And Why Didnt Moderator Ask Kamala What She Thought Of The Booming Trump Economy?

She did ask, but she framed it like the economy was awful. Which it's bad, but it's improved ALOT. And the virus wasn't his fault.
the dumb {fill in the blank} should of asked Kamala why the DOW crashed to 6600 shortly going into 2009.....and yet, the DOW didnt crash after Trump took over in 2017
yah, the blue states are hurting because the governors wont open them up, but here in Florida, we are open and we have plenty of jobs! our real estate is kicking ass! people are flocking here!
And dying.

Harris did comment on the Trump economy

Worst economic collapse since the Depression

That's not the Trump economy. The Trump economy is lowest unemployment ever.

That's the democratic anti-American lockdown. They hate freedoms.
its as if 2017 thru 2019 never happend according to spamela, its just the economy from March 2020 till now thats all Trumps fault
2017 thru 2019 didn’t have a booming economy either.
It was pretty good, incomes due to a shallow labor pool were increasing the fastest in decades
Which was..........
We were very cautious. We opened back up slowly. We followed what our Governor directed us to do. He kept us informed a lot. As a result Phil Scott will no doubt be re-elected. All Trump needed to do is to keep the nation actually informed instead of saying "its the Democrats new hoax." If every state did what we did, there would be a lot fewer deaths.
yah, the blue states are hurting because the governors wont open them up, but here in Florida, we are open and we have plenty of jobs! our real estate is kicking ass! people are flocking here!
NYC and Nassau County are doing quite well.
The Movie Theaters are closed and Gyms have limited people per session.
maybe she's not a conservative? what kind of debate was this? The economy is easily a major issue. Yet. she didnt ask Harris about how she felt about how Trump took the 8 year Obama recession/depression and just had an overnight boom that lasted right till the China Virus put a stop to it?
god, she may as well asked Kamala about her last Hawaiann Vacation!
Booming economy??? Seen any real news lately, not Faux News, but real news. Try a real news outlet for a change. You might really learn something useful. BTW, President Obama cleaned up Dubya's mess and handed Trump a booming economy on a silver platter. And now, Trump has managed to screw that up! Bigly!!!
Harris did comment on the Trump economy

Worst economic collapse since the Depression

That's not the Trump economy. The Trump economy is lowest unemployment ever.

That's the democratic anti-American lockdown. They hate freedoms.
its as if 2017 thru 2019 never happend according to spamela, its just the economy from March 2020 till now thats all Trumps fault
2017 thru 2019 didn’t have a booming economy either.
It was pretty good, incomes due to a shallow labor pool were increasing the fastest in decades
It’s was pretty good in 2016 too, but lord ask a Trump supporter and you’d think it was the apocalypse.
maybe she's not a conservative? what kind of debate was this? The economy is easily a major issue. Yet. she didnt ask Harris about how she felt about how Trump took the 8 year Obama recession/depression and just had an overnight boom that lasted right till the China Virus put a stop to it?
god, she may as well asked Kamala about her last Hawaiann Vacation!
What’s booming?
And Why Didnt Moderator Ask Kamala What She Thought Of The Booming Trump Economy?

I suspect the moderator was already conscience of being accused of favoring the Democrat.
She did ask, but she framed it like the economy was awful. Which it's bad, but it's improved ALOT. And the virus wasn't his fault.

Kamala said it was worst recession ever... and yet Trump has almost beaten it in couple months.

President Trump is the master when it comes to the economy. No democrat lockdown can hold him in place.

We have NEGATIVE 33 GDP and many businesses have closed for good.

Trump is too quick to take his victory lap
Harris did comment on the Trump economy

Worst economic collapse since the Depression

That's not the Trump economy. The Trump economy is lowest unemployment ever.

That's the democratic anti-American lockdown. They hate freedoms.
its as if 2017 thru 2019 never happend according to spamela, its just the economy from March 2020 till now thats all Trumps fault
2017 thru 2019 didn’t have a booming economy either.
It was pretty good, incomes due to a shallow labor pool were increasing the fastest in decades
It’s was pretty good in 2016 too, but lord ask a Trump supporter and you’d think it was the apocalypse.
Well the problem was it was took forever to get out of the 2008 recession. It didn't have to. When you increase regulation and taxes it makes business hard. It took way too long.
She did ask, but she framed it like the economy was awful. Which it's bad, but it's improved ALOT. And the virus wasn't his fault.

Kamala said it was worst recession ever... and yet Trump has almost beaten it in couple months.

President Trump is the master when it comes to the economy. No democrat lockdown can hold him in place.

We have NEGATIVE 33 GDP and many businesses have closed for good.

Trump is too quick to take his victory lap

Well he's climbing out of the hole pretty quick, that's the point. Even with dictators in CA, NY, and MI holding their states hostage.

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