And Why Didnt Moderator Ask Kamala What She Thought Of The Booming Trump Economy?

maybe she's not a conservative? what kind of debate was this? The economy is easily a major issue. Yet. she didnt ask Harris about how she felt about how Trump took the 8 year Obama recession/depression and just had an overnight boom that lasted right till the China Virus put a stop to it?
god, she may as well asked Kamala about her last Hawaiann Vacation!

There is no "Trump economy". Trump road the coattails of the Obama/Biden recovery, the long period of sustained growth in US history, until he drove the US economy off the road and into a covid tree and crashed it completely. The second decade of the 21st Century, is the first decade since WWII which didn't have a recession.

Obama lifted the economy out of recession in the summer of 2010 and started the longest sustained period of recovery in US history.
Harris did comment on the Trump economy

Worst economic collapse since the Depression

That's not the Trump economy. The Trump economy is lowest unemployment ever.

That's the democratic anti-American lockdown. They hate freedoms.
its as if 2017 thru 2019 never happend according to spamela, its just the economy from March 2020 till now thats all Trumps fault
2017 thru 2019 didn’t have a booming economy either.
It was pretty good, incomes due to a shallow labor pool were increasing the fastest in decades
It’s was pretty good in 2016 too, but lord ask a Trump supporter and you’d think it was the apocalypse.
Well the problem was it was took forever to get out of the 2008 recession. It didn't have to. When you increase regulation and taxes it makes business hard. It took way too long.

The recession began in December, 2007, and ended in June, 2009, less than 6 months after Obama took office. The Dow bottomed out in March of 2009, less than 2 months after Obama took office. Job creation took a whole lot longer to trickle down to the little people like you.

The USA lost nearly 800,000 jobs in January 2009, when Obama was inaugurated. W's recession started in December of 2007, and the Bush Administration's attempts to stop the cascading collapse of the economy, was an abject failure, while the nation lurched from the housing bubble bursting, the subprime mortgage crisis, the stock market crash, and the utter loss of confidence by the public in the government's ability to manage the crisis.

The US economy is like a 100 car freight train. It doesn't stop or start on a dime. Just as the recession had been mismanaged by bush throughout 2008, which only deepened the economic collapse. This is similar to the failure of the Trump Administration to contain the corona virus has allowed it to become much worse than it would have been given competent governance as most other western democracies have achieved.


Obama took office in January 2009, as the economy was shedding 500,000 jobs a month, and unlike Trump, Obama hit the ground running, and had 99 cabinet and executive level appointments approved on Inauguration day. The recession officially ended in July, 2010.

It is a Republican lie that Obama's regulations were "job killers". The Obama administration didn't "add regulations". They cut them. They began a project to rewrite ALL US regulations to cut red tape and paperwork. Republicans lied and said Obama added 80,000 pages to US regulations. He didn't. He rewrote, reduced and eliminated old out of date regulations, and streamlined them.

Trump is the guy who is the job killer. Job creation DROPPED after Trump cut Obama's regulations. And despite Trump's crowing about his "greatest economy in history", the bald facts are the stock market rose faster under Obama. It had gone up by nearly 50% at the end of his first term. Obama created far more jobs in his last three years than Trump did in his first three, before the pandemic, and Trump has never matched Obama's GDP growth.

The Republican Myth that Obama had the worst recovery in history is utterly and completely false. Obama created a solid stable period of recovery and the longest period of sustained growth in US history. The only think Trump did was take credit for it, and then crash the economy.

He did say he was going to undo everything Obama did, and the economic recovery was Obama's greatest achievement. Promise kept.
maybe she's not a conservative? what kind of debate was this? The economy is easily a major issue. Yet. she didnt ask Harris about how she felt about how Trump took the 8 year Obama recession/depression and just had an overnight boom that lasted right till the China Virus put a stop to it?
god, she may as well asked Kamala about her last Hawaiann Vacation!

