And the worst is yet to come

There's a part of me that doesn't have a problem with watching it all crumble.

Socialism is certainly a tried and true means. Historically speaking anyway.

Let em have what they want. They'll get it nice and hard, too, no doubt.

It's really the only way they're gonna learn.
But they won't. They never learn from history, and they never learn from their own actions. It's ALWAYS someone else's fault.
Who is telling me to believe what? Name them.
But the irony of you suggesting atheists
Blindly believe but a godbotherer like you have no evidence of anything but still believe in some supernatural power.
Do you ever read what you write. Don't be so quick to jot down stupid remarks before you think about it.

Why do Jesus junkies continually attempt to link atheism to another religion when clearly by name itself, defines the opposite.
Is it some type of guilt you have?
Maybe being conned all your life and still no divine appearances to justify it so you wish to connect your stupidity with others to ease the guilt?

Do you want to go on with this?
Again, name the high priests and include why those high priests are wrong and your beliefs are totally verifiable accurate. I know you can't so at this point you are looking very amateurish when debating your hideous God.
Stop avoiding the detail dickhead.
You're digging a hole here and you know it.
I can't hear you over all of your climate change godbothering, godbotherer.
ding: why do you believe the earth is boiling?

collin (godbotherer) norris: because I was told to believe that.
Do you believe the climate is Changing?

Simple yes or no. Put your money where your mouth is. See how good you are.
Reading comprehension. I think I made it very clear for anyone who can read and comprehend--I wrote, and will quote again, "It has been happening since the beginning of time." Is there something there that makes you believe that I am denying that the climate changes. "It has been happening since the beginning of time." Did you get it the third time? What do you think was responsible for the demise of the dinosaurs. Go back to school, colon. You look more like a moron every time you use your keyboard.
Reading comprehension. I think I made it very clear for anyone who can read and comprehend--I wrote, and will quote again, "It has been happening since the beginning of time." Is there something there that makes you believe that I am denying that the climate changes. "It has been happening since the beginning of time." Did you get it the third time? What do you think was responsible for the demise of the dinosaurs. Go back to school, colon. You look more like a moron every time you use your keyboard.

I'll take that as you being a denier because you don't have the courage to admit it.
I can't hear you over all of your climate change godbothering, godbotherer.

As I suspected, when we get to the ginger stroke, you can't respond. You have nothing but a big mouth and it's full if crap like all repigs.
If the only reason you believe something is because you were told to believe it... might be a religious fanatic.
If the only reason you believe something is because you were told to believe it... might be a religious fanatic.

You mean like the godbotherers believe they are going to heaven because some old paedophile priest told them so?

The only thing I am fanatical about is continually showing what an ignorant fool you really are. You keep replying with increasingly insane comments smothered in ignorance. Go away you fool.
You mean like the godbotherers believe they are going to heaven because some old paedophile priest told them so?

The only thing I am fanatical about is continually showing what an ignorant fool you really are. You keep replying with increasingly insane comments smothered in ignorance. Go away you fool.
Tell me why you believe in man made climate change again.

It's ok, you can say it.

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