And The Most Cowardly Republican In Congress Award Goes To....


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Senator Liz Cheney survived to fight another battle but on a raucous and defining day, the appeasement of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene by House Republicans sent their party lurching further down the road to extremism. The moral crisis of the GOP saw Cheney, a lifelong ideological conservative, forced to fight off a challenge to her leadership post after she voted to impeach a President [versus] Greene, a belligerent conspiracy theorist who thinks the GOP's problem is that it lost the presidential election too gracefully, got a pass from colleagues despite promoting a sick stew of QAnon lies and fantasies."

So the House Republicans voted 140 plus in favor of not removing Cheney; while 60 plus voted for removal and one single GOP member voted you know how much of a fragile minded coward you have to be to still vote present on a secret ballot?? My money is on the fact that it was Republican House Leader McCarthy who did it...The Republicans also voted against removing Greene which was the same thing they did to remove a white supremacist by the name of Steve Dems will force each GOP member to go on record when they pass a resolution to remove Greene....

Wasn't that long ago when the Bush and Cheney names were so popular and worshiped by the GOP that a chick named Liz Cheney was able to be elected to Congress just because her dad was Dick how the GOP has changed; while also staying predictably the same....They have stayed the same in terms of how everyone else predicted years ago that the GOP would just become a sliding scale of bad to worse...

If the Republican primary for president was held today -- and the two candidates are Liz Cheney and any random person who thinks school shootings are fake, the Earth is flat, muslims should be illegal and Jewish space lasers are real -- that random person will win...that is the Republican base and has been for awhile... and what does the old guard of McConnell, Romney, and others really have to offer their base anyway? Limited government? Fiscal responsibility? The republican base don't give a fuck about those things; if you don't offer them bullshit culture war greivances, xenophobia and trolling as the only policy -- then why should they vote for a Liz Cheney, Adam Kizinger, etc??

"Senator Liz Cheney survived to fight another battle but on a raucous and defining day, the appeasement of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene by House Republicans sent their party lurching further down the road to extremism. The moral crisis of the GOP saw Cheney, a lifelong ideological conservative, forced to fight off a challenge to her leadership post after she voted to impeach a President [versus] Greene, a belligerent conspiracy theorist who thinks the GOP's problem is that it lost the presidential election too gracefully, got a pass from colleagues despite promoting a sick stew of QAnon lies and fantasies."

So the House Republicans voted 140 plus in favor of not removing Cheney; while 60 plus voted for removal and one single GOP member voted you know how much of a fragile minded coward you have to be to still vote present on a secret ballot?? My money is on the fact that it was Republican House Leader McCarthy who did it...The Republicans also voted against removing Greene which was the same thing they did to remove a white supremacist by the name of Steve Dems will force each GOP member to go on record when they pass a resolution to remove Greene....

Wasn't that long ago when the Bush and Cheney names were so popular and worshiped by the GOP that a chick named Liz Cheney was able to be elected to Congress just because her dad was Dick how the GOP has changed; while also staying predictably the same....They have stayed the same in terms of how everyone else predicted years ago that the GOP would just become a sliding scale of bad to worse...

If the Republican primary for president was held today -- and the two candidates are Liz Cheney and any random person who thinks school shootings are fake, the Earth is flat, muslims should be illegal and Jewish space lasers are real -- that random person will win...that is the Republican base and has been for awhile... and what does the old guard of McConnell, Romney, and others really have to offer their base anyway? Limited government? Fiscal responsibility? The republican base don't give a fuck about those things; if you don't offer them bullshit culture war greivances, xenophobia and trolling as the only policy -- then why should they vote for a Liz Cheney, Adam Kizinger, etc??
LOLOL.....A kooky congress critters got all you sissies panty waded...lolol
Omar is fucking a kookier brotherly loving piece of absolute filt

"Senator Liz Cheney survived to fight another battle but on a raucous and defining day, the appeasement of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene by House Republicans sent their party lurching further down the road to extremism. The moral crisis of the GOP saw Cheney, a lifelong ideological conservative, forced to fight off a challenge to her leadership post after she voted to impeach a President [versus] Greene, a belligerent conspiracy theorist who thinks the GOP's problem is that it lost the presidential election too gracefully, got a pass from colleagues despite promoting a sick stew of QAnon lies and fantasies."

