And the comey memo is now slipping thru the fingers of the democrats......

Two things I learned today on the Dan and Amy show...citing actual reporters....(Sean Thompson and Bruce Wolf filling in for the vacationing Dan and Amy)

--when comey made his now famous bedside appeal to John Ashcroft to stop the Bush Administration on aspects of the war on terror.....he threatened to resign....yet, as Fox news reporters have reported.....if he thought Trump was actually trying to obstruct the investigation....he did not resign.......

--there is an actual federal law that states that the FBI director will immediately notify the Department of Justice at any attempt to get him to obstruct Justice......since comey did not do this, he obviously did not think there was any attempt to actually obstruct the investigation....

Damn democrats were soooooo close.......and the days go will see this attack falter and fail......
Don't see how a mistake by Comey helps Trump. Maybe he should have done things differently, but that doesn't absolve Trump.

Absolve Trump of what? Of what is he guilty?
Obstruction of justice, and not upholding his oath of office. Perhaps even treason if it can be shown that he was in collusion with the Russians in trying to swing our national elections.
Why didn't you impeach obama? He failed to uphold the nation's immigration laws, he actively obstructed the Feds from carrying out those laws

Hmmm ... So hiring an additional 18,500 Border Patrol agents and deporting more than 2 million, more than any other president, all while the R obstructed immigration reform is an impeachable offense?

Desperate much?
Mere talking points and fudging the numbers! The Border patrol is ecstatic that his ass is gone gone gone!
Two things I learned today on the Dan and Amy show...citing actual reporters....(Sean Thompson and Bruce Wolf filling in for the vacationing Dan and Amy)

--when comey made his now famous bedside appeal to John Ashcroft to stop the Bush Administration on aspects of the war on terror.....he threatened to resign....yet, as Fox news reporters have reported.....if he thought Trump was actually trying to obstruct the investigation....he did not resign.......

--there is an actual federal law that states that the FBI director will immediately notify the Department of Justice at any attempt to get him to obstruct Justice......since comey did not do this, he obviously did not think there was any attempt to actually obstruct the investigation....

Damn democrats were soooooo close.......and the days go will see this attack falter and fail......
If Comey was concerned about obstructing justice, why did he ignore it during 8 years of Obama and Hillary's multiple crimes?
Two things I learned today on the Dan and Amy show...citing actual reporters....(Sean Thompson and Bruce Wolf filling in for the vacationing Dan and Amy)

--when comey made his now famous bedside appeal to John Ashcroft to stop the Bush Administration on aspects of the war on terror.....he threatened to resign....yet, as Fox news reporters have reported.....if he thought Trump was actually trying to obstruct the investigation....he did not resign.......

--there is an actual federal law that states that the FBI director will immediately notify the Department of Justice at any attempt to get him to obstruct Justice......since comey did not do this, he obviously did not think there was any attempt to actually obstruct the investigation....

Damn democrats were soooooo close.......and the days go will see this attack falter and fail......
Don't see how a mistake by Comey helps Trump. Maybe he should have done things differently, but that doesn't absolve Trump.

Absolve Trump of what? Show us the memo and evidence that it was filed the day of the meeting.
Two things I learned today on the Dan and Amy show...citing actual reporters....(Sean Thompson and Bruce Wolf filling in for the vacationing Dan and Amy)

--when comey made his now famous bedside appeal to John Ashcroft to stop the Bush Administration on aspects of the war on terror.....he threatened to resign....yet, as Fox news reporters have reported.....if he thought Trump was actually trying to obstruct the investigation....he did not resign.......

--there is an actual federal law that states that the FBI director will immediately notify the Department of Justice at any attempt to get him to obstruct Justice......since comey did not do this, he obviously did not think there was any attempt to actually obstruct the investigation....

Damn democrats were soooooo close.......and the days go will see this attack falter and fail......
Don't see how a mistake by Comey helps Trump. Maybe he should have done things differently, but that doesn't absolve Trump.

Absolve Trump of what? Of what is he guilty?
Obstruction of justice, and not upholding his oath of office. Perhaps even treason if it can be shown that he was in collusion with the Russians in trying to swing our national elections.

Comey messed up again. He did not notify anyone of this obstruction of justice immediately as he is required by law to do.

Because there was no obstruction of justice......ask lawyers.....they have been on the radio today stating this is not obstruction in any sense of the is left wing opportunistic behavior...again....
Two things I learned today on the Dan and Amy show...citing actual reporters....(Sean Thompson and Bruce Wolf filling in for the vacationing Dan and Amy)

--when comey made his now famous bedside appeal to John Ashcroft to stop the Bush Administration on aspects of the war on terror.....he threatened to resign....yet, as Fox news reporters have reported.....if he thought Trump was actually trying to obstruct the investigation....he did not resign.......

--there is an actual federal law that states that the FBI director will immediately notify the Department of Justice at any attempt to get him to obstruct Justice......since comey did not do this, he obviously did not think there was any attempt to actually obstruct the investigation....

