And the worst is yet to come

This never Trumper has the audacity to vacuum instead of rake the forest to prevent forest fires..


Actually, she should be using the ones made for sucking up leaves, twigs, and pine needles..................

I take my beliefs from viewing evidence by science etc. Your belief in religion is based on nothing evidential except your blind faith.
Be very careful if you take me on about religion. You will not get a start.
Fuck Russia. Their whole country could burn down and I wouldn't care.

And fuck China too. What do they have in China that would burn?

China has chemical factories and plastics factories and garment factories.
Burn baby..............BURN!

You know, actually it's not the Chinese people I hate, it's the government.
Most of those people are just trying to escape that Chinese-Nazi regime.
China has chemical factories and plastics factories and garment factories.
Burn baby..............BURN!

You know, actually it's not the Chinese people I hate, it's the government.
Most of those people are just trying to escape that Chinese-Nazi regime.

So let's it's the old communist chestnut you belting again.
Thought so. Its an endless source of hatred for repigs.
Obviously, the only thing that will save us is world socialism.

There's a part of me that doesn't have a problem with watching it all crumble.

Socialism is certainly a tried and true means. Historically speaking anyway.

Let em have what they want. They'll get it nice and hard, too, no doubt.

It's really the only way they're gonna learn.
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I take my beliefs from viewing evidence by science etc. Your belief in religion is based on nothing evidential except your blind faith.
Be very careful if you take me on about religion. You will not get a start.
Exactly, you BLINDLY believe what they tell you to believe. Like a religion.

You don't know anything except what they tell you to believe.
How is you believing what you are told to believe not a religion?
Because in the 77 years I have been alive, I have seen the climate change in many regions of the US. Virtually in every mountain range, the snows come later, and leave earlier now. Fire seasons are 2 to 6 months longer than they used to be for the western states. That is direct observation. People like you that accept as gospel the spews of a fat old treasonous asshole are the one in a religion, the Cult of Trump.
Because in the 77 years I have been alive, I have seen the climate change in many regions of the US. Virtually in every mountain range, the snows come later, and leave earlier now. Fire seasons are 2 to 6 months longer than they used to be for the western states. That is direct observation. People like you that accept as gospel the spews of a fat old treasonous asshole are the one in a religion, the Cult of Trump.
That's the weather of an interglacial cycle, dummy.
Exactly, you BLINDLY believe what they tell you to believe. Like a religion.

You don't know anything except what they tell you to believe.

Who is telling me to believe what? Name them.
But the irony of you suggesting atheists
Blindly believe but a godbotherer like you have no evidence of anything but still believe in some supernatural power.
Do you ever read what you write. Don't be so quick to jot down stupid remarks before you think about it.

Why do Jesus junkies continually attempt to link atheism to another religion when clearly by name itself, defines the opposite.
Is it some type of guilt you have?
Maybe being conned all your life and still no divine appearances to justify it so you wish to connect your stupidity with others to ease the guilt?

Do you want to go on with this?
Who is telling me to believe what? Name them.
But the irony of you suggesting atheists
Blindly believe but a godbotherer like you have no evidence of anything but still believe in some supernatural power.
Do you ever read what you write. Don't be so quick to jot down stupid remarks before you think about it.

Why do Jesus junkies continually attempt to link atheism to another religion when clearly by name itself, defines the opposite.
Is it some type of guilt you have?
Maybe being conned all your life and still no divine appearances to justify it so you wish to connect your stupidity with others to ease the guilt?

Do you want to go on with this?
I think you need to face the fact that you are exactly like a godbotherer, bro.
The only thing you believe is what you were told to believe by your high priests.
Since the unchewnching thirst and hunger of the free enterprise system created the crisis in the first place and since they refuse to accept responsibility for it and change their ways. You are probably correct, group efforts by all the peoples of the world will have to, I guess you could call that socialism. Everyone working together to solve a common problem, yes, sounds like socialism to me. Not as good as dog eating dog in the world of " free ". ( of responsibility ) enterprise. But it'll have to do.
Socialists fuck up everything they touch. Morons want them to control the entire world.
I think you need to face the fact that you are exactly like a godbotherer, bro.
The only thing you believe is what you were told to believe by your high priests.

Again, name the high priests and include why those high priests are wrong and your beliefs are totally verifiable accurate. I know you can't so at this point you are looking very amateurish when debating your hideous God.
Stop avoiding the detail dickhead.
You're digging a hole here and you know it.

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