And they take this bimbo seriously~A. Occasionally Cognizant: Miami Will Not Exist in a ‘Few Years’

Nope, the water level does not rise 1/100th of an inch. Zip. Volume displaced is same volume

Actually, because ice expands once the water freezes, the ice in a glass displaces a larger volume than the water will occupy once it is melted. Although it would be hard to see or measure, the water level in the glass would actually decrease.
Well logic would say if ice is expanded liquid, then the volume in the glass is maxed out with ice. No way it melting would do anything, as I stated. Not sure your point to me?

You said: "Volume displaced is same volume". That is not entirely true. Ice displaces more water because it is in an expanded state. You generally are dead on the money!
no it doesn't, it would displace less volume if anything. but the volume is set by the ice.

That's what I just said. Less does not equal the same thing, which is what YOU said originally. Read the quotes.
dude, not sure what you're trying to say at all. volume is set with the ice, when it melts, the volume doesn't change. now feel free to link to an experiment that less fluid ends up in a glass.
I think they believe in imposing the New Green Deal, but that they don't believe in their apocalyptic forecasts they have if the "Deal" isn't inflicted on America.

Sure, they are proposing a debate on this program, but they say that if its not done, low lying areas will be obliterated.

And that's bull, they don't even believe it.
I think they DO believe our coasts are in jeopardy. It is certainly a strong possibility based on logic. If the ice locked on land melts and runs to the ocean it will rise...period. And that isn't a very bid IF according to reports.
If there is a gas leak at your house, you don't wait until it explodes to fix it. All the New Green Deal does is look for ways to de-accelerate a process in hopes of salvaging as much as we can.
You sure it will rise ? I mean who knows the capacities when talking about an ocean, and how much it can or cannot hold ??

We have rivers flooding into the ocean during all sorts of events, but never heard of any threats from the ocean as a result of. What type of ice melting is expected, otherwise that it would threaten our lands by way of the oceans afterwards ?? A melt of that proportion would be of the biblical times would it not ?? Just bouncing common sense around in here, because nope I'm no scientist that's for sure.
Beagle, I know what you say makes sense but you are confirming a watershed that is already there. Just like I have a hard time considering where all the water is coming from that goes over Niagara Falls day after month after year after centuries after millennia. Seems like it would empty the Great Lakes but it doesn't. The problem is not the water and ice that is already there. It is the melt from landlocked ice and snow added to what is already there. The old cliche about the ice in your drink not raising the level does not take into consideration that if the ice in your drink melts, if you add more ice to the melted mess it will overflow. There are enormous ice fields covering lands that we do not see around both poles. They didn't appear overnight and they wont melt overnight, but it is believed that in the history of the world, the melt is quickening due to human excesses. You and I will not see Miami submerged, but does that make not taking some action to slow the process OK?
Helping our environment is always ok, but we have to sift through the political bullcrap in order to make sure that these things or reactions aren't being used for other purposes. That is the imposing issues being found in these things. Helping our environment is a no brainier, because we need it to be healthy as humans, but it appears that forces are at work these days in which sadly are working to input other ideas to use these issues for.
so beagle, what's your opinion of Trump's threat to reverse California's stricter-than-other-State's automobile pollution laws? Do you remember the old photos of smog-bound LA?
old photos? why aren't there current photos? that statement implies smog isn't as severe or there. Meaning, the existing solutions have corrected the problem. no need for this hammer on cars.
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Meaning, the existing solutions have corrected the problem. no need for this hammer on cars.
What's the matter with you? If they roll back on emissions, the smog will roll back with it. As for the landlocked ice sheets melting into the oceans, I give up on you.
Meaning, the existing solutions have corrected the problem. no need for this hammer on cars.
What's the matter with you? If they roll back on emissions, the smog will roll back with it. As for the landlocked ice sheets melting into the oceans, I give up on you.

Do you really think the ultraliberal pollution regulations are the reasons for less smog in California? Why do you think all of the cars and trucks from the past will suddenly appear in Cally?

I think its stupid to have different standards for cars in every state.
Meaning, the existing solutions have corrected the problem. no need for this hammer on cars.
What's the matter with you? If they roll back on emissions, the smog will roll back with it. As for the landlocked ice sheets melting into the oceans, I give up on you.

Do you really think the ultraliberal pollution regulations are the reasons for less smog in California? Why do you think all of the cars and trucks from the past will suddenly appear in Cally?

I think its stupid to have different standards for cars in every state.
Doesn't air flow freely? and
Meaning, the existing solutions have corrected the problem. no need for this hammer on cars.
sorry, forgot the link:
PHOTOS: Los Angeles under cover | Smog through the years
Dude, there aren't any photos newer than 1990. fk, that's thirty years ago. Trump isn't saying to go back thirty years, so now you're over embellishing the situation. wow.
You're spitting in the wind here, buddy. This conversation is done. Just go your way trashing every try along your path.
I think they believe in imposing the New Green Deal, but that they don't believe in their apocalyptic forecasts they have if the "Deal" isn't inflicted on America.

Sure, they are proposing a debate on this program, but they say that if its not done, low lying areas will be obliterated.

