And the roof did not fall in.


Senior Member
May 6, 2007
I just got back from attending a veterans service at the little local church.
I did not wear my uniform, Actually I do not have one, but just went to honor those who served and the sacrifices the families made for those who did not come home or still overseas.
I personally am not proud of most of what I did in Nam, and have no love for the military. however I realize that others feel differently than I do. And I truely support those who serve our country. Well except for most in govt, they are self serving bastards and deserve to be beaten severly.

Nice gathering and most of the regular church attendees there are good people.
I gave their local foodbank a couple of thousand dollars. Many people around here are hurting. No insurance, no jobs, unemployment ins. run out, etc...

they want to hold a funeral for me there when my time comes and I am cool with that since the funeral, etc is for the comfort of those reamaining not the ones who pass on.
And since all of my friends around here are Christians.
who knows? I could be wrong and they can preach me into heaven :D

That is all. Just posted to let some who think otherwise know that all atheists do not hate the bible thumpers.
I just despise what some who claim to be christians do in the name of their god.
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