And the worst is yet to come

This is the case for both Washington and Oregon. Those wheat farmers in either state that have windmills on their land will be able to ride this out due to the income from those mills. Those growing vegetables need to adapt agri-voltaics, as this gives them some protection from the extreme heat events we have seen recently, plus a year round source of income.
Yup Gomer I’m familiar with controlled burns. Easy peasey in a place like California where ya got 33 million forest acres right? :lol:
It would have been far easier if they'd been doing them all along, instead of allowing environmentalists to set the stage for dangerous, uncontrollable fires.

How many people has environmentalist short-sightedness killed?

A Century of Fire Suppression Is Why California Is in Flames

California Chooses Wildfires Again Instead of Controlled Fires

Florida has about the same overall forest acreage as California. Florida has over 2 million acres per year of controlled burn.

In 2018 California had over 1.9 million acres that was burned in wildfires.

Environmentalists Destroyed California’s Forests

Millions of acres of California forest have been blackened by wildfires this summer, leading to the usual angry denunciations from the usual quarters about climate change. But in 1999, the Associated Press reported that forestry experts had long agreed that “clearing undergrowth would save trees,” and that “years of aggressive firefighting have allowed brush to flourish that would have been cleared away by wildfires.” But very little was done. And now fires of unprecedented size are raging across the Western United States.

“Sen. Feinstein blames Sierra Club for blocking wildfire bill,” reads the provocative headline on a 2002 story in California’s Napa Valley Register. Feinstein had brokered a congressional consensus on legislation to thin “overstocked” forests close to homes and communities, but could not overcome the environmental lobby’s disagreement over expediting the permit process to thin forests everywhere else.

Year after year, environmentalists litigated and lobbied to stop efforts to clear the forests through timber harvesting, underbrush removal, and controlled burns. Meanwhile, natural fires were suppressed and the forests became more and more overgrown. The excessive biomass competed for the same water, soil, and light a healthier forest would have used, rendering all of the trees and underbrush unhealthy. It wasn’t just excess biomass that accumulated, but dried out and dead biomass.

What happened among California’s tall stands of Redwood and Ponderosa Pine also happened in its extensive chaparral. Fire suppression along with too many environmentalist-inspired bureaucratic barriers to controlled burns and undergrowth removal turned the hillsides and canyons of Southern California into tinderboxes.

In 2009, after huge blazes wiped out homes and forced thousands to evacuate, Los Angeles County Supervisor Mike Antonovich observed: “The environmentalists have gone to the extreme to prevent controlled burns, and as a result we have this catastrophe today.”
Map: 33 people killed in California wildfires, 2020 season

Environmentalists killed those people who died by wildfire. A horrific death. But people still believe they're in the right opposing prescribed burns.

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to vote Democrat.
And properly managing forests requires a large budget, something the Forest Service has never had. You also have to have the right weather and winds for a controlled burn. Sometimes not available for years at a time.
Oh well, fuck it then, right? Let it all burn.

Meanwhile, the fires release insane amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. You know, the greenhouse gas that will kill us all when released from American coal and SUVs, but is magically harmless when released from mismanaged forests.
It would have been far easier if they'd been doing them all along, instead of allowing environmentalists to set the stage for dangerous, uncontrollable fires.

How many people has environmentalist short-sightedness killed?

A Century of Fire Suppression Is Why California Is in Flames

California Chooses Wildfires Again Instead of Controlled Fires

Environmentalists Destroyed California’s Forests

Map: 33 people killed in California wildfires, 2020 season

Environmentalists killed those people who died by wildfire. A horrific death. But people still believe they're in the right opposing prescribed burns.

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to vote Democrat.
What a liar you are. While overly aggressive fire control has had a part in the fires, the primary factor this year is the continuing drought, high temperatures, and winds. And the terrain in the West is far different than that of Florida. You want good forest management in the West, give the Forest Service the money to do that.
Oh well, fuck it then, right? Let it all burn.

Meanwhile, the fires release insane amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. You know, the greenhouse gas that will kill us all when released from American coal and SUVs, but is magically harmless when released from mismanaged forests.
In other words, when your dumb ass arguments fail, put words into someone else's mouth. Scientists have been warning for years about the feedback effect of increased CO2 emissions creating conditions in which there will be a vast increase in forest fires, which increases the CO2 in the atmosphere.
Oh well, fuck it then, right? Let it all burn.

Meanwhile, the fires release insane amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. You know, the greenhouse gas that will kill us all when released from American coal and SUVs, but is magically harmless when released from mismanaged forests.

Daveman's idea of "forest management" :rolleyes:

“If you’ve seen one redwood tree, you’ve seen them all.”​

Ronald Reagan

Daveman's idea of "forest management" :rolleyes:

“If you’ve seen one redwood tree, you’ve seen them all.”​

Ronald Reagan

Why you gotta lie like that? I've never said anything that would lead you to that conclusion.

I've shown that the environmentalism you support has been an unmitigated disaster. But you just go ahead and continue ignoring reality. That's what leftists do.
Why you gotta lie like that? I've never said anything that would lead you to that conclusion.

I've shown that the environmentalism you support has been an unmitigated disaster. But you just go ahead and continue ignoring reality. That's what leftists do.
Bullshit. You whole anti-environmental spiel is exactly that. You mean that Ducks Unlimited was an environmental disaster? That saving our most fragile and unique lands is an environmental disaster? You are no better than the orange clown whose lies you support.
Bullshit. You whole anti-environmental spiel is exactly that. You mean that Ducks Unlimited was an environmental disaster? That saving our most fragile and unique lands is an environmental disaster? You are no better than the orange clown whose lies you support.
Oh, eat shit, you stupid cultist. Your environmentalism gets people killed and their homes and businesses destroyed.
Nothing fertilizes and rejuvenates depleted soil and deadwood thicket like a good forest fire....the new growth in the area is almost unbelievable. The earth has been doing this for millions of years and will continue to do it until the Sun provides the last really big fire. Every square Kilometer of the Earth's great forest areas have burned at one time or another. It's a good way to keep the plant life from suffocating under the weight of layers and layers of dead growth.

Get off the weed.
The bomb throwing moves nobody. Maybe a few who tend to the hysterical on community message boards. The broader public is not moved.

Ive been watching the same three or four climate obsessed post up colorful photos, colorful maps, colorful graphs and colorful statements for well over 10 years on here. Nothing has changed. People didnt care in 2010. They still dont care. There is nothing measurable that the climate obsessed can hang their hat on over that time period, solar has gone from 1% to 3.5% and wind from 2% to around 4.5% for providing the grid with electricity. I mean........c'mon now. Any serious person looks at that and laughs their nut sack off.

But I will admit..........the videos of the fires are cool! :eusa_dance:

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