Liz Cheney Warns The GOP’s ‘Putin-Wing’ Will Take Over The White House If Trump Wins

You have it backwards

Congress was adjourned from june 26 to july 7

Get your facts straight before losing your cool and veering into name-calling
You fucking toad

They were off ALL OF August but those GOP SHITS had to be in Russia for Independence Day
'Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) said people need to “{take seriously the extent to which” is there is now a “Putin-wing” of the Republican party — members of the GOP sympathetic or friendly to Russian leader Vladimir Putin — which would be in power if Donald Trump wins the election.'

The entire GOP is essentially the Putin wing.
Excellent. DOes Liz happen to say what this “Putin-wing” of the Republican party gets out of the deal?
Liz the war monger who not that long ago was hated by the left almost as much as they did her father who they dubed Darth Cheney is now someone who's opinion they respect.
What amazes me is how so few are willing to give up their cushy jobs to do the right thing. You can count on one hand how many of the over 200 Republicans in the House were willing to do the right thing.

It's as amazing how many who believe this funding is so important aren't interested in actually paying for it.
What amazes me is how so few are willing to give up their cushy jobs to do the right thing. You can count on one hand how many of the over 200 Republicans in the House were willing to do the right thing.

Of course, doing the right thing rarely lines up with the GOP agenda or conservative dogma.
It certainly does.

The GOP just refused to get behind it because solving the border problem is seen as a political victory for Biden and that is what Trump and the GOP cares about and wants to avoid k
5,000 a day is unsustainable, right now anything is unsustainable, and the vetting process is lacking severely
This is a lie.

Republicans are infamous for refusing to negotiate and compromise; for years Republicans have refused to address immigration reform.
That is due to Democrats’ refusal to say what they actually want out of immigration reform.

How can you negotiate with someone who takes no position and makes no offer?
He was very progressive, basically a socialist. Hedid everything he could to get us into the war in Europe to save his uncle Joe. Hey! History repeats itself.

Good, point!

progressive/liberal/Democrats equal warmongers. Always have. For a brief time, shortly after the election of Richard Nixon, Democrats suddenly became these peaceniks.

They were also peaceniks when Reagan was president, and when Bush was president and… Well, I guess you see the pattern here.

The US was a Socialist Country during WWII

FDR was more concerned with saving England and France but needed the USSR to take out the Germans for him.

USSR was carrying most of the load and was outraged that FDR was taking so long to invade
The US was a Socialist Country during WWII

FDR was more concerned with saving England and France but needed the USSR to take out the Germans for him.

USSR was carrying most of the load and was outraged that FDR was taking so long to invade
Yes, we never seem to get any gratitude for all the blood sweat and treasure we put into saving other countries.

I’m not sure what your point is though?
'Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) said people need to “{take seriously the extent to which” is there is now a “Putin-wing” of the Republican party — members of the GOP sympathetic or friendly to Russian leader Vladimir Putin — which would be in power if Donald Trump wins the election.'

The entire GOP is essentially the Putin wing.
As if Liz the Lizard is somehow free of corruption and unfettered by evil associates. What a complete bitch!!
This country is financially broke, national debt service non sustainable, and yet there are those that believe America should remain the words piggy bank and that all we have to do is monetize our currency based on good faith and by printing more dollars at the expense of its citizens so others don’t have to walk the talk. The good old era of the neoconservative and dimbo's are gone, we’re broke in more ways than one. America has paid the price at the expense of its very existence.

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