And the Ruling Is.....

The question may become, if a person is forced to pay for abortion and birth control. Which could have far reaching implication if the SCOTUS rules no. What about those who buy into Obamacare? But let's say they rule just on if a company has to supply birth control to its employees. What if there was a small company run by Muslims. Say an owner and two employees, would the owner be required to supply BC and Abortion against their strongly held religious beliefs? That, simply, is what the SCOTUS is going to decide.

You are either a corporation or you are not

If you want to run your business as a family business, then do so

But if you choose to incorporate to provide your family legal protections from the decisions that you make then you can't claim that the corporation has the ethical and religious values of the family

You can't hide behind a corporation when it hurts you and claim individual rights when it helps you

HL is run by a family unlike most corporations. HL is not doing anything illegal nor underhanded, your implication is absurd.

No it is not

That family incorporated to provide legal and tax protections. In doing so, they are claiming....We are not a family, we are a legal entity known as a corporation
After the heat Roberts took over Obamacare ruling he will step it back with tossing in for a 5-4 in both cases against the administration and against SEIU.
5-4 against Hobby Lobby with Roberts the deciding vote

How do corporations have religion? Corporations are formed to create legal protection for the owner. Now, how does a corporation have the religion of the owner?

Exactly the point.

We don't send the CEO of companies to prison for what their companies do, because of the said protection of Corporate Law.

The Hobby Lobby case would throw all that out the window.

Bernie Madoff would be very interested in knowing about how CEOs don't go to jail.

In the Madoff case, the corporation didn't do anything wrong. He did. The crimes were committed by Bernie Madoff personally.
There is a very good chance that the court will rule in favor of Hobby Lobby. The public might think that HL had a total ban on paying for all forms of birth control. What the public believes doesn't make it true. HL has always paid for birth control. Out of all the methods of birth control, HL will not pay for four of them. There are too many alternatives to choose from so that the burden on the employee is very slight.
I bet they rule in favor of Hobby Lobby. The drugs in question are only necessary when people are completely irresponsible. And people should have to pay out of pocket for those drugs because the government shouldn't cover avoidable stupidity.

And we have a right to be "completely irresponsible" if we want to. It's that pesky freedom thing.

No you don't. You do not have the right to start shooting in a movie theater. You don't have the right to drive a POS car. You don't have the right to speed down the road. YOU are expected to NOT act irresponsible, where in the hell do you get your ideas?

Oh and where in the constitution does it say that you have to always be responsible? If someone wants to have sex all day, why should the government tell them no way?

BTW, False equivalency. Shooting in a movie theater is not the same as contraception.
Exactly the point.

We don't send the CEO of companies to prison for what their companies do, because of the said protection of Corporate Law.

The Hobby Lobby case would throw all that out the window.

Bernie Madoff would be very interested in knowing about how CEOs don't go to jail.

In the Madoff case, the corporation didn't do anything wrong. He did. The crimes were committed by Bernie Madoff personally.

When does a corporation not do what the CEO or COB directs?

Here are 10 that went to prison: Top Ten CEOs Sent to Prison - 24/7 Wall St.
Christians can go fuck themselves.

What an eloquent argument :rolleyes:

Well, occupied has him beat. You should have seen what he said in one of my other threads yesterday morning. He wished I had never been born. But anywho, this is a SCOTUS ruling thread. Anyone who wants to make a prediction can, and if they feel so inclined, they can cite legal precedent in their arguments. I'd love to see it.

I wish he got sucked into a planned parenthood septic tank where he belongs.

We need to promote liberal abortions.

In the waning hours before the Supreme Court is set to rule on the Hobby Lobby case, and Obamacare's abortion mandate, what do you predict they will rule? Me? Well, I think they will rule against Hobby Lobby, and I would love to be wrong. I predict a 5-4 ruling against Hobby Lobby. Not because I want them to, but because I have a bad feeling about this entire case. Though, the oral arguments did sound promising, that didn't mean much when they upheld Obamacare. But let me repeat, I WANT to be wrong.

