And they take this bimbo seriously~A. Occasionally Cognizant: Miami Will Not Exist in a ‘Few Years’

And to think the DNC-MSM is still whining over TRUMP suggesting Alabama might be effected by Dorian but are ignoring AOC telling people Miami will not exist in a few years...
Science supports what AOC said. And she's not the president.
So she’s a scientist now? Hey fk, quite the lady bartender! Let me take a moment and laugh

When and where did she pick up all this knowledge? She should be able to back her claims then, right?
You are a dumbass.
And to think the DNC-MSM is still whining over TRUMP suggesting Alabama might be effected by Dorian but are ignoring AOC telling people Miami will not exist in a few years...
Science supports what AOC said. And she's not the president.

Do you ever think for yourself? Are you capable to look at the big picture? Use common sense? For the love of God!

Lol! What's thinking for myself? Repeating conservative rants about AOC?
It amazes me that people with a high 2 figure IQ actually take this moron seriously and will quote her absolute bullshit as if it was GOD speaking!


0:41 Wednesday at the NAACP town hall, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said Miami has only a few years left on this planet.

Ocasio-Cortez said, “When it comes to climate change, what is not realistic is not responding … with a solution on the scale of the crisis—because what’s not realistic is Miami not existing in a few years. That’s not realistic. So we need to be realistic about the problem.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Horse crap from Mz. Horse Teeth ...

The most recent data from NASA shows a decline in sea level.

Inconvenient: NASA shows global sea level…pausing, instead of rising

Where’s the water coming from? Say arctic AOC. That will stop her nonsense

Considering AOC's extensive experience in the Bartending profession, you'd think she would understand.

If someone nurses their whiskey on the rocks and the ice melts, the glass doesn't overflow.

Why should the water level rise on a global basis with the same phenomenon.

Not so much, there is only X amount of space available in a glass. The liquid displaced by the ice only gives up enough "space" to accommodate the amount of frozen liquid that it would take to fill the glass up as it melts. But I do understand your analogy.
Nope, the water level does not rise 1/100th of an inch. Zip. Volume displaced is same volume

Actually, because ice expands once the water freezes, the ice in a glass displaces a larger volume than the water will occupy once it is melted. Although it would be hard to see or measure, the water level in the glass would actually decrease.
It amazes me that people with a high 2 figure IQ actually take this moron seriously and will quote her absolute bullshit as if it was GOD speaking!


0:41 Wednesday at the NAACP town hall, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said Miami has only a few years left on this planet.

Ocasio-Cortez said, “When it comes to climate change, what is not realistic is not responding … with a solution on the scale of the crisis—because what’s not realistic is Miami not existing in a few years. That’s not realistic. So we need to be realistic about the problem.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Horse crap from Mz. Horse Teeth ...

The most recent data from NASA shows a decline in sea level.

Inconvenient: NASA shows global sea level…pausing, instead of rising

Where’s the water coming from? Say arctic AOC. That will stop her nonsense

Considering AOC's extensive experience in the Bartending profession, you'd think she would understand.

If someone nurses their whiskey on the rocks and the ice melts, the glass doesn't overflow.

Why should the water level rise on a global basis with the same phenomenon.

Not so much, there is only X amount of space available in a glass. The liquid displaced by the ice only gives up enough "space" to accommodate the amount of frozen liquid that it would take to fill the glass up as it melts. But I do understand your analogy.
Nope, the water level does not rise 1/100th of an inch. Zip. Volume is volume
Yes, but doesn't condensity play a role, where as when the condensed ice that has been frozen melts, then doesn't it expand into liquid form thus causing a rise in the level ?

Ice does not expand when it melts, it contracts!

It expands when water freezes. That is why we have fallen rock zones along our highways in the north. Ice runs into crevices between rocks, freezes and expands, pushing on the surface of the rocks, causing them to move.
And to think the DNC-MSM is still whining over TRUMP suggesting Alabama might be effected by Dorian but are ignoring AOC telling people Miami will not exist in a few years...
Science supports what AOC said. And she's not the president.

AOC isn't the President, but she is the Titular leader of her party and is the unofficial, uncrowned Speaker of the house
And to think the DNC-MSM is still whining over TRUMP suggesting Alabama might be effected by Dorian but are ignoring AOC telling people Miami will not exist in a few years...
Science supports what AOC said. And she's not the president.

Science disproves what AOC purports...

It isn't alarming that a barkeep and her barflies come up with a stupid plan that defies common sense and science.

What is a bit disconcerting is that they obviously don't believe it themselves, yet still want to impose a plan to address the "problem".
What is a bit disconcerting is that they obviously don't believe it themselves, yet still want to impose a plan to address the "problem".
What is your rationale for saying AOC et al do not believe in the Green New Deal? Impose? It is a proposal for debate. You know that.
What is a bit disconcerting is that they obviously don't believe it themselves, yet still want to impose a plan to address the "problem".
What is your rationale for saying AOC et al do not believe in the Green New Deal? Impose? It is a proposal for debate. You know that.

I think they believe in imposing the New Green Deal, but that they don't believe in their apocalyptic forecasts they have if the "Deal" isn't inflicted on America.

Sure, they are proposing a debate on this program, but they say that if its not done, low lying areas will be obliterated.

And that's bull, they don't even believe it.
It amazes me that people with a high 2 figure IQ actually take this moron seriously and will quote her absolute bullshit as if it was GOD speaking!


0:41 Wednesday at the NAACP town hall, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said Miami has only a few years left on this planet.

Ocasio-Cortez said, “When it comes to climate change, what is not realistic is not responding … with a solution on the scale of the crisis—because what’s not realistic is Miami not existing in a few years. That’s not realistic. So we need to be realistic about the problem.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Horse crap from Mz. Horse Teeth ...

