And to think that left continues to demand MORE government

the right wing prefers to go into debt for our exorbitantly expensive superpower.

Why does the right wing make fun of Mr. Hogg, when they have no faith in Capitalism and prefer socialism on a national basis.
The Democrats are the party of unimaginable corruption. The Clinton’s, Nancy Pelosi, and Dianne Feinstein have all inexplicably made tens of millions of dollars in public service while screaming about how they fight for the lower class.
An investment fund backed by the husband of U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein pumped millions of dollars into firms doing business in China while Feinstein was boosting expanded trade between China and the United States, The Examiner has learned.
Meanwhile, they are all fucking over the lower class on their way to becoming billionaires.

Husband invested in China as Feinstein pushed trade
This is the type of government that Democrats produce for their constituents...

Report: Health Department Wasted $170K On Gifts, Travel
If republicans were smart they wouldn’t be republicans to begin with.
True! They would be constitutional conservatives. least Republicans are smart enough not to be Dumbocrats!
You may not consider yourself one, but because you suck Trump dick, you are one by default. You can’t think for yourself
You may not consider yourself one, but because you suck Trump dick, you are one by default. You can’t think for yourself
From the retard who hates Donald Trump because his tv told him to... :lmao:

You may not consider yourself one, but because you suck Trump dick, you are one by default. You can’t think for yourself
From the retard who hates Donald Trump because his tv told him to... :lmao:

View attachment 271893
Yeah sure whenever I see his dumbass speak directly. He says the most retarded shit verbatim in full context. TV is the only way I see him, ya doofus.
Yeah sure whenever I see his dumbass speak directly. He says the most retarded shit verbatim in full context. TV is the only way I see him, ya doofus.
Snowflake...we have experienced unprecedented prosperity under President Trump.
  • Record low unemployment in the African-American community
  • Record low unemployment in the Latino-American community
  • Record highs in the market
  • Decades long high in manufacturing
  • Wages are UP
We could go on and on and on. Only an anti-American asshole would be whining about President Tump right now.
Yeah sure whenever I see his dumbass speak directly. He says the most retarded shit verbatim in full context. TV is the only way I see him, ya doofus.
Snowflake...we have experienced unprecedented prosperity under President Trump.
  • Record low unemployment in the African-American community
  • Record low unemployment in the Latino-American community
  • Record highs in the market
  • Decades long high in manufacturing
  • Wages are UP
We could go on and on and on. Only an anti-American asshole would be whining about President Tump right now.
Oh you mean all these economic gains that were already on the rise prior to Trump? It’s not like his fat ass has anything to do with this shit in terms of actual policy.
Oh you mean all these economic gains that were already on the rise prior to Trump? It’s not like his fat ass has anything to do with this shit in terms of actual policy.
None of that happened under MaObama. None of it. It all happened under President Trump because of his policies.
  • Rolling back MaObama’s unconstitutional Executive Orders
  • Approving the Keystone Pipeline
  • Approving the Dakota Pipeline
  • Lowering taxes
  • Renegotiating trade agreements to favor the U.S.
So, again, only an anti-American asshole would be whining about President who has put the United States first and ushered in an era of unprecedented prosperity.
Oh you mean all these economic gains that were already on the rise prior to Trump? It’s not like his fat ass has anything to do with this shit in terms of actual policy.
None of that happened under MaObama. None of it. It all happened under President Trump because of his policies.
  • Rolling back MaObama’s unconstitutional Executive Orders
  • Approving the Keystone Pipeline
  • Approving the Dakota Pipeline
  • Lowering taxes
  • Renegotiating trade agreements to favor the U.S.
So, again, only an anti-American asshole would be whining about President who has put the United States first and ushered in an era of unprecedented prosperity.
lol you idiot. What so the economy was shit under Obama and miraculously Trump turned it all around? Why do you delude yourself? It’s been well established the tax law didn’t do jack shit to help the middle class or poor. Also a tariff war only fucks up consumerism in America. Finally, you’re an idiot if you think those pipelines have done jack shit to help the economy at large.
Pretty sure it is you Trump sheep calling for an increase in defense spending

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Ummm, yeah, but based on his actions he certainly feels that corruption in government needs to be dealt with. But, poor progressive statist you, has to try and derail the thread.
lol you idiot. What so the economy was shit under Obama and miraculously Trump turned it all around? Why do you delude yourself? It’s been well established the tax law didn’t do jack shit to help the middle class or poor. Also a tariff war only fucks up consumerism in America. Finally, you’re an idiot if you think those pipelines have done jack shit to help the economy at large.
I’ve specifically cited policy after policy and then specifically cited outcome after outcome from those policies. And all you can do is throw a tantrum, yell “idiot”, and deny reality. If tariffs “fuck up consumerism” we wouldn’t be experiencing unprecedented economic prosperity and decades long highs in manufacturing, idiot. And the tax cuts have done wonders for the middle and lower class (as illustrated by the increase in incomes).


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