And the worst is yet to come

And too much water;

The problem can look overwhelmingly complex, but there are simpler ways to look at what is happening. The amount of energy in the atmosphere and the oceans is increasing. The energy there has always been what has driven weather - all weather. With more energy in the source, we are seeing more energy in the response. And this increased energy is a change from a what had been a fairly well established thermal equilibrium. Such changes in the driving factors will produce changes in the response. Taking up water into the atmosphere is very much an energy driven process. And so we see more rain in some places, less in others, more storms taking different paths, changes in the characteristics of natural cycles (ENSO, for example). Certainly noise still exists in the chaotic system of global weather, but noise does not preclude the existence of overlying trends and that is what we are seeing. Welcome to the visible world of global warming.
Yes, because wild fires are caused by CO2.
Hmmmmmm........................... Well, let's see. CO2 warms the atmosphere. That means the atmosphere has more energy in it. A more energetic atmosphere has higher wind speeds. A warmer and windier forest burns a lot better than a cooler and calm one. Add in drought? Well, look at California and Oregon last year and so far this year. In fact, look at the whole West for that matter.
The oxygen isotope curve says so, dummy.View attachment 529947


The Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) is a remarkable climatic and environmental event that occurred 56 Ma ago and has importance for understanding possible future climate change. The Paleocene–Eocene transition is marked by a rapid temperature rise contemporaneous with a large negative carbon isotope excursion (CIE). Both the temperature and the isotopic excursion are well-documented by terrestrial and marine proxies. The CIE was the result of a massive release of carbon into the atmosphere. However, the carbon source and quantities of CO2 and CH4 greenhouse gases that contributed to global warming are poorly constrained and highly debated. Here we combine an established oxygen isotope paleothermometer with a newly developed triple oxygen isotope paleo-CO2 barometer. We attempt to quantify the source of greenhouse gases released during the Paleocene–Eocene transition by analyzing bioapatite of terrestrial mammals. Our results are consistent with previous estimates of PETM temperature change and suggest that not only CO2 but also massive release of seabed methane was the driver for CIE and PETM.

Hmmmmmm........................... Well, let's see. CO2 warms the atmosphere. That means the atmosphere has more energy in it. A more energetic atmosphere has higher wind speeds. A warmer and windier forest burns a lot better than a cooler and calm one. Add in drought? Well, look at California and Oregon last year and so far this year. In fact, look at the whole West for that matter.
Greenhouse gases act as a choke which slows down the transfer of heat from the earth to outer space.

CO2 isn't even a dominant greenhouse gas. Water vapor is.



The Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) is a remarkable climatic and environmental event that occurred 56 Ma ago and has importance for understanding possible future climate change. The Paleocene–Eocene transition is marked by a rapid temperature rise contemporaneous with a large negative carbon isotope excursion (CIE). Both the temperature and the isotopic excursion are well-documented by terrestrial and marine proxies. The CIE was the result of a massive release of carbon into the atmosphere. However, the carbon source and quantities of CO2 and CH4 greenhouse gases that contributed to global warming are poorly constrained and highly debated. Here we combine an established oxygen isotope paleothermometer with a newly developed triple oxygen isotope paleo-CO2 barometer. We attempt to quantify the source of greenhouse gases released during the Paleocene–Eocene transition by analyzing bioapatite of terrestrial mammals. Our results are consistent with previous estimates of PETM temperature change and suggest that not only CO2 but also massive release of seabed methane was the driver for CIE and PETM.

Methane was the main culprit.

And after that event there was a massive drawdown of CO2 by azolla in the arctic circle. And there was no corresponding decrease in temperature as it took 10 million years for the temperature to match the radiative forcing calculations.

CO2 does not drive climate change.
Would you happen to have a reputable source for any of that? And perhaps some reason that the world's geologists and paleontologists would agree with Old Rocks and not with you?
Whose own link? I was looking for a link from which you got "a massive drawdown of CO2 by azolla in the Arctic" and the rest of that line.
Whose own link? I was looking for a link from which you got "a massive drawdown of CO2 by azolla in the Arctic" and the rest of that line.
Is your google broken?

China is doing more damage to our climate than any other nation, yet the AGW Cult muppets give them a free pass

Why is that?
Not just in the US;

This happened some time ago. The images in the video are from 2012. Can't you find anything more recent?

Not just in the US;

I did some more reading and Poland has a history of droughts due to its geographical location:

"One of the negative features of Poland’s climate is the periodic occurrence of atmospheric droughts. The most frequent source of this phenomenon is the occurrence of long-term (sometimes lasting several weeks) rainless periods. The occurrence of these periods is connected with the persistence of a stationary east European high that joins with the Azores anticyclone via central Europe."

Skip the hype the next time you want to make a point.

Too fcking funny.

I did some more reading and Poland has a history of droughts due to its geographical location:

"One of the negative features of Poland’s climate is the periodic occurrence of atmospheric droughts. The most frequent source of this phenomenon is the occurrence of long-term (sometimes lasting several weeks) rainless periods. The occurrence of these periods is connected with the persistence of a stationary east European high that joins with the Azores anticyclone via central Europe."

Skip the hype the next time you want to make a point.

Too fcking funny.

What hyperbole do you see there?

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