As for the Harris v. Quinn case, I predict a 5-4 ruling in favor of the plaintiff. I believe that just because a certain field in the public sector is unionized, it doesn't mean that you can force someone who has a profession in said field to associate with you and make them pay dues. That's where government is wrong. I can understand the First Amendment argument here. She has a right to not associate with public sector unions in the state of Illinois. Moreover, I think the contract that the SEIU Healthcare Illinois-Indiana made with the state violates the First Amendment altogether and is unconstitutional. This case has the potential to kill unions altogether, if the court rules in favor of Pamela Harris. And it will most likely overturn the Abood v. Detroit Board of Education decision of 1977.

So, what say you?
You said you don't speculate. .what the fuck do you think this is?

Fucking joke...fat ass
Actually, I do think a 7-2 ruling would be more applicable here. I see a clear violation of a worker's First and and Fourteenth Amendment rights here. This amounts to simply forcing someone to join a union. The pact those unions made with the State also violates the 14th Amendment. These violations are so glaring, the SCOTUS would be foolish to rule otherwise.

You aren't forced to join unions you dipshit.

And more speculation from you.
And we have a right to be "completely irresponsible" if we want to. It's that pesky freedom thing.

No you don't. You do not have the right to start shooting in a movie theater. You don't have the right to drive a POS car. You don't have the right to speed down the road. YOU are expected to NOT act irresponsible, where in the hell do you get your ideas?

Oh and where in the constitution does it say that you have to always be responsible? If someone wants to have sex all day, why should the government tell them no way?

BTW, False equivalency. Shooting in a movie theater is not the same as contraception.

Go ahead have sex all day no one is stopping you or even implying that you should. stop But I think you will not have sex with an STD inflicted whore, that would be irresponsible and if you did then you should be required to find your own way out of such irresponsibility. Have sex all day but be responsible enough that you take care of business not do it irresponsibly.

BTW, if you are going to have sex all day I suggest a wrist brace. :D :D
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Actually, I do think a 7-2 ruling would be more applicable here. I see a clear violation of a worker's First and and Fourteenth Amendment rights here. This amounts to simply forcing someone to join a union. The pact those unions made with the State also violates the 14th Amendment. These violations are so glaring, the SCOTUS would be foolish to rule otherwise.

You aren't forced to join unions you dipshit.

And more speculation from you.

To get certain jobs you are required to join unions in certain states. If that isn't forced I am not sure what is, I guess the option is to not work at the company, thus not forced.
Actually, I do think a 7-2 ruling would be more applicable here. I see a clear violation of a worker's First and and Fourteenth Amendment rights here. This amounts to simply forcing someone to join a union. The pact those unions made with the State also violates the 14th Amendment. These violations are so glaring, the SCOTUS would be foolish to rule otherwise.

You aren't forced to join unions you dipshit.

And more speculation from you.

To get certain jobs you are required to join unions in certain states. If that isn't forced I am not sure what is, I guess the option is to not work at the company, thus not forced.

My job will be union once I pass probationary. I didn't need to take the job. I wanted too because it pays very good and has good benefits for my family. They are not forcing me. You always have the choice to not take the job.

Seriously unions are not bad. I've done a lot of shit jobs where the owners ass rape you wage wise. Unions are a tool, like a gun..there is no difference between unon people who do shit and are corrupt and a ceo who is corrupt.
Actually, I do think a 7-2 ruling would be more applicable here. I see a clear violation of a worker's First and and Fourteenth Amendment rights here. This amounts to simply forcing someone to join a union. The pact those unions made with the State also violates the 14th Amendment. These violations are so glaring, the SCOTUS would be foolish to rule otherwise.

You aren't forced to join unions you dipshit.

And more speculation from you.

To get certain jobs you are required to join unions in certain states. If that isn't forced I am not sure what is, I guess the option is to not work at the company, thus not forced.

Yes, you're forced into accepting higher wages, and better benefits and working conditions.
You aren't forced to join unions you dipshit.

And more speculation from you.

To get certain jobs you are required to join unions in certain states. If that isn't forced I am not sure what is, I guess the option is to not work at the company, thus not forced.

