And today many will use the SC Mass Murder to push an agenda.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Sadly, the President of the United States was first.
And others are joining in, one can expect today there will be all manner of claims and wild assumptions.
I will say this:
1) RACISM CLAIM...this act is not systemic of anything other than the insanity of one person. He represents no one but himself.
2) AMERICA IS SO VIOLENT... As a whole, we are not. Despite charts some post up, and per capita claims that make no distinctions among the general population and small extremely violent cultures in very, very isolated areas. Of the 320,000,000 people living in America - the vast majority live peaceful lives never experiencing any kind of violence.
3) GUN LAWS - Have nothing to do with it. This sick kid could not buy a gun in SC according to their laws that prohibit drug offenders from owning a gun. At least as I understand it. What one does have to be concerned about is why in the hell did his father give him one? Quit school, several arrest, obvious mentally unstable...his father knew all of these things. Giving a gun to someone with such obvious poor decision making ability is just insane. Dylan having a gun - is on his father, not the state.

And finally...there are no laws a government can possibly make to stop insane people from doing insane things. Other than going back to the days of basically imprisoning mentally ill people - there is nothing that can prevent a tragedy like this one in regards to the judicial system. Only family members have even a chance at recognizing a problem and try to get the person help. But even they cannot stop a madman from being mad.
Sadly, the President of the United States was first.
And others are joining in, one can expect today there will be all manner of claims and wild assumptions.
I will say this:
1) RACISM CLAIM...this act is not systemic of anything other than the insanity of one person. He represents no one but himself.
2) AMERICA IS SO VIOLENT... As a whole, we are not. Despite charts some post up, and per capita claims that make no distinctions among the general population and small extremely violent cultures in very, very isolated areas. Of the 320,000,000 people living in America - the vast majority live peaceful lives never experiencing any kind of violence.
3) GUN LAWS - Have nothing to do with it. This sick kid could not buy a gun in SC according to their laws that prohibit drug offenders from owning a gun. At least as I understand it. What one does have to be concerned about is why in the hell did his father give him one? Quit school, several arrest, obvious mentally unstable...his father knew all of these things. Giving a gun to someone with such obvious poor decision making ability is just insane. Dylan having a gun - is on his father, not the state.

And finally...there are no laws a government can possibly make to stop insane people from doing insane things. Other than going back to the days of basically imprisoning mentally ill people - there is nothing that can prevent a tragedy like this one in regards to the judicial system. Only family members have even a chance at recognizing a problem and try to get the person help. But even they cannot stop a madman from being mad.
His father needs to be jailed, and sued into poverty.
There really is not way to diagnose or even classify the derangement of American liberals.

They LOVE shit like this. Black bodies pile up in Baltimore, Chicago, DC and every other moonbat controlled city every day, and all these assholes will ever say in response is:

mindless libtard sheep said:
baaa... baaannn... guuunns...baaa...

Give them a sensational story and it's a festival of blood and gore because in the midst of tragedy emotions run high, and that's all liberal bullshit is, emotional reactions that never solve problems and always create other ones.

3) GUN LAWS - Have nothing to do with it. This sick kid could not buy a gun in SC according to their laws that prohibit drug offenders from owning a gun. At least as I understand it. What one does have to be concerned about is why in the hell did his father give him one? Quit school, several arrest, obvious mentally unstable...his father knew all of these things. Giving a gun to someone with such obvious poor decision making ability is just insane. Dylan having a gun - is on his father, not the state.

And finally...there are no laws a government can possibly make to stop insane people from doing insane things. Other than going back to the days of basically imprisoning mentally ill people - there is nothing that can prevent a tragedy like this one in regards to the judicial system. Only family members have even a chance at recognizing a problem and try to get the person help. But even they cannot stop a madman from being mad.

He had not been convicted of anything up to that point, but his father should have seen that the little fruitcake had no business being near weapons.
Sadly, the President of the United States was first.
And others are joining in, one can expect today there will be all manner of claims and wild assumptions.
I will say this:
1) RACISM CLAIM...this act is not systemic of anything other than the insanity of one person. He represents no one but himself.
2) AMERICA IS SO VIOLENT... As a whole, we are not. Despite charts some post up, and per capita claims that make no distinctions among the general population and small extremely violent cultures in very, very isolated areas. Of the 320,000,000 people living in America - the vast majority live peaceful lives never experiencing any kind of violence.
3) GUN LAWS - Have nothing to do with it. This sick kid could not buy a gun in SC according to their laws that prohibit drug offenders from owning a gun. At least as I understand it. What one does have to be concerned about is why in the hell did his father give him one? Quit school, several arrest, obvious mentally unstable...his father knew all of these things. Giving a gun to someone with such obvious poor decision making ability is just insane. Dylan having a gun - is on his father, not the state.

