And thus ended the political career of Trump... Evangelicals can now discard him...

Fort Fun Indiana

Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
With the ruling overturning Roe V Wade, the deal is now complete. I refer to the unspoken deal the Evangelicals had with the GOP, Mitch McConnell, and with Trump.

Mitch cashed in the Trump presidency for one more SCOTUS judge, and now the winnings have been paid out.

The evangelicals no longer have any use for Trump. They will now climb back up on their high horse, having fallen off for a few years to justify and ignore all manner of unethical and immoral behavior by Trump.

It will be like they never fell off. Trust me.

And they can stitch up the schism in their own churches practically overnight. Trump will not win the primary, and *poof*... schism gone.

With the ruling overturning Roe V Wade, the deal is now complete. I refer to the unspoken deal the Evangelicals had with the GOP, Mitch McConnell, and with Trump.

Mitch cashed in the Trump presidency for one more SCOTUS judge, and now the winnings have been paid out.

The evangelicals no longer have any use for Trump. They will now climb back up on their high horse, having fallen off for a few years to justify and ignore all manner of unethical and immoral behavior by Trump.

It will be like they never fell off. Trust me.

And they can stitch up the schism in their own churches practically overnight. Trump will not win the primary, and *poof*... schism gone.

Good thing you claim your latest bullshit conspiracy theory is “unspoken.” It would suck to be you and have to defend your baseless claim with actual evidence. Or really anything beyond your latest draft of fictional supposition. Farty, Farty Farty. Get a life.
With the ruling overturning Roe V Wade, the deal is now complete. I refer to the unspoken deal the Evangelicals had with the GOP, Mitch McConnell, and with Trump.

Mitch cashed in the Trump presidency for one more SCOTUS judge, and now the winnings have been paid out.

The evangelicals no longer have any use for Trump. They will now climb back up on their high horse, having fallen off for a few years to justify and ignore all manner of unethical and immoral behavior by Trump.

It will be like they never fell off. Trust me.

And they can stitch up the schism in their own churches practically overnight. Trump will not win the primary, and *poof*... schism gone.

Good thing you claim your latest bullshit conspiracy theory is “unspoken.” It would suck to be you and have to defend your baseless claim with actual evidence. Or really anything beyond your latest draft of fictional supposition. Farty, Farty Farty. Get a life.
The only unspoken part was so many of the evangelicals agreeing to look the other way at Trump's abnormal, unethical, classless,, immoral behavior. Though, honestly, some of them did outright admit they were keeping their eyes on the prize.

Both Trump and McConnell explicitly and unethically said they would appoint judges to overturn Roe v Wade. Then they did it.

Trump specifically chose Pence to help get the Evangicals on board. He said so.

That was all in broad daylight. Not a conspiracy. Not unspoken.
With the ruling overturning Roe V Wade, the deal is now complete. I refer to the unspoken deal the Evangelicals had with the GOP, Mitch McConnell, and with Trump.

Mitch cashed in the Trump presidency for one more SCOTUS judge, and now the winnings have been paid out.

The evangelicals no longer have any use for Trump. They will now climb back up on their high horse, having fallen off for a few years to justify and ignore all manner of unethical and immoral behavior by Trump.

It will be like they never fell off. Trust me.

And they can stitch up the schism in their own churches practically overnight. Trump will not win the primary, and *poof*... schism gone.

I hope so. Like actual conservatives, I also miss conservative Christians judging politicians on their character.
Campaign promise kept. He put 3 justices on the court that would overturn roe wade. Who was the idiot leftist who sued Mississippi and got this case to SCOTUS?
I hope so. Like actual conservatives, I also miss conservative Christians judging politicians on their character.
View attachment 662529
Look backwards about a month. You can see the cracks start forming the moment the SCOTUS draft opinion leaked.

Republicans starting to peel off and distance themselves from Trump. DeSantis beating Trump in New Hampshire polling.

The Jan 6 committee will be used as a cover story by some of them. While others will just stop using his name.

Any issue that could win them an election (like this district they just flipped in Texas) can exist quite independently of Trump.
Good thing you claim your latest bullshit conspiracy theory is “unspoken.” It would suck to be you and have to defend your baseless claim with actual evidence. Or really anything beyond your latest draft of fictional supposition. Farty, Farty Farty. Get a life.
Shut up.
Good thing you claim your latest bullshit conspiracy theory is “unspoken.” It would suck to be you and have to defend your baseless claim with actual evidence. Or really anything beyond your latest draft of fictional supposition. Farty, Farty Farty. Get a life.
Trump should be tossed on the garbage heap of history where he belongs.

But for now I'll settle for prison which is where he REALLY belongs.
With the ruling overturning Roe V Wade, the deal is now complete. I refer to the unspoken deal the Evangelicals had with the GOP, Mitch McConnell, and with Trump.

Mitch cashed in the Trump presidency for one more SCOTUS judge, and now the winnings have been paid out.

The evangelicals no longer have any use for Trump. They will now climb back up on their high horse, having fallen off for a few years to justify and ignore all manner of unethical and immoral behavior by Trump.

It will be like they never fell off. Trust me.

And they can stitch up the schism in their own churches practically overnight. Trump will not win the primary, and *poof*... schism gone.

Too late. He's their god now.
Look backwards about a month. You can see the cracks start forming the moment the SCOTUS draft opinion leaked.

Republicans starting to peel off and distance themselves from Trump. DeSantis beating Trump in New Hampshire polling.

The Jan 6 committee will be used as a cover story by some of them. While others will just stop using his name.

Any issue that could win them an election (like this district they just flipped in Texas) can exist quite independently of Trump.
Might even try DeSantis myself, if he doesn't go to damned crazy between now and then.
Good thing you claim your latest bullshit conspiracy theory is “unspoken.” It would suck to be you and have to defend your baseless claim with actual evidence. Or really anything beyond your latest draft of fictional supposition. Farty, Farty Farty. Get a life.

How old are you??? 10???

Yes, the Evangelicals got their Embassy in Jerusalem, and the end of Roe V. Wade, and all of the stuff that the secular world wants no part of, which is the bigotry and hatred of the right wing Christian sects towards women, gays and racial minorities, is now being reinstated by this radical court.

And when you have right wing religious leaders having some pretty creepy sex practices - like watching your wife with the pool boy, the movement is destroying itself.

Basically, the entire corrupt coalition between the Republican Party, the religious right, and the white supremacists, is now collapsing on its own hatred and internal rot. The installation of Donald Trump by the electoral college, and over the will of the people, has been a bridge too far for your democracy.

Now you have a Supreme Court taking on the roll of rolling back the will of the people as to what they want their country to be - an open inclusive place where all have equal opportunity to achieve life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, to a toxic, white controlled racist have for hate and bigotry. South Africa, during apartheid.
Campaign promise kept. He put 3 justices on the court that would overturn roe wade. Who was the idiot leftist who sued Mississippi and got this case to SCOTUS?
You are confused. Not the same case. This is the case that was just decided, in overturning Roe v Wade:


This was the very much Republican State of Missippi suing the one abortion clinic in their State. Dobbs had virtually nothing to do with the case,and his name is only mentioned because he is the director of the Mississippi department of health.

He is set to resign next month.

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