Damn democrats were soooooo close.......and the days go will see this attack falter and fail......
Don't see how a mistake by Comey helps Trump. Maybe he should have done things differently, but that doesn't absolve Trump.

Absolve Trump of what? Of what is he guilty?
Obstruction of justice, and not upholding his oath of office. Perhaps even treason if it can be shown that he was in collusion with the Russians in trying to swing our national elections.
Why didn't you impeach obama? He failed to uphold the nation's immigration laws, he actively obstructed the Feds from carrying out those laws

Hmmm ... So hiring an additional 18,500 Border Patrol agents and deporting more than 2 million, more than any other president, all while the R obstructed immigration reform is an impeachable offense?

Desperate much?

Didn't happen.....obama counted people turned away at the border as deportations......he was lying....
Two things I learned today on the Dan and Amy show...citing actual reporters....(Sean Thompson and Bruce Wolf filling in for the vacationing Dan and Amy)

--when comey made his now famous bedside appeal to John Ashcroft to stop the Bush Administration on aspects of the war on terror.....he threatened to resign....yet, as Fox news reporters have reported.....if he thought Trump was actually trying to obstruct the investigation....he did not resign.......

--there is an actual federal law that states that the FBI director will immediately notify the Department of Justice at any attempt to get him to obstruct Justice......since comey did not do this, he obviously did not think there was any attempt to actually obstruct the investigation....

Damn democrats were soooooo close.......and the days go will see this attack falter and fail......
Don't see how a mistake by Comey helps Trump. Maybe he should have done things differently, but that doesn't absolve Trump.

Absolve Trump of what? Of what is he guilty?
Obstruction of justice, and not upholding his oath of office. Perhaps even treason if it can be shown that he was in collusion with the Russians in trying to swing our national elections.

And none of that happened.......but thank asswipes are teaching Trump a valuable lesson.....and you didn't listen when he told you 2 things...

1) everything is a negotiation....the democrats could have worked with him....they didn't they are going to learn a hard lesson

2) Trump said he doesn't throw the first punch...but he finishes the fight...

You guys want are going to get it...
Two things I learned today on the Dan and Amy show...citing actual reporters....(Sean Thompson and Bruce Wolf filling in for the vacationing Dan and Amy)

--when comey made his now famous bedside appeal to John Ashcroft to stop the Bush Administration on aspects of the war on terror.....he threatened to resign....yet, as Fox news reporters have reported.....if he thought Trump was actually trying to obstruct the investigation....he did not resign.......

--there is an actual federal law that states that the FBI director will immediately notify the Department of Justice at any attempt to get him to obstruct Justice......since comey did not do this, he obviously did not think there was any attempt to actually obstruct the investigation....

Damn democrats were soooooo close.......and the days go will see this attack falter and fail......
Don't see how a mistake by Comey helps Trump. Maybe he should have done things differently, but that doesn't absolve Trump.

Absolve Trump of what? Of what is he guilty?
Obstruction of justice, and not upholding his oath of office. Perhaps even treason if it can be shown that he was in collusion with the Russians in trying to swing our national elections.
None of those things are going to happen.
Two things I learned today on the Dan and Amy show...citing actual reporters....(Sean Thompson and Bruce Wolf filling in for the vacationing Dan and Amy)

--when comey made his now famous bedside appeal to John Ashcroft to stop the Bush Administration on aspects of the war on terror.....he threatened to resign....yet, as Fox news reporters have reported.....if he thought Trump was actually trying to obstruct the investigation....he did not resign.......

--there is an actual federal law that states that the FBI director will immediately notify the Department of Justice at any attempt to get him to obstruct Justice......since comey did not do this, he obviously did not think there was any attempt to actually obstruct the investigation....

Damn democrats were soooooo close.......and the days go will see this attack falter and fail......
Don't see how a mistake by Comey helps Trump. Maybe he should have done things differently, but that doesn't absolve Trump.
Absolve Trump of what? Show us the memo and evidence that it was filed the day of the meeting.
Obstruction of justice, but we won't know all the details until Comey reveals the memo. I don't have it, but given Trump's penchant for hyperbole, if not outright lying, I'd have to lean towards Comey's story, unless it can be proven otherwise.
Two things I learned today on the Dan and Amy show...citing actual reporters....(Sean Thompson and Bruce Wolf filling in for the vacationing Dan and Amy)

--when comey made his now famous bedside appeal to John Ashcroft to stop the Bush Administration on aspects of the war on terror.....he threatened to resign....yet, as Fox news reporters have reported.....if he thought Trump was actually trying to obstruct the investigation....he did not resign.......

--there is an actual federal law that states that the FBI director will immediately notify the Department of Justice at any attempt to get him to obstruct Justice......since comey did not do this, he obviously did not think there was any attempt to actually obstruct the investigation....