So the House Republicans voted 140 plus in favor of not removing Cheney; while 60 plus voted for removal and one single GOP member voted you know how much of a fragile minded coward you have to be to still vote present on a secret ballot?? My money is on the fact that it was Republican House Leader McCarthy who did it...The Republicans also voted against removing Greene which was the same thing they did to remove a white supremacist by the name of Steve Dems will force each GOP member to go on record when they pass a resolution to remove Greene....

Wasn't that long ago when the Bush and Cheney names were so popular and worshiped by the GOP that a chick named Liz Cheney was able to be elected to Congress just because her dad was Dick how the GOP has changed; while also staying predictably the same....They have stayed the same in terms of how everyone else predicted years ago that the GOP would just become a sliding scale of bad to worse...

If the Republican primary for president was held today -- and the two candidates are Liz Cheney and any random person who thinks school shootings are fake, the Earth is flat, muslims should be illegal and Jewish space lasers are real -- that random person will win...that is the Republican base and has been for awhile... and what does the old guard of McConnell, Romney, and others really have to offer their base anyway? Limited government? Fiscal responsibility? The republican base don't give a fuck about those things; if you don't offer them bullshit culture war greivances, xenophobia and trolling as the only policy -- then why should they vote for a Liz Cheney, Adam Kizinger, etc??
LOLOL.....A kooky congress critters got all you sissies panty waded...lolol
Omar is fucking a kookier brotherly loving piece of absolute filt goofy muthafuckas obsess over these women of color not because they are "kooky" but because they are competent...and effective....


Not a single one of you morons can name a single policy Greene has ever advocated for or even a policy position she ever had aside from trolling and conspiracy theories
The "Present" vote was obviously cast by Ms. Cheney herself, was too modest (as many are) to vote for themselves.

But now she, and the rest of the Republican caucus, are faced with a huge challenge. The purging of President Trump means they have to get their own fucking accomplishments to run on in 2022 and beyond. They have to show they are worthy, if they want the votes of Trump supporters.

We wait in anticipation.

"Senator Liz Cheney survived to fight another battle but on a raucous and defining day, the appeasement of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene by House Republicans sent their party lurching further down the road to extremism. The moral crisis of the GOP saw Cheney, a lifelong ideological conservative, forced to fight off a challenge to her leadership post after she voted to impeach a President [versus] Greene, a belligerent conspiracy theorist who thinks the GOP's problem is that it lost the presidential election too gracefully, got a pass from colleagues despite promoting a sick stew of QAnon lies and fantasies."

So the House Republicans voted 140 plus in favor of not removing Cheney; while 60 plus voted for removal and one single GOP member voted you know how much of a fragile minded coward you have to be to still vote present on a secret ballot?? My money is on the fact that it was Republican House Leader McCarthy who did it...The Republicans also voted against removing Greene which was the same thing they did to remove a white supremacist by the name of Steve Dems will force each GOP member to go on record when they pass a resolution to remove Greene....

Wasn't that long ago when the Bush and Cheney names were so popular and worshiped by the GOP that a chick named Liz Cheney was able to be elected to Congress just because her dad was Dick how the GOP has changed; while also staying predictably the same....They have stayed the same in terms of how everyone else predicted years ago that the GOP would just become a sliding scale of bad to worse...

If the Republican primary for president was held today -- and the two candidates are Liz Cheney and any random person who thinks school shootings are fake, the Earth is flat, muslims should be illegal and Jewish space lasers are real -- that random person will win...that is the Republican base and has been for awhile... and what does the old guard of McConnell, Romney, and others really have to offer their base anyway? Limited government? Fiscal responsibility? The republican base don't give a fuck about those things; if you don't offer them bullshit culture war greivances, xenophobia and trolling as the only policy -- then why should they vote for a Liz Cheney, Adam Kizinger, etc??
LOLOL.....A kooky congress critters got all you sissies panty waded...lolol
Omar is fucking a kookier brotherly loving piece of absolute filt goofy muthafuckas obsess over these women of color not because they are "kooky" but because they are competent...and effective....

