And to think that left continues to demand MORE government

Unimaginable and inexcusable ineptitude by our federal government.
An audit conducted by Ernst & Young found that the agency’s accounting procedures are so flawed that there is no reliable way to track how it uses its $40 billion annual budget.
If a private organization was this inept, the left would take to the streets with violence. They would demand all kinds of “regulatory” reforms and legislation. And yet when it happens with tax payer dollars, all they do is shrug and insist that we need more government.

Major Pentagon agency can’t account for $800 million — but still may get a budget increase
We have no real freedom in this country do to the Federal government...
right wing policy ends in Chaos.
Yeah...just look at all of the “chaos” right now in the U.S. Record lows in unemployment. Record highs in the stock market. A secure border (the polar opposite of “chaos” - which is what you idiot progressives did under Obama opening the border). ISIS defeated. And oh yeah - even Kim Jong Un ending his nuclear program and agreeing to come to the table to meet with the U.S.

Look at all of that “chaos”. Peace. Wealth. Prosperity. Only the desperate and disingenuous left could refer to that as “chaos”.
China has entire cities that are empty
Well that’s what left-wing policy does. It ends in failure.
just lousy management.
That’s what you say EVERYWHERE that left-wing policy is implemented. Which just proves that left-wing policy results in “lousy management”. :laugh:
The federal doctrine, is left wing policy; two hundred years and counting.

the right wing got us "dragged into irrelevance", by the international community in less than eighty years.
right wing policy ends in Chaos.
Yeah...just look at all of the “chaos” right now in the U.S. Record lows in unemployment. Record highs in the stock market. A secure border (the polar opposite of “chaos” - which is what you idiot progressives did under Obama opening the border). ISIS defeated. And oh yeah - even Kim Jong Un ending his nuclear program and agreeing to come to the table to meet with the U.S.

Look at all of that “chaos”. Peace. Wealth. Prosperity. Only the desperate and disingenuous left could refer to that as “chaos”.
just the right wing taking credit for normal market volatility. we still aren't feeling your right wing trade wars.
Yes! - Get Rid of Regulating Law & Order Republicans
Leave it to progressives thugs to actually complain about “law and order”.

Repubtard thugs are the ones destroying families lives jailing children because parents might have committed a misdemeanor. People are not your property, slaves or 2/3rds a person. Repubtards try silencing them stripping voting rights every chance they get!!!
We could spend ten percent of our current military budget and still defend our shores
We could spend 1% of our current unconstitutional socialism and still have the exact same poverty rates that we do now. Looks like eliminating social “welfare” would be the right way to go then!

Only people would suffer
Socialism is the ultimate suffering… It’s a world of piss and shit. So shut the fuck up
Yes! - Get Rid of Regulating Law & Order Republicans
Leave it to progressives thugs to actually complain about “law and order”.

Repubtard thugs are the ones destroying families lives jailing children because parents might have committed a misdemeanor. People are not your property, slaves or 2/3rds a person. Repubtards try silencing them stripping voting rights every chance they get!!!
They are illegal aliens so fuck them… You pussy whipped bitch
Repubtard thugs are the ones destroying families lives jailing children because parents might have committed a misdemeanor.
Another ignorant post by KM. Blaming law enforcement instead of the criminal. Typical thug. Snowflake, it’s not Republicans that broke up those families. It was the criminal parents who broke them up. Don’t want your family to be separated? Don’t commit a crime. So simple, only a progressive is confused by it.

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