And finally...there are no laws a government can possibly make to stop insane people from doing insane things. Other than going back to the days of basically imprisoning mentally ill people - there is nothing that can prevent a tragedy like this one in regards to the judicial system. Only family members have even a chance at recognizing a problem and try to get the person help. But even they cannot stop a madman from being mad.

The claim now is he bought the gun himself.

Charleston church shooting Questions swirl around suspect Dylann Roof -

Which I find hard to believe.

If he did, how did he pass the background check?

If the background check wasn't done, should the gun store owner be tried as an accessory?

(I personally think he should)
Sadly, the President of the United States was first.
And others are joining in, one can expect today there will be all manner of claims and wild assumptions.
I will say this:
1) RACISM CLAIM...this act is not systemic of anything other than the insanity of one person. He represents no one but himself.
2) AMERICA IS SO VIOLENT... As a whole, we are not. Despite charts some post up, and per capita claims that make no distinctions among the general population and small extremely violent cultures in very, very isolated areas. Of the 320,000,000 people living in America - the vast majority live peaceful lives never experiencing any kind of violence.
3) GUN LAWS - Have nothing to do with it. This sick kid could not buy a gun in SC according to their laws that prohibit drug offenders from owning a gun. At least as I understand it. What one does have to be concerned about is why in the hell did his father give him one? Quit school, several arrest, obvious mentally unstable...his father knew all of these things. Giving a gun to someone with such obvious poor decision making ability is just insane. Dylan having a gun - is on his father, not the state.

And finally...there are no laws a government can possibly make to stop insane people from doing insane things. Other than going back to the days of basically imprisoning mentally ill people - there is nothing that can prevent a tragedy like this one in regards to the judicial system. Only family members have even a chance at recognizing a problem and try to get the person help. But even they cannot stop a madman from being mad.
Did not take you long to push your racist agenda. Did you come on here and bitch about right wingers using the recent unrest following police killings? No. Makes you a world class hypocrite.
Sadly, the President of the United States was first.
And others are joining in, one can expect today there will be all manner of claims and wild assumptions.
I will say this:
1) RACISM CLAIM...this act is not systemic of anything other than the insanity of one person. He represents no one but himself.
2) AMERICA IS SO VIOLENT... As a whole, we are not. Despite charts some post up, and per capita claims that make no distinctions among the general population and small extremely violent cultures in very, very isolated areas. Of the 320,000,000 people living in America - the vast majority live peaceful lives never experiencing any kind of violence.
3) GUN LAWS - Have nothing to do with it. This sick kid could not buy a gun in SC according to their laws that prohibit drug offenders from owning a gun. At least as I understand it. What one does have to be concerned about is why in the hell did his father give him one? Quit school, several arrest, obvious mentally unstable...his father knew all of these things. Giving a gun to someone with such obvious poor decision making ability is just insane. Dylan having a gun - is on his father, not the state.

And finally...there are no laws a government can possibly make to stop insane people from doing insane things. Other than going back to the days of basically imprisoning mentally ill people - there is nothing that can prevent a tragedy like this one in regards to the judicial system. Only family members have even a chance at recognizing a problem and try to get the person help. But even they cannot stop a madman from being mad.

The claim now is he bought the gun himself.

Charleston church shooting Questions swirl around suspect Dylann Roof -

Which I find hard to believe.

If he did, how did he pass the background check?

If the background check wasn't done, should the gun store owner be tried as an accessory?