That's because these debates are another sham and fraud on the American people. If they weren't, they would have the debates BEFORE allowing people to vote, they would have opposing parties (conservatives on Biden, Democrats on Trump) each fact check their records carefully, then weigh the issues of their records, history and past MOST needing explored, then break those questions up into SIX segments, and cover two of those segments during each of the three debates, not run over the same material in each with a mere 2 minute sound bite time limit, then rather than let the candidates lie, report the FACTS on their history, promises and actions, then base questions on grilling them to answer the questions before America so that voters could actually make INFORMED opinions.
Well the problem was it was took forever to get out of the 2008 recession. It didn't have to. When you increase regulation and taxes it makes business hard. It took way too long.
True. 2016 was pretty meh. But you know what? Unemployment was steadily falling. Wage growth was +3%. The same things you say were “booming” for Trump were “meh” for Obama, which doesn’t indicate an objective assessment.
Which was..........
We were very cautious. We opened back up slowly. We followed what our Governor directed us to do. He kept us informed a lot. As a result Phil Scott will no doubt be re-elected. All Trump needed to do is to keep the nation actually informed instead of saying "its the Democrats new hoax." If every state did what we did, there would be a lot fewer deaths.

You live in a tiny state without any large population. Your state is threatened more by pine beetles than COVID 19. Stop talking out of your ass!
maybe she's not a conservative? what kind of debate was this? The economy is easily a major issue. Yet. she didnt ask Harris about how she felt about how Trump took the 8 year Obama recession/depression and just had an overnight boom that lasted right till the China Virus put a stop to it?
god, she may as well asked Kamala about her last Hawaiann Vacation!
Booming economy??? Seen any real news lately, not Faux News, but real news. Try a real news outlet for a change. You might really learn something useful. BTW, President Obama cleaned up Dubya's mess and handed Trump a booming economy on a silver platter. And now, Trump has managed to screw that up! Bigly!!!

Booming? The slowest recovery in American history was "booming"? Pull your head out of Obama's ass and see the real world for once.
She did ask, but she framed it like the economy was awful. Which it's bad, but it's improved ALOT. And the virus wasn't his fault.

Kamala said it was worst recession ever... and yet Trump has almost beaten it in couple months.

President Trump is the master when it comes to the economy. No democrat lockdown can hold him in place.

We have NEGATIVE 33 GDP and many businesses have closed for good.

Trump is too quick to take his victory lap

Who closed those businesses? Blue state governors! For those of who claim NYC is doing so well, the restaurant still have not opened to full capacity and going out of business at about a 50% rate right now. They will not last until January.
She did ask, but she framed it like the economy was awful. Which it's bad, but it's improved ALOT. And the virus wasn't his fault.

Kamala said it was worst recession ever... and yet Trump has almost beaten it in couple months.

President Trump is the master when it comes to the economy. No democrat lockdown can hold him in place.

We have NEGATIVE 33 GDP and many businesses have closed for good.

Trump is too quick to take his victory lap

Who closed those businesses? Blue state governors! For those of who claim NYC is doing so well, the restaurant still have not opened to full capacity and going out of business at about a 50% rate right now. They will not last until January.
COVID closed those businesses

The inept leadership of our President has kept our infection rate at dangerous levels.

Trumps misinformation and outright lies has led to thousands of deaths. He can’t protect himself, his family and his staff from infection.....How can he protect us?
She did ask, but she framed it like the economy was awful. Which it's bad, but it's improved ALOT. And the virus wasn't his fault.

Kamala said it was worst recession ever... and yet Trump has almost beaten it in couple months.

President Trump is the master when it comes to the economy. No democrat lockdown can hold him in place.

We have NEGATIVE 33 GDP and many businesses have closed for good.

Trump is too quick to take his victory lap

Who closed those businesses? Blue state governors! For those of who claim NYC is doing so well, the restaurant still have not opened to full capacity and going out of business at about a 50% rate right now. They will not last until January.
COVID closed those businesses

The inept leadership of our President has kept our infection rate at dangerous levels.

Trumps misinformation and outright lies has led to thousands of deaths. He can’t protect himself, his family and his staff from infection.....How can he protect us?

Meaningless gibberish.

The plan was to flatten the curve, we flattened the curve so as to not overrun the medical system.

Now the democrats are just using the virus as an excuse to destroy the country - what they wanted all along.
Harris did comment on the Trump economy

Worst economic collapse since the Depression

That's not the Trump economy. The Trump economy is lowest unemployment ever.