View attachment 452849

Not a single one of you morons can name a single policy Greene has ever advocated for or even a policy position she ever had aside from trolling and conspiracy theories
No, those four dustheads are kooks too....We can throw in Hank Johnson and Mazie Hirono for good measure.

There's plenty of fecklessness and kookery to go around in the Uniparty.

Meanwhile, neocon fuckwits like Liz Cheney are exactly the kind of people who gave us Trump.

"Senator Liz Cheney survived to fight another battle but on a raucous and defining day, the appeasement of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene by House Republicans sent their party lurching further down the road to extremism. The moral crisis of the GOP saw Cheney, a lifelong ideological conservative, forced to fight off a challenge to her leadership post after she voted to impeach a President [versus] Greene, a belligerent conspiracy theorist who thinks the GOP's problem is that it lost the presidential election too gracefully, got a pass from colleagues despite promoting a sick stew of QAnon lies and fantasies."

So the House Republicans voted 140 plus in favor of not removing Cheney; while 60 plus voted for removal and one single GOP member voted you know how much of a fragile minded coward you have to be to still vote present on a secret ballot?? My money is on the fact that it was Republican House Leader McCarthy who did it...The Republicans also voted against removing Greene which was the same thing they did to remove a white supremacist by the name of Steve Dems will force each GOP member to go on record when they pass a resolution to remove Greene....

Wasn't that long ago when the Bush and Cheney names were so popular and worshiped by the GOP that a chick named Liz Cheney was able to be elected to Congress just because her dad was Dick how the GOP has changed; while also staying predictably the same....They have stayed the same in terms of how everyone else predicted years ago that the GOP would just become a sliding scale of bad to worse...

If the Republican primary for president was held today -- and the two candidates are Liz Cheney and any random person who thinks school shootings are fake, the Earth is flat, muslims should be illegal and Jewish space lasers are real -- that random person will win...that is the Republican base and has been for awhile... and what does the old guard of McConnell, Romney, and others really have to offer their base anyway? Limited government? Fiscal responsibility? The republican base don't give a fuck about those things; if you don't offer them bullshit culture war greivances, xenophobia and trolling as the only policy -- then why should they vote for a Liz Cheney, Adam Kizinger, etc??
LOLOL.....A kooky congress critters got all you sissies panty waded...lolol
Omar is fucking a kookier brotherly loving piece of absolute filt goofy muthafuckas obsess over these women of color not because they are "kooky" but because they are competent...and effective....

View attachment 452849

Not a single one of you morons can name a single policy Greene has ever advocated for or even a policy position she ever had aside from trolling and conspiracy theories
No, those four dust heads are kooks too....We can throw in Hank Johnson and Mazie Hirono for good measure.

There's plenty of feckless and kookery to go around in the Uniparty.

Meanwhile, neocon fuckwits like Liz Cheney are exactly the people who gave us Trump.
You forgot Aunt Maxipad.

"Senator Liz Cheney survived to fight another battle but on a raucous and defining day, the appeasement of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene by House Republicans sent their party lurching further down the road to extremism. The moral crisis of the GOP saw Cheney, a lifelong ideological conservative, forced to fight off a challenge to her leadership post after she voted to impeach a President [versus] Greene, a belligerent conspiracy theorist who thinks the GOP's problem is that it lost the presidential election too gracefully, got a pass from colleagues despite promoting a sick stew of QAnon lies and fantasies."

So the House Republicans voted 140 plus in favor of not removing Cheney; while 60 plus voted for removal and one single GOP member voted you know how much of a fragile minded coward you have to be to still vote present on a secret ballot?? My money is on the fact that it was Republican House Leader McCarthy who did it...The Republicans also voted against removing Greene which was the same thing they did to remove a white supremacist by the name of Steve Dems will force each GOP member to go on record when they pass a resolution to remove Greene....

Wasn't that long ago when the Bush and Cheney names were so popular and worshiped by the GOP that a chick named Liz Cheney was able to be elected to Congress just because her dad was Dick how the GOP has changed; while also staying predictably the same....They have stayed the same in terms of how everyone else predicted years ago that the GOP would just become a sliding scale of bad to worse...

