And the worst is yet to come

The Dixie Fire was caused by arson you moron!

11 to go
What a liar you are. The Dixie fire was caused by a tree against a PGE power line. That SOB that was starting fires was doing it after the fire was going. In fact, he even tried to set a fire that would have trapped some of the firefighters. He should be hung.
Have you seen this yet?

Going to be 105 today here in Portland, Oregon. We had a 116 day in June. Implausible heat is here already. Places along the Mediterranean seeing the same 105 degree heat. In the last 60 days or so, we have had exactly 0.03 inches of rain. Everything is crackling dry, leaves are starting to curl on some of the deciduous trees, and there is a strong kerosene type of smell around the fir, spruce, and pine. All we need to have a repeat of last year now is dry lightning and wind.
It was 120 on the southern tip of Italy yesterday - A Euro record.
But climate change has nothing to do with it.
Just rake those forests! :rolleyes-41:

Going to be 105 today here in Portland, Oregon. We had a 116 day in June. Implausible heat is here already. Places along the Mediterranean seeing the same 105 degree heat. In the last 60 days or so, we have had exactly 0.03 inches of rain. Everything is crackling dry, leaves are starting to curl on some of the deciduous trees, and there is a strong kerosene type of smell around the fir, spruce, and pine. All we need to have a repeat of last year now is dry lightning and wind.

Hey Rocks, either I wasn't aware or had forgotten you were in Portland.
Here on the Oregon Central Coast we'll be sweltering with a high of 62 with PDX at 104 - But don't tell anyone. ;)
We love our uncrowded weekdays!
Btw, I lived there all through the 90s and was in Boise the last 20.
Thought about moving back, but the traffic and gun violence?
Don't remember any of that at the time but still love me some P-town!

*Ah - just noticed your OP was 2008 - That was a very long time ago
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Going to be 105 today here in Portland, Oregon. We had a 116 day in June. Implausible heat is here already. Places along the Mediterranean seeing the same 105 degree heat. In the last 60 days or so, we have had exactly 0.03 inches of rain. Everything is crackling dry, leaves are starting to curl on some of the deciduous trees, and there is a strong kerosene type of smell around the fir, spruce, and pine. All we need to have a repeat of last year now is dry lightning and wind.
Sounds like interglacial cycle weather to me.

It was 120 on the southern tip of Italy yesterday - A Euro record.
But climate change has nothing to do with it.
Just rake those forests! :rolleyes-41:

Proper forest management requires occasional controlled burns. This reduces the fuel on the ground. Refusing to allow controlled burns lets the fuel on the ground build up and leads to uncontrollable fires.

I know you've been told this. I also know why you pretend it's not true.
Proper forest management requires occasional controlled burns. This reduces the fuel on the ground. Refusing to allow controlled burns lets the fuel on the ground build up and leads to uncontrollable fires.

I know you've been told this. I also know why you pretend it's not true.

Yup Gomer I’m familiar with controlled burns. Easy peasey in a place like California where ya got 33 million forest acres right? :lol:
lol.......Ive been watching the same two or three climate obsessed posting up bomb thrower videos and maps in here for over 10 years. And they keep doing it routinely.........but it has moved nobody! Still nobody caring about climate change.

Something occurred to me just now.........dollar to a thousand stale bagels these same two or three climate OCD's were also among the first on line to get the jab. Goes to show you.......stereotypes are indeed a sound measure to identify faulty thinking. :2up:
lol.......Ive been watching the same two or three climate obsessed posting up bomb thrower videos and maps in here for over 10 years. And they keep doing it routinely.........but it has moved nobody! Still nobody caring about climate change.

Something occurred to me just now.........dollar to a thousand stale bagels these same two or three climate OCD's were also among the first on line to get the jab. Goes to show you.......stereotypes are indeed a sound measure to identify faulty thinking. :2up:
Wishing all that refuse to get vaccinated a merry ICU visit and happy intubation. You won't be missed.
Yup Gomer I’m familiar with controlled burns. Easy peasey in a place like California where ya got 33 million forest acres right? :lol:
And properly managing forests requires a large budget, something the Forest Service has never had. You also have to have the right weather and winds for a controlled burn. Sometimes not available for years at a time.

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