doom and gloom over an "overcrowded world." Not only has it never been a real 'crisis,' the future holds challenges in exactly the opposite direction. Some of these challenges are presenting themselves before us now, and we would be wise to start thinking hard about the ones to come.

America's Baby Bust -


Look out the window, there are people everywhere. War, disease, famine, climate change....all of this is related to overpopulation. There are too many people.

Myth. Read the links, learn the facts. We had war, disease, famine and pollution when there were half as many people alive on earth as there are now, and we had all those things when we had half as many as that, and half as many as that, and so on. As for the climate, it has been changing since long before we ever evolved into a distinct species.

[. Americans are too insulated to understand the real impact of overpopulation.

There is no such thing as "overpopulation," and there never has been as far as modern humans are concerned.
Myth. Read the links, learn the facts. We had war, disease, famine and pollution when there were half as many people alive on earth as there are now, and we had all those things when we had half as many as that, and half as many as that, and so on. As for the climate, it has been changing since long before we ever evolved into a distinct species.


Of course we did. But those things are now exacerbated by so many people. And sorry, but I don't play the link game. Links are like bible verses, we could quote them all day and neither of us is going to buy what the other is selling.
For - what - 40 years or so now some people have been predicting doom and gloom over an "overcrowded world." Not only has it never been a real 'crisis,' the future holds challenges in exactly the opposite direction. Some of these challenges are presenting themselves before us now, and we would be wise to start thinking hard about the ones to come.

America's Baby Bust -


Look out the window, there are people everywhere. War, disease, famine, climate change....all of this is related to overpopulation. There are too many people.

more Malthusians arriving

libtard breeding :lol:

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