If the Republican primary for president was held today -- and the two candidates are Liz Cheney and any random person who thinks school shootings are fake, the Earth is flat, muslims should be illegal and Jewish space lasers are real -- that random person will win...that is the Republican base and has been for awhile... and what does the old guard of McConnell, Romney, and others really have to offer their base anyway? Limited government? Fiscal responsibility? The republican base don't give a fuck about those things; if you don't offer them bullshit culture war greivances, xenophobia and trolling as the only policy -- then why should they vote for a Liz Cheney, Adam Kizinger, etc??
LOLOL.....A kooky congress critters got all you sissies panty waded...lolol
Omar is fucking a kookier brotherly loving piece of absolute filt goofy muthafuckas obsess over these women of color not because they are "kooky" but because they are competent...and effective....

View attachment 452849

Not a single one of you morons can name a single policy Greene has ever advocated for or even a policy position she ever had aside from trolling and conspiracy theories

you goofy muthafuckas obsess over these women of color not because they are "kooky" but because they are competent...and effective....

Competent? Effective?


"Senator Liz Cheney survived to fight another battle but on a raucous and defining day, the appeasement of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene by House Republicans sent their party lurching further down the road to extremism. The moral crisis of the GOP saw Cheney, a lifelong ideological conservative, forced to fight off a challenge to her leadership post after she voted to impeach a President [versus] Greene, a belligerent conspiracy theorist who thinks the GOP's problem is that it lost the presidential election too gracefully, got a pass from colleagues despite promoting a sick stew of QAnon lies and fantasies."

So the House Republicans voted 140 plus in favor of not removing Cheney; while 60 plus voted for removal and one single GOP member voted you know how much of a fragile minded coward you have to be to still vote present on a secret ballot?? My money is on the fact that it was Republican House Leader McCarthy who did it...The Republicans also voted against removing Greene which was the same thing they did to remove a white supremacist by the name of Steve Dems will force each GOP member to go on record when they pass a resolution to remove Greene....

Wasn't that long ago when the Bush and Cheney names were so popular and worshiped by the GOP that a chick named Liz Cheney was able to be elected to Congress just because her dad was Dick how the GOP has changed; while also staying predictably the same....They have stayed the same in terms of how everyone else predicted years ago that the GOP would just become a sliding scale of bad to worse...

If the Republican primary for president was held today -- and the two candidates are Liz Cheney and any random person who thinks school shootings are fake, the Earth is flat, muslims should be illegal and Jewish space lasers are real -- that random person will win...that is the Republican base and has been for awhile... and what does the old guard of McConnell, Romney, and others really have to offer their base anyway? Limited government? Fiscal responsibility? The republican base don't give a fuck about those things; if you don't offer them bullshit culture war greivances, xenophobia and trolling as the only policy -- then why should they vote for a Liz Cheney, Adam Kizinger, etc??
LOLOL.....A kooky congress critters got all you sissies panty waded...lolol
Omar is fucking a kookier brotherly loving piece of absolute filt
Does omar think jewish space lasers are starting wildfires in california?

"Senator Liz Cheney survived to fight another battle but on a raucous and defining day, the appeasement of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene by House Republicans sent their party lurching further down the road to extremism. The moral crisis of the GOP saw Cheney, a lifelong ideological conservative, forced to fight off a challenge to her leadership post after she voted to impeach a President [versus] Greene, a belligerent conspiracy theorist who thinks the GOP's problem is that it lost the presidential election too gracefully, got a pass from colleagues despite promoting a sick stew of QAnon lies and fantasies."

So the House Republicans voted 140 plus in favor of not removing Cheney; while 60 plus voted for removal and one single GOP member voted you know how much of a fragile minded coward you have to be to still vote present on a secret ballot?? My money is on the fact that it was Republican House Leader McCarthy who did it...The Republicans also voted against removing Greene which was the same thing they did to remove a white supremacist by the name of Steve Dems will force each GOP member to go on record when they pass a resolution to remove Greene....

Wasn't that long ago when the Bush and Cheney names were so popular and worshiped by the GOP that a chick named Liz Cheney was able to be elected to Congress just because her dad was Dick how the GOP has changed; while also staying predictably the same....They have stayed the same in terms of how everyone else predicted years ago that the GOP would just become a sliding scale of bad to worse...

