And there you have it, unions workers on the stage praising The Donald

Keep track of these leftist turds posts on the matter when, once again, Trump backs down the entire fucking world and our steel and aluminum industries flourish like back when. He's right, he's always right, and watching his grip tighten on the upper midwest if a joy to behold. The Rat party's reply? "Yeah but we're for the beaners who jumped the border and uh....well, okay we got nothing except for the shit we pull at the polls....."
Under Herbert Hoover did tariffs help the United States?
Ever hear of the Great Depression?
For steel workers great. For an American working at Caterpillar, an increase in steel prices affecting our nation only isn't good news.


What makes you think there will be a price increase? That's just leftist fake news put out by people who have no idea how a market economy works....hell, most of them can't even drive a car.
Under Herbert Hoover did tariffs help the United States?
Ever hear of the Great Depression?

That was a hundred years ago,'re just repeating bullshit from people only a little brighter than you are....and they don't hit triple figures on an IQ test.
Trump Cult: "tarrifs are how you close trade deficits."

Trump: "I'm going to exempt the countries that represent 2 of our 3 biggest trade deficits from my tarrifs."

Trump Cult: "tarrifs are how you close trade deficits."

Trump: "I'm going to exempt the countries that represent 2 of our 3 biggest trade deficits from my tarrifs."


So today you're a leftist been cum-drunk and hung over too many times, missy.
Keep track of these leftist turds posts on the matter when, once again, Trump backs down the entire fucking world and our steel and aluminum industries flourish like back when. He's right, he's always right, and watching his grip tighten on the upper midwest if a joy to behold. The Rat party's reply? "Yeah but we're for the beaners who jumped the border and uh....well, okay we got nothing except for the shit we pull at the polls....."
Under Herbert Hoover did tariffs help the United States?
Ever hear of the Great Depression?

The trade wars of the time also helped fuel the fire that became WWII

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