And speaking of disgraced ex attorney Michael Cohen …

It is perhaps just a passing thought, but …

Since he got convicted and disbarred and has to spend so much time testifying, I can’t help but wonder how does Michael Cohen support himself these days?

Or maybe I should ask “what is the source of whatever income he has?”
He does podcasts. He’s basically a political commentator these days.
It is perhaps just a passing thought, but …

Since he got convicted and disbarred and has to spend so much time testifying, I can’t help but wonder how does Michael Cohen support himself these days?

Or maybe I should ask “what is the source of whatever income he has?”
Why is that your business?

Hm. The thought has occurred to others. Seems as though Cohen is doing ok for now. I wonder how the Trump suit against him will go? :cool:
It will get tossed & the orange land whale can shred it & flush it like the bastard was doing in the W.H. with documents. Either that or the criminal blob can wipe his ass with it.
It's your thread

I know. I was there when I composed and posted the OP, you retarded dildo.
Mad because you & your mob along with Trump couldn't intimidate Cohen into keeping quiet, right?
I’m not mad at all. So, of course you’re not right. You aren’t capable of being right. Or honest. Or interesting.
Suck it up, princess.

Suck off your boyfriend, ya hapless sissy.

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