That's the democratic anti-American lockdown. They hate freedoms.
its as if 2017 thru 2019 never happend according to spamela, its just the economy from March 2020 till now thats all Trumps fault
2017 thru 2019 didn’t have a booming economy either.
It was pretty good, incomes due to a shallow labor pool were increasing the fastest in decades
It’s was pretty good in 2016 too, but lord ask a Trump supporter and you’d think it was the apocalypse.
Well the problem was it was took forever to get out of the 2008 recession. It didn't have to. When you increase regulation and taxes it makes business hard. It took way too long.

The recession began in December, 2007, and ended in June, 2009, less than 6 months after Obama took office. The Dow bottomed out in March of 2009, less than 2 months after Obama took office. Job creation took a whole lot longer to trickle down to the little people like you.

The USA lost nearly 800,000 jobs in January 2009, when Obama was inaugurated. W's recession started in December of 2007, and the Bush Administration's attempts to stop the cascading collapse of the economy, was an abject failure, while the nation lurched from the housing bubble bursting, the subprime mortgage crisis, the stock market crash, and the utter loss of confidence by the public in the government's ability to manage the crisis.

The US economy is like a 100 car freight train. It doesn't stop or start on a dime. Just as the recession had been mismanaged by bush throughout 2008, which only deepened the economic collapse. This is similar to the failure of the Trump Administration to contain the corona virus has allowed it to become much worse than it would have been given competent governance as most other western democracies have achieved.

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Obama took office in January 2009, as the economy was shedding 500,000 jobs a month, and unlike Trump, Obama hit the ground running, and had 99 cabinet and executive level appointments approved on Inauguration day. The recession officially ended in July, 2010.

It is a Republican lie that Obama's regulations were "job killers". The Obama administration didn't "add regulations". They cut them. They began a project to rewrite ALL US regulations to cut red tape and paperwork. Republicans lied and said Obama added 80,000 pages to US regulations. He didn't. He rewrote, reduced and eliminated old out of date regulations, and streamlined them.

Trump is the guy who is the job killer. Job creation DROPPED after Trump cut Obama's regulations. And despite Trump's crowing about his "greatest economy in history", the bald facts are the stock market rose faster under Obama. It had gone up by nearly 50% at the end of his first term. Obama created far more jobs in his last three years than Trump did in his first three, before the pandemic, and Trump has never matched Obama's GDP growth.

The Republican Myth that Obama had the worst recovery in history is utterly and completely false. Obama created a solid stable period of recovery and the longest period of sustained growth in US history. The only think Trump did was take credit for it, and then crash the economy.

He did say he was going to undo everything Obama did, and the economic recovery was Obama's greatest achievement. Promise kept.

The US economy is like a 100 car freight train. It doesn't stop or start on a dime.
I agree with this, so tell the media. The economy also has natural up and downs. The response is the important thing. Reagan got back in less than a year. Trump is coming out of this COVID issue in record time with record results.
Well the problem was it was took forever to get out of the 2008 recession. It didn't have to. When you increase regulation and taxes it makes business hard. It took way too long.
True. 2016 was pretty meh. But you know what? Unemployment was steadily falling. Wage growth was +3%. The same things you say were “booming” for Trump were “meh” for Obama, which doesn’t indicate an objective assessment.

IT's at a 10 year high, and the only reason OBama's had that was coming out of the recession.......this is not out of a hole, it just accelerated an ok economy to a very good economy.


She did ask, but she framed it like the economy was awful. Which it's bad, but it's improved ALOT. And the virus wasn't his fault.

Kamala said it was worst recession ever... and yet Trump has almost beaten it in couple months.

President Trump is the master when it comes to the economy. No democrat lockdown can hold him in place.

We have NEGATIVE 33 GDP and many businesses have closed for good.

Trump is too quick to take his victory lap

Who closed those businesses? Blue state governors! For those of who claim NYC is doing so well, the restaurant still have not opened to full capacity and going out of business at about a 50% rate right now. They will not last until January.
COVID closed those businesses

The inept leadership of our President has kept our infection rate at dangerous levels.

Trumps misinformation and outright lies has led to thousands of deaths. He can’t protect himself, his family and his staff from infection.....How can he protect us?
Bullshit, the governors did, and Trump was ok with it at the start as we didn't know what was going on. Once we saw that it's not ebola or the plague, reopen.....the left refueses, strictly based on politics....they will reopen most things Nov4, you know it....

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