And to think that left continues to demand MORE government

We could free up trillions in defense dollars
If we restored constitutional government and eliminated Social Security, Welfare, Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, SNAP, etc., we could free up quadrillions. And unlike defense, all of those things aren’t even needed.
only in right wing fantasy.

why not buy an empty city, AnCappers; and prove your myth.
And you seem to believe that there would be no change whatsoever if we were to pull completely out of the area.
No, but boots on the ground should be Germany and Japan

In an ideal world, great. In this one, however, WWI and WWII were not that long ago.
It is a different world

They have been strong allies for 70 years

Sure, why not? What could possibly go wrong?
We could free up trillions in defense dollars

We could, and then be defenseless.
You mean actually helping people rather than engaging in wars on the other side of the world
only in right wing fantasy.
Exactly...only in a “right-wing fantasy” do we restore constitutional government because in the real world, we have idiot anti-American progressives such as yourself, preventing it. What a shame.
Providing for the general welfare is in our Constitution, providing for the general warfare or common offense, is not.
How about we tell every agency found to have such shitty accounting practices that their funding is frozen at previous level until they can account for the “missing” funds.
And you know what would happen? They would “cook the books” so that the funds magically appeared. That’s the simpleminded reality that you progressives can’t grasp for some reason.
Has any of Trump's current or former cabinet members told Trump, or whoever is president, about this?
I don’t know what to tell you snowflake - I’ve never heard of either of those names in my entire life. Something tells me you haven’t either based on your inability to state anything about them other than their names. This appears to be like your comical “FFL” situation.

And again, since I’m not like you, I don’t try to just wing it and make shit up. If I don’t know, I don’t comment. And in this case, I don’t know.
So you haven't heard of the current EPA head and current Treasury Sec and the demands they are making on more government? And you haven't heard of the unnecessary tax dollars they are spending by traveling in 1st class to avoid hearing criticism of their job performance, or tried renting a military transport so they could go on a honeymoon. Jones and Brennen never did that.

BTW, I don't believe you. You know about Obama's Cabinet, but don't have a clue on Trumps' Cabinet? Yeah, right?
And you seem to believe that there would be no change whatsoever if we were to pull completely out of the area.
No, but boots on the ground should be Germany and Japan

In an ideal world, great. In this one, however, WWI and WWII were not that long ago.
It is a different world

They have been strong allies for 70 years

Sure, why not? What could possibly go wrong?
We could free up trillions in defense dollars

Sure we could, and those states would have to fund new defense spending and couldn't spend as much on the nanny state..

And China would have no problem with Japan ramping up their military. Of course not.
So you haven't heard of the current...Treasury Sec...or tried renting a military transport so they could go on a honeymoon.
Nope. Had never heard of him or that incident. And now that you’ve provided a link and I’ve read it - here is my official comment on the situation:

Unacceptable. Repulsive. He attempted to claim it was for “national security” but the Secretary of the Treasury has no part in national security. See, I’m not a partisan hack, like you. I don’t make excuses for “my side”.

Now...why is this an issue for you considering the request was “withdrawn” and no such plane was granted? It’s almost like your desperate to find something. Care to comment?
Nope. Had never heard of him or that incident. And now that you’ve provided a link and I’ve read it - here is my official comment on the situation:

Unacceptable. Repulsive. He attempted to claim it was for “national security” but the Secretary of the Treasury has no part in national security. See, I’m not a partisan hack, like you. I don’t make excuses for “my side”.

Now...why is this an issue for you considering the request was “withdrawn” and no such plane was granted? It’s almost like your desperate to find something. Care to comment?
I don't have to try. How many people has Trump gone through in staffing key positions? More than any other President. Why? Because he keeps picking people that try to use government for their own personal gain.

BTW, I don't believe you haven't heard of Scott Pruitt. He's been all over the news these past two weeks. He'll be gone soon. He has more than one instance of using his Cabinet position for personal gain. Like living in a lobbyists apartment in NY for $50 a day.

Kudos for your position on Mnuchin. That was good to see!
Unimaginable corruption. If any of us delete evidence that a court mandated we produce, we would got to prison for a long time.

The left is willing to surrender all liberty and the rule of law just to avoid having to hold a job and provide for themselves. :eusa_doh:

National Security Agency deleted data it promised to keep for court proceedings
the right wing has nothing but propaganda and rhetoric. this was a right wing issue, from the start.

Since 2007, the NSA has been under court orders to preserve data about certain of its surveillance efforts that came under legal attack following disclosures that President George W. Bush ordered warrantless wiretapping of international communications after the 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S.,”

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