If the Republican primary for president was held today -- and the two candidates are Liz Cheney and any random person who thinks school shootings are fake, the Earth is flat, muslims should be illegal and Jewish space lasers are real -- that random person will win...that is the Republican base and has been for awhile... and what does the old guard of McConnell, Romney, and others really have to offer their base anyway? Limited government? Fiscal responsibility? The republican base don't give a fuck about those things; if you don't offer them bullshit culture war greivances, xenophobia and trolling as the only policy -- then why should they vote for a Liz Cheney, Adam Kizinger, etc??
LOLOL.....A kooky congress critters got all you sissies panty waded...lolol
Omar is fucking a kookier brotherly loving piece of absolute filt goofy muthafuckas obsess over these women of color not because they are "kooky" but because they are competent...and effective....

View attachment 452849

Not a single one of you morons can name a single policy Greene has ever advocated for or even a policy position she ever had aside from trolling and conspiracy theories
Hey. The last one is balder than a bell pepper now

"Senator Liz Cheney survived to fight another battle but on a raucous and defining day, the appeasement of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene by House Republicans sent their party lurching further down the road to extremism. The moral crisis of the GOP saw Cheney, a lifelong ideological conservative, forced to fight off a challenge to her leadership post after she voted to impeach a President [versus] Greene, a belligerent conspiracy theorist who thinks the GOP's problem is that it lost the presidential election too gracefully, got a pass from colleagues despite promoting a sick stew of QAnon lies and fantasies."

So the House Republicans voted 140 plus in favor of not removing Cheney; while 60 plus voted for removal and one single GOP member voted you know how much of a fragile minded coward you have to be to still vote present on a secret ballot?? My money is on the fact that it was Republican House Leader McCarthy who did it...The Republicans also voted against removing Greene which was the same thing they did to remove a white supremacist by the name of Steve Dems will force each GOP member to go on record when they pass a resolution to remove Greene....

Wasn't that long ago when the Bush and Cheney names were so popular and worshiped by the GOP that a chick named Liz Cheney was able to be elected to Congress just because her dad was Dick how the GOP has changed; while also staying predictably the same....They have stayed the same in terms of how everyone else predicted years ago that the GOP would just become a sliding scale of bad to worse...

If the Republican primary for president was held today -- and the two candidates are Liz Cheney and any random person who thinks school shootings are fake, the Earth is flat, muslims should be illegal and Jewish space lasers are real -- that random person will win...that is the Republican base and has been for awhile... and what does the old guard of McConnell, Romney, and others really have to offer their base anyway? Limited government? Fiscal responsibility? The republican base don't give a fuck about those things; if you don't offer them bullshit culture war greivances, xenophobia and trolling as the only policy -- then why should they vote for a Liz Cheney, Adam Kizinger, etc??
LOLOL.....A kooky congress critters got all you sissies panty waded...lolol
Omar is fucking a kookier brotherly loving piece of absolute filt
Does omar think jewish space lasers are starting wildfires in california?
I don't give a fuck what one dumb crazy assed bitch believes in. Watching you men in dresses in full PMS mode is funnier than hell.

Worry about governing now instead of racist pronouns. God I am so lucky not to have been gutted mentally by libtards.

"Senator Liz Cheney survived to fight another battle but on a raucous and defining day, the appeasement of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene by House Republicans sent their party lurching further down the road to extremism. The moral crisis of the GOP saw Cheney, a lifelong ideological conservative, forced to fight off a challenge to her leadership post after she voted to impeach a President [versus] Greene, a belligerent conspiracy theorist who thinks the GOP's problem is that it lost the presidential election too gracefully, got a pass from colleagues despite promoting a sick stew of QAnon lies and fantasies."

So the House Republicans voted 140 plus in favor of not removing Cheney; while 60 plus voted for removal and one single GOP member voted you know how much of a fragile minded coward you have to be to still vote present on a secret ballot?? My money is on the fact that it was Republican House Leader McCarthy who did it...The Republicans also voted against removing Greene which was the same thing they did to remove a white supremacist by the name of Steve Dems will force each GOP member to go on record when they pass a resolution to remove Greene....