(I personally think he should)

If this is the case, then it would be interesting to see how. From what I read, SC law prohibits a drug offender from buying a he buy the gun prior to that arrest, or is the arrest another errant report?
Sadly, the President of the United States was first.
And others are joining in, one can expect today there will be all manner of claims and wild assumptions.
I will say this:
1) RACISM CLAIM...this act is not systemic of anything other than the insanity of one person. He represents no one but himself.
2) AMERICA IS SO VIOLENT... As a whole, we are not. Despite charts some post up, and per capita claims that make no distinctions among the general population and small extremely violent cultures in very, very isolated areas. Of the 320,000,000 people living in America - the vast majority live peaceful lives never experiencing any kind of violence.
3) GUN LAWS - Have nothing to do with it. This sick kid could not buy a gun in SC according to their laws that prohibit drug offenders from owning a gun. At least as I understand it. What one does have to be concerned about is why in the hell did his father give him one? Quit school, several arrest, obvious mentally unstable...his father knew all of these things. Giving a gun to someone with such obvious poor decision making ability is just insane. Dylan having a gun - is on his father, not the state.

And finally...there are no laws a government can possibly make to stop insane people from doing insane things. Other than going back to the days of basically imprisoning mentally ill people - there is nothing that can prevent a tragedy like this one in regards to the judicial system. Only family members have even a chance at recognizing a problem and try to get the person help. But even they cannot stop a madman from being mad.
His father needs to be jailed, and sued into poverty.

Certainly the father needs to be looked at in a very public way to see if he ignored mental health issues prior to gifting his kid with the 45 that he used in the mass shooting.
Sadly, the President of the United States was first.
And others are joining in, one can expect today there will be all manner of claims and wild assumptions.
I will say this:
1) RACISM CLAIM...this act is not systemic of anything other than the insanity of one person. He represents no one but himself.
2) AMERICA IS SO VIOLENT... As a whole, we are not. Despite charts some post up, and per capita claims that make no distinctions among the general population and small extremely violent cultures in very, very isolated areas. Of the 320,000,000 people living in America - the vast majority live peaceful lives never experiencing any kind of violence.
3) GUN LAWS - Have nothing to do with it. This sick kid could not buy a gun in SC according to their laws that prohibit drug offenders from owning a gun. At least as I understand it. What one does have to be concerned about is why in the hell did his father give him one? Quit school, several arrest, obvious mentally unstable...his father knew all of these things. Giving a gun to someone with such obvious poor decision making ability is just insane. Dylan having a gun - is on his father, not the state.

And finally...there are no laws a government can possibly make to stop insane people from doing insane things. Other than going back to the days of basically imprisoning mentally ill people - there is nothing that can prevent a tragedy like this one in regards to the judicial system. Only family members have even a chance at recognizing a problem and try to get the person help. But even they cannot stop a madman from being mad.

The claim now is he bought the gun himself.

Charleston church shooting Questions swirl around suspect Dylann Roof -

Which I find hard to believe.

If he did, how did he pass the background check?

If the background check wasn't done, should the gun store owner be tried as an accessory?

(I personally think he should)

If this is the case, then it would be interesting to see how. From what I read, SC law prohibits a drug offender from buying a he buy the gun prior to that arrest, or is the arrest another errant report?

The arrests were in Feb, bought(?) the gun in April, according to the link.
How about we look at the pharmaceutical drugs the creep was taking.

Oh...we can't? Really? Oh yeah we must protect Big Pharma cause they own DC and the MSM. Oh well...
There are people who believe if they eat German Shepherd dog shit they will live forever.
There are insane people in this world.
Sometimes they do insane things.
If there were no such things as guns this insane person would have used a club.
End of story.
Club, knives, sword, any number of things can be used to kill.
It's these drugs. All these mass shooters are taking the same kinf of anti psychotic drugs. Some, like this one, supplement their prescriptions with street drugs.
There are people who believe if they eat German Shepherd dog shit they will live forever.
There are insane people in this world.
Sometimes they do insane things.
If there were no such things as guns this insane person would have used a club.
End of story.

A little wimp like this latest guy wouldn't get far with a club.
Jesus...CNN is going insane.
- "scenes like this are all too familiar"
Showing a video inside of a gun store while talking about the tragedy.
"when things like this keep happening..."
How about we look at the pharmaceutical drugs the creep was taking.

Oh...we can't? Really? Oh yeah we must protect Big Pharma cause they own DC and the MSM. Oh well...

What would you do? Not treat the mentally ill?
How about we look at the pharmaceutical drugs the creep was taking.

Oh...we can't? Really? Oh yeah we must protect Big Pharma cause they own DC and the MSM. Oh well...

What would you do? Not treat the mentally ill?

He is right, but perhaps accidentally.
There does need to be something done to prevent mentally ill people from getting guns.
If there is any common theme among such acts - every single time there is a history of mental illness and psychotic drugs.

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