And that's bull, they don't even believe it.
I think they DO believe our coasts are in jeopardy. It is certainly a strong possibility based on logic. If the ice locked on land melts and runs to the ocean it will rise...period. And that isn't a very bid IF according to reports.
If there is a gas leak at your house, you don't wait until it explodes to fix it. All the New Green Deal does is look for ways to de-accelerate a process in hopes of salvaging as much as we can.
You sure it will rise ? I mean who knows the capacities when talking about an ocean, and how much it can or cannot hold ??

We have rivers flooding into the ocean during all sorts of events, but never heard of any threats from the ocean as a result of. What type of ice melting is expected, otherwise that it would threaten our lands by way of the oceans afterwards ?? A melt of that proportion would be of the biblical times would it not ?? Just bouncing common sense around in here, because nope I'm no scientist that's for sure.
Beagle, I know what you say makes sense but you are confirming a watershed that is already there. Just like I have a hard time considering where all the water is coming from that goes over Niagara Falls day after month after year after centuries after millennia. Seems like it would empty the Great Lakes but it doesn't. The problem is not the water and ice that is already there. It is the melt from landlocked ice and snow added to what is already there. The old cliche about the ice in your drink not raising the level does not take into consideration that if the ice in your drink melts, if you add more ice to the melted mess it will overflow. There are enormous ice fields covering lands that we do not see around both poles. They didn't appear overnight and they wont melt overnight, but it is believed that in the history of the world, the melt is quickening due to human excesses. You and I will not see Miami submerged, but does that make not taking some action to slow the process OK?
Helping our environment is always ok, but we have to sift through the political bullcrap in order to make sure that these things or reactions aren't being used for other purposes. That is the imposing issues being found in these things. Helping our environment is a no brainier, because we need it to be healthy as humans, but it appears that forces are at work these days in which sadly are working to input other ideas to use these issues for.
so beagle, what's your opinion of Trump's threat to reverse California's stricter-than-other-State's automobile pollution laws? Do you remember the old photos of smog-bound LA?
Well my opinion is to fight against anything that one feels is a threat to human health as long as the fight is legit. Keep politics out of it, and it will go well. Inputting politics for reasons not truly associated with an enviromental or a threat to human health, thus causes everything to fail, and sadly there is a whole lot of failure going on these days.
For more than 50 years Climate Alarmists in the scientific community and environmental movement have not gotten even one prediction correct, but they do have a perfect record of getting 41 predictions wrong. In other words, on at least 41 occasions, these so-called experts have predicted some terrible environmental catastrophe was imminent … and it never happened.

And not once — not even once! — have these alarmists had one of their predictions come true.

Think about that… the so-called experts are 0-41 with their predictions, but those of us who are skeptical of “expert” prediction number 42, the one that says that if we don’t immediately convert to socialism and allow Alexandria Ocasio-Crazy to control and organize our lives, the planet will become uninhabitable.

Why would any sane person listen to someone with a 0-41 record?

Why would we completely restructure our economy and sacrifice our personal freedom for “experts” who are 0-41, who have never once gotten it right?

If you had an investment counselor who steered you wrong 41times, would you hang in there for number 42?

Of course not. You’d fire him after failed prediction two or three.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I think they DO believe our coasts are in jeopardy. It is certainly a strong possibility based on logic. If the ice locked on land melts and runs to the ocean it will rise...period. And that isn't a very bid IF according to reports.
If there is a gas leak at your house, you don't wait until it explodes to fix it. All the New Green Deal does is look for ways to de-accelerate a process in hopes of salvaging as much as we can.
You sure it will rise ? I mean who knows the capacities when talking about an ocean, and how much it can or cannot hold ??

We have rivers flooding into the ocean during all sorts of events, but never heard of any threats from the ocean as a result of. What type of ice melting is expected, otherwise that it would threaten our lands by way of the oceans afterwards ?? A melt of that proportion would be of the biblical times would it not ?? Just bouncing common sense around in here, because nope I'm no scientist that's for sure.
Beagle, I know what you say makes sense but you are confirming a watershed that is already there. Just like I have a hard time considering where all the water is coming from that goes over Niagara Falls day after month after year after centuries after millennia. Seems like it would empty the Great Lakes but it doesn't. The problem is not the water and ice that is already there. It is the melt from landlocked ice and snow added to what is already there. The old cliche about the ice in your drink not raising the level does not take into consideration that if the ice in your drink melts, if you add more ice to the melted mess it will overflow. There are enormous ice fields covering lands that we do not see around both poles. They didn't appear overnight and they wont melt overnight, but it is believed that in the history of the world, the melt is quickening due to human excesses. You and I will not see Miami submerged, but does that make not taking some action to slow the process OK?
Helping our environment is always ok, but we have to sift through the political bullcrap in order to make sure that these things or reactions aren't being used for other purposes. That is the imposing issues being found in these things. Helping our environment is a no brainier, because we need it to be healthy as humans, but it appears that forces are at work these days in which sadly are working to input other ideas to use these issues for.
so beagle, what's your opinion of Trump's threat to reverse California's stricter-than-other-State's automobile pollution laws? Do you remember the old photos of smog-bound LA?
Well my opinion is to fight against anything that one feels is a threat to human health as long as the fight is legit. Keep politics out of it, and it will go well. Inputting politics for reasons not truly associated with an enviromental or a threat to human health, thus causes everything to fail, and sadly there is a whole lot of failure going on these days.
Beagle, your opinion is absolutely right and I appreciate your fairness. But!!! AOC cannot help but be considered political because she IS a member of the House. How CAN she keep politics out of it? And she is proposing ideas for discussion, not legislation. If she were some remote bartender, would you even hear her? It is more like you are skeptical of her ideas because you don't like her as a person or her party. Come to think about it, I guess we are all guilty of that sometimes. It's just easier to see it in the other guy.
Not yet