Wasn't that long ago when the Bush and Cheney names were so popular and worshiped by the GOP that a chick named Liz Cheney was able to be elected to Congress just because her dad was Dick how the GOP has changed; while also staying predictably the same....They have stayed the same in terms of how everyone else predicted years ago that the GOP would just become a sliding scale of bad to worse...

If the Republican primary for president was held today -- and the two candidates are Liz Cheney and any random person who thinks school shootings are fake, the Earth is flat, muslims should be illegal and Jewish space lasers are real -- that random person will win...that is the Republican base and has been for awhile... and what does the old guard of McConnell, Romney, and others really have to offer their base anyway? Limited government? Fiscal responsibility? The republican base don't give a fuck about those things; if you don't offer them bullshit culture war greivances, xenophobia and trolling as the only policy -- then why should they vote for a Liz Cheney, Adam Kizinger, etc??
LOLOL.....A kooky congress critters got all you sissies panty waded...lolol
Omar is fucking a kookier brotherly loving piece of absolute filt
Does omar think jewish space lasers are starting wildfires in california?
I don't give a fuck what one dumb crazy assed bitch believes in. Watching you men in dresses in full PMS mode is funnier than hell.

Worry about governing now instead of racist pronouns. God I am so lucky not to have been gutted mentally by libtards.
Spittle spewing rants just make you look silly.

Well, sillier.

Wanna address the post now?
Does omar think jewish space lasers are starting wildfires in california?

Trump says it is because Californians don’t rake their forests enough
Isn't that a shame all that precious water was diverted to save the Purple Winged Idgit from extinction. Then the whole GD state burns. Wonder why people are fleeing in droves...WHY are they fleeing??? Trump?
Republicans have no balls

They have no balls to stand up to Trump
No balls to stand up to White Supremacists
No balls to stand up to extremism in their party
Someone who thinks men who wear dresses is perfectly normal talks about ballz. That is so precious. Then a girl with ballz can compete against slits. Unbelievable

"Senator Liz Cheney survived to fight another battle but on a raucous and defining day, the appeasement of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene by House Republicans sent their party lurching further down the road to extremism. The moral crisis of the GOP saw Cheney, a lifelong ideological conservative, forced to fight off a challenge to her leadership post after she voted to impeach a President [versus] Greene, a belligerent conspiracy theorist who thinks the GOP's problem is that it lost the presidential election too gracefully, got a pass from colleagues despite promoting a sick stew of QAnon lies and fantasies."

So the House Republicans voted 140 plus in favor of not removing Cheney; while 60 plus voted for removal and one single GOP member voted you know how much of a fragile minded coward you have to be to still vote present on a secret ballot?? My money is on the fact that it was Republican House Leader McCarthy who did it...The Republicans also voted against removing Greene which was the same thing they did to remove a white supremacist by the name of Steve Dems will force each GOP member to go on record when they pass a resolution to remove Greene....

Wasn't that long ago when the Bush and Cheney names were so popular and worshiped by the GOP that a chick named Liz Cheney was able to be elected to Congress just because her dad was Dick how the GOP has changed; while also staying predictably the same....They have stayed the same in terms of how everyone else predicted years ago that the GOP would just become a sliding scale of bad to worse...

If the Republican primary for president was held today -- and the two candidates are Liz Cheney and any random person who thinks school shootings are fake, the Earth is flat, muslims should be illegal and Jewish space lasers are real -- that random person will win...that is the Republican base and has been for awhile... and what does the old guard of McConnell, Romney, and others really have to offer their base anyway? Limited government? Fiscal responsibility? The republican base don't give a fuck about those things; if you don't offer them bullshit culture war greivances, xenophobia and trolling as the only policy -- then why should they vote for a Liz Cheney, Adam Kizinger, etc??
LOLOL.....A kooky congress critters got all you sissies panty waded...lolol
Omar is fucking a kookier brotherly loving piece of absolute filt
Does omar think jewish space lasers are starting wildfires in california?
I don't give a fuck what one dumb crazy assed bitch believes in. Watching you men in dresses in full PMS mode is funnier than hell.

Worry about governing now instead of racist pronouns. God I am so lucky not to have been gutted mentally by libtards.
Spittle spewing rants just make you look silly.