My job will be union once I pass probationary. I didn't need to take the job. I wanted too because it pays very good and has good benefits for my family. They are not forcing me. You always have the choice to not take the job.

Seriously unions are not bad. I've done a lot of shit jobs where the owners ass rape you wage wise. Unions are a tool, like a gun..there is no difference between unon people who do shit and are corrupt and a ceo who is corrupt.

Seriously, I was a union official and steward for many, many years and even lost a job when I helped form a union at one shop and no Unions are not inherently bad, but can be and they seem to like to shoot themselves in the foot. When I became disenchanted with unions is when they said that anyone who supported Clinton's "free" trade agreements would be punished and then they did nothing I realized they were nothing but rhetoric. When the president of the Union makes 10 times the rank in file I really have to wonder how much different are they then a corporation. I also think unions have become a bit on the sissy side. Consider when Reagan, according to unions, illegally fired the traffic controllers, what did the nations unions do? Absolutely nothing but whine like little girls.

But I stray from topic, so now that we both agree that people can choose to work or not work for a company then HL not having to pay for BC or abortion certainly doesn't force anyone to accept that policy. Freeeeeeedoooooom!
You aren't forced to join unions you dipshit.

And more speculation from you.

To get certain jobs you are required to join unions in certain states. If that isn't forced I am not sure what is, I guess the option is to not work at the company, thus not forced.

Yes, you're forced into accepting higher wages, and better benefits and working conditions.

On the surface this appears to be true but is not always the case. I was talking to another union man the about 5 years ago about pensions and retiring. He said he was under the Union plan and they had cut his benefit, without any sort of input, from 2.5 percent to 1 percent. Now maybe that has recovered since then but I do believe if a corporation did the same there would be news and an investigation.
Shit, man, an employer could declare himself a Christian Scientist and deny all health coverage.

You know what? I say, fine, do it. It's time to end the practice of employers paying for health care, period. Put the Public Option on the Health Care Exchanges, make everyone purchase individual care and be done with it.
Actually, I do think a 7-2 ruling would be more applicable here. I see a clear violation of a worker's First and and Fourteenth Amendment rights here. This amounts to simply forcing someone to join a union. The pact those unions made with the State also violates the 14th Amendment. These violations are so glaring, the SCOTUS would be foolish to rule otherwise.

You aren't forced to join unions you dipshit.

And more speculation from you.

To get certain jobs you are required to join unions in certain states. If that isn't forced I am not sure what is, I guess the option is to not work at the company, thus not forced. get certain jobs protected by a union. If you want the great protections and benefits that come from working for a company whose employees are represented by a union. When it comes time to negotiate your contract, you don't do it, the union...with all those people behind it, negotiates it, not you. Should you get that benefit for free?
To get certain jobs you are required to join unions in certain states. If that isn't forced I am not sure what is, I guess the option is to not work at the company, thus not forced.

Yes, you're forced into accepting higher wages, and better benefits and working conditions.

On the surface this appears to be true but is not always the case. I was talking to another union man the about 5 years ago about pensions and retiring. He said he was under the Union plan and they had cut his benefit, without any sort of input, from 2.5 percent to 1 percent. Now maybe that has recovered since then but I do believe if a corporation did the same there would be news and an investigation.

Are you fucking high? Corporations have been cutting benefits and hours for decades. Jesus fucking christ on a raft, where do you people live?!? This is how it works:

Employees not protected by a union: "um...we're "going a different direction" and you input is no longer required" (because you're 55 and if we get rid of you we don't have to pay you retirement)
Employees protected by a union: "The union negotiated a cut in benefits so that none of the employees lose their jobs and we can continue to pay pension benefits during this economic downturn"
Actually, I do think a 7-2 ruling would be more applicable here. I see a clear violation of a worker's First and and Fourteenth Amendment rights here. This amounts to simply forcing someone to join a union. The pact those unions made with the State also violates the 14th Amendment. These violations are so glaring, the SCOTUS would be foolish to rule otherwise.

You aren't forced to join unions you dipshit.

And more speculation from you.

You are forced to join unions, moron. What do you think the difference between a union state and a Right to Work state is?

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