But the Florida keys are starting to see the effects of Global Warming
For more than 50 years Climate Alarmists in the scientific community and environmental movement have not gotten even one prediction correct, but they do have a perfect record of getting 41 predictions wrong. In other words, on at least 41 occasions, these so-called experts have predicted some terrible environmental catastrophe was imminent … and it never happened.

And not once — not even once! — have these alarmists had one of their predictions come true.

Think about that… the so-called experts are 0-41 with their predictions, but those of us who are skeptical of “expert” prediction number 42, the one that says that if we don’t immediately convert to socialism and allow Alexandria Ocasio-Crazy to control and organize our lives, the planet will become uninhabitable.

Why would any sane person listen to someone with a 0-41 record?

Why would we completely restructure our economy and sacrifice our personal freedom for “experts” who are 0-41, who have never once gotten it right?

If you had an investment counselor who steered you wrong 41times, would you hang in there for number 42?

Of course not. You’d fire him after failed prediction two or three.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Actually it is conservatives who have gotten it completely wrong with their denial that climate change even exists
You sure it will rise ? I mean who knows the capacities when talking about an ocean, and how much it can or cannot hold ??

We have rivers flooding into the ocean during all sorts of events, but never heard of any threats from the ocean as a result of. What type of ice melting is expected, otherwise that it would threaten our lands by way of the oceans afterwards ?? A melt of that proportion would be of the biblical times would it not ?? Just bouncing common sense around in here, because nope I'm no scientist that's for sure.
Beagle, I know what you say makes sense but you are confirming a watershed that is already there. Just like I have a hard time considering where all the water is coming from that goes over Niagara Falls day after month after year after centuries after millennia. Seems like it would empty the Great Lakes but it doesn't. The problem is not the water and ice that is already there. It is the melt from landlocked ice and snow added to what is already there. The old cliche about the ice in your drink not raising the level does not take into consideration that if the ice in your drink melts, if you add more ice to the melted mess it will overflow. There are enormous ice fields covering lands that we do not see around both poles. They didn't appear overnight and they wont melt overnight, but it is believed that in the history of the world, the melt is quickening due to human excesses. You and I will not see Miami submerged, but does that make not taking some action to slow the process OK?
Helping our environment is always ok, but we have to sift through the political bullcrap in order to make sure that these things or reactions aren't being used for other purposes. That is the imposing issues being found in these things. Helping our environment is a no brainier, because we need it to be healthy as humans, but it appears that forces are at work these days in which sadly are working to input other ideas to use these issues for.
so beagle, what's your opinion of Trump's threat to reverse California's stricter-than-other-State's automobile pollution laws? Do you remember the old photos of smog-bound LA?
Well my opinion is to fight against anything that one feels is a threat to human health as long as the fight is legit. Keep politics out of it, and it will go well. Inputting politics for reasons not truly associated with an enviromental or a threat to human health, thus causes everything to fail, and sadly there is a whole lot of failure going on these days.
Beagle, your opinion is absolutely right and I appreciate your fairness. But!!! AOC cannot help but be considered political because she IS a member of the House. How CAN she keep politics out of it? And she is proposing ideas for discussion, not legislation. If she were some remote bartender, would you even hear her? It is more like you are skeptical of her ideas because you don't like her as a person or her party. Come to think about it, I guess we are all guilty of that sometimes. It's just easier to see it in the other guy.
Well I don't know A.O.C personally, so I can't say anything about her intent other than she is making herself appear as a partisan hack hell bent on putting the cart way before the horse, and doing so on the issues that she attempts to discuss. To young and rambunctious, and might be led by some bad information that she sees as a truth above and beyond her own belief, but she roles with it in an attempt to prove herself as worthy.
Not yet

But the Florida keys are starting to see the effects of Global Warming
Humans love the coastal areas. Humans live in some of those areas that are more sensitive then others with storms and nature. Keys, Cays and barrier islands are really not meant to have economic growth on them. But they do because humans like them. There is a reason they are there. There is a reason they will be removed. And it is not humans that are causing so called climate change. It is a shame. A few cities nuked in our nation will save us a lot more misery then what will be caused by you pure progs and your pie in the sky agendas. To you the earth is a benign living breathing organism that has gotten mean because us insignificant little grains of sand are the cause of her belching. Perhaps the sun ain't satisfying the earth as much at times. Marriage will do that.

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