And the Ruling Is.....

You aren't forced to join unions you dipshit.

And more speculation from you.

To get certain jobs you are required to join unions in certain states. If that isn't forced I am not sure what is, I guess the option is to not work at the company, thus not forced. get certain jobs protected by a union. If you want the great protections and benefits that come from working for a company whose employees are represented by a union. When it comes time to negotiate your contract, you don't do it, the union...with all those people behind it, negotiates it, not you. Should you get that benefit for free?

Even if your self-serving characterization of what occurs were true, you are still forced to join the union.
To get certain jobs you are required to join unions in certain states. If that isn't forced I am not sure what is, I guess the option is to not work at the company, thus not forced. get certain jobs protected by a union. If you want the great protections and benefits that come from working for a company whose employees are represented by a union. When it comes time to negotiate your contract, you don't do it, the union...with all those people behind it, negotiates it, not you. Should you get that benefit for free?

Even if your self-serving characterization of what occurs were true, you are still forced to join the union.

No, you aren't forced to take a job.

If I work someplace with a dress code, am I "forced" to wear that uniform?

Come on...try harder.
You aren't forced to join unions you dipshit.

And more speculation from you.

To get certain jobs you are required to join unions in certain states. If that isn't forced I am not sure what is, I guess the option is to not work at the company, thus not forced.

My job will be union once I pass probationary. I didn't need to take the job. I wanted too because it pays very good and has good benefits for my family. They are not forcing me. You always have the choice to not take the job.

Seriously unions are not bad. I've done a lot of shit jobs where the owners ass rape you wage wise. Unions are a tool, like a gun..there is no difference between unon people who do shit and are corrupt and a ceo who is corrupt.

The businessman doesn't have to setup his restaurant in the turf of Guido the Leg Breaker. He can always setup somewhere else. But if he does, then he has to pay Guido for "protection." According to your theory, paying the money to Guido is entirely voluntary, right? get certain jobs protected by a union. If you want the great protections and benefits that come from working for a company whose employees are represented by a union. When it comes time to negotiate your contract, you don't do it, the union...with all those people behind it, negotiates it, not you. Should you get that benefit for free?

Even if your self-serving characterization of what occurs were true, you are still forced to join the union.

No, you aren't forced to take a job.

If I work someplace with a dress code, am I "forced" to wear that uniform?

Come on...try harder.

Your definition of "voluntary" is the same as the one Guido the Leg Breaker understands.

Come on, try not to be such a colossal ding bat.
You aren't forced to join unions you dipshit.

And more speculation from you.

To get certain jobs you are required to join unions in certain states. If that isn't forced I am not sure what is, I guess the option is to not work at the company, thus not forced.

Yes, you're forced into accepting higher wages, and better benefits and working conditions.

Others are forced in having no job at all. All you're saying is that it's great to be part of an extortion racket.
It remains possible that in a later case the Court will overturn its prior precedent and forbid requiring public employees to contribute to union bargaining. But today it has refused to go that far. The unions have lost a tool to expand their reach. But they have dodged a major challenge to their very existence. - See more at: Live blog of opinions | June 30, 2014
The unions lost big time. Home health care workers do not have to join the union if they don't want to. Justice Alito wrote the opinion. Thank God, some sanity prevails.
No, they didn't "lose big time". They could have, but they didn't.

"The unions have lost a tool to expand their reach. But they have dodged a major challenge to their very existence"
Shit, man, an employer could declare himself a Christian Scientist and deny all health coverage.

You know what? I say, fine, do it. It's time to end the practice of employers paying for health care, period. Put the Public Option on the Health Care Exchanges, make everyone purchase individual care and be done with it.

Excellent idea seacunt.

Then force everyone to buy either a Springfield XDM .45 or a Colt AR-15.
You aren't forced to join unions you dipshit.

And more speculation from you.

To get certain jobs you are required to join unions in certain states. If that isn't forced I am not sure what is, I guess the option is to not work at the company, thus not forced.

My job will be union once I pass probationary. I didn't need to take the job. I wanted too because it pays very good and has good benefits for my family. They are not forcing me. You always have the choice to not take the job.

Seriously unions are not bad. I've done a lot of shit jobs where the owners ass rape you wage wise. Unions are a tool, like a gun..there is no difference between unon people who do shit and are corrupt and a ceo who is corrupt.

pee balls a union floor mopper :badgrin:
Shit, man, an employer could declare himself a Christian Scientist and deny all health coverage.

You know what? I say, fine, do it. It's time to end the practice of employers paying for health care, period. Put the Public Option on the Health Care Exchanges, make everyone purchase individual care and be done with it.

Excellent idea seacunt.

Then force everyone to buy either a Springfield XDM .45 or a Colt AR-15.

Right...'cause that's exactly the same. :lol:
Court ruled 5-4 for Hobby Lobby

"We have no occasion in these cases to consider RFRA's applicability to publicly traded corporations . The companies in the cases before us are closely held corporations each owned and controlled by members of a single family and no one has disputed the sincerity of their religious beliefs". - See more at: Live blog of opinions | June 30, 2014
You know what? I say, fine, do it. It's time to end the practice of employers paying for health care, period. Put the Public Option on the Health Care Exchanges, make everyone purchase individual care and be done with it.

Excellent idea seacunt.

Then force everyone to buy either a Springfield XDM .45 or a Colt AR-15.

Right...'cause that's exactly the same. :lol:

Well fuck me runnin'...

If healthcare is a "right" according to you bed wetters, or wait now apparently it's an obligation, then being armed is more than a right, it's an obligation.

Funny that when I read the Constitution there's no mention of medicine, healthcare or insurance. Nothing in there about marriage either.

Where do you bed wetters find all these rights and entitlements and yet can't tolerate real rights?
To be clear: the Court holds that corporations (including for-profit corporations) are "persons" for purposes of RFRA. The additional question was whether corporations can have a religious "belief" within the meaning of RFRA. On that question, the Court limits its holding to closely held corporations, leaving for another day whether larger, publicly traded corporations have religious beliefs. - See more at: Live blog of opinions | June 30, 2014
Did I win the TK challenge? Other then the vote, I thought there would be 2 more on the yes side, I was correct in my prediction.

The court stressed that its ruling applies only to corporations that are under the control of just a few people in which there is no essential difference between the business and its owners.
Excellent idea seacunt.

Then force everyone to buy either a Springfield XDM .45 or a Colt AR-15.

Right...'cause that's exactly the same. :lol:

Well fuck me runnin'...

If healthcare is a "right" according to you bed wetters, or wait now apparently it's an obligation, then being armed is more than a right, it's an obligation.

Funny that when I read the Constitution there's no mention of medicine, healthcare or insurance. Nothing in there about marriage either.

Where do you bed wetters find all these rights and entitlements and yet can't tolerate real rights?

Funny, I don't see anything about a standing army in the Constitution either. I'd argue that having a right to "life" would be directly related to access to affordable healthcare, but I'm just one of those those "bleeding heart liberals" Jesus loved. :lol:

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