Well, sillier.

Wanna address the post now?
I just told you what I thought of that dumb assed kookie kookie didn't I?? I'm fucking agreeing with you genius...lololol

"Senator Liz Cheney survived to fight another battle but on a raucous and defining day, the appeasement of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene by House Republicans sent their party lurching further down the road to extremism. The moral crisis of the GOP saw Cheney, a lifelong ideological conservative, forced to fight off a challenge to her leadership post after she voted to impeach a President [versus] Greene, a belligerent conspiracy theorist who thinks the GOP's problem is that it lost the presidential election too gracefully, got a pass from colleagues despite promoting a sick stew of QAnon lies and fantasies."

So the House Republicans voted 140 plus in favor of not removing Cheney; while 60 plus voted for removal and one single GOP member voted you know how much of a fragile minded coward you have to be to still vote present on a secret ballot?? My money is on the fact that it was Republican House Leader McCarthy who did it...The Republicans also voted against removing Greene which was the same thing they did to remove a white supremacist by the name of Steve Dems will force each GOP member to go on record when they pass a resolution to remove Greene....

Wasn't that long ago when the Bush and Cheney names were so popular and worshiped by the GOP that a chick named Liz Cheney was able to be elected to Congress just because her dad was Dick how the GOP has changed; while also staying predictably the same....They have stayed the same in terms of how everyone else predicted years ago that the GOP would just become a sliding scale of bad to worse...

If the Republican primary for president was held today -- and the two candidates are Liz Cheney and any random person who thinks school shootings are fake, the Earth is flat, muslims should be illegal and Jewish space lasers are real -- that random person will win...that is the Republican base and has been for awhile... and what does the old guard of McConnell, Romney, and others really have to offer their base anyway? Limited government? Fiscal responsibility? The republican base don't give a fuck about those things; if you don't offer them bullshit culture war greivances, xenophobia and trolling as the only policy -- then why should they vote for a Liz Cheney, Adam Kizinger, etc??
Cheese Louise, Biffy. Is there even one Democrat talking point you didn't cover in that little exploratory tome of yours? :eek:

"Senator Liz Cheney survived to fight another battle but on a raucous and defining day, the appeasement of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene by House Republicans sent their party lurching further down the road to extremism. The moral crisis of the GOP saw Cheney, a lifelong ideological conservative, forced to fight off a challenge to her leadership post after she voted to impeach a President [versus] Greene, a belligerent conspiracy theorist who thinks the GOP's problem is that it lost the presidential election too gracefully, got a pass from colleagues despite promoting a sick stew of QAnon lies and fantasies."

So the House Republicans voted 140 plus in favor of not removing Cheney; while 60 plus voted for removal and one single GOP member voted you know how much of a fragile minded coward you have to be to still vote present on a secret ballot?? My money is on the fact that it was Republican House Leader McCarthy who did it...The Republicans also voted against removing Greene which was the same thing they did to remove a white supremacist by the name of Steve Dems will force each GOP member to go on record when they pass a resolution to remove Greene....

Wasn't that long ago when the Bush and Cheney names were so popular and worshiped by the GOP that a chick named Liz Cheney was able to be elected to Congress just because her dad was Dick how the GOP has changed; while also staying predictably the same....They have stayed the same in terms of how everyone else predicted years ago that the GOP would just become a sliding scale of bad to worse...

If the Republican primary for president was held today -- and the two candidates are Liz Cheney and any random person who thinks school shootings are fake, the Earth is flat, muslims should be illegal and Jewish space lasers are real -- that random person will win...that is the Republican base and has been for awhile... and what does the old guard of McConnell, Romney, and others really have to offer their base anyway? Limited government? Fiscal responsibility? The republican base don't give a fuck about those things; if you don't offer them bullshit culture war greivances, xenophobia and trolling as the only policy -- then why should they vote for a Liz Cheney, Adam Kizinger, etc??
Cheese Louise, Biffy. Is there even one Democrat talking point you didn't cover in that little exploratory tome of yours? :eek:
Refute a single thing I said or skip this post altogether......

Clutching your pearls over my ability to acknowledge reality instead of addressing that reality is your own personal problem...

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