Damn democrats were soooooo close.......and the days go will see this attack falter and fail......
The MSM is totally depressed. President ?Trump told the graduating class of the Coast Guard Academy to never give up. The MSM was hoping their continual fake news and lies would send President Trump running. He didn't and isn't. lol. Fuck the illegal media. #repealFOTP
Two things I learned today on the Dan and Amy show...citing actual reporters....(Sean Thompson and Bruce Wolf filling in for the vacationing Dan and Amy)

--when comey made his now famous bedside appeal to John Ashcroft to stop the Bush Administration on aspects of the war on terror.....he threatened to resign....yet, as Fox news reporters have reported.....if he thought Trump was actually trying to obstruct the investigation....he did not resign.......

--there is an actual federal law that states that the FBI director will immediately notify the Department of Justice at any attempt to get him to obstruct Justice......since comey did not do this, he obviously did not think there was any attempt to actually obstruct the investigation....

Damn democrats were soooooo close.......and the days go will see this attack falter and fail......
Don't see how a mistake by Comey helps Trump. Maybe he should have done things differently, but that doesn't absolve Trump.
Absolve Trump of what? Show us the memo and evidence that it was filed the day of the meeting.
Obstruction of justice, but we won't know all the details until Comey reveals the memo. I don't have it, but given Trump's penchant for hyperbole, if not outright lying, I'd have to lean towards Comey's story, unless it can be proven otherwise.

The least credible source is comey......

You know....what if Trump was the source of the comey memo leak?
Two things I learned today on the Dan and Amy show...citing actual reporters....(Sean Thompson and Bruce Wolf filling in for the vacationing Dan and Amy)

--when comey made his now famous bedside appeal to John Ashcroft to stop the Bush Administration on aspects of the war on terror.....he threatened to resign....yet, as Fox news reporters have reported.....if he thought Trump was actually trying to obstruct the investigation....he did not resign.......

--there is an actual federal law that states that the FBI director will immediately notify the Department of Justice at any attempt to get him to obstruct Justice......since comey did not do this, he obviously did not think there was any attempt to actually obstruct the investigation....

Damn democrats were soooooo close.......and the days go will see this attack falter and fail......
Don't see how a mistake by Comey helps Trump. Maybe he should have done things differently, but that doesn't absolve Trump.
Absolve Trump of what? Show us the memo and evidence that it was filed the day of the meeting.
Obstruction of justice, but we won't know all the details until Comey reveals the memo. I don't have it, but given Trump's penchant for hyperbole, if not outright lying, I'd have to lean towards Comey's story, unless it can be proven otherwise.
Unless he told Comey that he was going to fire him if he didn't back off it doesn't meet the standards of obstruction and unless the memo was certified and filed on the date of the meeting then it means nothing. But you're right, we don't have the memo, you know else doesn't have the memo? WaPo and NBC. They haven't even seen the memo, and Comey is not their source, they are relying on the word of an anonymous Comey associate who supposedly saw this alleged memo.
Two things I learned today on the Dan and Amy show...citing actual reporters....(Sean Thompson and Bruce Wolf filling in for the vacationing Dan and Amy)

--when comey made his now famous bedside appeal to John Ashcroft to stop the Bush Administration on aspects of the war on terror.....he threatened to resign....yet, as Fox news reporters have reported.....if he thought Trump was actually trying to obstruct the investigation....he did not resign.......

--there is an actual federal law that states that the FBI director will immediately notify the Department of Justice at any attempt to get him to obstruct Justice......since comey did not do this, he obviously did not think there was any attempt to actually obstruct the investigation....

Damn democrats were soooooo close.......and the days go will see this attack falter and fail......
Don't see how a mistake by Comey helps Trump. Maybe he should have done things differently, but that doesn't absolve Trump.

Absolve Trump of what? Of what is he guilty?
Obstruction of justice, and not upholding his oath of office. Perhaps even treason if it can be shown that he was in collusion with the Russians in trying to swing our national elections.

He is guilty of neither one. That only exists in your alleged mind.
Two things I learned today on the Dan and Amy show...citing actual reporters....(Sean Thompson and Bruce Wolf filling in for the vacationing Dan and Amy)

--when comey made his now famous bedside appeal to John Ashcroft to stop the Bush Administration on aspects of the war on terror.....he threatened to resign....yet, as Fox news reporters have reported.....if he thought Trump was actually trying to obstruct the investigation....he did not resign.......

--there is an actual federal law that states that the FBI director will immediately notify the Department of Justice at any attempt to get him to obstruct Justice......since comey did not do this, he obviously did not think there was any attempt to actually obstruct the investigation....

Damn democrats were soooooo close.......and the days go will see this attack falter and fail......
Don't see how a mistake by Comey helps Trump. Maybe he should have done things differently, but that doesn't absolve Trump.

Absolve Trump of what? Of what is he guilty?
Obstruction of justice, and not upholding his oath of office. Perhaps even treason if it can be shown that he was in collusion with the Russians in trying to swing our national elections.
Wow, I'm glad that didn't happen.

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