The most recent data from NASA shows a decline in sea level.

Inconvenient: NASA shows global sea level…pausing, instead of rising


Nothing this airhead says can be believed and she said so herself!

This former tip-stealing bartender went on and on about how the world would end in 12 years unless we employed radical and budget-busting measures to address the issue of climate change. Then after people started tearing her apart on this issue, she claimed what she said was a joke! Contrary to her attempted disclaimer, she was dead serious when she made that preposterous statement. Here is a video of her in action:

When her theory was discredited, she had the audacity to chastise those who believed her!. On her website she said, “This is a technique of the GOP, to take dry humor + sarcasm literally and “fact check” it. Like the “world ending in 12 years” thing, you’d have to have the social intelligence of a sea sponge to think it’s literal.”

According to a Rasmussen poll, 67 percent of Democrats took what she said literally. Cortez inadvertently established that 67 percent of Democrats have the social intelligence of a sea sponge! The following links show her official website comments and the result of the Rasmussen poll:

AOC says only a 'sea sponge' would believe her '12 years' doomsday remark, but most Dems bought it

Ocasio-Cortez: You'd be dumb as 'a sea sponge' to believe my climate change rhetoric - 67% of Dems believe it

CONCLUSION: Occasional Cortex is not only the most ignorant person ever elected to national office and one of the most ignorant people in the general population; she is also one of the most dishonest. If she cannot be believed on climate change (by her own admission!) she cannot possibly be believed on anything else she says! The darling of the ultra-liberals and the purported future of the Democratic party is a dishonest dolt. The lady is as phony as a Nigerian scam artist.

One last thing: many posters on USMB took her seriously and believed everything she said. Most of us knew better.
Last edited:
It amazes me that people with a high 2 figure IQ actually take this moron seriously and will quote her absolute bullshit as if it was GOD speaking!


0:41 Wednesday at the NAACP town hall, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said Miami has only a few years left on this planet.

Ocasio-Cortez said, “When it comes to climate change, what is not realistic is not responding … with a solution on the scale of the crisis—because what’s not realistic is Miami not existing in a few years. That’s not realistic. So we need to be realistic about the problem.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Horse crap from Mz. Horse Teeth ...

The most recent data from NASA shows a decline in sea level.

Inconvenient: NASA shows global sea level…pausing, instead of rising

Where’s the water coming from? Say arctic AOC. That will stop her nonsense

Considering AOC's extensive experience in the Bartending profession, you'd think she would understand.

If someone nurses their whiskey on the rocks and the ice melts, the glass doesn't overflow.

Why should the water level rise on a global basis with the same phenomenon.

Not so much, there is only X amount of space available in a glass. The liquid displaced by the ice only gives up enough "space" to accommodate the amount of frozen liquid that it would take to fill the glass up as it melts. But I do understand your analogy.
Nope, the water level does not rise 1/100th of an inch. Zip. Volume displaced is same volume

Actually, because ice expands once the water freezes, the ice in a glass displaces a larger volume than the water will occupy once it is melted. Although it would be hard to see or measure, the water level in the glass would actually decrease.
This is absolutely correct. Water only expands under freeze, and not the other way around, so the glass will never over run during the melt. I had to learn this lately, because I thought it would rise in the glass as the ice melted. I could have sworn I saw it one time, but I must have had the flu with a 103 temp... ROTFLMBO... Just goes to show that the leftist are just fear mongers and con-artist even more so, because they pride themselves in being educated above and beyond the rest. FAKE SCIENCE.
This is absolutely correct. Water only expands under freeze, and not the other way around, so the glass will never over run during the melt. I had to learn this lately, because I thought it would rise in the glass as the ice melted. I could have sworn I saw it one time, but I must have had the flu with a 103 temp... ROTFLMBO... Just goes to show that the leftist are just fear mongers and con-artist even more so, because they pride themselves in being educated above and beyond the rest. FAKE SCIENCE.

You should avoid posting about science, it is clearly too far above your head.

Does Water Expand or Contract When Heated?

When ice becomes liquid water, it no longer has fixed linear dimensions, but it has volume. Scientists use a different thermal coefficient -- the coefficient of volume expansion -- to measure the response of liquid water to temperature. This coefficient, which measures fractional changes in volume per degree Kelvin, is not fixed. It increases with mounting temperature until the water starts boiling. In other words, liquid water expands at an increasing rate as the temperature goes up.
It amazes me that people with a high 2 figure IQ actually take this moron seriously and will quote her absolute bullshit as if it was GOD speaking!


0:41 Wednesday at the NAACP town hall, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said Miami has only a few years left on this planet.

Ocasio-Cortez said, “When it comes to climate change, what is not realistic is not responding … with a solution on the scale of the crisis—because what’s not realistic is Miami not existing in a few years. That’s not realistic. So we need to be realistic about the problem.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Horse crap from Mz. Horse Teeth ...

The most recent data from NASA shows a decline in sea level.

Inconvenient: NASA shows global sea level…pausing, instead of rising

It's too late to do anything now.
It amazes me that people with a high 2 figure IQ actually take this moron seriously and will quote her absolute bullshit as if it was GOD speaking!


0:41 Wednesday at the NAACP town hall, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said Miami has only a few years left on this planet.

Ocasio-Cortez said, “When it comes to climate change, what is not realistic is not responding … with a solution on the scale of the crisis—because what’s not realistic is Miami not existing in a few years. That’s not realistic. So we need to be realistic about the problem.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Horse crap from Mz. Horse Teeth ...

The most recent data from NASA shows a decline in sea level.

Inconvenient: NASA shows global sea level…pausing, instead of rising

It's too late to do anything now.
Tell that shit walking...when you hold hands with Al Gore, you mindless twit!

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